



1、一、选择题1、Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.    A. will request       B. request           C. are requesting       

2、 D. are requested2、-_ the sports meet might be put off.   -Yes, it all depends on the weather. A. Ive been told. B. Ive told C. Im told  D. I told3、 D

3、o you mind my smoking here?   I'm afraid I do. People_ not to smoke in the reading room.   A. are requesting B. request  C. are requested  D. will request4、I _ ping-pong quite well, but I havent had time to play since the new year.(  )A. will play  &#

4、160; B. have played C. played      D. play5、 Afraid _? This type of anxiety can deeply disturb peoples enjoyment of social relationships.A. of laughing at    B. to be laughed at C. of being laughed at   D. to laugh at6、 However frequently he 

5、60;       in doing the experiment, he never loses his confidence.A. defeat B. gets defeated   C. was defeated   D. will defeat7、 Educators claim that children _to English-speaking environment will learn the language more quickly. A. be

6、ing exposed  B. to be exposed  C. having exposed  D. exposed8、 Rain forests _and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. A. cut down  B. are cut off C. are being cut down D. had been cut of9、 Tom usually _ a bike to school. Loo

7、k, he _ to school now.A. rides; is riding    B. is riding; is riding C. rides; rides     D. is riding; rides10、 He _ to the meeting ten minutes earlier, but he was _ by a heavy fog.A. was supposed to come; held out    B. is supposed to come; held bac

8、kC. is supposed to have come; held up  D. was supposed to come; held back11、 Barbara is easy to recognize as she's the only one of the women who _evening dress.Awear       Bwears    Chas worn        Dhave worn12、

9、0;Youd better take some medicine with you in case someone _.A. will get sick   B. will fall ill   C. gets sick  D. falls illness13、  The two sisters are forced to play the piano. In fact, neither of them _to play it. A. liked   B. like    C. dik

10、es      D. liking        14、 Your new clothes fit you, but hers _her. A. doesn't fit B. don't fit  C. doesn't fit for D. don't fit for    15、 Although the working mother is very busy, she still _a lo

11、t of time to her children.A. devotes  B. spends  C. offers     D. provides16、.Early to bed and early to rise _ a man healthy, wealthy and wise. A make,  B  makes. C  is going to make .  D  are going to mak

12、e.17、 Although the working mother is very busy, she still _ a lot of time to children. A  devotes.  B  spends.  C  takes.    D  provides.18、 Though there is little time left, we _ the works as well as we can. A

13、  determined to do . B  determine doing . C  are determined to do . D  are determined doing .19、 In that country, the rich _ richer, the poor, poorer.A. become    B.  has become    C. becomes  &#

14、160;  D. is becoming20、 Getting to other planets or to the moon _ many problems.A. involve    B. involves    C. involving    D. to involve21、 Not only the whole nation, but the whole Europe , indeed the whole human society _ to alter its at

15、titude to racial problems.A. need    B. needs   C. has a need   D. have a need22、 Every man, woman and child _ some history, enough at least, to survive in the world.A. knows    B. know    C. is known    D

16、. are known23、  The majority of doctors _ smoking is harmful to health.a. are believed    b. had believed    c. has believed  d. believe24、  The Philippines _ to the south-east of China.    a. lies    b. lie &#

17、160;  c. lay    d. lays25、 Either the dean or the principal _ the meeting.a. attends    b. attend    c. are attending   d. have attended26、 Milk_ to our door every morning.  A. delivered   B. gives &#

18、160; C. is delivered   D. given27、On Monday mornings it usually _ me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.Atakes    Bis taking      Ctook     Dwill take28、  She calls back when

19、ever someone _ her a message.A. left    B. leaves    C. had left   D. will leave29、His pale face suggested that he _, and his wife urged that he _ a medical examination.A. doesn't feel himself; have     B. not feel himself; hasC. doesn&

20、#39;t feel himself; has    D. not feel himself; have30、The house          to the Smiths has been pulled down and rebuilt.  A. belongs   B. is belonged    C. belonging    D. belonged31、 It is said

21、 that the temple, which is visited by thousands of people every day, _ the thirteenth century.A. is dated from B. is gone back to C. dates back to  D. goes back from32、Can I use the telephone on the table, sir?    Under no circumstances _ to use the telephone in the office f

22、or personal affairs. A. anyone is allowed   B. nobody is allowed    C. is anyone allowed      D. is nobody allowed33、This kind of glasses made in Shanghai _ comfortably.A.is worn  B.wears  C.wearing  D.are worn34、The lady told the kids that

23、 the sun _ in the east.A. rises      B. rose      C. risen    D. rising35、Car prices have been going down sharply in the last 20 years.Its not surprising because the law of market _the price of a productA. is controlling  B.

24、controls  C. has controlled  D. controlled36、 Nowadays, more film stars _ to be difficult to work with.     A. say   B. have said    C. are said   D. were said37、Every year in April, the Water Festival _ among the Dai people in Xishuangbanna.A. celebrates   B. is celebrating    C. is celebrated    D. is being celebrated 38、Ill p


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