1、法律英语口语试题及答案整理为什么理应废除死刑有这样几个理由:死刑是一个有缺;9. Todiscusstheimportance; Mirandawarningisawarning; Mirandawarningguranteest; Mirandawarningalsomeanst; thiswarningrestrainsthep;米兰达警告:在刑事犯罪嫌疑人被询问 之前,警察将其;米兰达警告为什么理应废除死刑有这样几个理由:死刑是一个有缺陷的机制。 证据表明,刑事司法系统(CJS)充斥着错误、贪官污吏和有缺陷的做 法,但这个系统是仍然被授权作为执行死刑的机构。事实上,很多死 囚被宣布无罪,
2、仅在2003年就包括12例,这警示我们该系统需要大 修。从道德的角度来说:在很多情况下,关于死刑的道德争论集中 在一以眼还眼II,或一以命抵命II的经营理念。这个论点主张死刑的 道义上的公正地惩罚死罪。不过,真正的道德问题应该是是否有人有 资格说应由谁生谁死。以另一个人的生命通过一种犯罪行为,或者通 过死刑是错误的。在绝大部分情况下,已被判处死刑的罪犯被保留了 生命。不过,具有讽刺意味的是,一个理应重视人的生命社会,却剥 夺一个杀人犯的生命,而这个刑事司法系统有可能对无辜的人执行死 刑?就费用来说:死囚监狱需要比囚犯监狱最为更昂贵的安全设施。 这种说法是真实的。预审和审判死刑案件的成本远远大于
3、非死刑案件。 此外,死刑案件的上诉和再审的成本是天文数字。省下来的钱应该花 在预防犯罪方案和教育,重塑,回到发展经济,而不是花费数十亿美 元在全国范围内谴责罪犯死刑,判处终身监禁的囚犯。9. To discuss the importance of Miranda warning (P62)Miranda warning is a warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody before they are interrogat
4、ed to inform them about their constitutional rights. It includes the right toremain silent; being clearly informed of that anything the personsays will be used against that person in court; the right to consult with an attorney and to have that attorney present during questioning, if he or she is in
5、digent, an attorney will be provided at no cost to represent her or him.Miranda warning gurantees the constitutional rights citizens have during the criminal investigating process. Those rights are mainly from the fifth and sixth amendments.Miranda warning also means the confession made by the suspe
6、cts cannot be used as the evidence in court to make a sentence. Therefore,this warning restrains the police from using illegal methods through undue process to investigate the crime and to get confession from suspects.米兰达警告:在刑事犯罪嫌疑人被询问之前,警察将其羁押时应 该告诉他们的宪法权利。内容包括:有权保持沉默;但其说的每一句 话都将作为呈堂证供;有权咨询律师,包括在其被
7、询问的过程中律师 也能够在场。如果嫌疑人没有钱请律师,也会为他免费请代理律师。米兰达警告保证了公民在刑事犯罪调查过程中的宪法权利,主要 是宪法修正案五和修正案六中的权利。米兰达警告同时也意味着嫌疑人的供述不能作为法庭审判的依据。所以,米兰达警告限制了警察用非法的诉讼程序去调查犯罪以及 从嫌疑人出得到供述。10. To discuss the function of voir dire (P89)The voir dire is the process used to select a jury.The prospective jurors are questioned about their
8、backgrounds and potential biases before being chosen to siton a jury. The function is to select a jury acceptable to both sides. Jurors are excluded by one or two methods: preemptory challenge and the challenge for cause. Jurors are excluded who1) have already formed an opinion about the guilt or in
9、nocence of the accused;2) are related to any of the parties or legal actors in the case;3) are physically or mentally impaired to the extent that the impairment will interfere with their decision-making process or4) are otherwise considered to be incapable of remaining impartial until the case is pr
10、esented.There are no limits to the number challenges for cause that either side may employ.Actually one of the unspoken purposes of the voir dire for the attorneys to get a feel for the personalities and likely views of the people on the jury panel.陪审团资格审查程序是用来选择一个合格的陪审团。在被选择成为一个真正的陪审团成员之前,准陪审员们被询问关
11、 于他们的背景和潜在的偏见的问题。陪审团资格审查程序的功能是选 择一个能够被双方当事人接受的陪审团。排除不符合条件的准陪审员 是通过一个或者两个办法,即无因回避和有因回避。被排除的陪审员 是以下几种人:(1)己经形成一个关于控告是否有罪或者无罪的观点 的人(2)和本案中任何一方当事人相关系或者法律问题参与者相关系 的(3)以前在生理上和精神上受到过伤害的人,从某种水准上来说, 这种伤害会干预到他们的决策过程(4从其他方面来说,是那些被认为 不能保持公正直到案件被呈报的人。这里没有限制对于任何一方可能被雇佣的有因回避的数量。事实上,陪审团资格审查程序不言而喻的目的之一是对于律师来 说能够得到一种
12、对于他们的人格和可能的观点被采纳而且出现在陪审 团成员的名单中的满足感。11. on what do you think it is proper for the appellate courts to focus? (pl9)(你认为上诉法院应该如何合理行使权力?)The exercise of appellate jurisdiction is to review the action of the lower judicial tribunals of the state. Actually, the scope of judicial review which the court ex
13、ercises in such cases is relatively narrow;it does not retry the case on the merits, and it does not substitute its idea of justice for those of the trial court;what it does is to review the record of the proceedings to determine whether or not the lower court committed error on its procedure or in
14、applying the substantive law to the facts of the case.(行使上诉管辖权的法院职责即接收下级州司法审判机关的上诉。 事实上,这些法院在上诉案件上的司法审查权限是相对狭窄的。它不 对上诉案件的事实曲直实行重审,也并不完全*一审法院做出的审判意 见;它要所的是检查一审法院的审判记录来判定是否下级法院有在程 序和具体案件事实的法律适用上存有错误。)In my view, it is proper to restrict the functions of appellate court in the law applying and procedur
15、easpects, instead of consuming another period of time to retry the case, which leads to a waste of judicial resources and failure to give its full attention to the novel and socially important controversies. This funtion may also better protect the appellate review right of each individual involved
16、in the case.(在我看来,应该限制上诉法院在法律适用和程序等方面的权限, 而非耗费时间实行重新审理,这样会导致司法资源的浪费而忽视新的 真正重要的社会矛盾。上诉法院的这种功能也将更有利于重新审查案 件中每个个体的权利。)12. What s the differences between the torts and crimes? (P62)(侵权与犯罪的差异何如?)As we all kown, important distinctions exist between civil and criminal laws. Civil violations (civil wrongs)a
17、re often referred to as torts.Here is a list of the main differences between crimes and torts:(众所周知,民法和刑法之间存有着十分显著的差异。民法上的过 错一般就指向侵权。以下是犯罪与侵权之间一些差别:)I NatureA crime is considered to be a wrong against all of society, whereas a tort is considered to be a private matter between the parties directly in
18、volved.(1、本质上的差异犯罪指一种有违社会整体利益违法行为,而侵权则是发生在直接 相关的当事人之间的一种私法上的违法行为。)II The persons who actually prosecute the case.A specially designated state prosecutor/federal official directs the proceedings when crimes are involved, However, in tort action the individual against whom the wrong has been committed
19、 generally hire an attorney to process the claim(2、提起诉讼的主体上的差异一旦有犯罪行为产生,特殊授权的检察机关或者联邦机构将提起 公诉;而在侵权行为中,过错方的相对方个体(即受害人)通常聘请 一名律师实行诉讼。)III PunishmentsOne who commits a crime may be required to provide some forms of monetary restitution, additional punishments are also available, including fines, jail s
20、entences, removal from public office and even execution.Excepting fines,the above remedies are not available in tort law, tort restitution relies primarily on monetary, compensation.(3、法律责任的差异实施犯罪的人将可能被判要支付一定形式的金钱赔偿,并且同时 需要接受包括罚金、监禁、解除公职甚至剥夺生命等惩罚。而在侵权法上,除了罚金之外,以上的所有救济方式都不适用。 侵权法中的救济主要依靠金钱赔偿。)IV Civi
21、l damages categorized in three typesCompensation paid in civil courts is called damages. There are general, special, and punitive damages. General damagescompensate for any specific and demonstrable harmthat has been caused.Special damagescompensate for conscious pain andsuffering.Punitive/exemplary
22、 damagesthe behavior of the actorwas the result of an intentional disregard for the safety or well-being of others.In many cases a person s behavior may bring about both criminal and tort liability. (For example, any time an individual has been intentionally and physically harmed by another, the sta
23、te may prosecute and punish, and the injured individual may also sue to recover civil damages.)(4、民事损害赔偿在分类上具有特殊性,分为三种类型民事法庭中所判的补偿称为损害赔偿,分为一般损害赔偿、特殊 损害赔偿以及惩罚性损害赔偿。一般损害赔偿指对己经发生的任何特 定和可证的损害的补偿;特殊损害赔偿指对精神痛苦的补偿;而惩罚 性赔偿适用于行为人故意漠视他人安全或健康而产生的损害行为。在很多案例中,行为人的行为可能同时引发刑事责任和侵权责任。 譬如:一旦一个人遭受到行为人故意的身体侵害,联邦就可能予以公
24、 诉并实行刑事处罚,同时,受害者也能够诉诸法院来请求加害人承担 民事上的损害赔偿。)13. To discuss the process of the creation of case law (by)(谈一下判例法的形成过程)The decisions of judges, or of other officials empowered by the constitution or laws of a political entity to hear and decide controversies, create case law. As the name -case law II sug
25、gests, a particular decision, or a collection of particular decisions, generate rules of general application, namely case law.It is a policy of the common law system that past judicial decisions are formally and generally binding for the disposition of similar present controversies before the decisi
26、ons are overruled by higher courts.(法官的判决,或者其他某一政治实体的宪法或法律授权审理和决 定争议的官员所做的决定,创设了判例法。就像“判例法”这个名称 所表示的,一个特定的判决或特定判决的总汇产生了法律一一即普通 适用的原则。普通法系的规则就在于,己经生效的司法裁决在被上级法院*之前 对现有的相似争议的解决有正式和普遍的约束力。)14. To discuss the differences between the binding precedents and persuasive precedent ( by )(谈论一下具有约束力的判例和不具有约束力的
27、判例的区别)Binding precedent is the precedent that a court must follow (it is law). All prior judicial decisions in a specific court,s jurisdiction heard at that courtJ s level or higher are considered to be binding precedent.In contrast, persuasive precedent is precedent that a court need not follow (it
28、 is not law, but as the name suggests, may be persuasive because it suggests a line of reasoning and can be made use of as sources of guidance and justification). All prior judicial decisions outside of that courts jurisdiction or from a lower court are considered to be persuasive only.(具有约束力的判例是法院必
29、须遵守的(它是法律)。在特定法院 管辖区范围内的所有同级或上级法院先前的司法裁判都是有约束力的 判例。与之相反,不具有约束力的判例指法院不用遵守的判例(它不是 法律,但是如它的名字暗示的,或许有说服力,因为它提供了合理性 的准线,也能作为公平导向的源头)。所有法院管辖区之外的先前的 司法裁判或者低级法院的裁判都只能作为不具有约束力的判例。)15. Do you think it is reasonable to have a dual court system in America?(你认为美国的双重法律系统合理吗?)The dual court system is the distincti
30、on of state and federal courts that make up the judicial branch of the government. The federal court includes the district courts of the United States, courts of appeals of the United States and the supreme court of the United States. Among them, the judgment of the Supreme Court is binding. The sta
31、te court includes trial court of inferior jurisdiction, trial court of general jurisdiction and appellate court. The appellate serve to review the decisions of trial courts for errors of law.The reason why it has the dual system is that new states joining the union were assured of limited federal in
32、tervention into local affairs. It meets the need for the state to retain significant legislative authority and judicial autonomy separate from federal control.Because the system is too complex, the efficiency of the it may be slightly inefficiency. However, the pursuit of justice is really fair valu
33、e, not efficiency.(双重法律制度是指州法院和联邦法院组成了政府的法律分支。 联邦法院包括联邦法院、联邦上诉法院、和联邦地区法院,其中联邦 法院的判决对全国一切法院皆有约束力。州法院系统包括低级管辖权 的初审法院,有普通管辖权的初审法院和上诉法院。上诉法院是为了 复审初审法院是否有判决的错误。拥有此体系的原因在于保证新加入的联邦的州对当地事务拥有有 限的介入。它既满足了给予州独立于联邦的审判权,又满足了对其权 限的限制。因为此系统的复杂性,美国司法体系的效率在制度设计上是略显 低下的,但司法追求的优先价值确实是公正,而不是效率。)16. To discuss the diffe
34、rences roles of judge and attorneys in court (by)(法官和律师在法庭上的区别?)Although powers of judges and rights of attorneys are different in different legal system, judge and attorneys play very different roles in court. First of all, judges have authority to decide questions of law and fact in civil law syst
35、em and only question of law in common law system. Attorneys only have right to show their evidence to convince judges of their opinions, but can t decide cases at last. Second, the status is different. Judges have educational background, judicatory experiences and power to decide cases finally. So j
36、udges are more respectable and get more honor in court. Attorneys are legal practitioner, only can advisejudge and jury how to decide cases. So they are inferior to judges in court.(第一,法官有权决定法律问题,但仅仅是在普通法系中,而律 师只有权出示证据去说服法却无权决定案例。第二,法官有教育背景, 司法经验和最终决定权,所以法官在法庭上得到更多尊重,而律师是 法律的参与者,只能建议法官判案,所以在法庭上相对低一等
37、。)17. To discuss whether it is reasonable to choose common people as jurors?(试论选择普通民众作为陪审员是否合理)It is reasonable to choose common people as jurors. With the participation of common people, the trial will become more impartial, because it s more difficult to bribe the jurors than the judges. We can av
38、oid the professional prejudice of the judges in the trial, which is formed in the long-term adjudication. It also reflects the democratization in the judicial area. In addition, there are good practices in the western counties.(选择普通民众作为陪审员是合理的。普通民众的参与能让审判 更合理,原因在于贿赂陪审员要难于贿赂法官。陪审员能避免法官在 长期审判中形成的职业偏见,
39、同时也能反应司法领域的民主化。另外, 在西方国家,此项制度得到了很好的实践。)18. Please discuss the meaning of the right of judicial review of the court?(试论述法院司法审查权的意义。)The ability of the courts to interpret the Constitution was decided early in the history of the United States, in the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison. It is the power of
40、 the courtto examine legislation and other acts of congress and to decide their constitutionality.Without judicial review the Constitution would be nothing but a piece of paper. The Constitution states that it is the supreme law of the land. There has to be an authority to decide whether a particula
41、r law is constitutional or unconstitutional. If not, then the legislative branch woulditsalways included the gives the Judicial the Constitution, the Constitutionbe free to pass any law without regard to constitutionality. Judicial authority has power to interpret laws. The Constitution branch power over all cases arising under The courts must be able to interpret both and laws and to determine whether one prohibits the other, checks and balances 权力制衡protection to human rights 人权保护(法院对宪法
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