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1、毕 业 论 文学生姓名张家璇学 号020301034院 (系)外国语学院专 业英语(小学教育方向)题 目论教育的性别平等指导教师张秀国 教 授 (姓 名) (专业技术职称/学位)2007年5月毕业论文独创性声明本人郑重声明:本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。本论文除引文外所有实验、数据和有关材料均是真实的。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作者签名: 日 期: Gender Equality in EducationAn Analysis of

2、 Gender Differences in College English EducationByZhang Jiaxuan A Thesis Submitted toDepartment of Foreign Languages and LiteratureIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of B.A. in EnglishAt Huaiyin Teachers CollegeUnder the Supervision of Prof. Zhang XiuguoMay 2007Acknowledgements

3、This thesis involves much generous assistance from my teachers, friends and parents. I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to Professor Zhang Xiuguo, my supervisor, who has been giving me the considerable academic help and constant support during my thesis writing. I also extend my heartfelt app

4、reciations to all of my friends and especially, my classmate Fei Xiusong, who has spent time discussing questions with me and offered me kind advice about the thesis. And I would like to thank the librarians of Huaiyin Teachers College, who have provided me with useful references needed in my thesis

5、.Finally, I would like to present sincere thanks to my parents, who have supported and assisted me all the way in my college life.Abstract This thesis is based on the studies of second language acquisition and many current motivation theories. From the viewpoints of linguistics, physiology, psycholo

6、gy, sociology and education, it analyzes the gender differences in college English education in China, and reveals the deficiency of gender quality in education. In order to make up for the deficiency, the thesis discusses and puts forward some feasible strategies in education policies, public opini

7、ons and other teaching materials, classroom atmosphere and so on, which can be used to implement gender equality. This thesis aims at ameliorating the actual state of gender differences in college education, promoting the gender equality in education, and achieving the harmonious development of the

8、whole society.Key words college English education gender differences teaching by gender gender equality摘 要 本文是以第二语言习得研究的理论为基础,并综合当前诸多的动机理论研究成果,从语言学、生理学、心理学、社会学和教育学的角度分析了我国高校英语教育的性别差异现象及其原因和影响,揭示了性别平等在我国教育中的缺失。针对如何弥补这一缺失,文章探讨并提出了在教育政策 、社会舆论、教材教学和课堂组织等多方面实施性别平等的措施。本文的目的是改善我国高校教育的性别差异现象,实现教育的性别平等,社会的和谐

9、发展。 关键词 高校英语教育,性别差异,因性施教,性别平等Contents1. Introduction12. Literature Review13. Analysis of Gender Differences in College English Education in China23.1 The phenomena of gender differences2233.2 Analysis of the factors in gender differences34453.2 4 The influence of school education684. Enlightenment o

10、f Gender Differences in College English Education84.1 Influence caused by gender differences in college English education94.2 Revealing gender inequality in education in China95. Synthetic Ways to Achieve Gender Equality in Education105.1 Enact education policies1010105.2 Incorporate gender equality

11、 into textbooks115.3 Teaching by gender1111126. Conclusion13Works Cited141. IntroductionGender equality means men and women having the same rights and obligations, and everyone having the same opportunities in society. Gender equality is also about justice and about sharing responsibilities, both in

12、 the family and society. If gender prevents us from seeing the individuals strengths and weaknesses, this can lead to discrimination and limited opportunities for the individual. Officially, the Chinese government is committed to the principle of equality between the sexes. However, at present, the

13、gender differences in college English teaching are increasing. Especially for English majors, female students are far more than male students, and also show superior ability to male students in both exams and class performance. Why do gender differences work on education? It can be rooted in physiol

14、ogical, psychological and social factors. What result will be brought by the special “inequality”, which appears in such a particular egalitarian education system? Many male university students are not good at English and most English majors are female, which may lead to an unbalanced division of la

15、bor.In view of this situation, this thesis aims at appealing for peoples attention toward the fact of gender differences in college English education, especially gender inequality in education, and seeking practical measures to solve these problems to achieve real equality of the whole society.2. Li

16、terature ReviewBelonging to physiological and social factors, gender is one of important factors that influence the effects in college English learning. M. Mider finds that females language ability is superior to male in almost all cultural backgrounds (qtd. in Zhou 87). J. Boyle reports on a study

17、of 490 (257 male and 233 female) Chinese university students in Hong Kong (Boyle 273-84). The female students achieved higher overall means on tests of general L2 (second landuage) English proficiency. In many cases the differences were significant. Chinese scholars, like Yang Chaomei, Zhang Bin and

18、 Du Cuiqin, whose data analysis and quantitative study also have confirmed that among English majors, female students do much better than male students. So, we can obviously find gender differences in English learning (Yang 59; Zhang 127). Gender differences in college English education will bring m

19、any negative effects. Shen Qiqi, together with his colleagues, have pointed out that among English majors, female students are far Works CitedAnderson, M. L. “Changing the Curriculum in Higher Education.” Signs 12 (1987): 222-45.Bacon, S. “The Relationship between Gender, Comprehension, Processing S

20、trategies, and Cognitive and Affective Response in Second-Language Listening.” Modern Language Journal 76 (1992): 160-78.Bacon, S. and M. Finnemann. “Sex Differences in Self-Reported Beliefs about Foreign Language Learning and Authentic Oral and Written Input.” Language Learning 42 (1992): 471-95.Bl

21、um, D. Sex on the Brain. New York: Viking, 1997.Boyle, J. “Sex Differences in Listening Vocabulary.” Language Learning 37 (1987): 273-84.ation and Sex Native Experience and Subject Construction (2002) 73-8.Shi Jinghuan. Coming into the Sex World of Textbook and Teaching. Beijing: Education and Science Press, 2004.Song Hui. “Who is a Good Student Analysis of Gender Stereotypes by Science Teachers in Middle School.” Coming into the Sex World of Textbook and Teaching. Ed. Shi Jinghuan. Beijing:


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