管理学专题研讨 课程教学大纲_第1页
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管理学专题研讨 课程教学大纲_第3页




1、管理学专题研讨Current Issues in Management Science课程编号:F0101081S学 分: 2开课学院: 管理学院课内学时: 32课程类别:专业课Professional Course课程性质: 必修Compulsory一、课程的性质和目的课程性质: This is a compulsory course for the international students in Bachelor Program in Business Administration.目的: The primary objective of this course is to impro

2、ve the students proficiency in management knowledge. Firstly, this course will review the knowledge of management. Secondly, by using a lot of learning tactics such as role playing, game participation and group discussion and presentation, students should get to know some of the hot issues in manage

3、ment practice. Finally, students should learn how to analyze a management case.二、课程教学内容及基本要求(一)课程教学内容及知识模块顺序 1知识单元一 Introduction (2h)(1)知识点一:The introduction of this course(2)知识点二:Course Materials(3)知识点三:Course Strategy教学基本要求:Students should know the basic information of this course, and get to know

4、 some important websites and journals of management as well as the basic requirements of this course2.知识单元二 Issue in Marketing (4h)(1)知识点一:The introduction of big data era(2)知识点二:Reading No 1-Big data: The management revolution(3)知识点三:Reading No 2-Are You Collecting the Right Data? Lessons from Amer

5、ican Apparel教学基本要求:Student should try to learn what is big data, how did the big data affect our daily life? What are the five management challenges in big data era.3.知识单元三 Issues in Motivation(6h)(1)知识点一:Pay & Compensation(2)知识点二:Case study 1: Pay Inequity in a University(3)知识点三:Video 1: The un

6、predictable motivation教学基本要求:Student should learn to know some basic knowledge of pay and compensation, then learn to analyze a case on pay inequity and practice role playing. In the first Video, students are going to participate in a game about the motivation and then discuss about what they learne

7、d from the game and video.4.知识单元四 Issues in Team Management(6h)(1)知识点一:Team management review(2)知识点二:Video 2: The marshmallow challenge-team cooperation(3)知识点三:Case study 2: Loafers at Lakeside Utility Company教学基本要求:After review some fundamental knowledge of team management, students would be asked

8、to participate a famous world-wide challenge“The Marshmallow Challenge”, and then discuss on their experience. The second case is going to tell the students how to distribute rewards among teams and within a team.5.知识单元五 Issues in Leadership (6h)(1)知识点一:Leadership review(2)知识点二:Reading No 3: Should

9、a Business Reflect the Values of Its Owner?(3)知识点三:Video 3 : Ordinary leadership教学基本要求:In this chapter, students are going to learn what leadership is, the effect of leadership on the performance of a company and what ordinary leadership is. 6.知识单元六 Group presentation(8h)知识点一:Hot Issues in Managemen

10、t 教学基本要求:In this chapter, students are asked to work in groups to look for a hot issue in management that they are interested in. Present the issue in the class and guide the discussion of the whole class.(二)课程的重点、难点及解决办法Students should learn to analyze and solve the problems in practice by using th

11、eir knowledge of management. So a lot of learning skills such as role playing, game participation and group discussion and presentation would be used during the teaching process. 三、实验实践环节及基本要求None四、本课程与其它课程的联系与分工Students should first learn Management before this course.五、对学生能力培养的要求 This course will

12、help students to review the fundamental management knowledge, improve their skills in analyzing a specific case by using what they have learned in the class, enhance their ability to understand management practice.六、课程学时分配总学时 32 ,其中讲课 24 学时,习题及讨论 8学时。课程主要内容和学时分配见课程学时分配表。课程学时分配表教学环节时数课程内容讲课上机实验习题及讨论小

13、计Chap.1 Introduction22Chap.2 Issue in Marketing 44Chap.3 Issues in Motivation66Chap 4: Issues in Team Management66Chap 5: Issues in Leadership 66Chap 6: Group presentation88七、建议教材和教学参考书目1、Stephen P. Robbins. Management, Eleventh Edition. 北京:清华大学出版社,2013.8.2、Robert N. Lussier. Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, and Skill Development. 北京:北京大学出版社,2011.1.3、Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich. Essentials of Manag


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