1、装饰工程承包合同RENOV ATION AGREEMENT甲方:PARTY A:乙方:PARTY B:经双方友好协商,持着诚实守信,公平公正的合作原则。就室内装饰工程委托乙方承包施工,具体事宜如下:With the sincerity of the both parties, this agreement of party A assigning party B to renovate party As office at . is reached as the followings:A.工程项目A.PROJECT ITEMS=B.承包形式及造价B.ASSIGNING & COST乙方
2、提供“装饰工程报价”是本合同不可分割之附件。工程采用包工包料形式,总造价为 (。The project quotationis serves as an indivisible supplement of this agreement. The project is based on total costing (Labour + Material format, and total cost is .C.工程周期C.PROJECT PERIOD乙方承诺自进场起38个工作日内完成。即自年月日起装修,年月日交付甲方使用。(以首期工程款到帐日记Party B concede the complet
3、ion of the project after working days of its entry (job commencing to the site, I.E., starting on , party B will hand-over the completed site to party B on .D.付款方式D. PAYMENTUpon the signing of this agreement, % of the project total cost, I.E., RMBshould be paid from party A to party B.a工程完工至50%,甲方在三
4、个工作日内(支付乙方相当于工程总价的30,即人民币 (RMB ;bUpon the completion of the half project, % of the project total costI.E., RMBshould be paid from party A to party B.b工程完工后,经验收合格,甲方在三个工作日内支付乙方相当于工程总价20%,即人民币(RMB 。cUpon the completion of the total project, after the quality assessment andacceptance, % of the project
5、total cost, I.E., RMB should be paid from party A to party B.d本工程保修期为一年。dThe project quality guarantee period is one year.E.甲方义务及权利E.OBLIGATION & AUTHORITY OF PARTY Aa为使工程如期优质完成,甲方应如期支付工程款项;aIn order to enforce the on time completion of the project with the quality standard,party A should conduc
6、t the payment according to this agreement.b甲方应积极配合乙方在施工中遇到的设计问题的意见征询,以便项目准确按甲方要求完成;b Party A should give its prompt co-operation with the design arrangement consultingissue to enhance the on time completion of the project according to party As requirementc工程保修期间如由于人为原因造成损坏以及损耗,甲方自行承担维修费用;c During th
7、e project quality guarantee period, party A should be reliable for financingthe repair fee of the loss and damages due to improper usage and handling.d工程完成后经双方验收合格并交付甲方使用,如有工程质量问题甲方有权要求乙方整改,待合格后方与乙方结帐。问题严重并造成甲方损失的,有权要求乙方予以赔偿;d After the completion of the project with the quality assessment of the bo
8、th parties,party A is entitled to request party B for repair if there exists quality defects, and partyA could conduct its payment after its acceptance of the project quality. It the defect issevere enough to cause the loss of party A, party A is entitled to claim with party B. e在装修期间产生的装修押金、物业管理费、工
9、程管理费、水电费等由甲方承担。eParty A is reliable for the miscellaneous expense during the project such as: decorationdeposit, property management fee, project management fee, and water & power expense, etc.F.乙方义务及权利F OBLIGATION AND AUTHORITY OF PARTY Ba乙方有义务在规定工期内保质保量完成,经双方验收如期交付甲方使用;aParty B is reliable for
10、 the on time completion of the project with the quality standardand hand-over for party Bs usage after the quality assessment of the both parties. b在施工期间乙方有义务协调大楼物业管理部门,并遵守物业管理部门的规定;b Party B is reliable to coordinate with building management with the buildingmanagement department and obey the regul
11、ation set by the department,c工程结束后,乙方有义务提供装修之项目的及时维修;c After the completion, party B is reliable of the prompt maintenance of the projectitems.d工程期间,如由于甲方不能如期支付工程款项而造成乙方损失,乙方有权要求甲方予以赔偿;d During the project, if party A fail to conduct its payment to party B on time and causesthe loss of party B. Part
12、y B is entitled to claim such loss from party A.e若在施工期间乙方发生工伤及其它意外事故,其责任完全由乙方承担;e Party B is completely responsible for all injuries and other accidents during the project.f乙方应保证甲方所有设施不受损坏和污染,工程完成后应清理所有的污渍和垃圾;f Party B should protect the assets/facilities of party A from being damaged and staineddur
13、ing the project, and is reliable for clean-up the stains and wastes after the project. g甲方在装修期间支付“物业管理公司”的装修押金,如因施工队原因而造成扣除的,其扣除部分由施工队承担。g The decoration deposit paid from party A to the property management company, ifdeduction occurs due to the improper handling of the project personnel, party B is reliable for the deducted portion.G.本协议一式两份,经双方签字生效。双方各持一份,每份具有同等法律效力。G.This agreement consists of 2 texts, which are in English and Chinese but the Chineseversion shall serve as a main version. The agreement become valid upon signing b
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