1、.话题语言应用肢体语言及非语言交际语言积累交际用语1. Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. William Shakespeare, British dramatist不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想到达的目的。英国剧作家莎士比亚.W.2. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? P. B. Shelley, British poet冬天来了,春天还会远吗?英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B.3. Living without an aim
2、 is like sailing without a compass. Alexander Dumas Davy de La Pailleterie, French Writer生活没有目的就像航海没有指南针。 法国作家 大仲马. A.4. The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. Mark Twain, American writer具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。 美国作家马克·吐温5. Man errs so long as he strives. Johan Wolfgang Goethe,
3、 German poet and dramatist人只要奋斗就会犯错误。 德国诗人、剧作家 歌德. J. W.6. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. Jean Jacques Rousseau, French thinker忍受是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 法国思想家 卢梭. J. J.7. I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated. Bonaparte Napoleon, French emperor我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇 。 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B .8. Succ
4、ess covers a multitude of blunders. George Bernard Shaw, British Dramatist成功由大量的绝望铸就。英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.9. A light heart lives long. William Shakespeare, British dramatist豁达者长寿。 英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.10. All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend. Voltaire, French thinker人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。 法国思想家 伏尔泰
5、话题词句一与肢体有关的短语shrug ones shoulders 耸肩 pull a long face 板起面孔 turn ones deaf ear to 对充耳不闻all ears 全神贯注地听 all eyes 聚精会神地看 black eye 受伤后的黑眼圈private eye 私人侦探 poker face 不动声色 sad face 愁容 motor mouth 没完没了的说话 loose lips 说话很随意 straight face 绷着脸 smooth face 讨好的面孔 big mouth爱说闲话者 sweet tooth 爱吃甜食的人 free hand 全权处
6、理 old hand 内行 all skins and bones 瘦得皮包骨 all thumbs 笨手笨脚 cold shoulder 冷漠 green hand 没有经历的人brain trust 智囊团 join hands 携手tell noses 清点人数make eyes 暗送秋波change hands 易手话题词句二常用肢体语言Facial expressions: frown皱眉wink眨眼stare/glare at瞪眼squint眯眼eye contact目光接触raise ones eyebrows抬起眉毛sniffle 鼻呼哧吸气grin咧嘴笑pout撅嘴,绷脸ya
7、wn打哈欠stick out ones tongue吐舌头gnash咬牙切齿face to face面对面make a face做鬼脸Head movements shake ones head摇头nod ones head点头hold up ones head昂头turn ones head away扭头pat ones head拍头speak to each others ears交头接耳Hand and foot movements palm up/down掌心向上/下thumb up竖大拇指tweak ones ears and scratch ones cheeks抓耳挠腮stret
8、ch out ones hands伸手shake hands握手wave ones hands挥手tiptoe踮脚applaud鼓掌hand in hand手拉手cross ones fingers十指穿插stamp顿足Arm and leg movements stretch ones arms伸开双臂arm in arm挽着手臂with arms akimbo双手叉腰fold ones arms双臂合抱hold sb. in ones arms怀抱sit cross-legged盘腿sit with legs crossed跷二郎腿lift ones legs 抬腿kick ones le
9、gs 蹬腿Body movements shoulder to shoulder肩并肩stretch oneself 伸懒腰 sway扭动grovel匍匐huddle蜷缩bow鞠躬 squat on the heels蹲下stand upside down倒立shudder发抖 snuggle依偎hug拥抱hop单脚跳sit up straight端坐kneel/get down on ones knees下跪话题词句三最常见的肢体语言及背后的暗示Communication can be fascinating. For most, the exchange of information be
10、gins and ends with words. However, there are a lot of other factors to consider. The tone of voice that a phrase is said in can completely change the meaning of the phrase. It can turn insults侮辱 into jokes and jokes into insults. Another way to tell the true intentions of what someone is saying or d
11、oing is to look for body language indicators.Body language is an interesting concept. The human body makes a lot of unconscious motions depending on the situation. Sometimes, the body language indicators are blatant公开的 and obvious. If you see someone crying, chances are theyre upset about something.
12、 Other times, body language indicators arent so obvious. For instance, you may completely miss someone rolling their eyes at you in derision if they arent facing you.There are so many ways to interpret body language and many, many more body language indicators. Below, well show you 20 of the most po
13、pular indicators. These can be important in almost any communication setting背景, whether its business, relationships, or even meeting someone new.1. How close are they?Physical proximity接近 is a frequently used body language indicator that many people dont notice. If someone is comfortable with you, t
14、hey wont mind sitting or standing near you. So an interesting way to see if someone actually thinks youre okay is to go brush shoulders with them. If they back away, you have your answer!2. Downcast 向下的 eyesWell be mentioning a lot of head and eye body language indicators because those are among the
15、 most popular and most recognizable可识别的. One that has been a trend, especially with younger people, is downcast eyes. Youve seen this, Ive seen this, and everyone else has too. When someone is unhappy and they try to hide it by, say, smiling, they may betray泄露 their ruse 计策 by looking downward. This
16、 can also be a sign of being uncomfortable or feeling shameful.3. Restless不安的,好动的 handsHave you ever seen someone drumming on a desk or a chair with their fingers? What about people playing drums on their legs? This can be a sign of impatience, restlessness, and even sometimes anger. If youre lectur
17、ing your kids and theyre drumming their fingers on the table, chances are you may not really be getting through to them. When youre speaking with someone and theyre doing this, its time to switch tactics策略.4. Restless legsThis is almost exactly the same as restless hands, except its the legs. People
18、 may cross and uncross their legs over and over again, tap their foot, or even tap their heels. Have you ever seen someone pacing? Restless legs: theyre everywhere! Sometimes, people may have restless legs because of restless leg syndrome, and it may not be associated with a feeling. Or they may hav
19、e to pee really badly.5. Hands on the hipsIf someone has their hands on their hips, it shows they have lost all patience. They are likely also very mad. If you walk up to a boss at work or your significant other and theyre standing with their hands on their hips, you are in big trouble. 6. Cocking朝上
20、 ones head has more than one meaningGenerally, when someone cocks their head, people take that body language to mean confusion. This is not always the case. In areas where violence is prevalent, such as prison or UFC fights, people will get into each others faces and cock their heads as a challenge.
21、7. Holding your hands behind your backOf all the body language indicators on this list, this one is the most ambiguous. People hold their hands behind their backs for a number of reasons. Watch any mafia 黑社会 movie and youll see the Don holding his hands behind his back as a sign of power. People in
22、the military are taught to do it as a sign of respect. Sometimes, people will even do it to be cute. Usually, when this occurs, you must rely on other indicators to determine the emotion being displayed. It is still quite popular.8. Hands balled into fists This is another really popular indicator. T
23、his one has pretty much one single meaning. People do it when theyre frustrated and angry. This is usually a precursor to violence, as balled up firsts often results in something getting punched or hit. If you are speaking with someone and their hands are balled up in fists, things could go very wro
24、ng very quickly.9. TouchingThis body language has a universal meaning but can be vastly different. When someone is touching you in a non-violent manner, its almost universally understood that theyre comfortable around you. However, it can manifest in different ways. Your boss may pat you on the shou
25、lder. Your boyfriend or girlfriend may lay their head on your shoulder. If someone is touching you, it shows that they are comfortable with you.10. Arms crossed!People often misconstrue what crossing arms actually means. People think it means that someone is angry. In fact, its actually used as a de
26、fensive stance. People who have their arms crossed are unconsciously defending themselves. They may not want to talk anymore or they may be hiding something they dont want to talk about. But crossing the arms means a person is trying to comfort themselves, meaning theyre uncomfortable.11. Look up fo
27、r joyWhen an athlete wins a match, scores a point, or does something great, what is the first thing they do? Usually, its look straight up. This is a sign of joy, happiness, and relief. Its true that people can look upward when theyre frustrated, but there are often other indicators that happen befo
28、re that to show they are frustrated. 12. Surprise!This one is pretty obvious but we are talking about popular body language indicators. When someone widens their eyes or raises their eye brows, theyre most often surprised or shocked at something. There really arent any other reasons why someone wide
29、ns their eyes. So this one is not only really popular, but really obvious and easy to spot!13. Looking around for something better to doPeople can express boredom in a lot of ways. Many times they arent trying to but it just kind of slips out in various ways. One such way is looking around when they
30、re bored. If youre talking to someone and they keep looking around, theyre looking for something else to do besides talk to you. This is almost always a bad sign, especially when youre out talking to someone at the bar or, even worse, when youre in a board meeting at the office and the people in the
31、 room are doing it.Do note that since smart phones are now a popular thing, people may now grab their phone and check their social networking sites or email while youre talking to them. This means pretty much the same thing.14. The StompThis one is mostly something kids do but adults are prone to st
32、omping around too. Its usually done as an expression of anger, and thats how most people associate it. There is a second reason people stomping though and that is to be intimidating. Stomping toward someone can be used as a tool to frighten someone or even animals. How often have owners stomped near
33、 their dogs to scare them away?15. Clearing your throatPeople clear their throat for a variety of reasons. Sometimes you may be ill and you have some stuff stuck back there. However, in a perfectly normal social situation, people often clear their throats when theyre nervous or anxious. If youre wat
34、ching a stand up comic and no one is laughing at their jokes, youll often see them cough or clear their throat into the comic. It has a second use where people use it to show irritation. More often than not, though, theyre using it to show that they are uncomfortable in some capacity.16. Jutting out
35、 伸出your chest means somethingThis is one that human beings borrow from other animals on the Earth. Jutting out ones chest is a sign of dominance and attraction. Men may jut out their chests when theyre trying to be intimidating or look strong. This is often used as body language when they meet a wom
36、an they like. Women, youre guilty of this too, as you may jut out your chest to better show off your attributes. In terms of frequency, they flip flop. Men often jut their chest more as an intimidation signal and less often when showing attraction. Women use it more frequently to show attraction and
37、 less frequently to show intimidation. Both genders do use it for both.17. Watch how you walkBody language doesnt just take place when youre sitting or standing still. Watching how people walk is often one of the most obvious, albeit lesser known, body language indicators. People who walk briskly an
38、d with a purpose look more confident. Someone who is running is obviously in a hurry to get somewhere or get away from somewhere. Bad posture while walking can show depression, while over-dramatic use of your limbs can show that youre furious.18. Closing your eyesThanks to todays sitcoms, closing yo
39、ur eyes has become a very popular body language indicator. People usually use it to show frustration, irritation, and impatience, much like theyre regrouping in their minds to try to deal with a problem again. Watch out, though! Due to its overuse in comedy scenarios, people may be trying to use it
40、as a tool of comedy. Usually you can tell the difference.19. Rubbing your eyes can send mixed messages If youre speaking with someone and they remove their glasses, pinch the bridge of their nose, and rub their eyes, they are probably not happy with something you just said. In general use, this body
41、 language is used to convey feelings of being tired. This is usually done from a young age, as kids rub their eyes when theyre tired all the time. In adulthood, people who are not happy with something will often use that body language to show it.20. StaringSo who remembers high school? In high schoo
42、l, most people were either staring or being stared at, so pretty much everyone is familiar with the stare. Believe it or not, there are two reasons why people stare. Attraction is the main one, as a man or woman may frequently gaze at someone theyre attracted to. However, a lesser known second reaso
43、n people stare is for dominance. If youre staring down someone and theyre staring back, the first to break the stare is considered to be the less dominant one.写作运用写作要求假设你是李华,你所在的学校拟在下个月举办美国电影节American Film Festival 。请根据以下要点给你的美国朋友Peter 写一封信,邀请他给学生做一次讲座。信的主要内容包括:1. 讲座目的:使学生对美国电影有所理解。2.讲座内容:简要介绍美国电影制片
44、业的历史。 3.讲座时间:1小时30分钟左右。 注意:可以适当增加细节,使构造完好。词数:100 字左右。 写作指导邀请函包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼、讲座等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正式的格式 formal correspondence;一种非正式格式 informal correspondence。邀请信一定要将邀请的时间年、月、日、钟点、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。邀请信的复信要求简明扼要,在书写时应注意以下几点:1.承受邀请的复信中应重复写上邀请信中的某些内容,如邀请年、月、日,星期几、几点钟等,如“Ill be delighted to attend
45、 your luncheon next Friday, May the fifth, at twelve oclock。2. 邀请信的复信中应明确说明承受邀请还是不承受邀请,不能模糊其辞,如不能写 “Ill come if Im in town。这类的话,以使得对方无法做出安排。在承受邀请的复信中,应对受到邀请表示快乐。谢却的复信中应说明不能应邀的原由。可用句型:1. I am writing to invite you to. 我写信是想邀请你2. I think it a great idea if you could participate in. 假如你能参加那就太好了。3. I wo
46、nder if you can come. 我想知道你是否能来4. How would you like to join us in.? 你想不想来参加我们的?5. Would you please drop me a line to let me know/inform me if you can come to ?你可以写信告诉我你是否能来吗?6. My family and I would feel much honored if you could come/ make it.假如你能来,我们全家将不胜荣幸。7. I really hope you can make it. 我真心你希
47、望你来。8. We would be sincerely looking forward to your coming. 我们真诚期待着你的到来。9. I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon.我希望能在那里见到你,请早点告诉我你的决定。10. We would be very glad to invite you as an/a expert/judge/instructor/advisor to our university /college/school/class. 很快乐邀请您作为
48、专家/评委/指导员到我们学校。写作范文Dear Peter, Our school is planning to hold an American Film Festival next week. I am writing to ask you to come to give a talk/deliver a lecture on American films and film-making industry, which will surely help us understand how the industry has developed into big business as it
49、is today. Do you think one and a half hours will be enough? Please let me know your decision as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements ahead of time. I am looking forward to seeing you and enjoying your talk/lecture. With best wishes! Yours faithfully, Li Hua邀请函其他类型Dear sir/madam: Im delig
50、hted that you have accepted our invitation to speak at the conference in city on date. As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic. from time to time. There will be an additional minutes for questions. Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need? If you could let me know
51、 your specific requirements by date, Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need. Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Name Dear sir/madam: Thank you for your letter of date. Im glad that you are also goin
52、g to place next month. It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition/trade fair. Our company is having a reception at hotel on the evening of date and I would be very pleased if you could attend. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Name Dear sir/madam:Organization would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on topic. As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote. Many of our members are in
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