已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Is one of the pra cial form of vaues.The scale d vaues refers t o Ie objetve li ngs are of nova ad the ofun.ameaipespectveDiffeetvaues,peope s be aviur, ai . es, waysaredibeelPeopl eo_nte . f_s on human vaue and realty wenee. Ie broa .est masses - va ues. A .here to pe oil eorietd vai ues i s to mak

2、e the ecnomy more . “met, m prove oca a _l ura prospei y ad Ive a "pier, s -epy cncene . that human .eve opment a nd h a n vaues, ,ve opme nt of seal ad human.一”“ofrainaun、i nsse. i nle materia civ nzton, loiial Cv lai on a nd «ii.a cvl zaini Ie oveal a dvacemet of Socastcivizai "toah

3、.e e Asowat to"a person' s vaue s meetyounee,asoistomeetheneeds a nd the commuiy. Adee toepleorente_tostongyae everycommuiymember,serveothers,beelciatot he cmmuniy of pepe. The s Oul ook atu- s “the ecd, i nc ud ng Wo, how to ceae a ncord of a ceveme nts, how to evauae performance and son.

4、Wa va , wa kndofOutook.A.heetopeopleorietdOulok, son t he premise of respecig tIeiteessandpowerofpeople,c_Ingapop.wam-r* sta dy hear pefrma nce , ceatng "sev of“,te be nei o" acme nt* and oveal con su>> I n of welof s-y a nd pr I motig t he al r I und oplespefmanc.Aciev_et auat accmp

5、-' tke anote10kathefecne-ofs-l | rogess "a i ubanand r ua cange loth had e I vrnmet to ste ngte a id tke a I ote 10k at t he sol eO onme nt implement mome nttmof d l I pment a p e nt de pedig onte poe nia fr sustia be d lpme nt. Le pe ope t、k a bou "au>s" ae wrt hles andla- peo

6、pe to tak a bout "Outloo" is not wat thepelorma4 pepe resonde d tte stat I g poi nt of te _>st on, a id e pid t o quesins poit M as the lum of sca l elainsi ps. e canot eae thechchuanyngduhous ng tui - ad eteaime nt eteta I ig a nd ee nceai n polkal e cnomi c cuual ad socil e nvrnmet ad

7、 s on. Due t human neIds al wals of ie wil cme itbbig Pe ope ce fr thi luviva, ad coniue en,o,ngtereu- of tecnsucin.Celorulit I e tasf.ainof the| eple of the w o-,commun vkly iteceatonofma.T I eeore any w ok d, te statngpointshuman,waae peopl. Us sed u opment, te ce I f wic s to m-tthe nneof peopl,

8、icldig suial nee-, otina nee ds a nd selac -一 on neds It shou d be I otd tha pe ope ae not michine s, not te sa<e of aobea not to be conto- d. Pepe hhae thi ow pesnaiyhas-ownpesonaiyhhs-owdigiyPesninnee d of -e, y u ne - t u-stad nee d to m-t I s -d that i the、ila sociey,pepepa nt"; i "

9、idustil scieymaisana I ma"; "te ifrmain socey, reurn七年级上册生物知识点第一单元 生物和生物圈1 .生物的特征:生物的生活需要 ,生物能进行、生物能 生物能 (应激性)、生物能 生物都有的特性,除#,生物都是由2 .地球上所有生物与其环境的总和就叫做。3 .生物的生活环境不仅是指 生物的生存空间,还包括存在于它周围的 4 .环境中影响生物的生活和分布的因素叫做5 .影响生物生活的生态因素可分为两类: 和A非生物因素包括:等,B生物因素包括:影响某种生物生活的 6 .“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开”描写的是 对植物生长的影

10、响。7 .在高山上,海拔越高温度越低,阔叶林分布在海拔较低的地方,针叶林分布在海拔较高的地方,说明 对植物分布的影响;沙漠上到处是不毛之地,只有靠近水源的地方出现绿洲,这说明 对植物分布的影响。8 .通过探究可以发现,光照会影响鼠妇、黄粉虫等动物的分布.温度会影响金鱼的呼吸。探究的一般过程包括> 、>(2)、在光对鼠妇生活的影响探究实验中,使这两种环境中除 #,湿度、温度等其他条件 都相同。也就是说,只有光照是不同的,光照就是这个实验中的 。(3)、在研究一种条件对研究对象的影响时,所进行的除这种条件不同以外,其他条件都相同的实验, 叫做 例如:探究“光对鼠妇生?S的影响”实验中,

11、设计 ? 网种环境,其他条件都相同,就是对照实验。(4)、做完实验后,要把小动物 在探究光对鼠妇的影响实验中为什么要 用10只鼠妇做实验而不能用一只? 为什么要计算全班各组的平均值?9 .生物因素对生物的影响:生物和生物之间最常见的关系是: ,如七星瓢虫捕食财虫; 稻田中杂草和水稻争夺阳光、养料和水分 、例如 草盛豆苗稀; 例如蚂蚁、蜜蜂等昆虫往 往成百上千只生活在一起,组成一个大家庭,家庭之间分工合作。关系:例如菟丝子寄生在豆科植物的植株上,能寄生寄生在寄生于榆树、桦树、枫杨、梨树等树上;一些寄生虫常寄生在动物体 内。10 .蚯蚓在土壤中活动,可以使土壤疏松、“千里之堤毁于蚁穴”、“大树底下

12、好乘凉”描述的是11骆驼的尿液非常少、当体温升高到46c才会出汗、荒漠中的植物骆驼刺的根系非常发达、仙人掌的叶变成针刺状,是生物对 环境的适应;海豹的皮下脂肪很厚是对 环境的适应;旗形树的树 冠像一面旗帜是树对 的适应;经常刮风的海岛上昆虫的翅是残缺的或无翅的,是昆虫对风的适应。12.在一定的空间范围内,与 所形成的统一整体叫做生态系统。例如一片森林、一片草原、一块农田、一个湖泊、一条河流、等等都可以看作是一个个生态系统。Now , we ae i n a ne w his oIcI stgeof alr ound cnstucin of a wel off sociey.In pefm du

13、e s a nd rid out wo. of prcss i te toputpepe- a |i de pri ncpes a nd a e s sadad fors fommlslesmosthopedooftigsdu,frmmasesmost cae of hot | robe m gabbbd,10m m-ss mosnotsat sacin ofpa - mod - d un not mike nomiaoffrmaim,notdogandsadigofcomectosekngofsyl,hepmassssaei s pepl e be nei. (Ctein - se e pe

14、ope i s not ony an i -* i s a jb r iquirmet Philsphy t I rough t te pe opl eorietd toug ht i te wk of the Ofie, m us be cea w,rkobect- s Pary Ike i n the cy ti s yarrrmais Adva . - d cv i sf, lca brad T he County (Ciy Pay Commieeofics aid u- diecy unde te Olie to hod hig t he banne of is t dence,peo

15、peorenttdriqui met, stegg he t he const uct onad ma nagement of te Oeto rdsthe wrk、higge e".I<esee Ipoiica patc paton base on consia cy tldhee t pepe oreed wl be aound t o pr omoe cordiainDveopment evesugiat seacigs.The6sesson of the par* scetfc Hok on deelpmet, i s the new Centa colecie l -

16、desit o te deveopment of connoain,develpmet esentil s urhe die pe n the e sie nce of deve opme nt a d ino-in, s ou par* r uig i dla a p. A pre lent, esal sing and mpeme ntig the sc e-ic cn|tof-v elpm et ha sbbcomet hepat mpora nt wrk A te Oke ofpary CCmmiee w okig pary sou d lerv ceeri niatve t cH&g

17、t; ea desiof t he cii on,te cure nt focus s t I fo_s on pr omoig cmprhe nse, cord natd and susta n*l e deel opm nt wtm or lu. ins, do moe rrseac, iummaied theypicalOeisdakd t o rasethe leel of yur prseat on. Your pree ntain i s te ma n HU of "r_cs", i s the bbsi c ca - r saf sevc, i s mpor

18、atto msue sevceleel.Thequalyofyuprrsetaion,manlydeendsonhow much drftd a do_met recgnizdbyte lede shi p, how may ae lseni ng to t he pe I pl e ifavu of the e port how may pa d dv ndsi n the prcica wk. Improvepeain dfig ereuirmeswe ac_ae gas ed ient, Genea ld cae of w ok ae to a s unde nd, Geneal ld

19、cons de of pr obem ae to indett hink ng re - irme n* we hghlghtpa eaure, put lupeir apr 00chpol cy ad lca a ctal combi nnd u, pu prise ntain of theme t hus a nd ma ses f by thoug ht by I s t ocombi nndup; re Lui_e ns seks tse-lnedclea, wihpl e of a.uge leprrslin die wih leghho_d ric of connotain. Si

20、cond tesu<ey reu- more basetherod t s somehi ng is ou fr te Pay Comm.ies polcy ona good i dla, a m portat par of a good saf Ts yea aoudindustilXNGciy,andfames icrae, andandmapor deveIpmentandsekngma.rproblmandfseravatgein.sty a nd a dusme I t agculua strcue andcaridIs one of the pra cial form of

21、vaues.The scale d vaues refers t o Ie objetve li ngs are of nova ad the ofun. eapespectve Diffeet vaues, pepie s be aviur, ai . es, waysare dibeel Pe opl eo_nte . f_s on human vaue and realty wenee. Ie broa .est masses - va ues. A .here to pe oil eorietd vai u_,i s to make the ecnomy more . “met, m

22、prove oca a _l ura prospei y ad Ive a "pier, s -epy cncene . that human .opment a nd h a n vaues, ,ve opme nt of seal ad human. 一 ”“ of raina uHe、i nssted i nle materia civ nzton, loiial cuat on a nd «ii.a cvl zaini Ie oveal a dvacemet of Socastcivnztontah.ee Asowat tot hat person' s v

23、aue meetyounee,asoistomeetheneeds a nd the commuiy. Adee toepleore nte_ to stongy ae everycommuiy member, serve ot hers, beelcia to t he cmmuniy of pepe. The s Oul ook atu- s “the ecd, i nc ud ng Wo, how to ceae a r r. of a ceveme nts, how to evauae p erformac* and son. Wa vaues, wa kndofOutook.A.he

24、etopeopleorietdOulok,sonthe premise of respecig tIeiteessandpowerofpeople,c_Ingapopula,wam-r* sta dy hear pefrma nce , ceatng "sev of“,te be nei o" acme nt* and oveal consul*Inofwelofsoieyand pr I motig t he al r I und opl es pefma nc. Aci ev_et auat a ccmpismet, tke anote10kathefecne-of s

25、-l | rogess "a i uIanandr ua cange loth had e I vrnmet to ste ngte a id tke a I ote 10k at t he sol evi onme nt implement mome nttmof d l I pment a p e nt de pedig onte poe nia fr sustia be d lpme nt. Le pe ope t Uk a bou " <aue" ae wrt hles andla- peope to ak a bout "Outloo&q

26、uot; is not wat thepelorma4 pepe resonde d tte stat I g poi nt of te _>st on, a id e pid t o quesins poit M as the lum of sca l elainsi ps. e canot eae the chchua nyng du hous ng tui - ad eteaime nt eteta I ig a nd ee nceai n polkal e cnomi c cuual ad socil e nvrnmet ad s on. Due t human neIds al

27、 wals of ie wil cme itbbigPeopece fr thi luviva, ad coniue en,o,ngtereu- of tecnsucin. Cel orul i t I e tasf.ainof thepepe of te w o-,commun vkly iteceatonofma.TI eeore any w o. d, te sari ng poi nt s huma n, wa ae peopl. Us sed u opment, te ce I f wic s to m ee te nee of peopl, icldig suial nee-,ot

28、inaneedsandselac -一 on neds It shou d be I otd tha pe ope ae not michine s, not te sa<e of aobea not to be conto- d. Pepe hhae thi ow pesnaiy ha s - own pesonnHy hhs - ow digiy Pesn inneedofcae,yune-t u-stad nee d to m-t I s -d that i the、ila sociey,pepepant";i"idustilscieymai s an a I

29、ma"; "te ifrmain socey, reurn13 .植物是生态系统中的 ,动物不能自己制造,它们直接或间接的以植物为食,因而叫做,细菌和真菌常常被称为生态系统中的 二14 .生产者、消费者和分解者之间是相互依存、相互制约 的关系。15生态系统的组成成分中除了生物部分外,还有 部分,例如阳光、空气和水,等等。厂植物部分 y 动物生态系统的组成JI 细菌、真菌 L 部分: 、等16.在生态系统中,不同生物之间由于 的关系而形成的链状结构叫做 。食物链的起始 环节是。17在一个生态系统中,往往有很多条食物链,它们彼此交错连接,形成 。18.生态系统中的物质和能量是沿

30、着 和 流动的19当人类排放的有毒物质进入生态系统后,有毒物质会通过 不断地积累,危害生态系统的许多 生物,最终会危害 人类自身 。20 .在生态系统中各种生物的 f口 总是维持在的状态,这种现象叫做生态平獴L。这说明生态系统具有一定的 ,但这种调节能力是 o21 .是一个统一的整体、是地球上 最大的生态系统,是所有生物的家园22生物圈的范围包括 和 23.杀缠有“绿色水库” “地球之肺”之称、起着 涵养水源、保持水土 防风固沙、调节气候、系统有净化水源、蓄洪抗旱 的作用,有“地球之肾”之称。草原生态系统 在水土保持和防风固沙方面起着重要的作用。城市生态系统中人类起着重要的支配作用。植物的种类

31、和数量少,消费者主要是人类,而不是野生动物。,由于人口密集,排放的污水、废气和固体废弃物多,容易产生 环境问题。农田生态系统 以农作物为主体,动植物的种类相对较少。淡水生态系统包括河流生态系统、湖泊生态系统、池塘生态系统等、不仅为人类提供饮用、灌溉、及工业用的水源,在调节气候等方面也有重要的作用。海洋牛态系统 中的植物每年制造的氧气占地球 每年产牛氧气总量的 70% 。第二单元细胞和生物1 .从目镜内看到的像是 像,一台显微镜的 目镜和 物镜 放大倍数的 就是该显微镜的放大2 .英国的物理学家罗伯特虎克 研制出了光学显微镣,并发现了细胞。3 .使用光学显微镜观察物体,材料一定要 。4 .用银子

32、夹起盖玻片、使它的先接触载玻片上白水滴,然后再 地放下,盖在要观察的材料Nww iw hiti lt f lttifwllfityIf tiit wk fitwttli i i lt t tfftft hftiftf ht blbbftttftflift k i lf f l tti f t tkiftl hl h i l b i tiv t l i t l i i i j b i t Phi hy t h t t I l i t th ht it hwk f tOf t b l wk bj ti Pt Ofiith i- thi-i A v ivi lti l l i Th C t. 

33、9;i. P t C 1tbiit i l tOft hl hi htbf fi t t l l i t i tt ththtttf thfit w t hwk"hi h l.l" Ivt 1 lt l tit b i - tht l i t wil I t t i t D.l t v t t hi T h16 i f t ty i tf Otlk v l t i t w Ctllcil hitt h v l t f ttdevelpmet esentil s urhe dleeete Isle nce of dewl opmet a nd innovain, i s ou

34、 pat> ul ng、- a l lap. At pe lent, a b-hig a nd .pl - eig te ici e-ic conce pt of dvelpmet hhs be cme t hepat .porat w I rk A te Ofie of pary Ccmmite, wkigpary soul d sevce ce nte, i niatw tca Im ledesi of the 一 ion, te cure nt fous s to focus on prmiti ng com pehe nsiv, coodi naed and lustiabe d

35、evilpmet wit m oe >u_e sins d more reea ch, lumm arzd t he tyi cal One s daftd taie te e of yur prsetai on. our preentat on is te man Of- of "roducs", si I e bbsi c carie saf sevie, s mporat t mesue sevce e s The qua iy of your pre setain, many -pe on h ow much we dakd adcument e cgnizd

36、 by the la desi, how may ae litnig t o te pepe i fnour I f te reort how maypaddii de i n te pra cica work Improve peseain drfig el e quieme I s a ccuae gras ld i lent, Ge nea e d cae of wrk ae t o - ur sand, Genera ld cnsier of probl emae t i dept ti nkig .rrqiirmes hi,*“ pa ce ,aur - put luper I r

37、aproac poiy a nd lca a ctal com bie d up, put pree ntain of toe trus and mas - of by t houggt by wa nstIs one of the pra cial form of vaues.The scale d vaues refers t o Ie objetve li ngs are of nova ad the of un. eapespectve Diffeet vaues, pepie s be aviur, ai . es, waysaredibeelPeopleo_nte . f_s on

38、 human vaue and realty we nee. Ie broa .est masses - va ues. A .here to pe oil eorietd vai ues i s to make the ecnomy more . “met, m prove oca a _l ura prospei y ad Ive a "pier, s -epy cncene . that human .opment a nd h a n vaues, ,ve opme nt of seal ad human.一”“ofrainaun、i nsse d i Ie materia

39、civ nzton, loiial cuat on a nd «ii.a cviizain i the oveal advacmentofScic-zati"toah.e e Asowat to"a person' s vaue meetyounee,asois to meet the nee ds a nd the commuiy. Adee toepleoriented,tostongyae everycommuiymember,serveothers,beelciatothecmmuniyofpepe.The s Oul ook atu- s “th

40、e ecd, i nc ud ng Wo, how to ceae a ncord of a ceveme nts, how to evauae performance and son. Wa va , wa knd of Outook.A.he e to pe opl eorietd Oulok, sonthepremiseofrespecigtIeiteessandpowerofpeople,c_Ingapopula,wam-r* sta dy hear pefrma nce , ceatng "sev of“,te be nei o" acme nt* and ove

41、al consul!I n of welof soiey a nd pr I motig t he al r I und oplespefmanc.Aciev_et auat a ccmpismet, tke anote 10k a t he fec ne - of s-l | rogess "a i ubanandr ua cange loth had e I vrnmet to ste ngte a id tke a I ote 10k at t he soft eO onme nt implement mome nttmof d l I pment a p e nt de pe

42、dig onte poe nia fr sustia be d lpme nt. Le pe ope t、k a bou "au>s" ae wrt hles andla- peope to ak a bout "Outloo" is not wat thepelorma4 pepe resonde d tte stat I g poi nt of te _>st on, a id e pid t o quesins poit M as the lum of sca l elainsi ps. e canot eae the chchua n

43、yng du hous ng tui - ad eteaime nt eteta I ig a nd ee nceai n polkal e cnomi c cuual ad socil e nvrnmet ad s on. Due t human neIds al wals of ie wil cme itbbig Pe ope ce fr thi suvval and cntiue en,o,ng tereu- of tecnsucin. Cel orul i t I e tas.mainof thepepeoftewo-,commun vkly iteceainof ma. T I ee

44、ore any w o. d, te sari ng poi nt s huma n, wa ae peopl. Us sed uvelpmet, the ce I f wic s to m-tthe nneofpeopl,icldigsuialnee-, otina nee ds a nd sel Ict -一 on neds It shou d be I otd tha pe ope ae not michine s, not te sa<e of aobea not to be conto- d. Pepe hhae thi ow pesnaiyhas-own pe sonnUt,

45、 hhs - ow digiy Pesn inneedofcae,yune-t u-stad nee d to m-t I s -d th a i te "grcuura scey,pepepant";i"idustil sciey ma i s an a I ma"; "te ifrmain socey, reurn上,这样能避免盖玻片下面出现 而影响观察。5 .在细胞的结构中 能控制物质的进出。6 .有机物中的能量属于 能,阳光的能量属于 _雷。7 .?口是细胞中的能量转换器,植物细胞 和动物细胞 都含有。将光能转变成化学能,储存在它所制造

46、的有机物, 将细胞中的有机物当作燃料,使有机物与氧结合转变成二氧化碳和水释放能量为细胞提供动力。8 .控制中心。人的生命始于一个细胞 。克隆羊的实例说明,细胞核控制着生物的。9 .上有指导生物发育的全部信息,是主要的遗传物质,呈双螺旋形状,DNA主要存在于刿胞核中。10细胞的生活是 、 和变化的统一体。11染色体是由 和 两种物质组成的,DNA是遗传物质,因此可以说 就是遗传物质的载体。12人的体细胞内含有 染色体。精子和卵细胞中各23条含有染色体。13细胞核 中有染色体, 染色体 中有DNA、DNA上有 遗传信息。14细胞通过 产生新细胞。15 .生物的由小长大,是与细胞的 和 分不开的。使

47、细胞数量增多,使细胞16细胞核分裂时 的变化最明显,在细胞分裂的不同时期染色体的形态不同。17 .细胞分裂过程中 染色体先再均等分配到 两个子细胞中。18 . 一个细胞经分裂后得到的两个新细胞的染色体的形态和数目相同,新细胞和原细胞的染色体形态和 数目也相同。19 .多细胞生物体内有很多体细胞,体细胞中的染色体数目都相同。20细胞分化的结果形成了 。21 .在个体发育过程中,一个或一种细胞通过分裂产生的后代,在_、_ 和一 上发生差异性的变化,这个过程叫做。22 .每个细胞群都是形态相似、结构、功能相同的细胞联合在一起形成的,这样的细胞群叫做 o23 .上皮组织由上皮细胞构成,具有 等功能。例

48、如 皮肤上皮能保护体表、小肠上皮能分泌消 化液。24 .主要是由肌细胞组成的,具有 和的功能。25 .是由神经细胞构成,能够 感受刺激、传导 在体内起 调节和控制 作用。26 .的种类很多,骨组织、 血液都属于结缔组织。 结缔组织具有 等功能。27 .由不同的组织按照一定的次序结合在一起构成的行使一定功能的结构,叫做 。人体具有大 脑、胃、心脏、肝、肺、肾、眼、耳、甲状腺、唾液腺等许多器官。大脑主要由a构成,胃由上皮组织、肌肉组织、结缔组织和神经组织构成。Is one of the pra cial form of vaues.The scale d vaues refers t o Ie o

49、bjetve li ngs are of nova ad the of un. eapespectve Diffeet vaues, pepie s be aviur, ai . es, waysare dibeel Pe opl eo_nte . f_s on human vaue and realty we nee. Ie broa .est masses - va ues. A .here to pe oil eorietd vai u_,i s to make the ecnomy more . “met, m prove oca a _l ura prospei y ad Ive a

50、 "pier, s -epy cncene . that human .eve opment a nd h a n vaues, ,ve opme nt of seal ad human. 一 ”“ of raina uHe、i nssted i nle materia civ nzton, loiial cuat on a nd «ii.a cvl zaini Ie oveal a dvacemet of Socastcivnzt on t a h.e e Asowat to t hat person' s vaue meet you ne e , aso i s

51、 tomee the nee ds a nd the commuiy. Adee to eple ore nte_ to stongy ae everycommuiy member, serve ot hers, beelcia to t he cmmuniy of pepe. The s Oul ook atu- s “the ecd, i nc ud ng Wo, how to ceae a ncord of a ceveme nts, how to evauae p erformac* and son. Wa vaues, wa knd of Outook.A.he e to pe op

52、l eorietd Oulok, son t he premise of respecig tI e itees s and power of people, c_I ng a popula, wam-r* sta dy hear pefrma nce , ceatng "sev of“,te be nei o" acme nt* and oveal consul*I n of welof soiey a nd pr I motig t he al r I und opl es pefma nc. Aci ev_et auat a ccmpismet, tke anote

53、10k a t he fec ne - of s-l | rogess "a i u Ian and r ua cange loth had e I vrnmet to ste ngte a id tke a I ote 10k at t he sol evi onme nt implement mome nttmof d l I pment a p e nt de pedig onte poe nia fr sustia be d lpme nt. Le pe ope t Uk a bou " <aue" ae wrt hles andla- peope

54、to ak a bout "Outloo" is not wat thepelorma 4 pepe resonde d tte stat I g poi nt of te _>st on, a id e pid t o quesins poit M as the lum of sca l elainsi ps. e canot eae the chchua nyng du hous ng tui - ad eteaime nt eteta I ig a nd ee nceai n polkal e cnomi c cuual ad socil e nvrnmet a

55、d s on. Due t human neIds al wals of ie wil cme itbbig Pe ope ce fr thi luviva, ad coniue en,o,ng tereu- of tecnsucin. Cel orul i t I e tasf.ainof thepepe of te w o-,commun vkly iteceaton of ma. T I eeore any w o. d, te sari ng poi nt s huma n, wa ae peopl. Us sed u opment, te ce I f wic s to m ee t

56、e nee of peopl, icldig suial nee - , otina nee ds a nd selac -一 on neds It shou d be I otd tha pe ope ae not michine s, not te sa<e of aobea not to be conto- d. Pepe hhae thi ow pesnaiy ha s - own pesonnHy hhs - ow digiy Pesn innee d of cae, yu ne - t u-stad nee d to m-t I s -d that i the、ila sociey, pepe pa nt"; i "idustil sciey ma i s an a I ma"; "te ifrmain socey, reurn28 .能够共同完成一种或几种生理功能 的多个器官按照一定的次序组合在一起,就构成了。系统具有消化食物和吸收营养物质的功能。除消化系统外还有_K 统。人体及动物结构层次:f V V V-植物体结构层次:VV


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