



1、8BU6单元练习【例题精讲】例1.例题:介词填空 It is impossible me to finish the work in an hour.2) It is difficultyou to help me finish the work in an hour.解析:这两句都是考查It is +adj. +for sb.+to do sth.结构,且句中形容词是指非人品质 的词,故介词用 for。答案:1 for 2 for例2.翻译句子你帮助我学英语真是太好了。It ,s you me with my English.解析:考查It is +adj. +of sb.+to do st

2、h.结构,此句中形容词是指人品质的词,故介词 用of。答案:kind of ; to help 对于学生们来讲,不按时交作业是不对的。It ' wsong of students hand in their homework on time.解析:考查It is +adj. +of sb.+to do sth.结构。且表示否定的意义,故用不定式的否定 形式,not to do sth。答案:not to【课堂练习】单项选择1. It is impossible her the work in half an hour.A. for; finishB. of; finishC. for;

3、 to finishD. of; to finish2. It ' s really kind you help me with my English.A. for, toB. of, toC. for, forD. of, for3. -It ' s so kind of you to give me a ride to the station. -A. It doesn ' t matterB. Never mindC. Don ' t mention itD. Not at all. It' s a pleasure4. It is difficu

4、lt for him the task within two hours.A. to finishB to finishingC finishingD not to finishkeys: CBDA用适当的介词填空1. It was stupid me to talk in that way to my mother.2. It is very important us to master English.3. It was impossible the little boy to carry such a heavy box.4. It is smart them to make good

5、use of the Internet.keys: of ; for ; for ; of【变式练习】同义句转换1. This task is difficult to finish.difficultthis task.2. I find it easy to learn English well.easylearn English well.3. You ' ll lose your way easily in such a big city.It ' s for you to in such a big city.4. We should train ourselves

6、before running.us to train ourselves before running.5. He ' s unable to work out such a difficult problem.him to work out such a difficult problem.6. The girl gives her seat to people in need. She is very kind.the girlher seat to people in need.7. The old man donated lots of money and things to

7、the people in Ya' an. He was generous.the old man lots of money andthings to the people in Ya' an. He was generous.8. Tom doesn ' t forgive others for their mistakes. He is silly.Tom others for their mistakes.s silly of ; not to forgiveKeys: 1 It is; to finish 2 It is ; for me to 3 easy;

8、 get lost 4 It' s necessary for 5 It ' s impoifor 6 It ' s kind of ; to give 7 It was generous of ; to donate 8 It【达标检测】检测1:1 .很容易找到那家书店。2 .对于我们来说,用英语写日记是很有必要的。3 .在这些人面前做这件事是很重要的。4 .我们有必要采取行动来预防H7N9.5 .让老师和学生都很开心是我们的目标。6 .他需要我们的帮助吗?Does he ?7 .奶奶生病住院了。Grandma is .8 .医生正给他做手术。Doctors are

9、on him.9 .请尽快到达。Please arrive .10 . 一个男孩在事故中丧生。A boy in the accident.11 .我希望你很快会恢复健康。I hope that you can .12 .人多力量大。Many hands .13 .你能向我们施以援手吗?Can you 14 .在不久的将来,你会实现你的梦想的。You will .15 .我写信向他们寻求帮助。I ' m their help.Keys: 1 It ' s easy to find that bookshop.2 It is necessary for us to keep dia

10、ries in English.3 It is important to do this in front of these people.4 It is necessary for us to take action to prevent H7N9.5 It is our aim to keep/ make (both) teachers and students happy.6 need our help 7 ill in hospital8 doing an operation 9 as soon as possible10 lost his life11 get well again

11、soon 12 make light work 13 give us a helpinghand14 achieve/realize your dream in the near future 15 writing to ask for完形填空All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help people to keep 1 , happy and to live _ _ 2. People play different games in winter and summer. 3 is good for swimming. And in w

12、inter people often go skating. Some sports are very 4 and people everywhere like them. For example, football is very popular. In China, most people, men, 5 , boys and girls, like to watch football games. They often talk about them 6 and jumping began long, long ago. But basketball and volleyball are

13、 rather 7 . People began to play them not long ago. And people are 8 new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of 9.People 10 different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become friends.()1.A. healthB. busyC. healthyD. lazy()2.A. longB. longerC.happyD. happily()3.A. WinterB. SummerC. AutumnD. Spring()4.A. boringB. difficultC. expensiveD. interesting()5.A. womanB. womenC. oldD. y


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