6、全国39个省市地区的肿瘤患者前来求诊,2006年医院专门开通肿瘤专科网站,为全国各地肿瘤患者搭建远程会诊平台,并及时提供诊疗信息。在岳阳市中医院,张氏正骨五代传人继承和发扬了中医传统特色,将中医精髓与现代西医骨科技术相融合,疗效极为显著,已成为湖南省重点创建的特色传统专科之一。【我们中医院骨伤科特色,一是表现在它有50多年的传统,同时我们中医院又与西医结合得很好。】【我听说岳阳市中医院的张氏正骨术,它不动手术但是跟做手术差不多,所以我就来看看,到了这里之后呢,这里的医务人员对我还是很关心的,对我进行了张氏正骨术复位,现在已经一个多星期了,效果挺好的。】 岳阳市中医院享誉湘北地区的重点专科肛肠科
7、,20年专科团队的技术积累,拥有全市标准配置的专业肛肠病房,以及独家发明的多功能肛肠手术床,首创并成功实施肛肠无痛手术逾万例。湖南省唯一的国家级重点建设专科针灸推拿科和省级重点专科颈肩腰腿痛科,以倒悬牵引疗法、腰椎短杆微调手法、针灸推拿、药薰等特色医疗服务,为广大健康和亚健康人群精心打造健康俱乐部。【我们科室的特色和优势,一是我们人才队伍梯队结构合理,第二我们是多流派的手法治疗,结合我们针灸推拿和一些前沿新技术的应用。】 加强医学科研,提高医疗水平和质量是医院持续发展的关键。2008年岳阳市中医院在省内第一个承担起国家科技部十一五支撑计划项目,国家中医药管理局十一五重点专科课题。2009年,医
8、院公开发表专业论文96篇,其中国家核心期刊55篇,医学专著5部,医院科研水平得到了国家卫生部领导和行业专家的充分肯定。 弘扬人道主义精神,注重人本关怀,致力于为患者提供最优质贴心的服务是岳阳中医人孜孜以求的工作目标,为切实解决人民群众看病难看病贵的问题,医院定期开展送医送药和义诊活动,2008年医院为农民免费义诊达180余次,赠送药品价值近100万元。【全院护理人员牢固树立以顾客为中心的服务理念,以爱心、关心、细心、责任心真诚对待每一位顾客。】在经济社会迅速发展的今天,岳阳市中医院作为全省唯一的国家级治未病工作试点单位,采用国际领先技术的一滴血亚健康检测仪、EXA3000X光骨密度仪等一批高精
9、医疗设备,定期组织开展冬病夏治、冬令进补等大型传统中医治未病服务活动,使广大群众消除健康隐患,享受健康快乐,医院积极推进人性化服务,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益,赢得了上级领导和社会各界人士的高度赞扬。【为了促进中医药事业的发展,我们市里充分发挥市中医院的龙头作用,同时加强了内涵建设,包括治未病中心、针灸推拿科在全国都非常有影响,有地位。】 大爱春风暖人心,秒手仁心铸英魂,回首半个世纪历程,岳阳中医人用最诚挚的爱,谱写了人类生命中感人的篇章。我们相信岳阳市中医院这艘满载着爱心与奉献的航船,将不负岳阳人民的希望与重托,乘风破浪,驶向更加光辉灿烂的明天。歧黄之道源远流长,The road to
10、traditional Chinese medicine has a long history. 中医文化,博大精深,The culture of traditional Chinese medicine is profound.它是人类生命延续的曙光,It is the continuation of the human life 是华夏文明璀灿的奇葩。and the wonderful part of the splendid Chinese civilization.在岳州这片承载千年文明神奇热土上,On the magical land of Yueyang with thousand
11、 years of civilization,岳阳中医人用爱的誓言the Yueyang traditional Chinese medicals谱写着现代医学的辉煌篇章。have written brilliant chapters of modern medicine with love. 岳阳市中医院始建于1958年,Yueyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (YHTCM) was founded in 1958.半个多世纪的风雨兼程,Over the years since its foundation,岳阳中医人艰苦创业,薪火相
12、传,staff members of YHTCM, working diligently generation after generation,将医院建设成了湘北地区以中医中药have built a large-scaled comprehensive traditional Chinese medicine hospital为特色的大型综合性中医院,characterized by traditional Chinese medicine in northen Hunan,全国重点中医院,the national key traditional Chinese medicine hosp
13、ital,全国治未病工作试点单位the national pilot unit of curing future disease和医院信息化工作国家级示范单位。and the national demonstration unit of hospital information work.2005年,岳阳市中医院在市委、In 2005, with the sincere care of Yueyang Municipal Committee of the CPC,市人大、市政府、Yueyang Municipal Peoples Congress, Yueyang Municipal Gove
14、rnment,市政协和市卫生局领导的亲切关怀下,Yueyang Municipal CPPCC and Yueyang Bureau of Health,以启动沿湖风光带岳阳楼核心景区建设为发展契机,YHTCM, with the opportunity of developing the scenery belt along the Dongting Lake,整体搬迁至枫桥湖路中段,moved to Fengqiao Lake Road.在占地面积达5万平方米的土地上,On this land of 50,000 square meters,宏伟大气、宽敞明亮的岳阳市中医院门诊住院综合大楼
15、,spacious comprehensive outpatient and inpatient buildings have been built,以高标准设计与合理布局,with high standard design and rational distribution,彰显出浓郁的现代化气息。highlighting the rich modern atmosphere. 今天,岳阳市中医院正朝着创建Today, YHTCM is striding for creating三级甲等综合性中医院的目标迈进。a comprehensive Level-3 Grade-A hospital
16、of traditional Chinese medicine.近几年来,岳阳市中医院在以院长向明波为核心的领导班子带领下,In recent years, led by the leaders headed by Director Xiang Mingbo,不断创新发展, YHTCM keeps on innovation and development, 坚持兼容中西医精华,adheres to the compatibility of the essence of traditional Chinese with the western medicine,创造健康快乐的核心价值观,cre
17、ates healthy and happy core values,大力弘扬以人为本、关爱健康、vigorously promotes the people-oriented style with health care,中西并重、阳光医疗的院风,both Chinese and Western, and trustworthy hospital medical care,率先推出一站式人性化优质服务,initializes one-stop personalized service,为弘扬特色中医文化,so as to carry forward the culture of tradit
18、ional Chinese medicine, 着力将医院建设成为全省一流、and to build a provincial and municipal first-class全市第一的现代化综合性中医院,modern comprehensive traditional Chinese medicine hospital,探索出了一条成功发展之路。and explores a successful road to the development.【我们医院的核心价值观“Our hospitals core value is to create health and happiness就是兼容
19、中医精神,创造健康快乐,with both the Chinese and western spirit of medicine,就是坚持以顾客为中心的服务理念,that is to adhere the customer-centred service philosophy,坚持大医精诚的人才理念,the idea of a superb and honest talents,坚持完善医院的服务功能,to adhere the improvement of hospital services,病房宾馆化,so as to make the rooms hotel-like,信息网络化,服务人
20、性化, with network, good human services, 发展人本化,设施现代化。】people-oriented development and modern facilities.” 加强中医药文化传播Strengthening the cultural transmission of traditional Chinese medicine和技术推广and technology promotion是推动岳阳市中医院走向国际化市场的前提,is the base of promoting YHTCM to the international market.岳阳市中医院是我
21、省最早YHTCM is the first city-level hospital of traditional Chinese medicine对外中医文化交流to carry out international cultural exchanges并在国外设立机构的地市级中医院,and to establish organizations in foreign countries.在英国伦敦设立了首个中医门诊部,It has established the first medicine clinic in London.医院现有14人分别在美国、加拿大、日本、新西兰Now it has 1
22、4 doctors working in the United States, Canada, Japan and New Zealand传播中医药文化和技术,for cultural and technological dissemination in traditional Chinese medicine.1989年曾成功地为日本99名视网膜色素变性患者进行治疗。In 1989, it successfully treated 99 treated Japanese patients with retinitis pigmentosa.雄厚的技术力量,先进的医疗设备Strong tech
23、nical force and advanced medical equipment是岳阳市中医院得以快速发展的坚实基础,is the solid foundation of the rapid development of YHTCM.岳阳市中医院现在干部职工976人,Now the hospital has 976 staff members.专科、本科以上学历College and university levels academic and technical members 占学术技术人员总数的92.1%、71.2%,account for 92.1% and 71.2% of th
24、e total respectively,其中教授36人,副教授102人,of which there are 36 professors, 102 associate professors,博士研究生5人,硕士研究生85人,5 Ph.Ds, and 85 postgraduates.主任医师、副主任医师占医师总数的46.7%,Chief physician and associate chief physicians account for 46.7% of the total physicians,中级以上职称占专业技术人员总数的57.3%,instructor-level profess
25、ional and technical members account for 57.3%.医院设置有临床科室22个,功能科室8个,The hospital has 22 clinical departments and 8 function sections.是全省最早开设中医三级专科门诊的It is the first provincial level-3 Grade-A clinic地市级中医院,in the city-level traditional Chinese medicine domain.在肾病、It has a great wealth of clinical exper
26、ience in the treatment of kidney disease,胃病、gastric diseases,风湿病、rheumatism,血液病、blood diseases,心血管病、cardiovascular diseases,儿科病、pediatric diseases,妇科病、gynecological diseases,哮喘病、asthma,皮肤病、skin diseases,疑难杂症等治疗方面有着极为丰富的临床经验。 and other difficult diseases. 医院先后引进西门子螺旋CT、DR、CR、The hospital has introduc
27、ed the Siemens Spiral CT, DR, CR,1000ma数字化X光机、1000 ma digital X-ray machine,日立全自动生化仪、Hitachi automatic biochemical analyzer, 富士能胃肠镜、Fujitsu gastroscopy, 美国彩超、U.S. color doppler ultrasound,一滴血亚健康检测系统、one-drop-blood subhealth detective system,肿瘤放疗等一批高精尖医疗设备,cancer radiotherapy and other sophisticated
28、medical equipments.8台性能先进的专业救护车24小时待命,Eight advanced professional ambulances are ready应对突发性意外事故的医疗救援。to deal with sudden medical aid accidents in all 24 hours.多年来,医院的决策者们Over the years, the hospitals decision-makers认真探索出先进的人才管理模式,earnestly explore the advanced talent management,积极倡导创建学习型医院,and activ
29、ely promote a learning-based hospital.在全省医院管理年活动的周期性检查评比中,In the provincial hospitals periodic inspection and assessment activities,医院连续3年the hospital has been named the advanced provincial management被评为全省医院管理年目标管理先进单位,in the provicial hospital system consecutively for 3 years,是全省地级市中医院四家先进单位之一,one
30、of the four advanced units in the city-level traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.医院涌现出了一大批医术精湛的名医专家A group of experts in medicine, superb doctors and excellent medical workers和优秀医务工作者,have appeared from the hospital.湖南省知名老中医尚品洁Shang Pinjie, the well-known old traditional Chinese medicine doctor,
31、是岳阳市唯一享受国务院特殊津贴的中医专家,is the only doctor covered by the special allowance of the State Council.熊林波2008年被评为岳阳市首界十大名医,Xiong Linbo was named one of the ten eminent doctors in Yueyang City in 2008,陶志余、Tao Zhiyu,吴仁荣、Wu Renrong,张正元、Zhang Zhengyuan,冷祝强、Leng Zhuqiang,陈甲模、Chen Jiamu,邹国军等为岳阳市优秀专家,Zou Guojun we
32、re named outstanding experts of Yueyang City,田红艳被评为岳阳市首届十佳护士,and Tian Hongyan was named the first one of the best ten nurses of Yueyang City.在抗击非典战役中牺牲的王劲松同志During the battle against SARS, the sacrificed Wang Jinsong被评为全国抗击非典先进个人。was named one of the national advanced individuals for fighting agains
33、t SARS.以中医药文化为底蕴,Based on the traditional Chinese medicine,打造特色专科品牌,the creation of the special brand创建现代化综合中医院,and establishment of modern comprehensive clinic是岳阳中医人不懈的追求,is the consistent pursuit of staff members of YHTCM.国家天使工程项目岳阳市肿瘤中心,The National ProjectCancer Center of Yueyang City,湖南省重点建设专科肿
34、瘤科以中医药为主要特色的十大综合治疗技术的效果,one of the ten tumor centers specialized in traditional Chinese medicine, 吸引了全国39个省市地区的肿瘤患者前来求诊,has attracted cancer patients all over the country.2006年医院专门开通肿瘤专科网站,In 2006, it opened the cancer specialist hospital dedicated website for cancer patients,为全国各地肿瘤患者搭建远程会诊平台,estab
35、lishing a tele-consultation platform for cancer patients across the country,并及时提供诊疗信息。and timely providing treatment information.在岳阳市中医院,In YHTCM, the five generations of Zhangs bone-setting technology张氏正骨五代传人继承和发扬了中医传统特色,inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditions,将中医精髓与现代西医骨科技术相融合,blend the e
36、ssence of Chinese medicine and modern western orthopedic technology,疗效极为显著, with highly significant efficacy, 已成为湖南省重点创建的特色传统专科之一。which has become one of the key traditional specialties in Hunan Province.【我们中医院骨伤科特色,“One of the characteristics of our bone-setting section一是表现在它有50多年的传统,is reflected i
37、n its 50 years of tradition同时我们中医院又与西医结合得很好。】and the combination of traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine.”【我听说岳阳市中医院的张氏正骨术,I hear that Zhangs traumatology without operaton它不动手术但是跟做手术差不多,has similar effect as operation,所以我就来看看,so I was here to get my illness cured.到了这里之后呢, “After coming
38、 here, 这里的医务人员对我还是很关心的,I found the medical staff members here cared me very much.对我进行了张氏正骨术复位,They had Zhangs bone-setting recovery on me现在已经一个多星期了,效果挺好的。】and now it has quite good effect after about a weeks operation.”岳阳市中医院享誉湘北地区的重点专科肛肠科,The anus and intestine specialist, well-known in northern Hu
39、nan,20年专科团队的技术积累,with 20 years accumulation of technology by specialist team,拥有全市标准配置的专业肛肠病房,has owned standard rooms for patients of anus and intestine,以及独家发明的多功能肛肠手术床, and exclusive multi-functional operating bed invented by YHTCM,首创并成功实施肛肠无痛手术逾万例。and the first unit successfully curing patients of
40、 anus and intestine without pains.湖南省唯一的国家级重点建设专科针灸推拿科Acupuncture and massage section, the only national key construction specialty,和省级重点专科颈肩腰腿痛科,and neck, shoulder, waist and leg ache section,以倒悬牵引疗法、with the upside down traction therapy,腰椎短杆微调手法、the provincial key section has built a health club针灸
41、推拿、药薰lumbar fine techniques, acupuncture, massage, medicine 等特色医疗服务,and other medical services为广大健康和亚健康人群精心打造健康俱乐部。for the vast health and sub-health groups of people.【我们科室的特色和优势,“Features and advantages of our department一是我们人才队伍梯队结构合理,are our reasonable personnel structure第二我们是多流派的手法治疗,and multi-ge
42、nre approach of our treatment,结合我们针灸推拿和一些前沿新技术的应用。】blending acupuncture, massage and other most advanced new technologies.”加强医学科研,提高医疗水平和质量Strengthening medical research and improving the level and quality是医院持续发展的关键。is the key to sustainable development of our hospital. 2008年岳阳市中医院在省内第一个承担起In 2008,
43、our hospital was the first in Hunan Province 国家科技部十一五支撑计划项目,to undertake the Eleventh Five-Year Program supported by the Ministry of Science,国家中医药管理局十一五重点专科课题。the key specialty program of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.2009年,医院公开发表专业论文96篇,In 2009, the hospital published 96
44、professional papers,其中国家核心期刊55篇,医学专著5部,including 55 national core journals, 5 medical works.医院科研水平得到了国家卫生部领导The research ability was fully affirmed by the leaders of the State Ministry of Health和行业专家的充分肯定。and experts of the medicine industry.弘扬人道主义精神,Carrying forward the humanitarian spirit,注重人本关怀,f
45、ocusing on the care of people committed to caring for patients致力于为患者提供最优质贴心的服务是岳阳中医人孜孜以求的工作目标,with the best quality service is the consistent pursuit of the staff members of YHTCM.为切实解决人民群众看病难看病贵的问题,In order to solve the difficulty of expensive medical treatment problem,医院定期开展送医送药和义诊活动,the hospital
46、regularly had free treatment activities in the countryside.2008年医院为农民免费义诊达180余次,In 2008, the hospital had about 180 times of free treatment for farmers,赠送药品价值近100万元。donated medicine for about one million yuan.【全院护理人员牢固树立以顾客为中心的服务理念,“The hospital nursing staff members firmly establish customer-center
47、ed service philosophy,以爱心、关心、细心、责任心真诚对待每一位顾客。】treating every customer sincerely with love, care, consideration, and responsibility.”在经济社会迅速发展的今天,In todays society with rapid economic development,岳阳市中医院作为全省唯一的国家级治未病工作试点单位,as the only provincial hospital of national experimental unit of treating futur
48、e patients,采用国际领先技术的using the one-drop-blood sub-health inspection technology,一滴血亚健康检测仪、the internationally leading technology,EXA3000X光骨密度仪等一批高精医疗设备,EXA3000X ray bone absorptiometry and other high-precision medical equipments,定期组织开展冬病夏治、冬令进补等大型传统中医治未病服务活动,YHTCM regularly organizes preventive treatment activities使广大群众消除健康隐患,享受健康快乐,to get rid of the hidden source of illness and enjoy the happiness of a healthy body.医院积极推进人性化服务,The hospital act
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