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1、2018·高二·第1期阅读+七选五+完形+语法填空+短文改错阅读Passage 1阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Help you sleep betterOf the 20,000 people we surveyed for our recent sleep snapshot, just 12 per cent said they woke up feeling refreshed and 75 per cent said they had trouble falling asleep at least some of the t

2、ime. Since you're going to spend a third of your life sleeping, it's worth developing some healthy habits.It's important to set aside enough time to get adequate sleep each night. On average, adults need eight hours to feel properly rested. Some require slightly less while others require

3、 a little moreit's best to listen to your own body. Unless you have long sleep requirements, you should limit your time in bed to no more than 8.5 hours.Going to bed and getting up at about the same time each day is one of the best ways to set your internal body clock's sleep-wake

4、rhythm. Choose a wake-up time that works for you and aim to get up within 30 minutes of that time, seven days a week. According to sleep experts, you should avoid sleeping in, even if you have had a poor night's sleep. The extra sleep drive will help you sleep better the following night, an

5、d sleeping in late can actually disturb your body clock.Ease the process from wake-up time to sleep time by gently winding down with a period of relaxing activities an hour or so before bed. Keep away from blue screens, vigorous exercise, doing work or discussing emotional problems. Instead, try to

6、listen to music, read a book or take a bath. This can help you avoid stressful thoughts when your head hits the pillow.Your bedroom should be quiet, dark, comfortable and slightly cool. Avoid using computers, mobile phones or watching television in bed, and remove any physical reminders of work that

7、 might increase stressful thoughts. To strengthen the association your brain makes between being in bed and being asleep, limit your bedroom activities to sleep.1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?    A. The right amount of sleep.    B. The quality of

8、 sleep.    C. Different sleep requirements.    D. Good sleep habits.2. What do the underlined words “sleeping in” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?    A. Going to bed late.    B. Getting up late.    C. Ha

9、ving no sleep.    D. Having a poor sleep.3. Which of the following activities can make sleep difficult?    A. Exercising hard.    B. Enjoying music.    C. Doing some reading.    D. Taking a bath.4. Wh

10、at can we infer from the text?    A. Most people can sleep well at night.    B. The earlier you wake up, the better.    C. Stressful thoughts help you fall asleep.    D. A right sleep environment is helpful.Word Bank

11、0;  snapshot n.简要说明    internal adj.内部的,体内的答案速查    14 ABAD语篇解读    因为我们一生当中有三分之一的时间都在睡眠中度过,所以养成良好的睡眠习惯是非常有必要的。答案解析1. A    主旨大意题。根据第二段中的关键信息enough time, eight hours, 8.5 hours可知,本段主要谈论的是保证充足睡眠的合适的睡眠时间。故正确答案为A。2. B

12、0;   词义猜测题。根据后面的even if you have had a poor night's sleep可知,即使前一天晚上没睡好,你也应该避免睡懒觉。再结合sleeping in late can actually disturb your body clock可知,睡懒觉会扰乱你的生物钟。故正确答案为B。误解分析:有些同学可能会误选A,“晚睡”与“即使前一天晚上没睡好”在意思和逻辑上都不符合。3. A    细节理解题。根据第四段可知,为了尽快入睡,不要做剧烈运动、工作或讨论令人情绪激动的问题等,而应该

13、听音乐、读书或者冲个澡。故正确答案为A。4. D    推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,创造一个良好的睡眠环境是有帮助的。故正确答案为D。难句分析原文    Of the 20,000 people we surveyed for our recent sleep snapshot, just 12 per cent said they woke up feeling refreshed and 75 per cent said they had trouble falling asleep at least som

14、e of the time.译文    在我们为近期睡眠简要说明调查的两万人当中,只有12%的人说他们在醒来时感到神清气爽,75%的人说他们至少有些时候入睡很困难。分析    该句结构复杂,we surveyed for our recent sleep snapshot为定语从句,修饰先行词people,they woke up feeling refreshed为宾语从句,they had trouble falling asleep at least some of the time为另外一个宾语从句。Pas

15、sage 2阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Jules Verne is frequently called the “Father of Science Fiction”, and among all writers, only Agatha Christie's works have been translated most. Verne wrote a large number of plays, essays, books of non-fiction, and short stories, but he was best known for hi

16、s novels. Part travel journal, part adventure, part natural history, his novels including Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Journey to the Center of the Earth remain popular to this day.Born in 1828 in Nantes, France, it seemed certain that Jules Verne would study law. His father was a succe

17、ssful lawyer, and Verne went to a boarding school and later traveled to Paris where he earned his law degree in 1851.Throughout his childhood, however, he was drawn to the stories of adventures about sailing and ships shared by his first teacher and by the sailors who often went to the docks

18、60;in Nantes.While studying in Paris, Verne befriended the son of the well-known novelist Alexandre Dumas. Through that friendship, Verne was able to get his first play, The Broken Straws, produced at Dumas's theater in 1850. A year later, Verne found employment writing magazine articles that co

19、mbined his interest in travel, history, and science. One of his first stories, A Voyage in a Balloon(1851), combined the elements that would make his later novels so successful.Writing, however, was a difficult profession for earning a living. When Verne fell in love with Honorine de Viane Morel, he

20、 accepted a job arranged by her family. The steady income from the work allowed the couple to marry in 1857, and they had one child, Michel, four years later.Verne's literary career would truly take off in the 1860s when he was introduced to the publisher Pierre Jules Hetzel, a successful busine

21、ssman who had worked with some of the greatest writers of nineteenth-century France including Victor Hugo, George Sand, and Honoré de Balzac. When Hetzel read Verne's first novel, Five Weeks in a Balloon, Verne would get the break that finally allowed him to devote himself to writing. 

22、Hetzel launched a magazine, Magazine of Education and Recreation, which would publish Verne's novels serially. Once the final part ran in the magazine, the novels would be available in book form as part of a collection, Extraordinary Voyages. This endeavor occupied Verne for the r

23、est of his life, and by the time of his death in 1905, he had written fifty-four novels for the series.1. Jules Verne was most famous for his.    A. plays    B. books of non-fiction    C. short stories    D. novels2. Who

24、 helped Jules Verne produce his first play?    A. His father.    B. Alexandre Dumas.     C. His wife.    D. Hetzel.3. Jules Verne's writing career really became successful_.    A. in 1850

25、0;   B. in 1851    C. in 1857    D. in the 1860s4. We can learn from the last paragraph that Extraordinary Voyages is_.    A. a magazine    B. a novel    C. a series of books  

26、;  D. a sea voyageWord Bank    dock n.码头    launch v.发行,出版    serially adv.连载地答案速查    14 DBDC语篇解读    本文为一篇记叙文。文章介绍了著名小说家Jules Verne的生平及著名作品。答案解析1. D    细节理解题。由第一段第二句话“.bu

27、t he was best known for his novels.”可知答案。2. B    细节理解题。 由第三段前两句话可知,Jules Verne在巴黎学习期间,与著名小说家Alexandre Dumas的儿子成为朋友,通过这段友谊,他得以将自己的第一部剧本在Alexandre Dumas的剧院上演。3. D    细节理解题。由第五段第一句话 “Verne's literary career would truly take off in the 1860s.”可以看出,Jules Verne的

28、文学生涯是在19世纪60年代才开始真正成功的。4. C    推理判断题。由最后一段可知,Hetzel的杂志上刊登Jules Verne的连载小说,一旦最后一期出版,这些连载小说就会被印成书,这些书就会成为奇异的旅行的作品集的一部分。误解分析:本题容易误选B。误选的原因是不能正确理解文章内容。 难句分析原文    Throughout his childhood, however, he was drawn to the stories of adventures about sailing and sh

29、ips shared by his first teacher and by the sailors who often went to the docks in Nantes.译文    但是,在他的整个童年时期,他都被那些与航海和船只相关的冒险故事所吸引,这些故事是由他的第一位老师还有那些经常去南斯码头的水手们讲给他的。分析    throughout his childhood为介词短语作状语;shared为过去分词作定语;who引导了一个定语从句。Passage 3根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空

30、白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The world is a colorful landscape of different languages, skin colors, and different cultures.     1      One way to develop this appreciation is to try to learn about other cultures around the world.There are several ways to become knowledgeable abo

31、ut different cultures. One way is to read books written by authors from a particular culture. Reading works by authors from a particular culture allows people to gain an authenticglimpse into the food, music, language, religion and way of a life of a particular group of people.   

32、0; 2           3     A person can choose a language she has always wanted to learn. She can attend a foreign language class in order to learn in a more formal setting. Making contact with people who are native speakers of the language allows her to gain f

33、irst-hand knowledge of a particular culture as she struggles to learn the language. Seeking out restaurants that feature authentic food from a variety of countries is also a good way.     4     And it allows people to gain an insight into a part

34、icular cultural group's way of life.People who love to meet people in faraway areas of the world may not be able to travel in person, but they can always sign up for a pen pal.     5     Various websites offer pen pal services, offering to connect individuals with p

35、en friends located around the world. Corresponding with people from other countries through email or mail is another useful way to become familiar with different cultures.    A. Different countries have different cultures.    B. Food is an important part of di

36、fferent cultures.    C. You can interact with people who are language learners.    D. Another way to learn about different cultures is to try to learn a foreign language.    E. The Internet has made it possible for people to communicate wit

37、h others from different countries.    F. It's important to develop an appreciation of different cultures in order to become a well-rounded person.    G. For example, to learn about various tribes of Native Americans, you can read books like The Rough-Face

38、Girl by Rafe Martin.Word Bank    glimpse n.一瞥    feature v.以为特色    insight n.深刻见解; 洞察力答案速查    15 FGDBE语篇解读    本文为说明文。作者就怎样学习外国文化提出了四条建议。答案解析1. F    设空处后一句中的this appreciation是一个重要的线

39、索信息词。F项中也提到了appreciation,前呼后应,故选F。2. G    本段主要讲通过阅读某种文化的人写的书来学习这种文化。G项就前面的观点进一步举例说明,故选G。3. D    本段主要讲通过学习外国语言来学习文化,D项与本段内容表述一致,故选D。4. B    本段主要讲通过饮食学习文化,B项(饮食是不同文化的一个重要组成部分)符合语境,故选B。5. E    本段主要讲结交外国笔友也不失为一种学习外国文化的方式。许多网

40、站提供笔友服务。E项(网络使得不同国家的人的沟通成为可能)与本段内容紧密相关,故选E。难句分析原文    Seeking out restaurants that feature authentic food from a variety of countries is also a good way.译文    找到那些以提供各国地道食品为特色的饭店也是一种好的方法。分析    本句为复合句。that引导定语从句,修饰restaurants。答案还原The world is

41、 a colorful landscape of different languages, skin colors, and different cultures. 1 It's important to develop an appreciation of different cultures in order to become a well-rounded person. One way to develop this appreciation is to try to learn about other cultures around the world.T

42、here are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures. One way is to read books written by authors from a particular culture. Reading works by authors from a particular culture allows people to gain an authentic glimpse into the food, music, language, religion and way of a life of a

43、 particular group of people. 2 For example, to learn about various tribes of Native Americans, you can read books like The Rough-Face Girl by Rafe Martin.3 Another way to learn about different cultures is to try to learn a foreign language. A person can choose a language she has always wan

44、ted to learn. She can attend a foreign language class in order to learn in a more formal setting. Making contact with people who are native speakers of the language allows her to gain first-hand knowledge of a particular culture as she struggles to learn the language. Seeking out restaurants th

45、at feature authentic food from a variety of countries is also a good way. 4 Food is an important part of different cultures. And it allows people to gain an insight into a particular cultural group's way of life.People who love to meet people in faraway areas of the world may not be ab

46、le to travel in person, but they can always sign up for a pen pal. 5 The Internet has made it possible for people to communicate with others from different countries. Various websites offer pen pal services, offering to connect individuals with pen friends located around the world. Corresp

47、onding with people from other countries through email or mail is another useful way to become familiar with different cultures.   Passage 4阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was not until that day that I knew what life really meant. It was a sunny morning. My class went on a sp

48、ring trip. After a(n)   1   walk through the small villages and wheat fields, we got to our destination at the foot of a mountain.Having had a short    2    , we began to climb the mountain, which was    3    by several

49、small hills. My classmates were climbing in small groups, but I thought that would    4    too much time, so I tried my best to run    5    .The howling wind was    6    by my ears. I had no time to appreciate the&#

50、160;   7    scenery, nor did I pay much    8    to the stones under my feet or the heavy bag on my back. The only thought in my mind was to    9    .The top of the mountain seemed    10    one step further

51、 away and my classmates were still    11    halfway down the mountain. So I found a big stone to sit on and looked around. I was so proud.Time was    12    eating up all my strength. I didnt want to get up and start off again    13 

52、60;  my classmates passed me quickly, and I had no    14    to climb on and wanted to give up. Just at that    15    ,my teacher Miss Li appeared in front of my eyes.“    16    .”She held my hand. I felt she was passing&

53、#160;   17    to me and with her help I finally got to the top.    18    there and thinking about life, I sighed. Is life not just like climbing?    19    for most of us, keeping a(n)    20   mind after succeed

54、ing is much more difficult than success itself. I could not help smiling as I knew what it was like to climb.1. A.happy    B.long    C.exciting    D.tiring 2. A.wait    B.relax    C.stay 

55、60;  D.rest3. A.turned    B.surrounded    C.helped    D.set4. A.take    B.spend    C.waste    D.kill 5. A.away    B.out    C.

56、ahead    D.behind 6. A.walking    B.passing    C.blowing    D.running 7. A.beautiful    B.cultural    C.ancient    D.creative 8. A.attention 

57、;   B.art    C.beauty    D.money9. A.get    B.carry    C.win    D.struggle 10. A.ever    B.once    C.finally    D.only11

58、. A.speeding    B.dragging      C.moving    D.watering 12. A.lightly    B.slowly      C.suddenly    D.simply 13. A.unless    B.when 

59、60;  C.since    D.before14. A.experience    B.adventure      C.confidence    D.determination 15. A.moment    B.service      C.work    D

60、.period 16. A.Go on    B.Get on      C.Keep on    D. confidence17. A.hand    B.prize    C.energy    D.action 18. A.Standing    B.Stopping &#

61、160;    C.Sleeping    D.Sitting 19. A.So    B.Or    C.And    D.But20. A.honest    B.clear    C.wise    D.cleanWord Bank   

62、60;destination n.目的地;终点    howling adj.怒号的答案速查    15 ADBCC    610 BAACD1115 CBBCA    1620 DCADB语篇解读    本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲述了作者通过登山悟出了一个道理:生活就像登山一样,成功之后保持清醒的头脑远比成功本身更艰难。答案解析1. A    根据语

63、境可知,开始登山前的旅途是“快乐”的,故选A。2. D    rest意为“休息”,符合语境。3. B    be surrounded by意为“被环绕着”,文中是指作者要爬的那座山由一些小山环绕着。4. C    由上下文可知,这里是指“我认为小组一起登山很浪费时间”,所以答案选C。5. C    根据语境可知,作者跑在前面。6. B    pass by意为“经过”,此处表示“呼啸的风从我的

64、耳旁吹过”,由此可推断出答案为B。7. A    此处表示“我无暇欣赏美丽的风景”。8. A    词组pay attention to意为“注意”。9. C    在登山过程中作者唯一想到的就是赢,故选C。10. D    此处表示“离山顶似乎只有一步之遥”,而ever,once,finally都不符合语境。11. C    move意为“移动”,符合语境。12. B  &#

65、160; 句意为“时间慢慢地消耗着我所有的力量。”,所以选B。13. B    when是连词,意为“当的时候”,符合语境,故选B。14. C    我没有信心继续爬,故选C。15. A    at that moment意为“在那时”。句意:就在那时,我的老师李老师出现在我眼前。16. D    老师鼓励我,给我加油,让我坚持下去,所以选D。17. C    energy意为“力量”,

66、根据语境可知,老师给了我力量,故选C。18. A    stand意为“站”,此处指作者站在山顶。19. D    从上下文的逻辑关系来看,该空表示转折关系,故选D。20. B    此处表示“成功后保持清醒的头脑远比成功本身更艰难”。所以答案选B。难句分析原文    I could not help smiling as I knew what it was like to climb.译文   

67、0;因为我知道攀登是什么样的,所以我忍不住笑了。分析    这是一个含有状语从句和宾语从句的复合句。as引导原因状语从句,what引导宾语从句。答案还原It was not until that day that I knew what life really meant. It was a sunny morning. My class went on a spring trip. After a(n) 1 happy walk through the small villages and wheat fields, we got

68、to our destination at the foot of a mountain.Having had a short 2 rest , we began to climb the mountain, which was 3 surrounded by several small hills. My classmates were climbing in small groups, but I thought that would 4 waste too much time, so I tried my best to run

69、 5 ahead.The howling wind was 6 passing by my ears. I had no time to appreciate the 7 beautiful scenery, nor did I pay much 8 attention to the stones under my feet or the heavy bag on my back. The only thought in my mind was to 9 win.The top of the mountain se

70、emed 10 only one step further away and my classmates were still 11 moving halfway down the mountain. So I found a big stone to sit on and looked around. I was so proud.Time was 12 slowly eating up all my strength. I didnt want to get up and start off again 13 when&

71、#160;my classmates passed me quickly, and I had no 14 confidenceto climb on and wanted to give up. Just at that 15 moment ,my teacher Miss Li appeared in front of my eyes.“16 confidence.”She held my hand. I felt she was passing 17 energy to me and with her help I finally got

72、 to the top.18 Standing there and thinking about life, I sighed. Is life not just like climbing?19 But for most of us, keeping a(n) 20 clear mind after succeeding is much more difficult than success itself. I could not help smiling as I knew what it was like to climb.Passage 5阅读下

73、面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。As a crowded airliner is about to take off, the peace is broken by a 5-year-old boy. Whatever his upset, embarrassed mother does    1    (try)to calm him down, the boy continues to scream angrily and kick the seats around him.Suddenly, from the back of the plane,    2    elderly man in the uniform of an air-force general    3    (see)slowly walking forward up the aisle.    4    (stop)the mother with an upraised hand, the grey-haired general leans down


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