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1、Teaching Objectives:Students will be able to:1. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2. Understand the basic elements of a narrative essay;3. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the textrhetorical inversion, emphatic pattern, relative clause;4. Conduct a series of r

2、eading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;Pre-reading Task1.How did you feel when you left your hometown for the university?2.Do you miss your friends in high school? Can you tell the class some joyful and happy moments you spent together?3.In your opinion,

3、how can one conquer sadness in ones life?I. Group work: Discuss the following questions :I. Structural analysis of the textDiscuss the following questions:1) What type of writing is this essay, a piece of narration, argumentation, description or explanation? 2)Try to locate the context of the essay.

4、 That is, when, where, and what happened, and who is involved?3) How are the events of the essay arranged?4) In what point of view is the story told?5) What is the purpose of this essay?While-reading tasks1) What type of writing is this essay, a piece of narration, argumentation, description or expl

5、anation? This is a narrative essay.2)Try to locate the context of the essay. That is, when, where, and what happened, and who is involved? Time: When the author was between 10 to 12 years old Where: In the authors big old house What: The author was to leave his big old house. His grandfather told hi

6、m never say goodbye. Who: The author, his grandfather3) How are the events of the essay arranged? They are related in a chronological order with a flashback in the middle part, i.e. paragraphs 10 and 12.4) In what point of view is the story told? The story is told in the first person. 5) What is the

7、 purpose of this essay? The author wants to tell us that we should never give in to sadness, that we should be firm and strong-willed, and that we should always remember the joyful and happy events of life as well as our cherished friendship.II. Ss discuss the organization of the textThis text is a

8、narrative writing. It can be roughly divided into three parts. Part I (paragraphs 1-4): The author brings up the problem he was confronted with: he found it hard to overcome the sadness as the moment of parting drew near. So he turned to his grandfather for help. Part II (Paragraphs 5 -13 ): The aut

9、hors grandpa, by narrating his sad experience of the loss of his eldest son during the war, illustrates how one can overcome the sad feeling resulting from the loss of someone dear to him by recalling not the moment of parting but the happy times spent together.Part III (Paragraphs 14 -20): By the w

10、ay he behaved when confronted with another sad moment - the loss of his grandpa., the author shows us that he came to understand what his grandpa had taught him.Detailed Reading Part One (Paragraphs 1-4) I. Ss discuss the following questions: 1) Why was the author seized with the anguish of moving f

11、rom his home? 2) What do you know about the authors home mentioned in the beginning? 3) Can you find out the words and phrases that imply the authors sadness and even pain on the day he had to move from the old house? 4) Why did his grandfather advise him not to use the word goodbye to friends? 5) W

12、hat do you know about the authors grandfather?II. Language Work for part 1:1. confront v. be faced with and have to deal with They have confronted the problem of terrorism with great determination. The actress was confronted by a large group of reporters as she left the stage door. When the police c

13、onfronted her with the evidence, she confessed she was guilty. Collocation: confront difficulties (勇敢地)面对困难 be confronted with/by difficulties 面临,遇到困难 confront sb. with 使(某人)面临,面对;使(某人)与(某人)对质 confrontation n. confrontational adj.2. anguish: very great pain and suffering, esp. of the mind She was in

14、 anguish over her missing child. The news story told of the mothers anguish at the death of her daughter3. touched with the laughter and tears of four generations: touched with the happiness and bitterness of four generations be touched with have a certain amount of a quality. Her hair is touched wi

15、th grey. The boy is touched with genius. In this sentence, however, the phrase is not exactly used in this meaning. It implies that . the house which had seen/witnessed the joys and sorrows of the four generations of my family.4. haven: a place of calm and safety 安全的地方,憩息处,港 The school library is a

16、little haven of peace and quiet. The river bank is a haven for wild life.5. alone : without or separated from others; only( after noun) The house stands alone on the hill. You alone can do it.(= You are the only person who can do it)Usage:Compare alone, solitary, lone, lonely, lonesome, forlorn and

17、desolate6shudder: shake uncontrollably for a moment, esp. from fear, cold, or dislike She shuddered at the sight of the dead body. I shudder to think how big the bill will be. Distinguish “shudder” and “shake”: Both words refer to agitated movements that are quick, slight, or intense and are often i

18、nvoluntary expressions of strain of discomfort. Shake, both transitive and intransitive, designates something that is done to as well as by a person or object, while shudder suggests horror, revulsion, or extreme pleasure as possible causes for the involuntary movement that is less noticeable to an

19、onlooker 7Suddenly I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. 1) feel + objective + infinitive (without to)” I feel something touch my foot. Suddenly we felt the atmosphere grow tense. Other similar words like: hear, listen to, let, have, make, see, watch, notice, observe and help.(一感, 二听,三让,四看,半帮助), Nobody

20、 noticed the old beggar put something into his pocket stealthily. Dont forget to have him come. Note: In the pattern feel + object + verb, if feel refers to believe or think instead of perceive, the verb should be used in an infinitive form with to. 2) after verbs of perception (e.g. see, hear, feel

21、), -ing form can also be used in the pattern: verb + object + -ing form. But there is a difference in meaning when such a sentence contains a zero infinitive rather than an -ing form. e.g. I heard Joanna singing. (= She had started before I heard her, and probably went on afterwards.) I heard Joanna

22、 sing. (= I heard her complete performance.) The infinitive refers to a complete action, but the -ing form refers to an incomplete action, or part of an action.3) have . do, have . doing, or have . done. have . do and have . doing both mean persuade/order . to do. But the use of doing implies that s

23、omeone keeps somebody or something doing something all the time or for a long time, or indicates an incomplete action. e.g. The boss had his workers working all day long. The boss had his workers work 14 hours a day. “have., done” means let someone else do something or suffer something that someone

24、else does to you. e.g. She had her car stolen (= it was stolen) last week.Ss do Grammar Ex. II.at p88. well: v. (of liquid) flow or start to flow Blood welled (out) from the cut. She was so moved that tears welled (up, forth, out) in her eyes. adj. adv. interj. n. Shes been ill a lot recently but sh

25、es looking very well now. The party went well(= was very successful). Well, really, what a stupid thing to do! 啊,确实,这事办得多蠢。 to dig/sink a well 9. rest on/upon: (1) lean on; to be supported by The bridge rests on stone arches. The girls head rested on her hands. (2) (esp. of a proof, argument, etc. )

26、 be based on; be grounded on; depend on Your argument rests on a statement that cant be proved. We have tried everything; now it all rests on him. Collocation: rest up rest with10. stare: (1) look steadily for a long time, e.g. in great surprise or shock He sat staring into space, thinking deeply. S

27、he stared at the letter in disbelief. (2) be very plain to see; to be obvious The lies in the report stared out at us from every paragraph. stare off: stare away; to move ones eyes from a point nearby to a farther place and fix them on it or look at it steadily11. in common: having the same interest

28、s, attitudes, etc. The boy and the girl have much in common in personality. In common with most of young people he hates getting up in the morning. out of the common: unusual Part Two (Paragraphs 5-13) Discuss the following questions: 1 ) Why did the authors grandfather take him to see the rosebush

29、in the front yard? 2) Why, to Grandfather, were the roses so beautiful? What did grandfather mean to say?Section 1(para 5-9)Language Work for Section 1 part 2:12. look into: investigate; examine the meaning or cause of The police have received some complaints; now they are looking into them. This is

30、 a report that looks into the causes of unemployment. look out14.hand in hand: (l) holding each others hand The elderly couple are walking homeward hand in hand. The heads of states are standing hand in hand, posing for a picture. (2) happening together and closely connected Dirt and disease go hand

31、 in hand. Theory and practice must go hand in hand.Cf.: shoulder to shoulder neck and neck eyeball to eyeball from mouth to mouth heart to heart 15. conspicuously: in a way that is noticeable or easily seen; in an attractive manner The magazine contains conspicuously attractive advertisements. The p

32、osters on the walls around are conspicuously eye-catching. Shes always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style.16. I looked at the flower, not knowing what to say, ing-clauses used as adverbial indicating attending circumstances. Can you find other similar sentences in the tex

33、t? In Para. 2: I sat alone, shuddering, as tears welled up from my heart, “ It isnt easy, is it, Billy?” he said softly, sitting down on the steps beside me. In para. 9: Kneeling, he pulled me close. Other examples: Mr. Smith was watering the garden, singing, as the doorbell rang. Ss make sentences

34、using ing-clauses to indicate attending circumstancesDiscuss the following questions: 1 ) What did the rosebush mean to the authors grandfather? 2)What does “ a great evil” in paragraph 12 refer to? 3) How did Grandfather respond to his sons death? 4) What kind of advice did the authors grandfather

35、offer in Paragraph 13?Section 2(paras. 10-13) Part Two (Paragraphs 5-13) Language Work for Section 2 Part 218. hoarse: (of a voice) rough-sounding, as though the surface of the throat is rougher than usual, e.g. when the speaker has a sore throat My voice has become hoarse since I began to have a so

36、re throat. When the football match was going on, we cheered for our team and we shouted and shouted until our voices went hoarse.20. give in to: give way; surrender; allow oneself to be beatenThe two boys fought until one gave in to the other.Dont give in to their demands, which know no bounds.The a

37、uthorities showed no signs of giving in to the kidnappers demands. give up: to stop having or doing something; admit defeat; stop believing that someone can be saved, esp. from death. He had to give up his studies through lack of money. The doctors had given her up but she made a remarkable recovery

38、. 21. lock it away within you: fasten it firmly in your mind; imprint it on your mind; bear it in your mind and never forget it lock away: lock up; put in a safe place and fasten the lock She had locked her money away before she went away on holiday, but when she returned home, she found that all he

39、r money was gone.22 . in that place in your heart where summer is an always time.: . in that place in your heart where there is always sunlight and warmth. / . in that place in your heart which is always filled with joy and happiness. What does the word “summer” mean here? It is figuratively used to

40、 mean “happiness”. where summer is an always time is metaphorical. And the word always, which is always an adverb, is used as an adjective here , meaning “everlasting”. 22. part: (to cause to) separate or be no longer together I hope that we part as friends ( = remain friends as we part). The war pa

41、rted many men from their families. (part from sb.) He hates to part with his money. (part with sth.)23. I want you to reach deep within you and bring back that first hello: I want you to get to the bottom of your heart and recall that first hello. / I want you to think deeply and recall the friendly

42、 occasions on which you met your friends and said hello to them for the first time.24. bring back: (1) cause to return All library books must be brought back before the end of the term. If I go with you in your car, will you be able to bring me back? He brought some beautiful carpets back from Iran.

43、 (2) cause to return to the mind Hearing the song brings back some happy memories. Seeing her again brought all sweet memories back.1 ) Why did the authors grandfather want his bed to be next to the window? 2 ) What do you think of the parting between the author and his grandfather?3) What do you th

44、ink the authors grandfather smiled at him during his last few minutes of life?4) What is the significance of the last sentence of para.20 to the whole text?Discuss the following questions:Part Three (Paragraphs 14-20)Language Work for Part 3 26. when it came to my turn: when it was my turn to say go

45、odbye e.g. When it comes to your turn, do your best. When it came to his turn, he stood up and declared against the proposal.27. note: ( 1 ) notice and remember; observe Note the way this writer uses the present tense for dramatic effect. Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days. (2) r

46、emark; call attention to The report notes with approval the governments efforts to resolve this problem. Word-building:notable adj. deserving to be noticed or given attention; important or excellent; outstanding ; notable events重要事件 a notable improvement 显著改进 noted adj. well known, esp. because of a

47、 special quality or ability. a noted authority on American history a town noted for its cheeses notice v. to pay attention (to) with the eyes, other senses, or mind; observe noticeable adj. worth noticing or easily noticed; significant A noticeable drop in the amount of crime. The damage to my car i

48、s hardly noticeable.28. breathe: (1) take air, gas, etc. into the lungs and send it out again The doctor told me to breathe in deeply and then to breathe out slowly. I will remember the day as long as I breathe. (2) whisper; say softly He breathed words of love into her ear. She breathed a sigh of r

49、elief when she heard that she had passed the exam.After Reading TasksI. Ss discuss what the message the text conveys? The text conveys the message that we should never give in to bitterness or sadness, that we should always be firm and strong-willed, and that we should always remember the joyful and

50、 happy events of life as well as our cherished friendship.II. Stylistic Features of the text1. What are features of a narrative essay? A narrative essay is to give an account of an event or a series of events. In its broadest sense, narrative writing includes stories, real or imaginary, biographies,

51、 histories, news items, and narrative poems. When planning a narrative, the writer should consider these five aspects: context, selection of details, organization, point of view, and purpose.Context: When, where, and to whom the action in a narrative happened is often made clear at the beginning of

52、the narrative. This will provide the reader with a context, or circumstance, to help him understand the whole narrative. Selection of detailsA narrative is made up details. There should be enough details so that the reader knows what is happening. Only relevant details, or things that contribute to

53、bringing out the main ideas of the narrative, are useful and effective. When selecting details, therefore, the writer should bear in mind his purpose in writing the narrative. OrganizationEvents in narrative are usually related in chronological order, that is, in the order in which they occur. But i

54、t is also possible, and sometimes preferable, to start from the middle or even the end of the story with the event that is most important or most likely to arouse the readers interest, and then go back to the beginning by using flashbacks.A narrative generally has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

55、The setting may be given in the beginning. The middle (the body) tells the story itself. when the story is clearly told, the narrative comes to a natural end.Point of view A story can be told either in the first person or in the third person, each having its advantages and disadvantages. A first per

56、son narrative may be more graphic and lifelike, because it gives the reader the impression that it is what the writer himself has seen or experienced. But the scope of the narrative may be limited, for it is difficult to recount events that happen in different places at the same time. A third-person

57、 narrative is free from this limitation, and it may seem more objective, but it is not easy to put in good order things that happen to different people in different places.Purpose There must be a purpose in telling a story. The writer may want to prove a theory, to illustrate a concept, to praise a

58、virtue, to condemn a vice, etc. he should make sure that the total effect of his narrative, or the final impression it leaves on the reader, is in agreement with his purpose. To achieve this, he has to choose detail and design the plot of his story carefully. II. About the exercises in the Ss Book.T

59、ext Comprehension: Exercise IV. 1.Our big house was touched with the laughter and tears of four generations. Our big old house was closely related with the joys and sorrows of four generations.2. I planted these roses a long, long time ago before your mother was even a dream. I planted these roses a

60、 long, long time ago before your mother was born.3. Many sons went away to fight a great evil. Many sons left home to fight against the Fascist Nazi. Take that special hello and lock it away within you. Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart.2. Both answer and reply c


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