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1、2020 中考英语被动语态专题学习(含习题和答案)1 / 6被动语态英语中只有两种语态,一种为 主动语态,另外一种为被动语态主动语态被动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,谓语的动作源自主表示主语是动作的承受者,主语是谓语动作的受动方1语,而施加于宾语汉语往往用”把等动词来表示 主动意义。汉语往往用被受等被动词来表示 被动意义。直接使用动词原形作为谓语基本形式:be + done(在英语里,过去分词往往表示被动与完成。 )了解基本结构变化规则时态主动语态被动语态例句般现在时v / vs / vesbe ( am / is / are) + doneKites is flow n by him. 风筝被

2、他放一般过去时vedwas /were + doneI was in vited to the meet ing last ni ght. 我做完被邀请出席会议2020 中考英语被动语态专题学习(含习题和答案)2 / 6现在进行时be doingbe being doneA new railway is being built. 一条新铁路正在修建。过去进行时was/were doingwas/ were being doneThe car was being repaired at that time.那时候这台车正在被修。般将来时will dowill be doneCars will b

3、e sent abroad by sea.be going to dobe going to be doneThe room is going to be clea ned.房间将被打扫。现在完成时has / have donehas/ have bee n doneHis book has bee n brought here.过去完成时had donehad bee n doneA new hotel had been built when 1 got there.我到那儿时,一座新旅馆已经建好了。过去将来时would dowould be doneHe said a new hotelw

4、ould be builtintwo mon ths.情态动词情态动词+动词原形情态动词+be doneA great many letters can be written with thecomputer by him.主动语态与被动语态的互换2020 中考英语被动语态专题学习(含习题和答案)3 / 6A 将主动语态改为被动语态应注意以下三个方面:1将主动语态的宾语改为被动语态的主语;2将主动语态的谓语动词改为be + done ”结构;3将主动语态的主语改为介词by 之后的宾语,放在谓语动词之后(有时可省略)Eg : He cleans the room.TThe room is cle

5、aned by him.B 含直接宾语和间接宾语的主动语态改为被动语态时有两种情况:1把间接宾语改为被动语态的主语,直接宾语仍保留原位;2把直接宾语改为主动语态的主语,此时,间接宾语前要加介词to 或 for。Eg:He gave the boy an apple .TThe boy was give n an apple .TAn apple was give n to the boyEg:Her father bought her a prese ntTShe was bought a prese nt by her father.T Apresent was bought for her

6、 by her father.)C 不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语的主动语态,改为被动语态时不定式前要加to :Eg: They watched the children sing that morningTThe childre n were watched to si ng that morni ngD 带复合宾语的动词在改为被动语态时,一般把主动语态的宾语改为主语,宾语补足语在被动语态中作主语补足语。Eg: We call him Lee Si ngTHe is called Lee Si ngHe cut his hair short .THis hair was cut sho

7、rt .They told him to help me .THe was told to help me .E短语动词是不可分割的整体,改为被动语态时要保持其完整性,介词或副词不可遗漏。Eg: We must take good care of the young trees.TThe young trees must be take n good care of.F 含有宾语从句的主动结构变为被动结构时,通常用it 作为被动结构的先行主语,从句放在句子后面;也可采用另一种形式。可以这样转换为被动结构的动词有know , say , believe ,find , think , repor

8、t 等。Eg: People believe that he is illTIt is believed that he is illTHe is believed to be ill2020 中考英语被动语态专题学习(含习题和答案)4 / 6【中考链接】(2019.广东)It is said that one Greater Bay Area uni versity_ in Guan gdo ng in the future.A. will be builtB. buildC. will buildD. is build(2018.广东)Many shops in China_ to shu

9、t dow n as a new law aga inst ivory (象牙)trade came into effect onJanuary 1st,2018.A . ordered B . did nt orderC. were orderedD. were nt ordered(2017.广东)The waiter told me that free park ing_for the hotel guests.A. provides B. provided C. will be provided D. was provided(2016.广东)He Jing_ To give a sp

10、eech at the graduati on ceremony at Harvard Uni versity last month.A. i nvitesB. i nvitedC. is in vitedD. was in vited(2015.广东)Have you heard of the song Little Apple?Yes. It_every morning whe n aged people do square dancing dow nstairs.【中考考纲语态练习】()1. Don t make so much noWfe_ to the music.A. liste

11、nedB. liste nC. are liste ning()2.I must retur n the camera to Li Lei. I_ it for two weeks.A. keepB. borrowedC. have kept()3. -When will you tell him the good news?-I will tell him about it as soon as heback.A. comesB. cameC. will comeD. is coming()4. -Dad, please open the door, it_ .- OK, dear. I m

12、 coming.A. locksB. lockedC. is lockedD. was locked()5. - Did you go to Jim s birthday party?-No, I_ .A. am not invited B. wasn t invited C. haven t invitedD. didn t invite ()6. A talk on Chin ese historyin theschool hall n ext week.A. be give nB. has bee n give n C. will be give n D. will give()7. Y

13、ou may go fish ing if your work_ .A. is doneB. will be done C. has doneD. have done()8. -What do you think of the football match yesterday?-Well. It s surprising. The strongest team of our school_ .A. was beate nB. wonC. scoredD. was failed()9. The trees must_ three times a week.A. waterB. is wateri

14、 ngC. be wateredD. waters()10. -Why not go to see the dolphin show with me?-Because Iit.A. is played(2015.广东)A. died(2014.广东)A. will find(2013.广东)B. playsC. was playedD. playedLei Feng_for many years, but his spirit is still en couragi ng us.B. has diedC. was deadD. has bee n deadAlthough Flight MH3

15、70 has bee n miss ing for mon ths, I do believe it _ some day in the future.B. wont findC. will be fou ndD. wont be foundItA. reportslast week that the haze(雾霾)in Beijing caused many problems.B. reportedC. is reportedD. wasreporteD. have liste nedD. have lent2020 中考英语被动语态专题学习(含习题和答案)5 / 6()11. -Do y

16、ou like watching cooking programs on TV?A. sawB. will seeC. seeD.have2020 中考英语被动语态专题学习(含习题和答案)6 / 6-No, I don t, but my twin brother _A. doesB. doC. is.Hes very fond of cooking.D. are()12. The old man is quite weak after the accide nt, so he_ .A. must take care ofB. must be take care ofC. must look

17、afterD. must be looked after)13. The ticket is on the floor. Would you please_ for me?A. pick it upB. pick up itC. pick up them)14. He_ livi ng in the country to the city.A. likesB. prefersC. enjoys)15. How long have you_ the book?A. boughtB. le ntC. had)16. -Do you know him well ? -Sure. WeA. wereB

18、. have bee nD. pick them upD. lovesD. borrowed friend sinceten years ago.C. have become D. have made)17._ me carefully, boys and girls. Can youA. Liste n to; hear B. Hear; liste n to C. Hear; hear D. Liste n to; hear from )18. -Thesefarmers have been to the United States.there?me?(-Really? Whe nA. w

19、ill they goB. did they goC. do they goD. have they gone)19. -Where is Miss Gao. Lily?-Sheto the teachers.A. has bee nB. has gone)20. When her father came back home, Joa nA. talkedB. talks)21. - What s that thing with three legs?-It s a cup. It_ for drinking in the old days.A. usesB. usedC. is used)2

20、2. His uncle_ in three days.A. retur nsB. has retur nedC. retur ned)23. - Hi, Lin Tao. I didn t see you at the party.-Oh, I_ready for the maths exam.B. was getti ngC. gotD. have gotA. am gett ing(C. wentD. would go_ with her friend.C. is talk ingD. was talk ingD. was usedD. will return)24. -Excuse m

21、e. What did you say you would like to do, Miss White?-I said I d better go back to the office. I_someth ing this after noon.A. would meetB. meetC. am going to meet D. was meeti ngthe forest in our country in the last ten years.)25. What)26.)27.A. has happened do B. is happened to C. has happened at

22、D. is happening -What didMr Jones do before he moved here?-Hea city bus for over twen ty-five years.A. is drivi ngB. droveC. has drive n-When_ you_your homework?-I had fini shed it before heback.D. drivesA. have; fini shed; cameC. did; fini sh; came()28. Look! The boysA. swimB. have; fini shed; was

23、comingD. did; fini sh; was coming happily in theriver.B. swamC. will swimD. are swimmi ng)29. Every spri ng, many trees_along the river.A. were pla ntedB. is pla ntedC. will be pla nted)30. The letter_in French. I can t read it.A. is writ ingB. is writtenC. wrote)31. If Mary_ n ext Sun day, we will

24、go boati ng together.D. are pla ntedD. writes2020 中考英语被动语态专题学习(含习题和答案)7 / 62020 中考英语被动语态专题学习(含习题和答案)8 / 6A. will comeB. comesC. shall comeD. should come()32. We expected that the En glish teacher_ some advice on how to write an En glish letter.A. will giveB. gaveC. is going to give D. would give()33. So far I_any success. However, Ill keep trying.A. dont have B. didnt have C. havent had D. wont have()34.1 ofte n see Tom_ homework while I am watch ing TV every evening


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