



1、Unit 1 Attitude is EverythingThe content of my lesson is 21st Century Practical College English students Book3 Unit 1 Attitude is everything. I ll be ready to begin with four parts. That is analysis of the teaching material, the teaching objectives, the teaching methods, key points and difficult poi

2、nts of the lesson and the teaching procedure. First, let me talk about the teaching material.Part 1 Teaching Material:With the aim to improve students integral language competence, 21st century Practical College English is compulsory course for college students in preschool educational department. E

3、ach unit is arranged to compass comprehensive language points, including vocabulary, sentencestructure, text structure analysis, and reading and writing skills. In addition, the book contains more oral and practical expressions than many other textbooks. As for this unit, it is about attitude It inc

4、ludes exercises and tasks that enable students to think about how to use positive attitude to solve problems that they meet in their studies and daily lives. After studying the teaching material, the teaching objectives are the followings: Part 2 Teaching objectives1. Knowledge objectives:a) The Ss

5、can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns;b) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson;c) The Ss can master the basic language and skills to use attitude words and phrases.2. Ability objectives:(a) To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking and reading.(b) To develop the Ss ab

6、ilities of communication by learning the useful structures3. Emotional objectives:a) By doing the tasks and the passage, let Ss know positive attitude play an important role in our life. When something bad happens, we should look on the positive side of the situation.b) To enable the Ss to be optimi

7、stic and love life.Now, let s come to the important points an ditfhfiecult points.1. Important pointsa) Get Ss to know words expressionsof attitude such as active, passive, confident, discourageb) Get Ss to discuss with each other.c) Get Ss retell the whole text.2. Difficult pointsa) Using the vocab

8、ulary and sentence structures learnt to talk about personal views on attitude.b) Writing a short passage to show how they overcome the difficulties.Part 3 Teaching Methodology1. Communicative Method2. Task-driving3. Analysis and explanationPart 4 Teaching aidsThe multimedia equipment; recorderPart 5

9、 Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead in:The Ss are asked to answer two questions:1) When you find yourself faced with difficulty or troubled by something in your daily lives, what do you usually do?2) What do you believe is a good attitude to take while studying at college?For this part, the purpose is t

10、hat the problems are common for students, so they are interested in finding the answers. And then they will find the person in the text also has the same questions as them. Therefore they transfer their interest into the text. Step 2 Warming up and pre-reading tasks:1.the students are asked to liste

11、n to the tape about the text.2.then they are asked to answer the questionsa) How would you describe Jerry according to the text?b) What do you think the writers towards life?For this step, the Ss learn the text briefly and begin to think how Jerry use positive attitude to deal with difficulties and

12、what the writers opinion.Step 3 While-reading tasks:1. Fast readingAsk Ss to do a fast reading and answer some questions based on the passage:1) Why did some waiters follow Jerry around from restaurant to restaurant?2) What made the writer still think of Jerry even after he had left the restaurant i

13、ndustry?Divide the passage into 3 parts and summarize the main idea of each partThe 1st part: the idea of Jerryattitude.The 2nd part: when he was held up at gunpoint, what did he react?The 3rd part: the result of this story .The Ss can master the general meaning of the text in the whole.2 Careful re

14、ading:a) Read the passage again and answer the questions.(1) How did Jerry sum up his attitude about life?(2) What did the writer learn from Jerrys story?For this step, Students further learn the text. Teacher asks Ss to read each paragraph in order to correct their intonation and pronunciation. Mea

15、nwhile, teacher explains language points and analyzes some difficult sentence pattern. Teacher explains some difficult sentences and also asks Ss to do some translation of simple sentences. Furthermore, teacher also explains the special usage of Subjunctive Mood, the usage of wish, the sentence patt

16、ern It is +adj +that-, and so on.Step 4: Post-reading tasks:Discussion: The text tells the positive attitude is so important that Jerry use to avoid the death. So teacher asks students to divide into three or four groups and discuss the question: If you cantfind a good job, whatsyour attitude towards this problem?Part 6 assignment: Retell the st


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