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1、Week 1,201.女士们、先生们、朋友们:03.各位领导、贵宾们,女士们、 先生们,同志们、朋友们05.高层领导人07.阁下09.殿下11.陛下13.皇帝陛下15.尊敬的17.尊敬的首相亲王殿下19 .敬爱的阁下21 .尊敬的阁下23 .尼克松总统阁下夫人25 .总理阁下和夫人27 .国王和王后陛下29 .值此之际31 .以的名义33 .宣布正式开/闭幕35 .我代表中国政府和人民,并 以我个人的名义,向贵国人 民致以亲切的问候和良好 (诚挚)的祝愿。37 .中国有句古话说:有朋自远 方来不亦乐乎?39.海内存知己,天涯若比邻41 .谢谢。议长先生,副总统先 生,尊贵的国会议员们,你 们热

2、烈的欢迎打动了我。43 .我非常愉快地45 .设宴招待47 .我为能而深感愉快。02. Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen,04. Honorable leaders, distinguished/honourable guests, dear comrades and friends, ladies and gentlemen,06. senior leader08. Your/His/Her Excellency10. Your/His/Her Royal Highness12. Your/His/Her Majesty14. Your/His/Her I

3、mperial Majesty16. respectful/honorable18. Respected Prime Minister, Mr. Your Highness Prince 20. Your Excellency Respected and Dear 22. Your Excellency Respected 24. Mr. President and Mme. Nixon26. Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs. 28. Their Majesties King and the Queen30. On the occasion of 32. in the n

4、ame of sb.34. declare the opening/closing of to declare open36. I would like/wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our warm/cordial greetings and best/sincere wishes to your people.38. There is an old saying in Chinese which goes: “ Isn it ta great pleasu

5、re/joy to have friends coming from afar? ”As a Chinese saying goes, “ Nothingis more delightful than meeting friends from far away.40. Long distance separates no bosom friends.42. Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Mr. Vice President, honorable members of Congress, I deeply touched by your warm welcome.44.

6、It is with great pleasure that I;I have the great pleasure to do./ in doing46. to host a banquet for48. It gives me great pleasue to 49 .我很荣幸地代表中国政府 人民向代表团表小热烈的欢迎。51 .请允许我向远道而来的贵 宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲 切的问候。53 .我们为能接待如此杰出的 政界领导人而深感骄傲和 荣幸。55 .对我本人来说,这也是一个 非常愉快和令人难忘的机 会。57 .这使我有极好的机会来拜 访老朋友,结交新朋友59 .今天,我们能够在我国首都

7、 北京接待以为首的感到格外的愉快和50. I have the honor to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, our warm welcome to the delegation.52. Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar/ coming all the way from54. We are very proud and honored to

8、 receive such a group ofdistinguished political leaders.56. This is also a very happy and memorable occasion for me personally.58. It provides me with an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.60. Today we are especially pleased and happy to receive in our capital Beijing led by

9、61.承蒙的盛情邀请63.表达深深的谢意65.首先67.经历了困难岁月我们成了 同盟和朋友。谢谢你,总统 先生,谢谢你的知音。69 .今天晚上,我能够参加为举行的宴会感到十分高兴和荣幸。71 .今天,我们怀着极为兴奋的 心情,在这里集会,欢 迎73 .表示诚挚的欢迎75 .我们很高兴,同一道欢 庆这个光辉的节日。62. at the gracious invitation of64. to extend one' deepestappreciation/heartfelt thanks to sb.My gratitude also goes to thank you very muc

10、h for 66. let me begin by doing 68. Through the troubled times, we have been allies and friends. Thank you, Mr. President, for your sincere friendship.70. I am very happy and honored this evening to attend this banquet given by in honor of72. We assemble/are gathered here todawith 74. to extend one

11、' s warmest welcome to sb.76. We are very happy to celebrate this glorious festival together with We are very happy to have with us to celebrate it ' as great pleasure to join you to do / in doing 77 .今天晚上,我们在这里设宴 欢迎应邀请前来我国访问的阁下和的 其他贵宾们,感到十分荣幸 和快慰。79 .今天我们在这里集会隆重 纪念周年。81 .我很荣幸在此表彰美国最 佳学生。83

12、.值此总部大楼揭幕之际,我 很高兴地对你们表示最热 烈的祝贺。85 .让我向所有支持我和我们 的事业的人表小感谢。87 .举国同庆的日子89 .早晨好。在举国上下,所有 的家庭欢聚一堂庆祝圣诞 节的时候,我想对大家表达 我的祝愿。我希望这个圣诞 节是您的家庭欢聚的时刻, 也是世界和平的时刻91 .你们的光临,增加了我们节 日的欢乐。93 .怀着十分兴奋和愉快的心 情95 .怀着同样热切的心情97 .愉快的氛围99 .热情洋溢的讲话 热情友好的讲话101 .向大会发表讲话103 .怀着对贵国人民的深厚感 情105 .作为贵国人民的友好使者107 .远隔重洋/万里109.远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的

13、朋友们111.随团来访的商界朋友们78. We are very much honored and pleased to give a banquet this evening in honor of His Excellency and the other distinguished guests from who have come to visit China at the invitation of 80. We meet here today to solemnly commemorate/observe the anniversary of82. it ' s an hon

14、or for me to be here toonor some of American ' s best students.84. I am pleased to send my warmest congratulations to you on the inauguration of your new headquarters.86. let me say how grateful I am to all those who supported me and supported the cause for which we have fought.88. a day of nati

15、onal celebration90. Good morning. As family across the nation gather to celebrate Christmas, I want to extend my best wishes for the holidays. I hope that this Christmas will be a time of happiness in your home, and a time of peace in the world92. Your presence adds much to our festive joy.94. with

16、great elation and pleasure; with very happy and joyful feelings96. with the same eagerness98. A congenial atmosphere100. Gracious and eloquent remarks warm and friendly speech102. address the conference on the topic of104. with profound and amicable sentiments for your people106. as an envoy of frie

17、ndship of your people108. to be separated by the vast ocean/a long distance; to be far away from each other110. friends from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific Ocean112. friends from the business community accompanying the delegation7113.请允许我邀请各位与我一 起举杯,为我们两国的友谊 和合作干杯!115.为大使阁下和夫人的健康干杯!117

18、.提议祝酒119 .祝愿生活得幸福美满121 .希望发展的更好123 .珍惜与的传统友谊125 .祝愿身体健康,心想 事成,万事如意。127 .向转达中国人民的诚 挚问候和良好的祝愿129 .我衷心祝愿会议取得成功131.感谢:133.荣幸:135.回J/、.137.表示诚挚的祝贺139.很荣幸答谢您给予我们的 热情招待141.我愿借此机会感谢 的 热情好客(盛情款待)和周 到(精心)安排。143.东道主的热情好客将永远 留在我的记忆中。145.我此时的心情可以用表 示114. may I ask you to join me in toast to the friendship and co

19、operation between our two countries?may I propose a toast to 116. To the health of His Excellency the Ambassador and Mme.118. to propose a toast120. wish a happier life122. wish a better future124. to cherish one ' s traditional friendship with126. Wish a good health and all the best; the very b

20、est of luck in everything128. to convey the cordial greetings and best wishes of Chinese people to 130. I sincerely wish the conference a complete success132.1' d like to thank you forI ' dke to express our sincere gratitude to forI am very grateful for My gratitude goes to134. It is my grea

21、t honor to do I' m privileged to do 136. I am delighted to I am happy toI am pleased to .It is my pleasure to138. to express sincere congratulation to sb. on sth.140. to have the honor of reciprocating your warm reception142. I ' d like to take this opportunity to thank the warm/ gracious ho

22、spitality and thoughtful arrangements.144. The generous/gracioushospitality of our host will remain in my memory forever.146. can best express what I feel nowfor147.这些良好的印象将永远珍藏在我们美好的记忆中。148. Theses fine impressions will remain forever in our most cherished memories149.对贵国政府在我们逗留期 间给予我们体贴入微的关 照,千言万语

23、道不尽我们的 感激之情。151.我谨向您表示衷心的感 谢。153.我期待着在不远的将来访 问贵国。155.邀请您在您方便的时候来 中国访问157.回顾过去159.展望未来161.最后一163.我的发言到此结束,谢谢 各位!165 .在热情友好的气氛中167 .继往开来,携手前进169 .尽自己所能,并将继续竭 尽全力171 .尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴 和美酒美酒佳肴173 .在认真坦率的气氛中175 .结出了丰硕的果实177 .礼节性/告别拜会179.就要结束在我国的友好访 问181 .到机场/车站送人183 .今天我们怀着无限的惜别 的心情,欢送185 .在这临别之际,我们有一 种恋恋不舍之情

24、。150. No words can fully express/convey our gratitude to you and your government for the great kindness and consideration you have given us during our stay here.152. I would like/wish to express my heartfelt thanks to you.I am very grateful for 154. I am looking forward to visiting your country in t

25、he near future/ at your earliest convenience.156. to invite you to visit China at a time convenient to you158. looking back; in retrospect; a review of the past;look back on the past experiences160. looking ahead; looking into the future162. In conclusion/closing, ;Finally, ; Before I conclude, 164.

26、 And that concludes my speech.I ' d like to end/conclude my speech. Thank you for your attention.166. in a cordial and friendly atmosphere168. work hand in hand to build on our past achievement170. did and will continue to do our best172. taste the traditional Chinese cuisine and drink the uniqu

27、e Chinese wine to your heart' s contentdelicious wine and excellent food174. in an earnest and frank atmosphere176. to have borne rich fruits178. to pay a courtesy/farewell call180. to be about to conclude one ' s friendly visit in our country182. to see sb.off at the airport/ railway station184. With great reluctance, we bid farewell today to 186. We feel reluctant to leave you at this moment of parting.187.感谢您在百忙之中 百忙中拨冗前来189.不用谢,这是我们应该做 的,还做得不够。191.小小意思,不成敬意。1


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