1、英语专业,包括旅游方向代码一样 学科代码: 050201 学 号: 本科毕业论文(设计)英文题目字体为Times New Roman 三号,中文为宋体三号。副标题应另起一行,并缩进2个字符题目:Comparative Analysis of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies from Minority and Han High School Students-Taking Shibing NO.1 High School as Example 打印出来是请留意这里的横线是否对齐学 院: 外 国 语 学 院 专 业: 英 语 班 级: 同学姓名: 陶
2、朝 燕 2015届毕业生论文完成时间应在2015年3月30日左右指导老师: 沈 萍 2015年 3 月 30 日欢迎下载Contents为四号加粗,名目内容最起码写到三级标题,1.5倍行距,不用加粗,字体为小四,罗马名目部分应含有摘要,关键词,并标上页码页眉为小五,斜体,宋体ContentsAbstractII Key words.1摘要.1关键词.11 Introduction.1 1.1 A Brief Introduction1 1.2 The Significance of Research Studies on English Vocabulary Learning Strategi
3、es2 1.3 Research Questions.3名目应包含摘要,关键词,参考文献,致谢和附录2 Literature Review3 2.1 Definition of Learning Strategies.3 2.2 Classification of Learning Strategies.3 2.3 Research studies on Vocabulary Learning Strategies.43 Methodology.5 3.1 Research Objects5 3.2 Research Instruments.6 3.2.1 Questionnaire.6 3.
4、2.2 Interview64 Result.7 4.1 Data Collection.7 4.2 Results75 Conclusion.10 5.1 Conclusion and Suggestions.10 5.1.1 Conclusion.10名目摘要部分统一用罗马、编页码5.1.2suggestions.10 References.12Acknowledgements13Appendix14Comparative Analysis of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies from Minority and Han High School
5、 Students-Taking Shibing NO.1 High School as Example标题用三号罗马字体加粗Abstract: This is a thesis about comparative analysis of English vocabulary learning strategies from minority and han high school students. Questionnaire and interview were adopted to collect data, and 51 senior school students were part
6、icipants. The purpose is to learn what English vocabulary learning strategies are used by students, and find out whether there are some differences between minority and han high school students in English vocabulary learning strategies. The result indicated that minority and han high school students
7、 are good at meta-cognitive strategies, and they have a certain ability to use cognitive strategies. Secondly, minority students are not good at applying social-affective strategies, but han students can use it well. The significance of this paper is to improve English teaching and vocabulary teachi
8、ng in high school.四号宋体Key Words: vocabulary learning strategies; meta-cognitive strategies; cognitive strategies; social-affective strategies摘要和关键词内容为小四号,1.5倍行距,Abstract 和Key Words为四号加粗,关键词为3-5个,中间用分号;隔开内容为小四号宋体摘要:本文是对少数民族和汉族高中生词汇学习策略的比较分析。接受问卷调查和访问法对51名高三同学进行调查。了解同学对词汇学习策略的使用,并找出少数民族和汉族高中生在使用词汇学习策略
9、方面的不同。结果表明,少数民族和汉族高中生更擅长使用元认知策略,具有肯定把握认知策略的力量。其次,少数民族同学不擅长使用社会情感策略,但是汉族同学能够更好地使用社会情感策略。本争辩有利于提高高中英语教学和词汇教学。关键词:词汇学习策略;元认知策略;认知策略;社会情感策标题(包括1、2、3级)全部为小四号字体,标题加粗,内容用小四号,1.5倍行距1 Introduction 1.1 A Brief Introduction 论文里面应有引用部分,此部分应和后面的参考文献对应 With the development of Chinas education reform, English teac
10、hing has become more and more important. As an international language, English is widely used by people, the majority of people start to learn English. Language consists of three basic elements: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar (Chen & Zhou, 2012). However, vocabulary is one important part of
11、English. Vocabulary is the most important component of English learning, and it has become a hot topic in society. In English teaching, vocabulary is the foundation, it is also crucial part of English learning, and the learning strategy is the one basic form of language comprehensive ability, so to
12、improve the learning efficiency is an important guarantee for the development of autonomous learning ability (Gao, 2008). English is an important tool of communication between country and country, people and people. Lack of a good vocabulary is lack of communication ability. Many teachers ignore stu
13、dents communication and autonomous learning ability in language learning process, and the learning efficiency is low. The classroom is the only source for students to learn vocabulary. Students do not have their own methods to learn. Language is to communicate; therefore, it is necessary to improve
14、the learners communicative ability. For non-native English learners, vocabulary is an essential part, and it connects the whole language learning process. Vocabulary will influence learners listening, writing, reading, speaking, translation and other activities in language learning. Although most st
15、udies of language learning strategies is indirectly related to vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) during the research process, there are not so much studies in-depth on VLSs. More and more linguists, who are engaged in the study of foreign language teaching, think words play an important role in
16、foreign language teaching (Zhang, 2003). To learn a language, at the first, learners need to learn the vocabulary. Over decades, the research of VLSs aroused great interest in the domestic and foreign scholars and educators; it has still a large development space in this field. The research on VLSs
17、is based on the study of second language learning strategies. English VLSs is also a hot problem between researchers on second language acquisition and English teacher. In the past 25 years, people have not a large-scale and a specific study on vocabulary learning, but the research on this area has
18、been in an upward trend. So language learning strategies is an important point in foreign language teaching. 1.2 The significance of Research Studies on English VLSsMost studies aim at investigating learning strategies in different levels about high school students. Vocabulary is an essential part o
19、f English and it is also an integral part of language. It plays a crucial role in the language learning. Just as a building can not be constructed without the building material, a language is not conceivable without vocabulary (Yang, 2008). Without vocabulary, the specific part of English will not b
20、e communicated with other people. According to Chen and Zhou (2012, P41), “Vocabulary is generally considered as the basic communication tool, and often labeled as the most problematic area by language learners”. If a language learners pronunciation and grammar are excellent, but he does not have vo
21、cabulary, then he can not express his thoughts and feelings, even do not understand others thoughts, so he will fail in communication. VLS plays a unique role in English teaching. The teacher can help students to have a good study habits to improve their interest in English learning, increase vocabu
22、lary, improve students listening, writing, reading, speaking and translation ability. The most important is that to help students have awareness to use VLSs to make plan to learn. Therefore, the knowledge of learning strategies is important because it will facilitate language teaching considerably (
23、Liu, 2010). In Chains traditional examination-oriented education mode, students are seen as receivers, and the teacher decides everything. The learning efficiency is low. So VLSs are very useful for second and foreign language learners to acquire vocabulary (Chen & Zhou, 2012). However, there ar
24、e few students on VLSs in high school students. High school is still a sprout stage on learning English. Vocabulary connects all English learning process. American Philologist Wilkins said that no grammar, people can not express a lot of things; but no vocabulary, people can not express anything. Th
25、erefore, the research of VLSs is very important. 1.3 Research Questions The studies of research got a big achievement in China and abroad. Many researchers have studies on VLSs. The purpose of the study is to research the VLSs between minorities and han high school students. According to this, there
26、 are two research questions of this paper: a) What VLSs are used by minority and han high school students?b) Are they any differences between minority and han students in VLSs? If yes, what are they?2 Literature Review 2.1 Definition of Learning StrategiesWhat is the learning strategy? The word “str
27、ategy” was derived from ancient Greek word “strategia”. It means the strategy on the war. In order to get a great result on the war, people often make the plan and strategies to fight. Taking it into study, it aims at studying more relaxing and efficiency. It is a science and highly efficiency learn
28、ing method. Definition of learning strategies is no agreement idea. Different researchers define strategy in different ways.According to Steen (1993), learning strategy is a thought, which was adopted by language learners, just peoples thoughts. Anderson (1980) pointed out the learning strategy is a
29、 cognitive skill from the cognitive to see study, and it is to use theory to research the learning strategy. According to Chamot (1987), learning strategies are methods, which the learners to promote language knowledge and other knowledge.Malley and chamot (1990) said that learning strategies are th
30、e special way to understand, learn and keep the latest message to learners.2.2 Classification of Learning StrategiesLearning strategies consists of many factors; the research studies on level and scope are different. Learning strategies are learners conscious, goal-oriented and problem-solving based
31、 efforts to achieve desirable learning efficiency (Yang, 2008). Motivation plays an important role in learners use of learning strategies. Among them, Chamots (1987) and Oxfords (1990) classification are widely accepted. Different researcher has different definition of learning strategies.According
32、to Cohens (1998) classification, learning strategies mainly consist of two parts: second language learning strategies and second language using strategies. Second language learning strategies is that the learner to identify the material to be learnt, distinguishing and groping it from other material
33、. Second language using strategies is that the learner to use strategies to retrieve and rehearsal material, and then to communicate. In terms of Oxfords (1990) classification, learning strategies mainly consist of two parts: direct strategies and indirect strategies. There are several strategies in
34、 each strategy. Direct strategies are consists of three parts: cognitive strategy, compensation strategy and memory strategy. Indirect strategies are also consists of three parts: meta-cognitive strategy, cognitive strategy and social-affective strategy.According to Malley and Chamots (1990) classif
35、ication, learning strategies mainly consist of three parts: meta-cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social-affective strategies. Also, there have several strategies in each strategy. Meta-cognitive strategies include centering, applying image and sound, and evaluating. Cognitive strategi
36、es consist of resourcing, repetition, grouping, deduction, imagery, note-taking, dictionary, inference, analyzing and internalizing. Social-affective strategies consist of question, cooperation, dealing with the ways learners interact or communicate with other speakers, native or non-native.2.3 Rese
37、arch Studies on VLSs 2.3.1 The Situation about VLSs in China The research of VLSs began in middle 1990 in China. Vocabulary acquisition is derived from 1880s, but VLSs is later. More and more people to learn English in our country, but they are not really to grasp of the extent of the foreign langua
38、ge on the intuitive. So the students self-study is regarded highly by people. Meanwhile, the research of this field is becoming more active. Gao and Zhang (2004) put 127 college non-English major students and 132 college English major students in Beijing teach-training university as the research obj
39、ects. The result of the research indicated that some students are not to use meta-cognitive strategies and cognitive strategies, the major students are not knew cognitive strategies. Gao (2008) put 197 English major freshmen and 205 senior non-English major students as the research objects. The resu
40、lt indicated that the teacher ought to strengthen to train strategies in vocabulary teaching, and attach to use social-affective strategies. The earliest study of vocabulary acquisition is the students vocabulary (Xu, 2006). With foreign language development, language learning strategies have become
41、 an important role in foreign language teaching (Xue, 2005). 2.3.2 The Situation about VLSs AbroadThe research on VLSs began in early 1990s abroad, and the foreign researchers have made a great achievement. Most research studies on VLSs are from western countries. The researchers divided the learnin
42、g strategies into different categories. Cohen (1998) through the research on VLSs, the result indicated that most students focus on direct discussion of actual strategies and their use, rather than categories of strategies.Oxford (1990) put American students as research objects, and the result indic
43、ated that the students use strategies to enhance their language learning. 3. Methodology3.1 Research ObjectsThe objects are 51 senior high school students at NO.1 high school in Shibing, including 21 minority students and 30 han students. The reason why they are chosen to be participants is they are
44、 senior students who will face university entrance examination. They must grasp a large size of vocabulary. In order to increase the size of vocabulary, they must act some useful learning strategies to learn and remember words so that they will have a good vocabulary to deal with such examination.3.
45、2 Research Instruments 3.2.1 QuestionnaireIn the research process, the paper is adopted questionnaire. There have 60 questionnaire issued to Shibing NO.1 senior high school students. The questionnaire can collect large amounts of data in a short time, and it can analyze and summarize the investigati
46、on from aspects of high school students in learning strategies.The questionnaire is designed by Malley and Chamot (1990) classifying of learning strategies. They are meta-cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social-affective strategies. Meta-cognitive strategies involved planning(1), selec
47、tion attention(2,3), self-monitoring(4,5), self-evaluating(6,7,8). Cognitive strategies involved dictionary(9,10,11,12), note-taking(13), repletion(14,15), exercises(16), guessing(17,18). Social-affective strategies involved cooperation (19, 20, 21), question (22, 23), self-confidence (24). Question
48、s in the questionnaire are adapted from Yangs (2008) questionnaire. 5 points are used each question, 1 stands for “Never do”, 2 stands for “Usually not do”, 3 stands for “Sometimes do or not”, 4 stands for “Usually do”, 5 stands for “Always do”. The questionnaire asked to investigators selection wit
49、h their actual situation.3.2.2 InterviewEight minority students and five han students are interviewees. Interview can get more details about the use of VLSs and the differences between minority and han high school students. It can learn the situation about students vocabulary learning directly. 4. R
50、esult 4.1 Data CollectionThe study issued 60 copies of questionnaire and retrieved 51 of them. For data collection and analysis, figured out the percentage about VLSs. If the percentage is higher than 0.50%, and then the students on this strategy of the use frequency is high. 4.2 Results 4.2.1 The S
51、ituation about Using VLSs Meta-cognitive StrategiesTable 1StrategiesPercentage (%)Planning0.88Selection-attention041Self-monitoring0.60Self-evaluating0.55It can be seen from four meta-cognitive strategies that the minority students and han students can use meta-cognitive strategies to plan a
52、nd manage their study. The use of frequency of selection-attention is less than 0.50%, which indicates that students are not adopted in using this strategy to remember words. Students can basic grasp meta-cognitive strategies. Cognitive StrategiesTable 2StrategiesPercentage (%)Dictionary0.84N
53、ote-taking0.80Repletion0.35Exercises0.51Guessing0.29It can be seen from five cognitive strategies that the use frequency of dictionary and note-taking is higher than other three items. The use frequency of guessing is the lowest. Minority and han high students can be good at using the dictionary, no
54、te-taking and exercises strategies to learn and remember words. Social-affective StrategiesTable 3StrategiesPercentage (%)Cooperation0.25Question0.65Self-confidence0.45It can be seen from three Social-affective strategies that the use frequency of these strategies is low. That means students
55、are not good at social-affective strategies, especially in cooperation strategy. They have not to study with other students or teachers. So in English teaching process, teacher ought to strengthen the cooperation with others.4.2.2 Differences in the VLSs between Minority and Han High School StudentsTable 4StrategiesMinority StudentsHan studentsPercentage (%)Percentage (%)Planning0.500.37Selection-attention0.380.25Self-m
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