1、Reading prehension (Multiple Choice)(每一小题:1 分)Directions: Read the followi ng passages carefully and choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A,B, C and D.Questio ns 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.The AIDS virus is carried in a persons body fluids . The virus can be
2、 passed during sex with an infected partner or by sharing instruments used to take intravenous (静脉注射的)drugs. It can also be passed in blood or fluids made from blood or from a pregnant (怀孕的)woman with AIDS to her developing baby. Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get A IDS
3、from work ing or atte nding school with some one who has the disease. You cannot get it from drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons. Officials say no one has caught AIDS by living with, caring for, or touching an AIDS patie nt.There are several warni ng sig ns of being in fected with
4、 AIDS. They in clude always feeli ng tired, un expla ined (无法解释的)weight loss, and uncon trolled expulsi on ( 排泄)of body wastes. Other warning sig ns are the appeara nee of white areas on the mouth, dark red areas of skin tha t do not go away, and a higher tha n no rmal body temperature.However, just
5、 because you have one or more of these con diti ons does not mean you have AIDS. Always go to a d octor or health cen ter for a plete exam in atio n. The doctor may give you an AIDS blood test. When a virus en ters t he body, the bodys defe nses aga inst disease produce an tibodies 抗体)to fight the v
6、irus. The test shows if the body has produced an tibodies to the AIDS virus. Results of the test are known after a few hours. The test tells only if your body has produced AIDS an tibodies. It cannot tell if you have AIDS or if you will ever get the disease. In December (1988), the Un ited States go
7、ver nment approved ( 批 准)a simpler and faster AIDS blood test. The newer test can confirm ( 证实)the presenee (出 现)of the AIDS antibodies in about five minutes.1. The AIDS virus can spread.A. only from a man to woman B. among those who share drug instrumentsC. by shak ing hands with some one who has t
8、he virus D. by touch ing an AIDS patie nt2. It is wron gly thought that.A. the AIDS virus can be passed duri ng sexB. the AIDS virus can spread from an expecting mother to her babyC. the AIDS virus can be passed by touch ing in fected bloodD. one can get AIDS by working or atte nding school with som
9、e one who has the disease3. The warning sig ns of being in fected with AIDS do not in clude.A. weight loss B. uncon trolled expulsi on of body wastesC. the appeara nee of red areas of skin D. a body temperature lower tha n a no rmal one4. If a pers on is worried that he might have AIDS, he should go
10、 to.A. a gover nment office B. a defe nse systemC. an an tibody product ion cen ter D. a doctor or health cen ter5. can show if one has AIDS.A. Whether one has a defe nse method aga inst AIDSB. Whether one has un expla ined weight lossC. Whether the AIDS an tibodies are produced in the bodyD. The do
11、ctors plete exam in ati onQuestio ns 6 to 10 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.In the Un ited States, about 750,000 pers ons have suffered from AIDS. More tha n one half of them have died.But doctors say evide nee (证据)also shows there is no reas on for pers ons to bee terrified C 惊吓)by t
12、he disease. The AIDS virus is spread during sex with an infected partner, or by infected blood. But doctors say their studies show the disease is not spread through no rmal, close social activities.A study by one research team was printed in the New England Journal ( 杂 志)of Medicine. The doctors stu
13、died 101 family members who lived with AIDS and lived in crowded conditions.The family members shared many personal goods with the patients. These included toothbrushes, drinking glasses ,beds, towels, and toilets. Doctors said only one family member a five-year-old girl got the AIDS virus. They no
14、te, however, that the girls mother had the disease. They believe the girl probably was born with the virus. No other family member in the study got the AIDS virus or showed any sig ns of the disease. The head of the study, Gerald Friedland, said if the disease is not easily spread in crowded homes,
15、it also will not spread easily in factorie s, offices, schools, and other public places. Doctor Friedla nd said the study also shows there is no reas on to punish AIDS patie nts and to force them to live separately from other pers ons.America n health officials recen tly warn ed, however, that some
16、health care workers should take special care. The report no ted the AIDS virus is carried in blood and other body fluids. It said health care workers should put protec tive (保护性的)covers over their eyes and skin during medical operations, dental ( 牙科 的)work, or other times when the patient may bleed.
17、In the United States, most AIDS patients are homosexual (同性恋的)men, people tak ing drugs who used in fected n eedles and people who received in fected blood. More recent stu dies show the AIDS virus also can be spread during heterosexual (异性的)relations. It can spread either fromA. Whether one has a d
18、efense method against AIDSthe man to the woman or from the woman to the man.6. Doctors say there is no reas on for people to be frighte ned about AIDS because.A. it is not deadlyB. few people are in fected with AIDSC. the AIDS virus is n ot spread in everyday social activities.D. the AIDS virus is n
19、ot spread duri ng sex 7.The study of 101 family members who lived with AIDS patie nts shows that.A. AIDS is not spread by using the same pers onal itemsB. women are more likely to get the AIDS virus than menC. married men are less likely to get AIDS than unmarried onesD. the AIDS virus is passed by
20、drinking glasses 8.Accord ing to Doctor Friedla nd, there is no reas on to.A. stop meeti ng AIDS patie ntsB. stop livi ng with AIDS patie ntsC. fear that AIDS can be passed from a mother to a babyD. fear that the AIDS virus can be passed duri ng sex9. Health workers were warned to take special care
21、whe n the patie nt bleeds because.A. AIDS can be passed by touch ing the patie nts bodyB. AIDS can be spread by touch ing the patie nts skinC. the AIDS virus can be carried in blood or other body fluidsD. the health care workers may be in fected by the blood10. are least likely to be in fected with
22、the AIDS disease.A. People who use drugsB. Pers ons who offer in fected blood to othersC. Men who are gayD. Married menQuestio ns 11 to 15 are based on the follow ing passage or dialog.Everyone knows what happe ns whe n you catch a cold. First you get a sore throat. Then you sn eeze . After coughi n
23、g and blowing your way through the next few days, its over. until the next time. Every year 69% of Canadians will suffer at least one cold. Colds are resp on sible for a great deal of lost time at work and at school.There is no known cure for the mon cold. Once you catch a cold, your body usually ma
24、kes an tibodies ( 抗 体)aga inst the virus. These an tibodies help the body develop a resista nee (抵抗力)to the virus if you catch it again. Unfortunately, the mon cold is caused by over 200 different viruses. The larg e nu mber of viruses and the fact that they cha nge help expla in why there is no cur
25、e for the mon cold. Adults, who have bee n exposed (遭受)to more viruses, tend to suffer fewer colds tha n childre n. The occurre nce of colds tends to in crease in the wi nt er but NOT because of the cold! Cold weather has not bee n show n to in crease the nu mber of colds. People spe nd more time in
26、 doors in win ter. They are therefore more likely to e into physical con tact with each other and spread t he disease.mon colds are spread by sn eezes or by direct con tact with a cold sufferer. Sn eez ing spreads colds whe n some one s n eezes n ear other people, or sn eezes on objects which others
27、 later touch. Once the virus is on some on es hand, and the unsuspecting (毫无戒心的 )victim touches his or her nose or eyes, the virus is spread and trouble begins.The simplest and most effective way to lower the risk of catchi ng a cold is to wash your hands freque ntly.11. At the very begi nning of the passage, the writer talks about.A. what a cold is like B. what a cold virus is li
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