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1、V26 黑珍珠红外夜视闹钟说明书、八 、亠前言 本用户手册将详细说明如何使用本产品, 同时提供给您详细的信息, 包括使 用、操作。使用前请仔细阅读本手册并完全理解。请妥善保存本手册,我们希望 本产品能满足您的需求并长期服务于您!产品保证本产品经FCC& CE等权威机构认证符合推荐指标,顾客使用具有安全保证。产品特点1. 外观时尚,机身采用立体 UV处理。2. 采用 10 颗不可视黑珍珠夜视灯,夜视效果突出3. 隐藏式一键录像功能,无遥控一样同样工作。4. 全新设计,隐藏式摄像头。5. 边充边录 .6. 拍照、录像、夜视、录音、移动侦测,一键启动电子闹钟操作说明一、产品结构1. 遥控接收

2、头2. 时间显示屏3.F8 夜视灯 4.F5 夜视灯5.F3 夜视灯 6. 功能指示灯 7. 摄像头 8. 报时键 9. 模式键10. 设置键 11. 上键 12. 下键 13. 音乐键 14. 充电指示灯15. 喇叭 16.USB 接口 17. 电池盖、功能介绍:时间显示功能,显示当前时间、年、月、日。闹铃和贪睡功能,可设置闹钤和贪睡时间间隔(1-60分钟)语音报时功能,语音播报当前时间。自然声音欣赏功能,可设置欣赏时间(10-60分钟)1、三、功能设置:当前时间设置:在时间显示模式按” SET键进入年份设置,屏幕显示” 2010”并闪烁,通过“ UP .DOWNS的配合进行设置再按” SE

3、T键依次设置月一日一小时一分钟,设置时相应位置的数字会闪设置分钟设置小时 r戸卩亘口 a 口*4 Q v时间模式设置年份设置月份 f备JIJ LO2、设置日期 按“ MOD”键退出时间设置,显示设置好的时间 闹铃时间设置 在当前时间模式按” MOD”进入闹铃设置模式,显示”-: 按” SET键第一次设置闹铃小时,按第二次设置闹铃分钟,按第三次设置贪“DOW” 进闹铃模式.设置闹钟小时设置闹钟分钟睡时间间隔(1-60分钟),按第四次设置闹铃声音,通过“ UP 行选择设置闹钟音乐按“ MOD”键退出闹铃设置,显示当前时间模式。设置贪睡时间间隔”符号会闪在闹铃模式按” UP键可打开或关闭闹铃,贪睡功

4、能开启时烁闹铃关闭闹铃开启贪睡功能开启按“ MOD”键返回时间模式3、在当前时间模式:按“ UP键可进行12/24小时转换.HIqfl Hiff"O o%ij12小时制24小时制4、报时、自然声欣赏功能:在当前时间模式,按“ TALK键,播报当前时间。在任意模式, 按“ MUSIC键可进行自然声欣赏录影安防闹钟产品简介本产品是一款外置T F卡存储器的高清30帧(1920x1080)遥控摄像监控钟, 集摄像、拍照、夜视、录音、移动侦测、网络聊天、电子闹钟、存储于一身的多 功能高科技新产品。本产品配备高容量电池,可供24小时以上连续录像、60小时 以上连续录音,长达14天的移动侦测监控。

5、500万像素高清晰录像,录音、多国 语言电子报时,最高支持32GB TF卡,可供长时间工作,遥控操作更方便。隐蔽 性强,是居家防盗、监控取证的最佳工具。一、操作说明1、打开后盖,插入TF卡,开启“ ON “开机2、用遥控器对准本机接收头轻按 开机,蓝灯亮,进入待机状态3、按©进入录像,蓝灯闪三下后自灭进入工作状态,停止按 ©,蓝灯亮闪一下。关闭按蓝灯快闪一下。5、按 进入录音,蓝灯闪五下后自灭进入工作状态,停止按,蓝灯亮6按进入拍照蓝灯慢闪一次功能,蓝灯闪三下自灭。停止按,蓝灯亮8、按关机,蓝灯灭9、在机器处于ON状态下,先插入USB线。此时机器自动进入U盘模式。10、网络

6、摄像功能使用:在开机状态下连接电脑自动成为网络摄像头。(本机 自带驱动)11、充电:在总开关拨到OF一端时,插入USB充电器,此时红灯亮,充满后红灯 灭。使用电脑US也同样可以充电。12、 复位:当产品因非法操作或其它未明原因停止响应时,把拨动开关打到OFF 状态。然后再打到ON就可以对本产品进行复位。13、当电池低电量时,蓝灯会不停闪动,此时应马上充电。当无电时,文件会自动保存。14、时间设置:首次使用先把TF卡插进机器开机,再关机。再将机器 连接电脑打开可移动磁盘,里有个文本文档。打开文档,设置时间。如:2012-01-01 00:00:13 N 设置为:2013-09-09 12:30:

7、10 丫 保存。设置完成。(注:请将N改为丫)二、文件存储及播放完成录像等操作后,将开关拨到ON插上US数据线,机器自动读盘,将里 面所存的档复制或剪切到计算机里播放,同时也可将TF卡取出,使用读卡器来读 取卡中的文件数据。推荐使用 Media player/KM player 等播放三、规格参数像素500万 CMOS分辨率1920*1080视频格式AVI帧数30fps视角90度夜视灯853共10颗超强夜视移动侦测摄像距离直线6米最小照度1LUX电池容量2400MA持续录像时间24小时以上摇控器距离18m录音范围40功耗150MA/3.7V储藏温度-20-80摄氏度操作温度-10-60摄氏度操

8、作湿度15-85%RH记忆卡类型TF卡记忆卡容量最大支持32GB播放软件Media player/KMplayer等US界面USB1.1/2.0操作系统2000/XP/Visat32存储消耗1GB/40分 钟充电时间4小时左右四、注意事项使用场合:请严格遵守国家相关法令,不得将此产品用于其它非法用途,否 则后果自负。软件升级:为了使产品具有更好性能,厂家将不断完善产品软件, 本产品具有方便客户自己升级软件的特点, 请向当地经销商索取最新版本软件的 信息以及升级方法。工作温度:请在自然温度下使用,请勿在人体不能适应的温度下工作。 工作湿度:请在人类适宜生活的环境湿度下使用,请勿将产品置于潮湿的工

9、作环 境,产品不具备防水功能。拍摄照度:请在有充足的光源环境下使用,请勿将摄像头直接对着太阳等超强光 源,以免光学器件受到损伤。保洁要求:请勿在粉尘密度过大的环境下使用,以免镜头以及其它部件沾染粉尘, 影响摄像效果。镜头可以用擦镜纸或眼镜布轻轻擦拭,保持洁净。其他事项:该 产品属于精密电子产品,请勿使其受到强烈冲击、震动;请勿在强磁场、强电场 下使用。V26 Black Pearl RF Night Vision Alarm ClockInstruction ManualForewordThis instruction manual will provide detailed instruct

10、ions on how to use the product, including operation procedures and specification. Please read this manual carefully to fully understand the contents. Please keep the manual properly as the device is expected to meet your demands and maintain long-term services for you!Product warrantyThis product ha

11、s been tested and found to comply with limits of FCC and CE. Product safety is guaranteed for users.Product features1. Fashionable appearanc,e with stereoscopic UV finish on device body.2. 10 invisible black pearl night vision lights are applied, and the night vision effect is outstanding.3. Hidden

12、one-key recording function, set the device free from remote controller.4. Brand new design, hidden camera.5. Able to record while charging.6. All-in-one multi functions: Photographing, video recording, night vision, sound recording, motion detection, one-key booting.Electronic alarm clock operation

13、instructionsI . Product structure1. Remote receiver module2. Time display screen3. F8 night vision light4. F5 night vision light5. F3 night vision light6. Function indicator light7. Camera8. Talking clock button9. Mode button10. SET button11. Up12. Down13. Music button14. Charging indicator light15.

14、 Speaker16. USB interface17. Battery covern Fun cti on descripti on: Time and date display function, shows curre nt time, year, month and date. Alarm and sno oze fun ctio n, with an in terval sett ing of 1-60 mi nute(s). Talking clock function, with voice broadcasting current time. Natural sound pre

15、-recorded, display time can be set for 10-60 minutes.III. Function setting:1. Current time setting: Press “SET”i n time display mode and enter year setting. Screen displays“2010” and flashes. Press“ UP' and “ DOW/N buttons to adjust time. Press “ SET aga in and adjust Mon thDay HourMi nu tes by

16、turns. Releva ntnu mbers will flash and is ready for sett ing.X f11* *Ikui R,.垒!LnikTime modeYear sett ingMonth sett ingDate sett ingHour sett ingMinute sett ing Press “ MODE butt ton to exit time setti ng. Time is the n well set andon scree n display.2. Alarm setting: Press “ MODE in current time m

17、ode and enter alarm setting mode, with display Press “SET to firstly set Alarm Hour, press second time to set Alarm Minute, press third time to set Snooze Interval (1-60 minute(s), and press fourth time to set the Alarm Sou nd, all by“ UP' and “ DOW/N butt ons to adjust.Alarm Mode.Alarm Hour set

18、ti ngAlarm Mi nute sett ing fflHlaLi1材-BViSno oze In terval setti ng Alarm Sound sett ing Press “ MODE butt on to exit alarm setti ng. Curre nt time will be on scree n display. Press “UP in alarm mode to switch on or off the alarm. “ 丨 ” will flash whensno oze fun cti on is on.Alarm OffAlarm OnSnooz

19、e Oni'J"2rl 曲 npriiu >u tmj Uu Press “ MODE to return to time mode.3. Press “ UP'in current time mode to switch to 12-hour clock format or 24-hourclock format.12-hour clock24-hour clock4. Talk ing clock and n atural sound: Press “TALK in current time mode for voice broadcasting curre

20、nt time. Press “MUSIC in any mode to enjoy natural sound.In troduct ion to video security alarm clockThis product is a HD 30 frames (1,920X1,080) remote camera monitoring clock with exter nal TF card memory, a high-tech product with multi-f un cti on such as video recordi ng, photographi ng, ni ght

21、visi on, sound recordi ng, moti on detect ion, n etwork chat and electronic alarm clock. High capacity battery is equipped for at least 24 hours continuous video recording, or 60 hours continuous sound recording, or 14 days moti on detect ion and mon itori ng. 5 mega-pixel camera is available for HD

22、 video or photo shooting. Product is with voice record function and voice broadcasting to tell time in several languages. Support max 32GB TF card. Work in long time endurance and is easy to operate by remote control. Thanks to its concealment, the product is a perfect tool for home security and sur

23、veilla nce evide nce if n ecessary.I. Operati on in structi on“ON to turn on the device.1. Open the back cover, plug in TF card and switch2. Align the remote control with the remote control receiver of the device, press butt on to turn it on. The device is in sta ndby mode whe n blue light is on.3.

24、Press 0 to enter Video recording. After blue light flash for three times thento stop, and blue light isauto-off, the device is in video record ing mode. Presson.4. Pressin any mode to turn on NightVisi on, and blue light will fast flash for on ce. Pressto tur n off, and blue light will flashfast for

25、 once.5. Press to enter sound recording. After blue light flash for five times and auto-off, the device is in sound record ing mode. Press6. Press 3to tur n off, and blue light will be on.to enter photo shooting, and blue light will flash slow for once.to enter7. Motion detection. Press auto-sensevi

26、deo recording function and blue light will flash for three times thenauto-off. Pressto turn off, and bluelight will be on.8. Press to turn off, and blue light will be off.9. Plug in USB cable when the device is ON. Now the device is in USB mode.10. Web camera function: Connect with PC when the devic

27、e is ON, and itautomatically becomes a web-cam (the device has pre-i nstalled drivers).11. Charg ing: Plug in USB chargi ng cable after the device is switched OFF, and thered light will be on. Red light will be off when charging is finished. When connecting to computer the device is charg ing.12. Re

28、set: Switch the device to OFF when the device stops responding due to improper operation or other reasons unknown, then switch to ON and finish reset.13. When the battery is low, blue light will keep flickering, and device should becharged immediately. Files will be automatically saved if power is o

29、ut.14. Time setting: For the initiate use, insert TF card and turn on the device, then turn it off. Connect the device with computer, open the removable disk. Thereis a text file in it. Open the file and set the time. For example: 2012-01-01 00:00:13 N is set as 2013-09-09 12:30:10 Y. Save to finish

30、 setting.(Note: Change “ N” to )“Y'n . File storage and media playAfter video recording or other operation, switch the device to ON and plug in USBcable to connect with computer. Copy or cut the stored files to computer and play. You can also pull out the TF card and use a Card Reader to access

31、to the storage data.It is recommended to use Media player/ KM player software for media play.IH . SpecificationsPixel5 millio n CMOSResoluti on1,920*1,080Video formatAVIFrames30fpsAn gle of view90°Night visio nten super ni ght visi on lightsMotio ndetecti on shoot ingdista neeStraight line 6 me

32、tersMinimum illumination1LUXBattery capacity2,400MAContinuous recording time24 hours aboveRemote con trol max dista nee18mSound record ing max scope40Power con sumpti on150MA/3.7VStorage temperature-20-80 rOperati ng temperature-10-60 COperati ng humidity15-85%RHMemory cardTF cardMemory card max capacity32GBMedia softwareMedia player/KM playerUSB in terfaceUSB1.1/2.0Operati on system2000/XP/Visat32Recordi ng times1GB/40 minutesCharg ing timeAbout 4hoursIV. Precautions'tUsage: Please strictly observe relevant laws and regulations, and don use this product for illegal purposes, or peril.


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