1、FLOOD MITIGATION AND LAND RECTION IN HILLYRIVERSA CASESTUDY OF TOORSA RIVER, BHUTANR.R. Patra, G.N. Paudyal ,H. Enggrob and Ajay Pradhan DHI Water and EnvironmentNew Delhi, IndiaAbstract: The river flowing in hilly terrain are generally flashy in nature and most often achieve supercritical flow. The
2、se rivers after emerging from the foot hills behave completely differently. The flow velocity gets reduced, the meandering sets in and spreading occurs. This reduction in speed reduces the carrying capacity of the flow. Accordingly, the river bed in the immediate proximity of the hilly terrain becom
3、es a fill area, where all the debris carried by the high velocities gets deposited. These deposits alter the flow regime and make the river to meander. Meandering flow makes the river change its course and cause erosion of the banks.Erosion control in such rivers becomes a challenging task for the e
4、ngineers. With the advanced Numerical m ling tools, although, river flow could be accurately replicated, defining a suitable engineering solution still remains a challenge. However, a combination of numerical simulations and sound engineering judgment can be worked out in order to make the solution
5、feasible and applicable to real life conditions.In this regard, a case study of the feasibility of flood mitigation and land rection of River Toorsa inBhutan offers an excellent example. The Toorsa River is the main river of the Amo Chhu River system, which forms the westernmost river basin of Bhuta
6、n. . The Amo Chhu system has its origin in China and flows through the western districts of Ha and Samstse before finally draining into the plains of India. Typical of the majority of the rivers of Bhutan, the Toorsa River profile changes rapidly from a steep slope with a well defined course in the
7、valley, to a flat alluvial plain along the western periphery of the city of Phuentsholing. The city of Phuentsholing is located at a geographically and commercially important point along the IndoBhutan border and is the “gateway” to Bhutan. Due to increasing population and limited area, the city is
8、facing serious shortage of land for development. The uncontrolled river has already eroded vast land in the western part of the city. Over the years, the river has also changed its course several times causing serious problems of erosion. It has been roughly assessed that about 4 square kilometers o
9、f very high value land has been lost on the left bank of the river, placing severe constraints on the development of Phuentsholing.The study area was found to be much more complicated than anticipated due to the fact that, in addition to the sedimentation caused by the main river, the adjoining wate
10、rshed brought in lots of sediments through steep tributaries and deposited in the river bed. Such deposits, elevated the river bed locally, thereby changing the river flow pattern.The key to finding the solution was hinged on proper understanding of the problem. It was recognized that the reduction
11、of the flow momentum is the main cause of reduction of the carrying capacity of the flow and therefore, it was necessary to design a self flushing flow channel, which would prevent sedimentation in the area. In other words, the spreading of the flow was required to be canalized in to a well defined
12、flow path, maintaining the flow momentum good for carrying the bed load down stream. Accordingly, the flow velocitiesunder theum flow (when the carrying capacity isum) was maintained at a value, which wouldnot only allow flushing of the sediment carried from upstream, but also stop eroding the bed,
13、beyondpermissible limits. In this regard, the minimum cross section area in the study was identified and the new section was designed to conform to this cross section. One dimensional and two dimensional flow ming tools were deployed to calculate and illustrate the flow patterns and velocity profile
14、s for a series of alternative design scenarios. Long term simulations were carried out in order to evaluate the flow regime and the phenomenon of meandering. It was concluded that, such solutions of creating an artificial self maintaining flow channel is possible and with suitable engineering design
15、 it is feasible to arrest deposition of the sediments to an appreciable degree. The flows from the other catchments were treated separately.It was noted that, design of such a controlled flow channel would result in reclaiming 4.1 square kilometers of land in addition to protecting the threatened Ph
16、uentsholing City. The land could be utilized by the city for expansion and development of the city. The engineering and construction of such a scheme involves considerable finances which are beyond the scope and capacity of the City authorities. Accordingly, it is necessary to find out a self financ
17、ing scheme, which, not only would take care of the construction cost but also would evolve a mechanism for operation and maintenance. Accordingly, the financial aspects of the project were also analyzed, which indicated that it is financially feasible and sustainable if the proposed river training w
18、orks are implemented.F 1DHI CHINAPreliminary cost estimates and financial evaluation indicated a healthy return on the investments, which was attractive even for the private entrepreneurs to consider investing.This paper presents an application of a numerical m ling system to find a solution to a co
19、mplex real life river control problem. Detailed hydraulic analysis supported by the numerical m s carried out in conjunction with economic analysis enabled in an informed decision making in full consultation with the stakeholders.F 2DHI CHINAMIKE21 张一驰明中国地理科学与北京 塔里木河流域治理对于实现和可持续发展,恢复南疆绿色走廊的生机,具有十分重要
20、的意义。进行洪水二维水动力学模拟是了解塔河洪水演进过程的有效途径,可为制定沿 途用水策略提供依据。与内地其他河流相比,1)夏季河水会漫出常规河道,在两侧堤防内漫流 而下;2)河流蜿蜒曲折而沿途测站稀少。因此,模型所需的地形和初始水位需要进行专门处理获得。对于地形资料,研究了以实测河道横断面插值为二维地形,并与河滩 DEM 镶嵌的。对于初始水位问题,由于提供边界条件的测站相距过远和河道弯曲严重,研究了基于河流跟踪的自动水位设置。 MIKE21, 地形, 初始水位THE INPUT DATA MANAGEMENT IN FLOOD EVOLUTION SIMULATION OF TARIM RIV
21、ERZhang Yichi, Cheng Weiming, Wu YiInstitute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CASAbstract: The Tarim river basin treatment is very important for the sustainable development of society and economy of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and ecology recovery. Two dimension hydrod
22、ynamic simulation is the best way to understand the flood evolution process and can provide reference for water usagearrangement. Comparing with other river, 1) the water of the Tarim river will overflow the wholeregion between dike not only the regular channel; 2) The river wanders so long with few
23、 hydrological stations. For these reasons, the bathymetry and initial water level should be dealt with specially. For the bathymetry, amethod enchasing DEM in floodplain with bathymetry in river channel obtained by interpolating measured cross section data was adopted. For the hydrological stations
24、providing boundary conditions have a long distance and the river wanders severely, the initial water level was automatically set with a based on the current tracing.Keyword: MIKE21, bathymetry, initial, waterlevelF3DHI CHINA GIS 钱静张 一驰·中国与地理 干旱区由于特殊的地理环境,天然河道大多途经地广人稀的地域,美丽珍稀的河谷林与天然调蓄功能的湿地群落的维持主
25、要依赖天然河道的洪水期漫溢,新建上游的调节水库后,改变了天然来水过程,只有依靠人工放水来模拟洪水期洪水,以达到维持中下游的河谷林及湿地的 环境,在少有监测体系的条件下,如何确定下泄洪水流量及放水的持续时间?如何准确评价人工洪水对植被的影响程度与范围?传统水文与水利学都很难进行准确的评价,本文的洪水期人工洪水淹没分析采用天然河道的一维水动学模型与 GIS 分析相结合的进行分析与模拟。利用1:1 万、1:5 万 DEM 结合MIKE 11一维水力学模型及 GIS 分析软件进行河道和洪水漫溢模影响。拟,较理想定量分析评价了人工洪水的THE MANUAL-FLOOD SIMULATION BASED
26、ON ONE-DIMENSIONAL HYDRODYNAMIC MCOMBINED WITH GISANALYSISQian jing, Chen Xi, Bao an ming, Zhang YichiXinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, Urumqi 830011, ChinaAbstract: For the special geographical environment in arid area, the natural channels commonly flow through the broad areas with
27、 sparse population and the ecological balance maintenance of the rare wood in the river valley and the wetland commu with natural regulation function depends on the overflow in natural channel during flood period. After an upriver regulated reservoir was built, the natural incoming flow process was
28、changed and the manual flood is the only way to sustain the woods in river valley and wetlands at middle and down stream. But with scarce monitoring system, how to determine the capacity and duration of manual flood and how to accurately evaluate the extent and scope of manual floods impact on plant
29、s? For traditional hydrology and hydraulics can not provide exact evaluation, this paper proposes a methodology to analyze and simulate manual flood, which integrates Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and one dimensional hydrodynamic m . With MIKE 11 m , the Digital Terrain M (DEM) data of 1:10,0
30、00 and 1:50,000 and GIS software, a better quantitative evaluation of manual floods impact on ecology is obtained based on flood overflow simulation.F 4DHI CHINA 孙浙江省水利河口,中国杭州 港是钱塘江南源上游的一条山溪性河流,从南向北贯穿市城区,为市境内的主要河流。随着市的进一步发展,市将开拓位港的新城区,由此提出新城区防洪的要求。本文首次利用一维非恒定流水动力模拟系统 MIKE11 建立了港这类山溪性河流的水动力模型,模型率定结果表
31、明:模拟洪水位及整个洪水过程结果吻合较好,所建立的模型可以反映港遭遇洪水时,沿岸洪水位变化的过程。利用所建立的水动力模型,在港遭遇 50 年一遇的洪水条件下,采取水库调洪、河道切滩、河道疏浚措施,计算新城区洪水位。为市新城区防洪中的防洪工程设计提供科学依据。 防洪, 洪水位Abstract: Jiangshan River is a mountain river, being upstream along south source of Qiantang River. It is an important river of Jiangshan city through which it run
32、s from south to north. With the development of economy in Jiangshan city, the new zone will be exploited in the future so that the flood control planning of new zone meets the demand. With Mike11, the 1 D unsteady hydrodynamic m ing of Jiangshan River is built in this paper. It is the first time tha
33、t hydrodynamic m ing of the mountain river is built by Mike11.The calibrated results show that the flood water level and the process of flood make good agreement with field data. The m ing can reflect the change of flood level along Jiangshan River when flood happens. In the condition of flood encou
34、ntering once in fifty years, it figures out the flood lever by the m ing in the new zone when water reservoir regulation, flood plain cut, river dredging are carried out. It provides scientific reference for the design of flood control engineering in the flood control planning in the new zone of Jia
35、ngshan City.Keywords: flood, control, flood level1 市双溪口乡的苏州岭(海拔 1171m),从南向港是钱塘江南源上游的一条支流,发源港为典型的雨源型山溪性河流,流域面积 1970km2,其中市境内流北贯穿市城区。域面积 1704 km2,主流长 105km;市新城区(上余组团)位市老城区东余镇,路桥之间,毗邻衢江区(如图 1)。其所在的港干流长度在港、双塔底以下至约 11.16km,面积约 42.51km2。在历史上港洪灾频繁,造成市新城区内涝灾害与损失的主要有:港源短流急,上游山高坡陡、峰峦叠嶂;所在流域是浙江省降水量、年径流量高值区;新城区
36、所在的洪能力差。港河道狭窄,阻水严重,多急弯,深泓线交替频繁,物的过2 市新城区,城市防洪标准宜与老城区一致,确定防洪标准为 50 年一遇,城区排涝标准为20年一遇最大 24 小时暴雨 24 小时排出,不受淹。现状水平年为 2003 年,近期水平年为 2010 年, 远期水平年为 2020 年。3 流域研究范围内水文测站有、峡口、双塔底、衢州水文站;流域内有双溪口、岭头、岩坑口、 量站。、东坑、峡口、双塔底、保安、长台、塘源口、坛石、前河、招贤、衢县、黄坛口雨 采用的水文基本资料均摘自水文总站颁布的水文年鉴及有关水文站实测数据,可靠性与精度能满足设计要求。各水文站 50 年一遇的洪水成果如表
37、1 所示。50 年一遇设计洪水的地区组成采用同频率组成法,经组合分析采用最不利的洪水组合。分析结果表明,对新城区防洪不利的洪水组合为:与碗窑水库发生相应洪水,其他区间与城区发生同频率洪水。峡口、双塔底、衢州站断面的设计洪水由相关的得到,其它断面区域的设计洪水由地区综合法求得,区间相应洪水的洪量由上下断面同频率洪量相减求得,成果如 表 2 所示。F 5DHI CHINA 1 注:本表为天然洪水成果 2 1 F 6DHI CHINA衢州市常山县县衢州市衢山常州市江市西遂昌省县省 福建分区号断面名面积洪峰流量(m3/s)一日洪量(万m3)三日洪量(万m3)1峡口399.517816110103632
38、693.423679597173753清湖11763138桑淤1453.73514双塔底15613645双港口1970413322033451667衢州542410300141000项目峡口双塔底衢州洪 峰流量一 日洪量三 日洪量洪 峰流量一 日洪量三 日洪量洪 峰流量一 日洪量三 日洪量洪 峰流量一 日洪量三 日洪量平均587222139037362680498216208412169984370/610002%15795.75889917816110103633645183383654610300/141004. 4.1 本计算使用 Mike11 计算软件建立了港水流模型,一维非恒定方程组
39、如下:(1)¶Z + 1 ¶Q = q¶tB ¶x¶Q + 2m ¶Q + Ag ¶Z = m 2 ¶A - g+ qi (m - m0 )(2)¶xC 2 R¶x¶x¶x式中: Z(x,t) 断面平均水位(m);Q(x,t) 断面流量(m3/s);A(x,t)断面面积(m2);u(x,t) Cqi断面平均流速(m/s); 系数;河长上的支流流量。定解条件水流的初值与边界值。水流初始条件:t=0,Z(x,t)=Z(x,0);Q(x,t)=Q(x,0)。边界条件:当 x=0 时
40、,Z(x,t)=Z(0,t);当 x=L 时,Z(x,t)=Z(L,t)。Mike11 计算软件具有算法可靠、计算稳定、界面友好、前后处理方便、水工物调节功能强大等突出优点。对河道溢流区由于流速减少沿河淤积形成的自然堤在洪水作用下破堤,导致洪水漫滩形成了平原,起到调蓄洪作用,这种情况也可在其中实现。计算中考虑港的堰坝等阻水物;边界考虑流域暴雨径流的影响。4.2 为了能更准确地研究港城市段河段的洪水位,充分利用现有的实测资料,河道洪水计算范围为峡口水库峡口航运站到衢州水文站的港干流和部分衢江河段。计算的上边界条件取峡口水库港上下边界之间全长 86.187km,计峡口流量过程线,下边界由衢州水文站
41、洪水过程线确定。算断面 133 个,断面平均间距 648m,有蓄洪区的河段断面在模型中实现,其中、三十二都溪、棠坂溪、洋桥溪、横渡溪、长台溪、达河溪、丰足溪、青阳殿溪、常山港以旁侧入流的形式确定,以及其形成的区间汇流流入港,共十九个边界。计算中涉及到的堰坝按照宽顶堰处理,计算时根据河床高程确定其堰底高程,堰长,堰高,考虑合适的淹没系数、侧收缩系 数、流量系数用于计算。4.3 为了使洪水演进计算能较好地模拟流域的洪水,使计算模型符合流域实际,采用实况洪水进行验 证。通过验证计算,检查水文分析成果是否符合实际,河道概化是否切实反映流域特性,检查采1997年发生的“970709”洪水是港流用的计算断
42、面是否具有代表性,计算参数是否合理。因域近几年中较大的洪水,所以选择 1997 年发生的“970709”洪水作为洪水计算模型的验证洪水。该场洪水在双塔底有实测的水位,流量资料。验证成果如表 3 和图 3、图 4。 3 “ 19970709” 从洪水验证的成果表来看,双塔底的洪峰流量计算值比实测值小 15m3/s,水位低 0.09m。计算值与实测值吻合较好,而且流量,水位过程线基本吻合。因此所建立的计算模型符合流域洪水演进的特性,所选用的计算断面具有代表性,可用于本次防洪各方案的洪水演进计算。F 7DHI CHINA地点计算实测差值水位(m)流量(m3/s)水位(m)流量(m3/s)水位(m)流
43、量(m3/s)双塔底87.17216587.2621800.0915 2 87.58786.58685.58584.5841997-7-8 12:001997-7-9 12:001997-7-10 12:00 1997-7-11 12:00 1997-7-12 12:00 3“ 19970709” 250020001500100050001997-7-8 12:001997-7-9 12:001997-7-10 12:00 1997-7-11 12:00 1997-7-12 12:00 4“ 19970709” 5.5.1根据 港流域洪水特性及洪灾成因,防洪工程措施以“上蓄、下泄”为主。“上蓄
44、”指增设碗窑水水库,“下泄”指堤防建设以及河道清淤疏浚。库的防洪库容及新建F 8DHI CHINA计算实测实测计算衢州常 山 港0510km双港口 江双塔底山清湖 桑淤港峡口旁侧入流控制断面水库 50 年一遇防洪库容 4140 万 m3,碗窑水库 50 年一遇防洪库容增上游防洪水库的至 3030 万 m3。河道切滩疏浚在清湖大桥大桥河道左侧切滩 10110m,切滩深度 1.56.5m,右岸桑淤段切滩 1036m 建护坡,河床疏浚大桥人工湖堰河段右岸切滩;城北大切滩 070m:范围港现状河道宽度 56210m,根据港流域规堤距不得小于 200m,河道必须切滩拓宽。在河道现状验证的基础上,对规桥双
45、塔底河道划要求,港划方案的工程效果进行设置如表 4。和技术比较,确定工程方案与工程规模,以提高城市防洪能力。方案 4 5.2 5 各方案洪水位计算结果908886848280787674断面编号 5 F9DHI CHINA洪水位(m)J60 J59 J57 J55 J53 J52-1 J50 J49 J47 J46 J44 J42 J40 J38 J37天然状况方案一方案二方案三方案四断面地点天然状况方案一方案二方案三J60双塔底88.6988.0087.5887.56J59石88.2287.5886.8886.83J5787.1086.5385.3985.23J55埠85.9885.5384
46、.6584.35J53桥上85.4284.6084.1483.69J52 1大溪滩大桥85.1584.5783.9483.50J50起点84.4183.9383.3282.91J49上堂屋83.5882.9482.6182.21J47渡船头上游 350m82.5581.9581.4681.12J46路桥82.1981.6580.4080.15J44和平堰81.3681.0479.9579.79J42现铁路桥81.2880.8479.7679.66J40路头溪出口80.2479.6679.4579.43J38溪头山79.7079.1179.0479.04J37后溪79.3278.9378.947
47、8.94方案工况方案一、碗窑水库调洪方案二在方案一的基础上切滩,共切滩 5 处方案三在方案二的基础上疏浚:断面J52J42 河道之间疏浚 0.5m方案四在方案二的基础上疏浚断面J52J42 河道之间疏浚 1.0m表 5 为各方案的计算结果。两座水库同时调洪,双塔底以上老城区按城市防洪完成标准堤防建设和河道整治,是新城区(上余组团)防洪的基本前提条件。经计算,方案一计算结果表明:水库调,新城区段 50 年一遇设计洪水位下降 0.330.83m,效果显著。切滩实施后,规划城区段设计洪水位降低效果非常明显,水位下降了 0.071.14m。疏浚河道后中方案三和方案四,虽然疏浚深度不同,结果表明:疏浚
48、0.5m,沿程下降的水位在 0.030.45m,疏浚 1m 后, 沿程下降的水位在 0.030.89m,虽然疏浚深度不同,但效果还是比较明显的。图 5 表明各方案实施后新城区沿程断面水位变化情况,很明显,效果最好的是方案四,其次是方案三,然后是方 案二、最后是方案一。6. 本文利用一维非恒定流水动力模拟系统 MIKE11 建立了港这类山溪性河流的水动力模型,重50点模拟港在遭遇年一遇洪水时,分析市新城区所在港干流沿程洪水位的变化,通过各种方案的对比,表明新城区在港上游水库调节、河道切滩及疏浚工程措施下,新城区沿程洪水位降低效果最为明显,可以为市新城区防洪堤的建设提供依据。 1., 卢士强, 林
49、卫青, 苏州干流防洪水位的数值计算J 河海大学学报( 自然科学版),Vol.134,No.2,2006(3):148-151.2.3.,杨广丰,辽中城市防洪设计中的洪水计算J,东北水利水电,Vol.24, No, 2006(2),7-8.以,沂洪水特性及防洪对策J,防汛与抗旱,2006(3),16-17.F 10DHI CHINA 1 121. 交通部水运工程科学大学水与水电工程科学 采用一般曲线坐标系下的平面二维数学模型对涉河输电线塔工程的防洪影响进行模拟研 究。与正交曲线变换相比,一般曲线变换不受计算网格必须严格正交的限制,网格生成较灵活。工程概化采用局部地形和局部糙率相结合的,真实地反映
50、了工程对河道水流的影响。通过对工程修建前后流态、流速、水位等数值模拟结果的比较,系统分析工程对沮漳河河 势、行洪安全、堤防安全、防洪通道的畅通等方面的影响,为工程的设计施工提供技术支持。 输电线塔, 防洪, 一般曲线坐标, 平面二维FLOOD-CONTROL ANALYSIS ON PILLAR BASE OF TRANSMISSION LINES AND COMPARISON RESEAR CH ON ITS NUMERICAL SIMULATIONFENG Xiao-xiang1 LI Jian-bing1 ZHANG Xiao-feng21 Tianjin Research Instit
51、ute of Water Transport Engineering; Tianjin; China2 State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science; Wuhan UniversityAbstract: Using the plane 2 D mathematical min generalized curvilinear coordinate, influence on floodcontrol of pillar base of transmission lines is studied
52、. Compared with orthogonal curvilinear transformation,teralized curve grid is not limited to orthogonal and its generation is very convenient. And topicallandform and roughness modification is adopted for project generalization. By comparing the flow pattern,velocity and water level with and without
53、 the project, it is analyzed systematically on river regime of the Juzhang River, safety of discharging flood and embankment, and straightness of flood control road. The simulation results can have a good referrence for design and construction of the project.Key words: pillar base of transmission lines, flood control
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