



1、 Unit 2. We havent found life on other planets yet.(初中英语外延版八年级上册Module 3 Journey to space )南宁市第三十一中学 黄玲鲜一、教材分析 本模块以人类探索宇宙的行为为背景引入现在完成时的用法,通过人类对宇宙太空所做努力的描述,强化现在完成时表达意思的功能,开展听说读写教学活动。教学内容为语法的学习和使用提供了必要的感性材料。本模块的中心话题是介绍航天知识,着重介绍了火星探索计划以及宇宙中太阳系的部分知识。要求学生能够了解一点航天知识,学会利用现在完成时描述人类已经实施的太空探索计划。 二、学情分析在前一个模块“

2、Experiences”的学习中,学生初步掌握了利用现在完成时谈论旅游、看电影等经历,学习了现在完成时的一般疑问句及肯定、否定的回答方法。在本模块中,学生将继续学习yet, already, just, recently等词在现在完成时态中的用法, 以及have been to与 have gone to之间的区别。人类探索宇宙,是否真的存在外星人,太空旅行这些一直都是学生们非常感兴趣的话题,学生会觉得有话可说。但是在讨论这一话题时将涉及较多的专有名词,学生掌握的难度较大。所以如果教材内容处理不当,会导致学生有话想说,却无法用英语来表达的尴尬场面。因此在具体安排教学内容时,应注意适当降低难度与


4、学生的要求也要迥然不同才行。三、本节课师生共用的导学案(已经坚持使用一个多学期)八上 Module 3 Journey to space Unit 2. We havent found life on other planets yet.课型主备审核授课老师授课时间讲学稿序号Reading黄玲鲜M3-3班别姓名成绩家长签字组长签字一、学习目标: 1. 知识目标:(1)单词:掌握本课所学的新词汇。(2)短语: millions/billions of; on other planets; go around the Sun; none of them; no one; the solar sys

5、tem; a small part of ; in other solar systems; in the universe; a long way away(制成小卡片)(3) 重点句子:We havent found life on other planets yet. With so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space?2. 能力目标:能够读懂有关太空话题的文章,掌握其大意。3. 情感目标:培养自己热爱科学,喜爱探索二、课前自主学习:1. 读Unit2的新单词一遍,然后

6、自查你是否写得出下列单词行星_ 没有一个_ 环境_ 空气_部分_ 十亿_ 生长、种植_ 宇宙_光线_ 在之外_ 独自的_ 更喜爱_2、思考下列问题,可查找资料(1) Have we found life on other seven planets yet? If not, why? (2) What do you know about UFO? 3、多层阅读(1)a2 读短文第一遍,选最佳标题:1 Anyone out there? 2 Life on Earth 3 Our solar system 4 The stars at night(2)a4 读短文第二遍,写下a4正确的句子的序号

7、: (3)a3 把下列单词按从小到大的顺序排列:galaxy planet solar system star universe (4)a5 根据课文回答下列问题 1 Have we found life on other planets yet? 2 How many planets go around the sun? 3 How many stars are there in the Milky Way? 4 Do you know how large the universe is? 5 Have scientists sent spacecraft with people to lo

8、ok at other planets in our solar system? 6 With so many stars in the universe, are we alone? (5)在课文中找出重点短语,并下划线(写一写,背一背)成千上万_ 在别的行星上_ 围绕着太阳转 他们中没有一个_ 太阳系_ 一小部分_在别的星系里_ 在宇宙中_ 很遥远 4. 语言点导学:Earth n.地球The Earth goes around the sun once a year.地球一年绕太阳一周。【考点聚焦】1)地球、太阳、月亮这些世界上独一无二的事物前要加定冠词the。2)常见搭配:on (th

9、e) earth在地球上;on earth究竟,到底。如:Who broke the window?究竟是谁打破了窗户?planet n.行星There are eight planets in the solar system.太阳系有八大行星。【考点聚焦】太阳系有八大行星,它们是Mercury(水星),Venus(金星),Earth,Mars(火星),Jupiter(木星),Uranus(天王星),Neptune(海王星)。(2006年以前的说法:太阳系有九大行星还包括Pluto(冥王星) )【活学活用】根据句意及首字母提示完成单词The Earth is a p of the Sun.c

10、ost v.(cost, cost)花费The book cost me five dollars.这本书花了我5美元。【考点】1)cost指花钱,主语必须是物。The shoes cost me 50 yuan. 2)同义词辨析: spend (spent, spent) pay (paid, paid) take (took, taken)spend常用于sb. spend some money/some time on sth./(in) doing sth.,某人花钱或花时间做某事,如:I spent ten yuan on the pen. = I spent ten yuan (i

11、n) buying the pen.我花10元钱买了这枝笔。pay常用于sb. pay some money for sth. 如:He paid three pounds for a T-shirt.他花3英镑买了一件T恤衫。take 只用于花时间做某事, 句型:It takes sb some time to do sth., 做某事花了某人一段时间 It took me two hours to finish the maths exercises last night. 昨晚我花了两个小时完成数学作业。【活用】同义句转换He spent 5000 yuan buying the com

12、puter.=The computer 5000 yuan.prefer v.更喜欢Which of these two dresses do you prefer?这两套衣服你更喜欢哪一套?【考点】1)过去式、过去分词:preferred, preferred,现在分词:preferring2)同义词组: like sth better Which of these two dresses do you ?这两套衣服你更喜欢哪一套?3)常见搭配(请记住): prefer to do sth.或prefer doing sth.(更喜欢做); prefer +n./pron to n./pro

13、n (喜欢前者而不喜欢后者); prefer doing sth to doing sth(喜欢做而不喜欢做)prefer to do sth rather than do sth(宁愿做而不愿做)【活用】She prefers swimming running. A. than B. with C. in D. tobillion num. 十亿 与hundred, thousand, million 的用法一样。2 billion birds 二十亿鸟billions of数十亿的【活用】 There are more than 1.3 people in China. A. billio

14、ns of B. billion of C. billion D. billionswith +n.+ 介词短语 with so many stars in the universe有如此多的星星在宇宙中 She came into the room with a baby on her back. 她背上背着一个婴儿走进房间来。三、课堂学习1、预习情况交流:1)与你的同桌交流课前准备中的情况,试着把错误的地方弄懂。2)分小组展示“思考题”2、学习策略培养 1)口语练习:热身提问;看图说话-展示八大行星图; 2)跟课文录音大声朗读; 3)抽学生朗读段落,并提问;4)大声地朗读课文;5)教师就语

15、言点提问。3学习成果展示:根据课文意思,完成填空练习Scientists think that there has been on Earth for of years. However, they found life on other planets yet. We also know the Earth is only of the Suns eight planets and it around the sun. The sun and its planets are called . Scientists have spacecrafts into space because the

16、y want to know more about our space. Were looking forward to more messages from space.4当堂练习:A: 根据汉语提示完成句子。(1)他还没有看完那本书。He _ finished reading the book _.(2)你认识那位叫李娜的女孩吗?Do you know the girl _ Li Na?(3)那个女孩被称为“小歌星”。The girl _ _ “little singer”.(4)比起咖啡来,我更喜欢茶。I prefer to .B: 根据所给单词及句型完成句子:(1)那件外套花了我100

17、元。(cost) (2)他宁可呆在家也不去看电影。(preferto) (3)教师手里拿着一本书,走进了教室(with) (4)宇宙中有数十亿颗星星。(billions of) 四、课后提高: 题完形填空 The Earth is a planet. It and seven 1 planets go around the Sun. We 2 the eight planets and the Sun the solar system. The first planet, 3 the Sun, is Mercury (水星). It is 58 million 4 from the Sun.

18、Venus (金星) is the second planet from the Sun, and 5 planet, the Earth, is the third. It is 150 million kilometres from the Sun. Jupiter (木星), Saturn (土星), Neptune (海王星) and Uranus (天王星) are all 6 than the Earth, 7 Venus, Mars and Mercury are smaller than the Earth. Animals, trees and humans can only

19、 8 on the Earth the other planets in our solar system do not 9 air or water. Do any planets in other solar systems have 10 ? We dont know about it.1. A. else B. others C. otherD. another 2. A. know B. call C. takeD. pick3. A. next toB. before C. out of D. in front of 4. A. years B. hours C. metres D

20、. kilometres 5. A. ourB. their C. her D. his 6. A. lighter B. biggerC. shorter D. safer7. A. but B. or C. till D. so 8. A. knock B. try C. live D. land9. A. haveB. bring C. fill D. join 10. A. planet B. system C. galaxy D. life5、学后记:通过学习,你在哪些方面存在疑问?有何收获?请记录:五、教学步骤:1、预习情况交流:1) Look at the paper and t

21、ry your best to correct the mistakes. If you have any questions, put up your hand for help. 方法:学生同桌讨论,有问题请教老师。2) Collect the answer of the thinking questions and show it in group. Now work in groups. 方法:分小组展示讨论结果。2、学习策略培养 1)口语练习:热身提问OK! Lets come to the new lesson. Are you ready for it?Have you hear

22、d of UFO?Have you ever read a book about UFO yet?Have you read any passages about universe? Have you ever seen this picture? 方法:走到学生身边提问,共提问8位学生看图说话-展示八大行星图; Today well learn something about the universe. We know scientists have discovered many galaxies in the universe. This is the chart of the sola

23、r system. It is a small part of our galaxy. And Would you like to say something about it. 方法:加分鼓励,凡是自觉举手回答问题的小组加一分。(四位学生站起来说)2) 跟课文录音大声朗读; Read aloud after the tape. 之后进一步讨论a2, a4, a33)抽学生朗读段落,并提问;Id like some of you to read the passage. After reading, I will raise questions. You two read the first paragraph. 每两人一小组读完一段提问一个问题: 1 Have we found life on o


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