



1、 海陵中学初一英语单元检测(7B Unit 4)班级_姓名_I. 听力部分(10分)A.听短对话,选择图片( )1. Whats the weather like today?( )2. How does David usually go to school?A B C( )3. What will Tonys father give Tony?( )4. Where is the boys football?( )5. What animals does the woman like?B. 听短文,回答问题。( )6. Where does Ted live!A. He lives in a

2、 small house . B. He lives in a big city .C. He lives on a farm.( )7. Does Ted want to go back to school?A. No, he doesn't. B. Yes ,he wants. C. Yes ,he does .( )8. Who does he want to see ?A. His friends B. His brother C. His father ( )9. Who is he having breakfast with?A. His father B. His bro

3、ther C. His parents.( )10. How does Ted go to school ?A. He goes to school by bus B. He goes to school by bike .C. He goes to school on foot . 二、单词辨音。5分( )1. A. kilometer B. follow C. everybody D. crossing( )2. A. east B. wheat C. beach D. bench( )3. A. bamboo B. food C. football D. zookeeper( )4. A

4、. nothing B. thousand C. king D. along( )5. A. row B. grow C. below D. cow三、单项选择 (15分,每题1分)( ) 1. _he sure about the news? A. Does B. Do C. Will D. Is( ) 2. _ is the best way _ there? A. Which; to get B. Where; to get C. How; of getting D. What; of get( ) 3. -There is _old woman sitting in the car._

5、 woman is her grandma. A. a, the B. an, an C. the, the D. an, The( ) 4. Shanghai is _the east of China and Japan is _ east of China. A. in ,to B. to , in C. in ,/ D. in, in( ) 5. Remember _ your homework here tomorrow. A. to take B. to bring C. that takes D. that brings( ) 6. My sister is afraid _ o

6、ut at night. A. go B. to going C. of going D. going( ) 7. Can you follow me _?A. to home B. home C. school D. to there( ) 8. In spring, the leaves _the trees turn green and we can hear birds sing _ the treesA. in, in B. on, on C. on, in D. in, on ( ) 9. My father hopes _ my home.A. you to come B. yo

7、u can come C. you to come to D. you can come to( ) 10. There is a bridge _ the river and a plane is flying _ the clouds.A. over, under B. on, over C. above, over D. over, above( ) 11. -How will we get there? -Well _.A. by buses B. by bus C. take a bus D. on a bus( ) 12. Is there _over there?A. somet

8、hing dangerous B. dangerous anythingC. anything dangerous D. dangerous something( ) 13. The bus stops _ the traffic lights.A. on B. at C. in D. along( ) 14. Its not good_ others. A. laugh B. laugh at C. to laugh D. to laugh at( ) 15. Mr Smith walks _ the bank and goes along the river for a walk. A.

9、pass B. past C. across D. cross四、完型填空 10分Paris has a beautiful name. It is called the City of 1 . Do you know 2 it means? Many beautiful buildings in Paris are lighted (点亮) at 3 . The streets are very 4 .When you 5 in Paris, you neednt turn on your headlights (车灯) even after dark. Paris is full of l

10、ife(充满活力) all day and all night. 6 this is not the only reason(原因) for its beautiful name . For 7 of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art in the world. 8 scientists and artists (艺术家) have come to 9 here. For this reason, people 10 it the City of Lights.( ) 1. A. Flowers B. Cars C. Lig

11、hts D. Rivers( ) 2. A. what B. how C. where D. when( ) 3. A. noon B. night C. day D. Christmas( ) 4. A. black B. dark C. noisyD. bright ( ) 5. A. walk B. go C. drive D. live ( ) 6. A. But B. And C. Or D. When( ) 7. A. hundred B. hundreds C. any D. many( ) 8. A. No B. None C. ManyD. A little( ) 9. A.

12、 study B. drive C. play D. have dinner( ) 10. A. make B. call C. buildD. find五、阅读理解 10分 ( A)May has just moved to Sunshine Town. Read the map below and help her find the way. ( )1. The museum is _. A. between the bookshop and the library. B. beside the pet shop C. next to the hospital D. in York Str

13、eet( )2. If she wants to see a doctor, she can go to the hospital on _.A. Hill street B. Adam Street C. York Street D. King Street( )3. The nearest place for the students at school to buy stationery(文具) is _. A. the shopping mall B. the shoe shop C. the post office D. the supermarket( )4. The park,

14、a nice place in the town, is _.A. south of the cinema B. north of the libraryC. south-west of the museum D. north-east of the post office( ) 5. Start from A, walk along Adam Street, turn left at the second crossing, and she will find _.A. the park on the left B. the cinema on the rightC. the library

15、 on the left D. the bookshop on the right (B)When I am down the street one day, I find a small bag on the ground. I pick it up and open it to see if I can find out the name of the owner. There is nothing inside except some dollars and an old picture - a picture of a woman and a young girl about twel

16、ve years old. I put the photo back and take the bag to the police station. Before I leave, the policeman write down my name and my address. He thinks the owner may want to thank me.That evening, I go to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They also ask a young woman to have dinner with us. Her face

17、is familiar (熟悉的), but I cant remember where I see her. During our talk, the young woman happen to say that she loses her bag that afternoon. All at once I remember where I see her. She is the young girl in the photo, though she is now much older. She is very surprised when I tell her about the bag.

18、After dinner we go to the police station and she gets back her bag. The policeman says to me, “Its wonderful. You not only find the bag, but also the owner of the bag.”( )6. In the bag, there is _.A. nothing. B. a new photo and some money.C. an old picture and some moneyD. some dollars and a piece o

19、f paper.( )7. The writer opens the bag because he wants to _.A. find some money B. find some lettersC. find the owners photo D. find out whose bag it was.( )8. The writer gives the bag to _.A. a policeman B. his aunt C. his uncleD. his friend( )9 How many people have the dinner that evening?A. Two.

20、B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( )10. The writer knows the young woman because_.A. he meets her somewhere beforeB. she looks like the girl in the picture. C. She often has meals with the writer.D. She is the old woman in the photo.六、词汇(共15题,每小题1分,共10分)A. 根据中文提示、英文释义、句意和音标写出句中所缺单词。1. Lets meet at the _(t

21、he place where you can go out of a building).2. We all know Jiangsu is _ of Shandong. 3. The _ (长椅)in the park are made of wood(木头). 4. Walk s_ on, and you will see a bank on your right. 5. We look forward to seeing the _/tre3=/ under the ground.B. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。cross fun leaf danger west1. There a

22、re few _ on the trees in winter. 2. It is _ for little children to swim in the river. 3. Walk _ the field and you will see a big tree.4. Monkeys are _ animals. We like to play tricks on them.5. Would you like to try some _ food?C用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空。laugh want follow prepare smell 1. Look! The girl _ the

23、 flowers.2. Spring _ winter. It is my favourite season. 3. _ we _ some beef for the picnic? Good idea. 4. He is telling an interesting stories and his classmates _ happily.5. The twin _ to be an artist in the future.七、句型转换(共10空, 每小空0.5分,共5分)1. Linda has to do much homework at weekends. (改为否定句) Linda

24、 _ _ to do much homework at weekends.2. Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital? (同义句) Excuse me, _ can I _ to the hospital? 3. Turn right at the second crossing. (同义句)_ the second crossing _ the right.4. The cinema at Sunshine Shopping Mall is not far from my home. (划线提问) _ _ is not far from yo

25、ur home?5. The students arent swimming in the river now. (用this afternoon替换now) The students _ _ in the river this afternoon.八、课文填空(5分)Pandas are c 1 . They like to eat b 2 and l 3 down all day long. Every year, lots of v 4 come here to see them.North- east of the giraffes there is a bridge. Cross t

26、he bridge, and youll see the e 5 . Their large ears are like open fans.1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _九、短文填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)People often get hurt(受伤) when they c 1 the road. Most of them are o 2 people and children. Old people are hurt because they usually cannot s 3 or hear very well. C 4 are hurt becau

27、se they are not careful(小心). They don't look and l 5 before they go across the road.When you w 6 to cross the road you must look left and then r 7 . If there are no b 8 or cars, you can go across the road. If there are l 9 of cars, you must w 10 . 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _

28、十、阅读短文,回答短文后的问题。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) Jack and Peter are good friends. But they like to play jokes with each other.One day, they are going on a trip. They each buy a ticket and get on the train. They sit in the seats and talk about the plan for the trip. The conductor(售票员) will go to check the tickets. J

29、ack looks for his ticket here and there. But he cant find it. “ What shall I do?” he says to Peter. “ Go below your seat. So the conductor wont find you.” Jack does so. The conductor comes here after a few minutes. Peter shows the conductor two tickets. He says, “ One is mine, the other is my friend

30、s. He likes to stay below the seat when he is on the train.”1. How do Jack and Peter go on a trip? _2 .What do they talk about when they sit in the seats?_3. Who cant find his ticket?_4. How many tickets does Peter show to the conductor?_5. Where does Jack stay when the conductor comes?_十一、书面表达(共10分)假如你是Millie,请根据下列表格内容给你的朋友 John写一封邀请信。事件举行一次野营时间本周六下午两点地点公园路线从John家步行去,沿着第二大街走,在交通灯处左拐。一直往前


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