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5、立一个相对合理的收入分配制度,使全体人民朝着共同富裕的方向稳步前进。【英文摘要】In recent years, the comprehensive capability of China has been strengthened and the living standard of people has been improved substantially. New leadership of the Communist Party of China has declared clearly that the government must attach more importance

6、to peoples livelihood, and must unite all people to struggle for the goal to construct the socialist harmonious society. However, with the rapid development of Chinas economy, there exist great differences among peoples income, especially the growing gap in industrial income. Furthermore, the gap be

7、tween people who engaged in monopoly industry and others is obviously noticeable. High income of monopoly industries has aroused widespread concern in academic circles.Western interest group theory provides us a new way to research on political and economic problems; it indicates that interest group

8、 plays an important role in political market. Although Chinas political regime is different from that of western countries, our social stratum has been divided into different part and some interest groups occurred. The income reform is just a process of interest competing and coordination for differ

9、ent interest groups. In all, this paper pointed out that the problem of income is a political and economic issue. Based on the theory of monopoly, income distribution and interest groups, this paper tries to study the problem of high income in monopoly industries from the perspective of new politica

10、l economy.Firstly, the paper contrasts industry income, states that income of monopoly industry is so high, and the proportion of revenue handed to the state is so low. It divide people involved in this issue to 4 groups, according to the definition of interest groups:those are monopolists, consumer

11、s, non-monopolists, and regulators。Secondly, the paper analyses targets, members and political activities for every single groups using methodological individualism:monopolist group is quite small, though its members are very large which have little divergence and have good relationship with regulat

12、ors, and as a result, it has special political status; consumer group is very large, but its members are scattered, the incentive for each individual to make political effort is serious deficiency; non-monopolist groups influence is weak for its each member has great divergence, and it could be divi

13、ded to some small groups easily, its difficult for these members of this group to form an unified action; the regulation group has the target to cut off the high income of monopoly industries, but in certain period un-distinction between governments and enterprises still exists, governors always tak

14、e sides to monopolist for their own interests. All in all, the paper points out that the wide gap between the strength of consumers and monopolists enhance the monopolistspower to pricing their products or services, and the indifference of non-monopolists, the ambiguous of regulators all lead to the

15、 results for monopolist gaining high monopoly profits and sustaining high income.Finally, based on game analysis for those interest groups in the processing of income distribution reform, the paper included that as long as the political influence of monopolist group is stronger than that of consumer

16、 group and non-monopolist group, the result of the game is monopolist gain more profits. Further more, monopoly enterprises and government have the tendency to form alliances. Therefore high income of monopoly industries is the game result among various interest groups. In order to promote the refor

17、m process, the gap of political influence between monopolist group and consumer group, non-monopolist group must be reduced, and the relationship between monopoly enterprises and the government must be changed. At the last, this paper brings up some suggestions on regulating high income of monopoly

18、industry. These suggestions includes the supporting the union of consumers and consumersassociation, non-monopolistsexpressing their demands actively, establishing an incentive regulation mechanism for monopolists, supervising regulatorsown behavior and utilize the third distribution to balance inco

19、me gap. After all, the most important is that government should balance all interest for every interest group, and ease their relations. This paper looks forward that one day we could build up a relatively reasonable income distribution system and all people walk towards a livelihood of common prosp

20、erity.【关键词】利益集团 垄断行业 收入差距 收入改革【英文关键词】interest groups monopoly industries income gap income reform【目录】利益集团视角下中国垄断行业高收入问题研究摘要3-5Abstract5-6第一章 绪论9-14第一节 选题背景与意义9-10第二节 选题视角与方法10-12第三节 研究内容与框架12-14第二章 文献综述14-20第一节 垄断行业高收入的文献综述14-17一、垄断及垄断利润理论综述14-16二、国内学者对于行业收入差距的研究综述16-17第二节 利益集团:一个新政治经济学视角17-20一、利益集团相关理论介绍17-18二、利益集团理论在中国的适用性18-20第三章 垄断行业收入现状:存在不同的利益集团20-28第一节 中国垄断行业收入现状20-25一、收入差距加大已成不争事实20-22二、垄断


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