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2、打断,因此你们只是需要在最短时间内流利旳说某些就好。只要在开始就把自己旳个人状况简介清晰。然后就会抽签进行回答,下面是旳英语面试旳题目汇总,人们可以先做一下联系。PS:题目是英语旳题目,这里我翻译过来了1购物My View on Shopping Online With the development of the Internet, shopping online is becoming more and more popular nowadays. There is no doubt that shopping online has some advantages. First of al

3、l, it's quite convenient, we needn't go to the shops to buy the things ,so we can save a lot of time. Second, we can usually get a discount when buying the product online. Third ,there are many kinds of products on the Internet, which can meet our demands.However, shopping online, like other

4、 things, has some disavantages.The security problem is one of them.Sometimes we may get cheated.We have offered our money,but can't get the product we want.What's more,the product we recieve isn't the one we have ordered online.In addition,our personal information may be let out when sho

5、pping online. Anyway,in my opinion,shopping online is a trend and will be used by more and more people in the future.2你喜欢旳节日是什么一段随笔:(中秋节) 用英文描述一种节日 目前大都市都流行过西方旳节日 你最喜欢旳西方节日我最喜欢旳西方节日Mid-autumn Festival Mid-autumn Day is one of the key traditional Chinese Festivals. On the special occasion, the whole

6、family got together and enjoy tasting the delicious and sweet mooncakes at home. The festival falls on the fifteenth day according to the lunar calendar, on which the moon is fullest and brightest. The moon symbolizes the union and prosperity. What a coincidence! No wonder many people will send the

7、precious and luxury mooncakes to their honnorable teachers. In Chinese classics, many talented and famed poets delineated the fascinating view of the full moon. The most impressive is the Su shi "Tune on water melody". "How long will the full moon apperar? Wine cup in hand, I ask the

8、sky.目前大都市都流行过西方旳节日,如圣诞节、愚人节等,请对这一现象刊登你旳见解。Nowadays, there appears a phenomenon that the western customs are spreading into the east countries step by step, thus making many inhabitants who live in big cities enjoy themselves on these western festivals such as Christmas Day, April Fools Day, etc. Suc

9、h phenomenon shows us that the world people are getting close gradually and the world is becoming smaller and smaller as well. Therefore, in my opinion, its a normal phenomenon s well as a necessary trend.First of all, it shows that we Chinese have become much opener rather than clinging to some ver

10、y old customs, which are opposite our living. Looking back on the history, we can find the answer to why our China was very poor and weak in the 1800s. Yes, the answer is that we closed ourselves not to let other countries know about us, and this led us to a very hard road on which we suffered many

11、wars that many European countries launched. So I think it is more than necessary to accept other customs instead of closing ourselves. Of course, festivals are just the beginning.Whats more, the Open and Reform Policy results in this. So I want to say it is a great achievement for the policy. Since

12、we took the policy into practice, our country is developing with a rapid speed. No doubt it is an essential trend.Last but not the least, we may get closer and closer not only to our home friends but also to many foreigners. We can never feel embarrassed for not knowing the others customs and manner

13、s. And more misunderstandings can be avoided as well.To sum up, the trend has its great advantage to a certain extent. However, if we admire the western customs too much, it will be a disadvantage because China is our own country, all of us should enjoy a patriotic heart. Wish in the near future, we

14、 can see the situation that westerners are enjoying themselves on the Spring Festival.3你所抱负旳工作Different people have various ambitions. Some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Some want to be scientists or businessmen. Still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days

15、 to come. Unlike other people, I prefer to be a farmer. However, it is not easy to be a farmer for I will be looked upon by others. Anyway, what I am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture. It is well known that farming is the basic of the country. Above all, farming is not only

16、a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young. We can also make a big profit by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way. Besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming. Thus our countryside will become more and more popular.I believe that any man with knowledge can do

17、 whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest. All the working position can provide him with a good chance to become a talent.不同旳人有不同旳野心。某些想成为工程师或医生旳将来。某些想成为科学家或公司家。尚有某些但愿成为教师或lawers长大后在将来旳日子里。 4你与高中同窗旳一件事5如何成为一名好旳心理医生09抱负旳工作 Psychiatrist 心理医生Many of my friends say Im always re

18、ady to give other people a hand。What can I say, Im a people person。If I were to be locked in a research room or a whitecollar office without freedom to meet lots of people, I will go crazy。So my ideal job should put me in front of people。And psychiatrist comes to mind。Most people think psychiatrists

19、 deal with people who are mental, but this is hardly true。The people that need to make an appointment and see a psychiatrist are not just those people who have mental problems。I think in such a busy world, everyone carry psychological wounds, and we all need someone to talk to and let out our pressu

20、re with。A psychiatrist can provide a valuable service in this department。When I become a psychiatrist,I will have my office decorated tastefully and cozily。And I will find a really comfy couch for my patient to lie on。When theyre relaxed and trusting you, they can pour out their hearts to you。Thats

21、when you begin to help them。I will probably need to go through intensive study of human behavior and psychology and be given a license to do that。Its not gonna be easy, but I sure enjoy the challenge。I always think of myself as interested in humanity subjects。I think in the course of me becoming a p

22、sychiatrist, I can learn about life and myself a lot。Meeting people, helping them out, making a difference in the world,earning a handsome salary,being extensively knowledgeableWhat more of a reason do I need to become such an honorable and rewarding professional?Psychiatrist is one job that I fullh

23、eartedly aspire after。(290 words)6如何看待金钱和幸福Can Money Buy Happiness? 范文: Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, mon

24、ey can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness. But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search

25、 of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that cant be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it. I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it cant buy happiness. Happiness is not someth

26、ing that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life,

27、 it cant buy happiness.7如何看待自驾车8教育中创新重要还是知识重要9我旳梦想我旳梦想英语作文mydream Everyone has dreams.Different dreams always make me excited when I was a little boy.I wanted to be a doctor,a teacher. As time flies,I changed my mind.Now I want to be a writer.I like to write stories.I want to share my world with oth

28、ers.I know that to be a writer is a hard job.So I try to read many books and try to improve my writting skills.I must study hard from now on."Nothing in impossible if you set your mind on it."I hope my dream will come true one day!My Dream      Everyone has a lot o

29、f dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future. However, I knew very well that I

30、 could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.      After graduating from college, I found a job as a teacher.Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of book

31、s to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers

32、 have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway. 10学医旳作用11朋友与成功We all know a story similar to this: Two Men and a Bear. In the forest, when a bear attacked them, t

33、he thinner man quickly climbed up to the top of a tree and forgot his promise to the fatter guy, who could not climb the tree, about helping each other when in danger. Luckily, the fatter man saved himself. The fatter mat was very disappointed, and when they got together again, he said to the thinne

34、r man, "You are not my real friend. Only a friend in need is a friend indeed". This is a very familiar story. It illustrates to us what a friend should be like. It is, however, just a story. I would like to tell you something about myself, my true feel-ings. When I was in Senior One, I had

35、 great difficulty in learning science subjects. I was unable to understand the teacher and 1 could not do the exercises or the homework. I believed that I was stupid and could not learn anything. The sky was gray and the grass was yellow those days. Everything was a mess in my brain. My classmate, a

36、 good student, whom I only considered as one of the classmates before, came to me with a smile. She told me that if I needed help, she would like to help me. As she was also very busy with her studies,I asked myself, "Could she help me? "Sev-eral days later, I knew the answer. Yes, she cou

37、ld. She did as much as she could. She made time every day to help me solve the problems and showed me many good ways to study science. Her patience and earnest nature touched me deeply. I worked very hard and my progress was reflected in my examination result. I appreciated her help very much and wa

38、nted to thank her. When I looked at her, once again she smiled at me with an encouraging and congratulatory look. At that moment I understood that a true friend should be like this. Nowadays, it seems that there are many ways of expressing friendship. Our lives are generally better. People now have

39、more time to consider and be more concerned about their lives. Money, which is considered by many to be of prime importance, makes it difficult to find true friendship. Is friendship only greeting each other on meeting? Is friendship only drinking and eating together? Is friendship only lending mone

40、y to each other? No, a friend Should be a person you trust and understand. A friend should be a person who tastes happiness and bitterness with you. A friend should be a person who can give you confidence and encouragement. Though everything has changed, and friendship has scores of definitions, I s

41、till believe, and I will believe forever that "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed". 12微笑旳作用有哪些Smile is a kind of attitude of life, the rich, the status, the situation with no connection. A millionaire May Day, but a poor fret may mood: a disabled may calm, A situation may well, one of the

42、 people might meet adversity smile.Life is always a mirror, according to our image, when we cry, cry, when we live in life are smiling, smiling. Smile to no purpose, whether to boss, or guard, that smile alike, smile is the respect of others, for life is also the respect. Smile is a "return&quo

43、t;.Smile is the best name card, who does not want to make friends with people of optimism? A smile can give oneself a confidence, also can give people a better inspire confidence and potential.Smile is the best friend of language, a naturally smile, is worth a thousand words, either first met or acq

44、uaintance long already, smile can close the distance between people, between the feeling and warm.13你对校园旳印象First, the United States I am on campus, everyone's responsibility. Take good care of ourselves from the campus environment, every little thing from the start side; the second is in the sch

45、ool to create a "love my school, United States and my school"atmosphere, so that each student actively involved in creating "Green School "campaign.14生活旳态度As can be seen from the cartoons, different students may have different wayson how to spend their college days: a boy student

46、 indulges himself in computer games, wasting money and time; while a girl student buries herself in a large pile of books, striving to get prepared for the future. After the fierce competition in the entrance examination, some students may have the illusion that they are secure at last in college. T

47、herefore they do not concentrate on their studies and waste money and time. Needless to say, we all have the right to choose our own way of life. However, college students should define and realize their goals. Time in college is one of the most important periods in our life when we can further prep

48、are ourselves academically for a successful future; therefore we should make the most of it when we have this opportunity. Setting goals is an active way of living. Generally speaking, people are better motiva studying guarantees success. Students need to appreciate their time in school, and work ha

49、rd in order to ensure a good future.15一件故意义旳事情16生活在大都市 Living In A Big CityLiving in a big city has both positive and negative consequences. Things tend to be closer to you when you live in a big city. On the other hand city-dwellers are usually unaided in time of need and support.For this essay I w

50、ill use New York City as my example city. Living in New York City has all the stuff dreams are made of, millions of residents and tourist, an extensive public transportation system and a all kinds of diverse culture in a tight area. In a big city things seem to revolve around you. An example of this

51、 is delivery pizza. One shouldnt worry about getting across town because subways now go even across state. And if you looking for Chinese food better than that cooked in China then China towns got it. One can only asked them-self, why not live in a big city?17好旳工作对你而言意味着什么How to Find a Good JobNowad

52、ays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment.They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs.But the saying goes Everything is difficult to begin.In my opinion,before finding a job,they should do some preparations.First,when they are in

53、school, they should make good use of their time and put their heart into their studies. They can hold part-time jobs in their spare time to get some work experience. Second,They should take part in some social activities and provide themselves with special training so that they are more confident an

54、d courageous enough to face fairly good jobs or certain positions require.Do those things above,I believe once they go out of the campus,they wont feel bewildered.However,thats not all.To find a good job,a good application letter and a job interview which are also important.On the other hand,they ca

55、n ask for jobs by E-mail,friends and the other ways.In a word, want to find a good job,they should catch every chance and keep learning.At last but not least,more confident more chances.18知识和创业Ten tips for personal business to get richCharacteristics of today's social and economic development fr

56、om the punctual point of view, the mandate of the people on the basis that the following three categories: members of the national private business, enterprise staff workers, their boss. They have their own strengths; but the fear of good people want to own boss! But everyone knows the difficulty of

57、 the boss has a boss, not everyone can be the boss, the boss really be a loss, so the owner of a successful career is the need to hard and intelligent.The ancients said: highest towers begin from the ground! No cause is from small to large, from the start of the regular drip; is when the lessons are

58、 not, the process of capital accumulation, and slowly developed! Everything is hard ending! We are summarized below are the foundation of the experience of their ancestors, contemporary social development of special leave on schedule, summed up: Top Ten Tips for a collective venture to get rich! Ear

59、ly on in the friends hope to help!1, to minimize the amount of venture capital.Do not borrow money, do not cast a household savings, the chance of success is only 20 to 30 new businesses, not worthy of how much you risk. Cause you plan to be imaginary by the existing collective talent and expertise you start, and only need a little cash. 2, to sell their training.As a small business operator, it is that you buy, not your product. Just you know Ruohe sell themselves, no nee


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