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1、Unit 6 The third period Language study Word study Grammar : Review the AttributeRevision 1.满足生存的基本需要 2.忘带忘带,留下留下,落后落后 3.动身出发动身出发,开始了横越大陆之旅游开始了横越大陆之旅游 4.白天里白天里 5.极度的需要/渴望 6.(沿.)排列着 7.度过艰难困苦 8.对.刻薄/凶狠,使.难堪 9.太虚了,无力承受重负 10.使自己习惯于,习惯于做某事 11.忍受炎热,干渴和饥饿 12.急于赶到一个安全的地方 13.将某物装入(衣箱内) 14.四肢着地,爬着Useful phrase

2、s 1. satisfy/meet the basic needs for survival 2.leave behind 3.set off for ones journey across the continent 4. by day 5. in desperate need of 6. be lined with 7. live through hardship 8.be hard on 9.too weak to pull ones burden 10. accustom oneself to/ be accustomed to (doing) 11.suffer from heat,

3、 thirst and starvation 12.in anxiety of reaching a place of safety 13.pack B with A 14. on all fours Retell the texttime clue:. the spring of 1845by the middle of Octin the winterin the spring of 1846On Nov. 4,1846April 12,1846in the morning of Dec.25 Retell the text place clue: . California(promise

4、d land)at homefour statesIndian Creekthe Salt Lake valleythe Salt Lake DesertThe California Desert In the _ of 1845, after his father read a book about _, he decided to _ there. His family and many other families _ for their journey by the middle of October. After traveling through _, they had to sp

5、end _ in Kansas. Until _ , they wouldnt leave. They traveled by day. On November4, 1846, they entered _ and soon lost their way. Due to lack of _, the oxen had no strength to pull the wagons and were burnt. People had no choice but to cover another 500 miles _. At last, they _ all the difficulties a

6、nd got to the west on the morning of _. They started their new life there.springConsolidationCaliforniamoveset offfour statesthe winterApril 12, 1846the desertwater and grasson footovercameChristmas DayWord study Word study Ex.1 1. pond 2. starvation 3. circumstance 4. anxiety 5. desperate 6. keep u

7、p 7. add up 8. take it easy Ex. 2 1. burden 2. oxen 3. ponds 4.starvation 5.desperate 6.anxiety Ex. 3 1. had come to an end 2. came to an agreement 3. came to a conclusion 4. coming to a complete stop 5. came to a decision 6. came to a better understanding Ex. 1 1.The account of the wonderful land g

8、ave my father a strange but brave idea. 2.It was in 1845 that my father made the decision to move west with twenty other family . 3.Despite great hardship, we continued the journey westward. 4.There was nothing to eat , nowhere to seek shelter and nobody to be seen. 5.To our great joy, not long afte

9、r this trying part, we reached a running stream. 6.Seeing the green valley , we thought we had reached the promised land. 7.I walked beside our cattle, carrying my four-year- old son . 8.Farmers who saw us stared at us as if we were walking skeletons.Grammar: review the Attributive Grammar APronouns

10、 (including numerals)e.g. my teacher, his school, three books, all games, etcBAdjectivese.g. a beautiful girl, a tall building, etc1.What can be used as Attribute?DGerundse.g. a walking stick, a swimming pool, etcEParticiplese.g. an interesting book, untouched food, etc.CNounse.g. a party member, a

11、service center, etc GPrepositional Phrasese.g. a map of China, the end of a year, etcHAttributive Clausese.g. This is the man who came yesterday.FInfinitivese.g. a house to repair, a meeting to be held, etc.高考热点(定语)高考热点(定语)1.前置定语的排列顺序(口诀)限定、描绘(大长高),形状年龄和新老。颜色国籍和材料,作用类别向后靠。限定词:数词、名词所有格、代词、冠词描绘词:形容词(大

12、-小、长-短、高-矮;方-圆-宽-扁; 新-老-旧;黑-白-红;国籍;木-石-胶;建筑用等)2.定语从句(非限制性定语从句;介词+关系词定语从句;定语从句的主谓一致;关系词与先行词分离的定语从句) 高考题精选练习高考题精选练习1.1. Are the new rules working? Are the new rules working? Yes. _ books are stolen. Yes. _ books are stolen. A AFewer BFewer B MoreMore C CSomeSome D D NoneNone2.2. When I got back home I

13、 saw a message pinned to When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _ “Sorry to miss you, will call the door _ “Sorry to miss you, will call later.” later.” A Areadread B B readsreads C Cto readto read D D readingreading A D3. 3. Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? Can you come on Monday

14、 or Tuesday? Im afraid _ day is possible. Im afraid _ day is possible. A Aeithereither B Bneitherneither C Csomesome D DAnyAny4. Sarah has read lots of stories by American 4. Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers. Now she would like to read _ writers. Now she would like to read _ storie

15、s by writers from _ countries.stories by writers from _ countries. A Asome; anysome; any B Bother; some other; some C Csome; other Dsome; other Dother; otherother; other B_ 5 5. . The Olympic Games, _ in 776 B.C., did The Olympic Games, _ in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912not incl

16、ude women players until 1912 A Afirst playing Bfirst playing Bto be first playedto be first played C Cfirst played Dfirst played Dto be first to be first playingplaying6. The boy _ in the examination room 6. The boy _ in the examination room was later punished for doing so.was later punished for doi

17、ng so. A Awas caught cheatingwas caught cheating B Bcatching cheatedcatching cheated C Ccaught to cheatcaught to cheat D Dcaught cheatingcaught cheating7.I have many friends, _ some are businessmen. 7.I have many friends, _ some are businessmen. ( (全国卷全国卷II)II) A. of them B. from which A. of them B.

18、 from which C. who of D. of whom C. who of D. of whom8._students are required to take part in 8._students are required to take part in the boat race. (2004the boat race. (2004浙江卷浙江卷) ) A.Ten strong young Chinese A.Ten strong young Chinese B.Ten Chinese strong young B.Ten Chinese strong young C.Chinese ten young strong C.Chinese ten young strong D.Young strong ten Chinese D.Young strong ten ChineseD A9.The _house smells as if it hasnt 9.The _house smells as if it hasnt been lived in f


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