1、.得阅读与写作者得天下中考比例中考比例62.5%短文填空短文填空15阅读理解阅读理解30完形填空完形填空10读写综合读写综合20.阅读步骤:阅读步骤:1)扫读全文。扫读全文。 尤其是首尾两段和每一段的首句(主题句),尤其是首尾两段和每一段的首句(主题句),了解大了解大意意, 理解文章的体裁理解文章的体裁(记叙文、议论文还是说明文)。(记叙文、议论文还是说明文)。2)浏览题干浏览题干,锁定关键词,锁定关键词3)细读全文,细读全文,找出与题干和选项有关的句子和段落,找出与题干和选项有关的句子和段落,并加以仔细研读。并加以仔细研读。不可逐字逐句分析不可逐字逐句分析。这样会严重影响阅读速度及对整篇。这
2、样会严重影响阅读速度及对整篇文章的把握。文章的把握。 不要常回视已读部分不要常回视已读部分。这是缺乏信心、患得患失的心理。这是缺乏信心、患得患失的心理所致,回视会降低阅读速度和效率。所致,回视会降低阅读速度和效率。 切不可一遇生词就查词典切不可一遇生词就查词典。4) 检验答案检验答案 答案做完后,回归原文,检查答题有无疏漏,研究答案做完后,回归原文,检查答题有无疏漏,研究其内在联系和逻辑关系,对照各题目推测判断,其内在联系和逻辑关系,对照各题目推测判断,确保确保无误无误。.阅读题型1. 细节理解题细节理解题Which of the following is TRUE ( NOT true)?
3、not mentioned?From paragraph , we know that _ .2014 ) According to this passage, the umbrella was probably first invented in ancient_. A. Egypt . B. Babylon C. Rome D. China Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chi
4、nese, back in the eleventh century BC.2 推理判断题推理判断题 1). What can you conclude from this passage? 你能从文中你能从文中总结出总结出什么?什么? 2). Whats the authors attitude towards.? 作者作者对对的态度的态度是什么?是什么? 3).We can infer from the passage that 我们可以从文中我们可以从文中推出推出_。 4) We can guess the writer of the passage may be a _. 5 )The
5、 writer writes this passage to _.3.主旨大意题。主旨大意题。1).What is the main idea of this passage? 本文的主旨是什么?本文的主旨是什么?2).What does the passage mainly talk about? 文章主要讲述什么?文章主要讲述什么?3).What does the write want to tell us? 作者想要告诉我们什么?作者想要告诉我们什么?4).标题问题:标题问题:Which is the best title of this article? 文章的最佳标题是哪个?文章的最
6、佳标题是哪个?4. 词义猜测题词义猜测题 .阅读中的猜词技巧阅读中的猜词技巧 阅读理解中不可避免地会遇到一些生词阅读理解中不可避免地会遇到一些生词(有有些是熟词生义些是熟词生义),疑难语句。遇到这些问题,疑难语句。遇到这些问题,我们可用下面几种方法解决:我们可用下面几种方法解决:.技巧技巧1:根据同义词或反义词、因果、转折、情景、语:根据同义词或反义词、因果、转折、情景、语境来判断境来判断 Tom is lazy but his brother is industrious. 2013) Whats the meaning of the underlined word ”survive” in
7、 the passage? A. 繁殖繁殖 B. 产卵产卵 C. 觅食觅食 D. 生存生存 Insects with colors different from plants can easily be found and eaten by others. So in order to survive,they have to hide themselves in the daytime and appear only at night.刻苦的、勤奋的刻苦的、勤奋的.2012 情景语境情景语境Whats the meaning of the underline words “fashion d
8、esigners” in the passage?A.珠宝设计师珠宝设计师 B.发型设计师发型设计师 C.舞台设计师舞台设计师 D.服装设计师服装设计师 Fashion designers from all over the world have been called to make new dresses for Barbie. 2013. What do the underlined words “UV rays” mean?A. 沙尘沙尘 B. 闪电闪电 C. 紫外线紫外线 D. 超声波超声波 For example, sunglasses are not just for fashi
9、on but they can also serve as a great way to protect your eyesight form UV rays. .技巧技巧2:根据定义和释义来推测:根据定义和释义来推测She is studying glaucoma,a kind of disease on the eyes. 我们可能猜不出我们可能猜不出glaucoma的确切词义,但通过后面的确切词义,但通过后面的解释可知道的解释可知道glaucoma(青光眼青光眼)是一种眼睛疾病。是一种眼睛疾病。2014) The underlined word royal might mean _ in
10、 Chinese. A.皇室的皇室的 B.富裕的富裕的 C.中产的中产的 D.平民的平民的 The umbrella was allowed to be used only by those in high office or by royal people such as the kings or queens.技巧技巧3:根据常识来推测:根据常识来推测Water usually boils at 100 centigrade.众所周知,水的沸点是100摄氏度,由此不难判断出centigrade的意思是“摄氏度”。.技巧技巧4:运用构词法进行猜测:运用构词法进行猜测The colors of
11、 Hawaii in summer are unforgettable. .构词法:合成法合成法转化法转化法缩略法缩略法混成法混成法.合成法合成法.转化法转化法:一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性。一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性。. 缩略法:把原有的词汇缩短,使读音和写法呈现出新的形式。缩略法:把原有的词汇缩短,使读音和写法呈现出新的形式。.首字母省略首字母省略 .混成法混成法breakfast +lunch-brunch早午餐 smoke +fog-smog烟雾motor + hotel-motel汽车旅馆 news +broadcast- newscast新闻广播.l li
12、ke English so much. “假话说多了也成真”.20 文章的主旨大意主题主题:1.看看文章文章标题标题(包括小标题包括小标题).2找找主题句主题句(常出现在首段或尾段处,常出现在首段或尾段处, 若没有则应结合各段主题句进行归纳若没有则应结合各段主题句进行归纳) Step 1:主旨题主旨题.21The passage is mainly about_. A.the way in deal with e-waste B.the cost of burning e-waste C.the e-waste problem in China D.the need to pass a law
13、 against e-waste.22 It is reported that some developed counties have shipped broken parts of computes to China. Such a thing can be founded every day although it is against international laws. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones send from Japan.
14、Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with is not an easy job 1,2段主题句段主题句.23Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong province is one of them. This town is named as”the e-waste capital of the world”. It has to deal with 1.5mllion kilograms of e-was
15、te each year, from which it makes 75 million years. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poison in e-waste find their way into the environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers, Greenpeace, an environmental group, has found the air, the earth and the rivers in Guiyu
16、 badly polluted. 3段主题句段主题句.24The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that doesnt do harm to the environment and peoples life. This year, China presents a new protection law, the strictest one we have ever had. Computer complies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take bac
17、k their old computers. This is because the complies that make computers know best to deal with them safely. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be solved in near future. 4段主题句段主题句.25Step 2:细节题:细节题. 怎样寻找细节怎样寻找细节?1.找出关键词找出关键词2.快速定位快速定位(锁定信息来源锁定信息来源).3.忽略无关内容忽略无关内容.62.The e-waste found in Hong Kon
18、g last month was from_. A. France B. Japan C. Germany D. Australia .26 The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from_. It is reported that some developed counties have shipped broken parts of computes to China. Such a thing can be founded every day although it is against international laws. Las
19、t month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones send from Japan. .27 怎样寻找细节怎样寻找细节?1.找出关键词找出关键词2.快速定位快速定位(锁定信息来源锁定信息来源).3.忽略无关内容忽略无关内容.63.The town of Guiyu in Guangdong Province_. A.is the e-capital of the world B.has serious e-waste pollution C. Deals with e-wa
20、ste safely D.speeds much money on e-waste .28 The town of Guiyu in Guangdong Province_. Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong province is one of them. This town is named as”the e-waste capital of the world”. It has to deal with 1.5mllion kilograms of e-waste each year, fro
21、m which it makes 75 million years. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poison in e-waste find their way into the environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers, Greenpeace, an environmental group, has found the air, the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted.
22、.2964.This year, the Chinese government_. A.tried to change peoples life B.closed some computer complies C.make a new environment protection law D.asked people to hand in their old computers .30This year, the Chinese government_. The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that
23、 doesnt do harm to the environment and peoples life. This year, China presents a new protection law, the strictest one we have ever had. Computer complies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers. This is because the complies that make computers know best to deal with them
24、 safely. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be solved in near future. .31.32 怎样猜词怎样猜词?1.找出关键词找出关键词2.快速定位快速定位(锁定信息来源锁定信息来源).3.结合前一句或后一句猜测词义结合前一句或后一句猜测词义65.The underlined word buried probably means _in the passage. A.焚烧焚烧 B.障碍障碍 C.回收回收 D.掩埋掩埋 Step 3:猜词题猜词题.3362.The underlined word buried probabl
25、y means _in the passage. Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with is not an easy job because dangerous poison like mercury(汞汞)and lead (铅铅)can be found in them. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be deal with safely. But at present, broken computer par
26、ts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years before they are really goes in the earth. .34Which of the following is true?A. Every time an old computer breaks down, it can be buried in the earth simply.B. Some developed counties have shipped broken parts of computes to China, it is for internat
27、ional laws.C. In GuiYu, plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into riversD. The earth and the rivers in Guiyu are fine.Step 4:细节推理题细节推理题.35Step 4:细节推理题细节推理题.如何完成细节推理如何完成细节推理?1.找出各个选项关键词找出各个选项关键词2.逐一快速定位逐一快速定位(锁定信息来源锁定信息来源).3.选项与原文进行一一对比选项与原文进行一一对比.36A. Every time an old computer br
28、eaks down, it can be buried in the earth simply Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with is not an easy job because dangerous poison like mercury(汞汞)and lead (铅铅)can be found in them. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be deal with safely. But at prese
29、nt, broken computer parts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years before they are really goes in the earth. .37B. Some developed counties have shipped broken parts of computes to China, it is for international laws.It is reported that some developed counties have shipped broken parts of computes to China. Such a thing can be founded every day although it is against international laws. Last month Hong Kong officers fou
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