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1、.20092010学年度上学期小学阶段教学质量检测六年级英语试题亲爱的同学们:一个学期又结束了!在这一段时间的英语学习中,你一定收获了很多很多。下面就检测一下吧!你只要积极动脑,认真思考,就一定能发挥出你自己的水平,取得优异的成绩。注意书写时要做到标准、规范、美观、大方哟,相信你的试卷能给我们赏心悦目的感觉。孩子,你一定行,因为你是最棒的!时间:40分钟 等级 Listening part一、Listen and choose 听录音, 选出你所听到的内容 1. A. north          

2、60;      B. nose                 C. mouth 2. A. live                 B. dive         

3、           C. drive 3. A. right                 B. tonight                C. night 4. A. ship  

4、              B. shop                    C. stop 5. A. writer               B. w

5、inter               C. water二、Listen and number 听录音, 排顺序 三、Listen and choose the right answer 听录音,根据问句选答语 1. A. She is strong. B. Yes, she is. C. She is an actress. 2. A. I often go by bus. B. I like diving. C. He likes diving. 3. A. H

6、e is a worker. B. He works in a school. C. She works in a bank. 4. A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus 5. A. Im going to the zoo. B. Im going at 3 oclock. C. Im going to read books.四、Listen and number听录音,排顺序 And then? Excuse me. Where is the post office? Thank you! Turn leftat the cinema, then go straig

7、ht. Its on the left. Its east of the cinema.五、Listen and write听录音, 把以下句子补充完好1. The is near to the bookstore.2. My uncle is a .3. I write stories. Im a .4. Where does the come from? It comes from the vapour.5. What are you going to do tonight? Im going to buy a .Writing part六、Read and choose读一读, 选一选,

8、只填代号raidrein baileftipA B C D E单词rainshipleftridebuy音标 A. read a maazine C. a cleaner D. rainF. go to the hospital E. play the violin七、Read and choose根据图意选择短语,将代号填入图下括号中 八、Read and write读一读,根据图片提示写单词1. How can I get to the _?  Go straight, then turn left. 2. The _ _ are the same in every c

9、ountry.3. How do you go to school?My home is far, Usually I go . 4. What are you going to be? I am going to be a _.5. She works in a shop. She sells things. Shes a _.九、Read and choose the right answer 单项选择 1.    _ can I go to Shanghai? You can go by plane.  A. What B. Where C. Ho

10、w 2. There are three lights:    _ . A. red, yellow and green B. red, blue and green C. red, orange and green 3. In China drivers drive on the    _ side of the road. A. left B. right C. two 4. I am going to    _ my grandparents next week.A. visit B. visits

11、 C. visiting 5. I want to buy some books. So I can go to the    _ .A. bookstore B. shoe store C. pet shop 6. Amys mother is _actress. Her father is _ policeman. A. a , an, B. a, a C. an, a 7. It _ from the clouds. A. come B. comes C. coming 8. Where does he work?A.His hobby is paintin

12、g. B.He works in a car company. C.He is a singer. 9. Little water drop feels very hot. So it _.       A. falls down    B. goes up     C. goes down 10. Toms mother teaches English. What does his mother do?A. She is a policewoman. B. She

13、 is a teacher. C. She goes to work by car.十、Put the words in right order 连词成句1. do     How    you    to    go    school ? 2. comes   the    It    from    river 

14、  in   water   the . 3. to get can the I Nature How Park ? 4. at cinema Turn the left . 5. then What do you should ? 十一、Read and find 读一读,找答语 1.Where is the museum, please? 2. How does Li Lin go to work? 3. Where are you going this weekend? 4. What does your father do? 5. Ar

15、e you going to the bookstore?A. He is a artist.B. Its near the school.C. Yes, we are.D. She goes to work by car.E. Im going to HongKong.十二、Read and number 读一读,完成以下题目Whats your favourite season? I like spring best. Because I like flying kites and planting trees. Do you know how to plant a tree? Lets

16、do it together. Buy a tree plant first .Then, dig the soil. Put the plant into the soil. Water it. The sun shines. And we should often water it. Then, it will grow and grow. We will see a big tree with many green leaves. But it is a long time. The trees are important for us. We should protect them a

17、nd plant more trees.A.Read and number排列以下句子顺序 Put the plant into the soil. Buy a tree plant. Water it. Dig the soil. It grows a big tree. Water it often. The sun shines.B. Read and answer 答复以下问题1. Whats my favourite season? Why?2.What should we do for the trees?十三、Writing写作乐园寒假就要到了,请给你的笔友Mary写一封信,介绍

18、一下你Liu Hai和家人的爱好、生活及职业等情况,不少于5句话。注:文中不准出现自己的真实姓名Dear Mary, Your friend, Liu Hai.听力原材料一、Listen and choose1. north; 2. drive; 3. tonight; 4. stop; 5. writer 二、Listen and number1. How do you go to work?My home is far, I often by subway.2. What are you going to do on the weekend?Im going to visit B

19、eijing.3. What are you going to do this evening?Im going toread a magazine.4. What does your uncle do? He is an engineer.5. Put the plant in the soil.三、Listen and choose the right answer1. What does she do?She is an actress on TV.The questions: What does she do?2. I like sports. I like diving.The questions:What your hobby?3. Where does your sisiter work?She is an accountant, sheworks in a bank.The questions: Where does your sisiter work?4. Amy: How do you


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