1、英文申请信范例Dear Sir or Madam,I'm writing in response to the advertiseme nt you placed in Chicago Newsdaily for a libraria non Mon day, Aug. 23.亲爱的先生/女士: 我是看到你们8月23日星期一在芝加 哥新闻日报上招聘图书管理员的广告后才写此 信的。I graduated with a Master's degree in telecomm uni cati onsin 1992 and bega n my career at California
2、 State University as a young teacher. I n 2002, I was promoted to associate professor and DeputyDirector of the Department of Telecom Engin eeri ng.我于1992年硕士毕业,专业为电讯,然 后便成为加利福尼亚州立大学的一名年青教师。 2002年,我晋升副教授、电讯工程系副主任。In the past ten years, I have bee n actively in volved in academicresearches and have pu
3、blishedseveral articles in“ Telecom Now ”“ Engineering Research ” and“ Telecom Strategies ” . I also teach marketi ng strategies on a part-time basis at the uni versity.在过去的十年里,我积极从事学术研究,并 在当今电讯、工程研究和电讯战略 上发表了多篇文章。我还兼职在本校教授市场战 略。However, my husba nd hasrece ntly bee n relocated to Chicago by his com
4、pa ny and I am, therefore, seek ing a positi on in the same area in Chicago.然而,我丈夫最近被其所在的公司调往芝加 哥,因此,我也期望在芝加哥自己所从事的行业 领域找到一份工作。I have en closed my resumethat outl ines in detail my qualificationsand experience as well as an ope n letter of recomme ndati onfrom California State Un iversity.我附上了自己的简历,
5、里面详细列明了我的 资历和经历,还有一封加州大学的公开推荐信。Please give me a feedback atyour earliest convenien ceif my qualificati ons meet your requireme nts.如果我的条件达到了贵方要求,请尽快给我 一个答复。I look forward to heari ng fromyou soon.Yours si ncerely,Sue Huang期盼受到您的复信。您真诚的Sue Huang沪江第一节索取入学与奖学金表格申请书信范例索取入学及奖学金表格是申请程序的第一步, 这一步比较简单容易。只要学校
6、 初选名单确定下来,便可发函索取表格。索取申 请表格的信函格式与商业书信大致 相同。这类申请信函最好寄到单位,而不要写给 个人,以免因工作调动而耽搁。以 美国大学为例,申请的受理单位可能有以下几 种:1. 由 Office of Admissions 统一受理一切入学 申请函件,包括大学部与研究生院;2. 由 Office of the Registrar 受理,权限同 1 ;3. 由 Office of Student Service 受理,权限同 1 ;4. 由 Office of Foreign Student Advisor 受理国 外学生入学申请函件;5. 由 Office of F
7、oreig n Admissi ons或Office of In ter nati onal Scholars受理国外学生入学申请函件;6. 由 Graduate School, Graduate College 或 Office of Graduate Studies受理研究生院的入学申请函件;而 Office of Admissions受理本科部的申请;7. 由各所属分院(如 College of En g.)分别受 理入学申请信件,也有很多学校先由 Office of Admissions接受申请,供给所 需表格,然后一切通信改由各分院负责,大的学校大多采用这种方式,因为他们 每年受理的
8、申请函件高达上万件。有的申请人对所报学校可能不够了解。这样, 如果申请读本科,就应写信给Office of Admissions;如果申请读研究生,就应 写信给 Office of GraduateAdmissions.这种写法的信件肯定能到达承办人 的手中,称呼的方法可采用下列二 种方式之一: DirectorOffice of Admissi onsDear sir:(2) Office of Admissi onsDear Sirs:顺便提一下,在选择学校时,应考虑各种利弊 因素。其中包括地理位置、学科 设置、教学质量、学校规模、录取标准、费用高 低、资助条件、住房情况、服务设 施等。范
9、例1:请求发给入学及奖学金申请表ngDepartme nt of Chemical En gi neeriTsin ghua Uni versityBeiji ng 100084Chi naDear Sir:I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemica l Engin eeri ng at yourin stituti on. My desired date of entrance is Fall, 1 994. Please send men ecessary applicati on forms at your early conve nien
10、 ce.If possible, I also wish to obta in a graduate as sista ntship sothat I may support myself and obta in more prac tical experie nee whilepursu ing graduate study.I obta ined my B. E. (Chemical Engin eeri ng) i n 1989 and M. S.(Chemical Engineering) in 1992 from Tsinghua Uni versity. At prese nt.A
11、t prese nt, I work as a teacher at the same Univ ersity.I have take n the TOEFL and received a score of 607. I am going totake GRE Gen eral Test this com ing October.Would you please send me the applicati on for ms for admissi on andfinan cial support? Thank you very much.Sin cerely yours,Henry Yu范例
12、2索取研究生入学表格(建筑与土木专业)Departme nt of Architecture Engine eringTsin ghua Uni versityBeiji ng 100084Chi naI would be most grateful if you would send me details of post graduate study facilities or scholarships in civil e ngin eeri ng whichColumbia Un iversity may be offeri ng to stude nt from overseas. I
13、majored in architecture and graduated from Tsi nghua Un iversity in 1989.I have studied En glish for more tha n 6 years up to in termediate level.If any scholarships are available, I would appre ciate it if you wouldsend me the n ecessary applicati on forms.Si ncerely,Xie Dong范例3:索取大学研究生院指南和入学申请表Dep
14、artme nt of Mathematics Peking Un iversityBeiji ng 100871P. R. Chi naDear Sir:I am going to graduate from Departme nt of Mathematics in PekingUni versity in June n ext year. I am very eager to en ter the GraduateSchool of your University next fall to study appli ed mathematics for Ph.D. degree.I wou
15、ld appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduatecatalog of your uni versity and any other n ecessa ry in formati on, and alsoa set of applicati on forms for admissi on.Tha nk you for your kind assista nee.Sin cerely yours,Xie Dong第二节个人简历范例成功的申请可以帮助你按自己的条件进入最 合适的学校,是不可忽视的一项, 个人简历是反映一个申请者自身情
16、况的材料。国外绝大多数的学校都要求申请者提 供,并作为审查批准入学的重要依据之一。个人简历的英译很多,如“PersonneVita ”“ AutobiographicalStatement ” 、“ Personl Statement ” 、“ Autobiography、” “ Resume。其中“ Resume写法稍有不同。个人简历一般应简要写明本人所受教育、专业兴趣、工 作经历、所取得的成绩及家庭背景。有关个人简历写作的注意要点。综合各校的要 求,特做如下分析:1. 个人简历的结构可分为三或四个段落。第一 段落简单交待自己的个人情况,如姓名、出生时间及地点、家庭背景等。良好 的家庭教育对
17、你的成才当然有利。但美国对此不很重视,一般可以不写。第二段可 以围绕你的求学经过来展开,但不要用流水帐式的写法使叙述过于生硬刻板。第三 段以你的大学生活为主,你为何选此学科,可以与前面的叙述相呼应。第四段要说 明你个人的能力、性格。2. 内容要着重在你留学的动机,目前所取得的 成绩,你终生的目标。3. 个人简历避免过多的形容词,例如,想象力 十分丰富、创造力超群等,宜举小小的例子来说明。4. 个人简历约200 300字为可,不宜写得太 长。范例1计算机系毕业生个人简历I have the honor to prese nt a brief in troducti on of myself to
18、 youin compliance with the requirements of your gra duate admissi onI was born in November 7th, 1966, at the tow n of Changing, Beiji ng.My pare nts are doing bus in ess and farmin g. I h ave one elder sister, oneyoun ger sister, and two youn ger brothers. The f amily is in a well-to-docountry with
19、harm oni zed atmosphere.After my eleme ntary and junior high school e ducati on at my hometow n, I went on my senior high school educ ati on at a public vocational technical high school at the neighbori ng county Fan gsha n.Courses I have take n there in clude: mecha ni cal structure, appliedmecha n
20、i cal dyn amics, material stre ngth, heat tr eatme nt an alysis, andelectrical engineering. I also had practice course s on lathe work, bench work, casti ng, engin eeri ng draw ing, and electro nic television repair skill. After graduati on from this tech ni cal school ,I found a job at theEvergreen
21、 Traffic Corp. When I had worked on e year in mecha ni cal desig n and heat treatme nt an alysis, I was admitted to t he Computer Scie nee Departme nt of Beiji ng In stitute of Tech no logies.Computer scie nee educati on was an exte nsion of my pursuit in electro nic kno wledge, it had led me into t
22、he worl d of applied electr oni cs. Courses I had take n are: Calculus, Computer Programmi ng (FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBL Y, and BASIC ),Computer architecture, algorithm, maintenan ce, system an alysis, and some related courses in Acco un ti ng, Statistics, Operati ng research, Digital value anal ysis.
23、Begi nning at the sec ond year of college, I parti cipated in a workstudy program and was assig ned to the compute r cen ter of Far EastTextile Corp. as n ight-shift computer operator,The computers I dealtwith were CDC 3300 MSOS and IBM 370-115 DOS/VS system. The major workI had done was the system
24、tran sfere nee of CDC 3300: MSOS to IBM370-115 DOS/VS.In 1989, I was employed by China AutomobileCorp. as a computerprogrammer, and was in formed to work on the f irst of June.For the first six mon ths of my service, I was in charge of the IBM4331; DOS/ VSE System Operation, and later on dealt with
25、pers onnel /payroll and financing system programm ing wor ks. In the sec ond year, Iwas promoted to be a system an alyst for pers onn el/ payroll system. In anattempt to upgrade the efficie ncy of computer d ata process and tosimplify users operati ng procedures, I redesig ne d the whole worki ngsys
26、tem and I successfully transferred a Batch op eration from orientedsystem to on-li ne system. In the third year, I spe nt five mon ths inthe develop ing of subsystem of financin g-acco un ting. No sooner had Ifini shed that system tha n I was reassig ned as a S ubsystem Programmerin charge of DOS /
27、VSE, CICS, and VTAM. At t hat positi on I have fullresp on sibility for affairs of tech ni cal tran siti on, system developme nt,recruit trai ning, and n etwork comm uni cati ons.With the elapse of time and the accumulation of experie nces, I amnow familiar with all of the popular computer languages
28、: FORTRAN, COBOL,ASSEMBL Y, and BASIC. Other than these lang uages, I have also lear nedand practiced in pla nning, desig ning, and an alyz ing of the followi ngcomputer applicati ons: DL/ 1, Data Base, On-li n e (CICS, BMS), DataCommu nication Network (ACF/ VTAM / NCP), VM, DOS / VSE Operat ingSyst
29、em: Pers onnel / Payroll, Acco un ti ng Applica tion System and etc. Forthese achieveme nts I owe a great deal to China I n formati onAssociati on Since I have take n almost every trai ning course they haveoffered.With the ever- in creas ing level of my work, I a m feeli ng str on glythat the theore
30、tical study and actual practice are equally importa nt anddepe ndent on each other. Though I pers on ally p ossess many years ofexperie nces in actual practices, there is always n eed for me to exte ndmy exist ing theoretical basis for future research.My love forcomputer scie nces and my inq uisitiv
31、e ness had p ushed me to apply for yourgraduate school admissi on, and I have decided . should I be accepted byyou, I will concen trate on the field of n et-work- data-comm uni cati on,the n make a breakthrough on my curre nt ways of thinking in computerrelated research and developme nt. Fin ally, I
32、 exp ect that I, myself, asone member of today's world of computer doma in, I should strive to offermy best professi onal computer service to our so ciety.范例2电子工程毕业生个人简历My n ame is Xie Don g. I was born on August 25, 1965, in Hen gya ng,Hunan Prov in ce. In 1977 I graduated from Har bin Tech ni
33、cal In stitutewhere I majored in electro nic engin eeri ng, and t hen I was assig ned towork in an electronic apparatus factory as a tec hni cia n for nine years.During this period I gained some practical expe rience in desig ningand manufacturing several varieties of electroni c apparatus. In the f
34、allof 1983, I was admitted to the Departme nt of M athematics, Zhejia ngUni versity as a graduate stude nt. Six mon ths bef ore I took theexami nati on s, I started to study higher algebra a nd an alysis by myselfin my leisure time. Si nee the en rollme nt I have c ompleted all thecourses required b
35、y the graduate program, maki ng straight A both in myun dergraduate and graduate courses. My perfor mance in the graduatesem inars of Differe ntial Calculus and Mathemat ical and Physical Formulasshows that I have got a good grasp of the funda men tals of mathematics.I have bee n study ing En glish
36、inten sively for si x mon ths. I haveattended an English class taught by an America n professor. Ms. KathySwift, from the City Un iversity of New York. Ac cording to her, withina few weeks of my arrival abroad, I should have no difficulty eitherin fun cti oning on a daily basis or in participati n g
37、 fully in graduatestudies.Prese ntly I am in terested in applied mathemat ics and later I wouldlike to do research in con trol theory. If I am acce pted as a graduatestude nt. I pla n to stay for 2-5 years pursu ing a P h.d. degree. I am sureI would make progress in my future career.范例3电机系毕业生个人简历AUT
38、OBIOGRAPHIC STATEMENTMy name is Harry Lin. On May 25, 1958, I wa s bor n in Xinying, a little town in Southern Fujian. My father is a far mer, pla nting bananas and pin eapples, and my mother takes c are of the house. I havetwo brothers and one sister. Though not well-to- do, my pare nts have bee na
39、ble to provide the whole family with sufficie nt means to live dece ntlyand enjoy all moder n convenien ces.My early educati on was received in my hometo wn, i.e. six years inprimary school and three years in junior middle school. After completi ngnine years of formal education in 1958. I went to Xi
40、ame n andparticipated in the joi nt entrance exam in ati on for five-year juniorcolleges. Fort un ately, I was admitted to the Depa rtme nt of ElectricalEngineering at Xiamen Junior Engineering Coll ege. I chose ElectricalEngin eeri ng as my major because, on the one ha nd , I liked Physicsvery much
41、; and on the other hand, electrical ind ustry is a majorsector of the economy of China.The five years of inten sive trai ning came to an end in June 1978 whe nI received a diploma. And in July 1980. I was hi red by Nan Ya plasticCompa ny and have served as a junior electrical engin eer at the compa
42、nyto the present. I enjoy the work and feel compete nt for the job.In work ing, however, I've Found that what I h ave lear ned in school islimited and far from sufficie nt to han die sophist icated jobs.Therefore, I have decided to exte nd my educatio n and would like to en teran American instit
43、ution firstly to earn a Bachel or's degree inElectrical Engin eeri ng. Then, if possible, I woul d like to con ti nue myeducati on toward a Master's degree.After this objective is reached, I will return to my country and seeka job in a public firm. Most probably I will cont inue to work with
44、Nan Ya Plastic Compa ny.范例4化学系毕业生个人简历AUTOBIOGRAPH YI was bor n in Beiji ng, China in 1945. In my e arly school years I atte nded Lao Song Primary School. After my gr aduati on I en tered theBeijing 1st Girls School This is the best middle sc hool in Beiji ng.Girls are admitted on the basis of a comp
45、etitive entrance exam in ati on.During my middle school years I was very active in school activitieswhile still mai ntai ning a high academic record.Twice I won the firstprize for the best in the Three Prin ciples 1) Ou tsta nding grades, 2)moral character, and 3) Good health. This prize was a great
46、 hon or. Iregularly attended the youth Group and there I met several America ns whohelped me to improve my En glish. Upon gradua tion from middle school Ientered Beijing University. This was also on the basis of acompetitive exam in ati on. It was a very frighte ni ng thing to take thistest, because
47、 there was not eno ugh room in Chin ese Uni versities forevery one who wished to attend. I was very fortu n ate to have a goodbackgro und and a high scholastic average. Thes e helped me a great deal.I majored in Chemistry at Beiji ng Un iversity. This was mainly becauseI enjoyed it so much in middle
48、 school and I hop ed some day to teachit in college or perhaps do some research. As an un dergraduate I enjoyedall my courses, but I especially liked my major s ubject. My facultyadvisor, Dr. Wen, helped me choose the courses which were of the mostin terest to me. He also en couraged me to do outs i
49、de readi ng andresearch. With his help I became a lab assista nt which broade ned mykno wledge of chemistry. Dr. Wen also stre ngthe n ed my desire to studyabroad and suggested several America n Un ivers ities which had goodreputations in my field. As a result of his encour ageme nt and a greatdeal
50、of study, I graduated from Beiji ng Uni versity with very highgradesalmost at the top of my class.In additi on to my primary in terest in chemistry, I have alwaysbee n in terested in Chin ese literature and pain ti n g. While I was at theuni versity, I took some painting and art courses.I found pain
51、ting couldrelax me and en ables me to see things in a bette r perspective whe n Iwas depressed or whe n I had a problem.In the future my goal is to get my M. A. andmy Ph.D. from anAmerican University in the field of Chemistry. Ipla n to return to Chi nato teach in a middle school or a Uni versity. T
52、his is because I feelvery stron gly that China n eeds better educated,better in formed teachers.范例5会计系毕业生个人简历AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL STATEMENTI was born on December 6, 1967 in Shijiazhua ng, the largest cityin Hebei, China. I lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984.In September 198
53、4, I was admitted to TianjinFinance and Econ omicsCollege after successful performa nee in the com petitive college entranceexam in ati on. In the four years that followed, I s tudied in theDepartme nt of Acco un ti ng and Statistics of that college and obta ined a diploma in Ju ne 1988.In August 19
54、88. I bega n to work in bus in ess an d was an assista nt atDa Xi ng En terprise Corp. Since November 1980,I have bee n work ing withElectro nic Memories & Magn etics Corp. At first.I was a junioracco untant; the n successively I became assista nt to Acco un ti ng Man ager,acco untant, and senio
55、r acco untant (prese nt posi tion).The attachedPersonal Data gives a detailed acco unt of my wo rk experie nces.As a result of my six and a half years of experi ence in acco un ti ng. Ihave become thoroughly familiar with acco unti ng operati ons in mediumsize bus in ess firms. This, however, can no
56、t satisf y my ambiti on anddesire for kno wledge. To meet the n eeds of caree r developme nt in thefuture, I have decided to con ti nue my educati on.My pla ns are first tocomplete baccalaureate study, and the n to work toward an MBA degree inthe field of acco un ti ng.Most bus in ess firms in China
57、 are expa nding, a nd many new compa niesare being set up every mon th. My proposed stud y will no doubtrein force my qualificati on for a more gainful exe cutive positi on.第三节读书计划范例读书计划是入学审查的一项重要文件,它是申请人未来导师无法直接面对申请人之前,所得到的先入为主的印象,第一印象往 往事关重大。读书计划英文有许多说法如Objectives, Plans for Study, Academic Stateme nt,AcademicObjectives, Educational Goals, Statement of Pur pose, Letter of In tent 等。它应包含:1. 选择该校的理由;2. 准备主修什么学科;3. 集中研究该学科的哪一方面;4. 与主修和主攻方向有关的知识背景和工作 经验;5. 从事该研究的目的和毕业后的打算。有的学校提供读书计划表格要求填写,还有的 学校要求将个人简历和读书计划 合二为一。这些在对个人简历和读书计划的写法 有所了解后,都不难完成。范例1计算机系毕业生读书计划Whe n I was a high school boy, m
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