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1、4A朗文Chapter 4和5知识点梳理【必讲知识点】1 辨析 few, a few, little, a little:few很少,几乎没有表达“否定”意义接可数名词复数形式a few少量表达“必定”意义接可数名词复数形式little很少,几乎没有 表达“否定”意义接不可数名词a little少量 表达“必定”意义接不可数名称2. fewer与less都可以表达"更少"(1) fewer后接可数名词复数形式,是few比较级(2) less后接不可数名词,是little比较级3 辨析 much, many, so much 与 so manyso much如此多接不可数名词

2、so many如此多接可数名词复数形式much许多接不可数名词many许多接可数名词复数形式4. a lot of = lots of表达许多,后可接可数名词复数形式以及不可数名词。5. stop用法stop to do停止去做此外一件事stop doing停止做某事(指手头事)6>There be句型普通过去时IM1.必定式there be句型普通过去时表达过去某地或某时存在某人或某物,其普通过去时态陈述句由"there + was / were+主语+地点状语+时间状语"构成。there was后接单数名 词;there were后接复数名词。例如:There w

3、as a car under the tree a moment ago.刚才这棵树下有一辆小轿车。There were two foreign teachers in our school last year.去年咱们学校有两名外教。2.否定式there be句型普通过去时否定式是在动词was或were背而加not,可缩写为wasn't 或 wereno例如:There wasn't a film in the cinema last niglit.昨晚电影院里没有演电影。Tliere weren't any women doctors then.当时没有女大夫。3.

4、 普通疑问式及其回答there be句型普通过去时普通疑问式是将动词was或were放在there之前。必定回答用"Yes, there was / were.;否定回答用"No, there wasn't / weren't/例如:一Was there a man in the room just now?刚才房间里有位男子吗?一Yes, there was.是,有一位。Were there any girl singers in your class last year?去年你们班有女歌手吗? 一No, there werent.不,没有。4. 特殊疑问

5、式及其回答there be句型普通过去时特殊疑问式由'凝问词+ was / were+there +地点状语+ 时间状语”构成,有时地点状语和时间状语可省略。答语不能使用Yes或No,需视状况直接回答。例如: 一Why was there so much water?(这里)为什么有那么多水?一It was raining just now.(由于)刚才下雨了。 How many people were there in your class last term?上学期你们班有多少人? 一There were Fifty.(有)五十个。相应练习下列各句均有一处错误,请指岀并改正。1 T

6、here was three men and a child in the room just now.2. There not were any people here last night.3. 一Were there two boys under the tree ?Yes, they were.4. How much bread were there on the table yesterday?总练习:一、单选题。()1. There is stilluice in the bottle.A. few B. a little C. little D. few()2 We should

7、 eatvegetables andmeat.A. more, less B. many, less C. more, little D. more, few()3. Doing exercise every day can help to stay.A. health B. healthy C. fat D. thin()4. Sausages tasteA. well B. delicious C. nicely()5. I have apples and water.A. few, less B. little, few C. few, little D. less, fewer()6.

8、 She willableplay with her friendsA. is, to B. be, to C. be, in D. is , in()7 You have to eatfruit andvegetables than before.A. much B many C. more D. less()8. The dumplings arethan the noodlesA. more nicer B. more delicious C very nice D. delicious()9 She writesthan I.A. more careful B much careful C. much carefully()10. A horse isthan a dog .A much heavy B more heavier C. much heavier二、依照中文完毕句子。1. 她星期一比星期二吃更少香肠。He hadon Mondayon Tuesday.2. 咱们应


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