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1、“阅读理解十七选五”组合练(二)I .阅读理解ATrapped on the 37th FloorMelinda Skaar wasn t expecting any phone calls.Skaar was working late in her office at the First Interstate bank of California.By 10: 45 that night shewas almost ready to go home when the phone rang.Picking it up , she heard a guard shouting. There is

2、 a fire ! Get out of there !”Skaar didn t panic.She figured that it was justa small fire.Herofficebuilding was huge.There were 62 floors and her desk was on the 37th floor.Skaar called out to office mate StephenOksas.whoalsostayedlate towork.But when they got to thehallway , theywere metby acloudof

3、blacksmoke.Rushing back , Skaar shut the door and filled the space at the bottom of the door with her jacket to keep the smoke out.Then they called 911.Before they could call their families , however, the line went dead.That meant that they were completely cut off from the outside world.All they cou

4、ld do was wait and hope someone would come to rescue them.Minutes ticked by.Smoke began to float into the office.Soon it became hard for them to breathe.Looking around , Skaar noticed a small workroom.It seemed to have cleaner air.So they crowded there.That helped for a while , but in time even the

5、workroom was filled with deadly smoke.Hopeless , they tried to break the windows , but the glass was not breakable.Everything they threw at just bounced back.Defeated , they struggled back to the workroom.They felt weak and dizzy.Soon Skaar found Oksas had passed out.As Skaar and Oksas lay near deat

6、h , rescuers were rushing to find them.At last , at about 4 a . m., firefighters found them.Skaar and Oksas knew they were lucky to be alive. Sunday is my birthday , Skaar told a reporter.She would be turning 29.But she knew she had already got the best present possiblethe gift of life.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。

7、讲述了Skaar被火灾困在了 37楼,但她临危不惧的表现让她和同事最后获救。1. What did Skaar and Oksas do when they were stopped by the fire?A. They called their families.B. They waited where they were.C. They rushed back and shut the door.D. They tried to run down the stairs.答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句Rushing back , Skaar shut the door and

8、 filled the space at the bottom of the door.可知,选 C 项。2. The first sentence of the passage is to . A. get the readers attentionB. introduce Skaar and OksasC. explain the cause of the eventD. tell the background information答案 A解析 写作意图题。根据文章第一句话Melinda Skaar wasn t expecting any phone calls. ”及下文的内容可知,

9、第一句话的作用是引起读者的注意,故选 A项。3. The following helped Skaar and Oksas survive the fire EXCEPT . A. calling 911 for helpB. breaking the windows to get some fresh airC. crowding in a small workroom for clean airD. shutting the door and keeping the smoke out with a jacket答案 Bthe解析 细节理 解题。根据倒数第四段第一句Hopeless , t

10、hey tried to break windows, but the glass was not breakable. ”可知,选 B项。4. What can we conclude from Skaar s action in the fire?A. She is cleverer than Oksas.B. She was trained as a firefighter.C. She remained calm in the face of danger.D. She had had the experience of being caught in fire.答案 C解析 推理判断

11、题。根据文章对 Skaar在火灾中的表现,可知她临危不惧,故选C项。Bbut that it isOur quarrel with efficiency is not that it gets things done a thief of time when it leaves us no leisure to enjoy ourselves , and that it strains our nerves when we try to get things done perfectly.In building bridges , American engineers calculate so

12、 finely and exactly as to make the two ends come together within one-tenth of an inch.But when two Chinese begin to dig a tunnel from both sides of a mountain both come out on the other side. The Chinese; s firm belief is that it doesn t matter so long as a tunnel is dug through , and if we have two

13、 instead of one , why, we have a double track to boot.The pace of modern industrial life forbids this kind of glorious and magnificent idling.But , worse than that , it imposes upon us a different conception of time as measured by the clock and eventually turns the human being into a clock himself.(

14、This sort of thing is bound to come to China , as is evident , for instance , in the case of a factory of twenty thousand workers.The luxurious prospect of twenty thousand workers coming in at their own sweet pleasure at all hours is , of course , somewhat terrifying.)Nevertheless , such efficiency

15、is what makes life so hard and full of excitement.A man who has to be punctually at a certain place at five o clock has the whole afternoon from oneto five ruined for him already.Every American adult is arranging his time on the pattern of the schoolboy three o clock for this , five o clock for that

16、 , six-thirty for change of dress , six-fifty for entering the taxi , and seven o clock for arriving at the destination.It just makes life not worth living.语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。主要讲述了时间与效率的问题。现代工业社会使我们的生活 节奏变得紧促。5. The writer objects to efficiency mainly on the grounds that it . A. entitles us to too much le

17、isure timeB. deprives us of leisure timeC. urges us to get things done punctuallyD. imposes on us a perfect concept of time答案 B解析细节理解题。根据第一句中的“butthat it is a thief of time when itleaves us no leisure to enjoy ourselves.” 可知选项B 正确。6. In the eyes of the author , the introduction of industrial life gi

18、ves rise to _A. more emphasis on efficiencyB. magnificent idling of timeC. the excitement of lifeD. terrifying schoolboy答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句The pace of modern industrial life forbidsthis kind of glorious and magnificent idling.” 及第二 段倒数 第四句 a Nevertheless , such efficiency is what makes life so har

19、d and full of excitement.,可知选项A正确。7. The passage tells us . A. Chinese workers come to work when it is convenientB. Americans ought not to work so hard for efficiencyC. Chinese engineers are on better terms with the managementD. all Americans are forced to be efficient against their will答案 B解析 推理判断题

20、。根据文章最后两句Every American adult is arranging his timeon the pattern of the schoolboy threeo clock for this , five o clock forthat , six-thirty for change of dress , six-fifty for entering the taxi , and seveno clock for arriving at the destination.It just makes life not worth living.”可知选Bo8. What is i

21、mplied but NOT stated by the author is that . A. every American is arranging his time in the pattern of a schoolboyB. every American is reluctant to be efficientC. every one should have some time to spend as he pleasesD. being punctual is an undesirable habit which should not be formed 答案 C解析 推理判断题。

22、A选项在最后一段中被直接提及,不符合 implied的要求;B选项中reluctant意为“不愿”,而本文并非讨论愿不愿意的问题;D选项显然不是作者本意;通读全文知C选项符合题意。n,七选五AAlbert Einstein offered us more than just the amazing theory of relativity 2and E = mc.Through his persistence in his discoveries in science , Einstein shined a light on how each of us can do the impossib

23、le by working hard , experiencing failure , and valuing people. 9 _?Simplify Your Work“If you can t explain it to a six years old , you don t understand it yourself . ” 一 Albert EinsteinThe more complicated you have to make something seem, the more you do notunderstand the inner workings of it. 10 D

24、id they make even the most complicated topics full of vocabulary that you did not understand or did they make it easier to understand by simplifying?Live in the Present“I never think of the future it comes soon enough. ” Albert Einstein11 .You can try to get yourself worried about the future and mak

25、e plans that may not work out according to plans.What matters most is living now, today.Do your best right now and do not worry about tomorrow.?Work Towards the Impossible“Only those who attempt the absurd(荒谬的)can achieve the impossible .” 一 Albert EinsteinIf it seems ridiculous to others and you ar

26、e willing to take the risk, thenyou are able to achieve the impossible. 12 You complete what was once an obstacle.?Value People“Life isn t worth living ; unless it is lived for someone else. ” Albert EinsteinIf you put people first , they will value you and consider you a person who genuinely cares

27、about others. 13 Show them that you value them.Thank them and send compliments their way.It will not only make their day better, but they willappreciate it and remember what you have done for them.A. Spend at least a few minutes out of your busy day talking with people without any distraction.B . Sc

28、ientists in different fields are interested in the unique theory of relativity.C. When you go beyond what others think is reasonable, an amazing thing startsto happen.D. Think differently , and you may find your answer.E. Even if you are not a scientist, you can apply these life lessons to your ownl

29、ife.F. You are only guaranteed the moment that you have right now, at this moment.G. Think about the best teachers that you have had in your life.语篇解读这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了爱因斯坦在理论上和精神上对我们所做的贡献,我 们可以把几点具体的建议应用于日常生活中。9 .答案 E解析本段讲述了爱因斯坦在理论上和精神上对我们所做的贡献;下文具体讲了他的几点理 论和对我们的影响和作用。E项“即使你不是科学家也可以把这些思想应用于我们的生活”承上启下,故选

30、E。10 .答案 G解析 本段主要讲使工作简单化。下句意思为:他们是编织满是生僻难懂词汇的主题,还是言简意赅地表达出来?根据常识这里讲的应该是老师,与 G项中的the best teachers 对 应。故选G11 .答案 F解析 本段讲要活在当下。F项“你只保证现在拥有的时刻”,与本段主题相符,故选 F。12 .答案 C解析本段讲去实现别人认为不可能的事。C项“当你超越了别人认为可能的事,就会发生奇迹”,符合本段内容,故选Co13 .答案 A解析 本段讲要重视别人。下句讲要让他们知道你重视他们,A项“从繁忙的生活中抽出至少几分钟集中精力和别人交谈”,与下句衔接,故选AoBNo one rea

31、lly knows how and why people change as they get older. 14 Aging is a complex and varied process that variesin how it affects different peopleand organs.In fact , even in oneperson , different organsystems ageatdifferent rates.At a certain point in our lives our bodysystems will begin to weaken. 15 I

32、t may become more difficult forus to see and hear.The slowchange ofagingcauses our bodies to lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury.In order to live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this changethat leads us toward the end of our lives.16 A good diet plays an im

33、portant role.The amount and the type of exercise we get are another two factors. 17 But scientists studying the aging problemwant to know: why do people grow old ? They hope that by studying the aging medical science they may be able to make the length of life longer.18 Many consider the later part of life to be the best time for living.Physical activity may become less , but often we get a better understanding of the world and ourselves.What we consider the old age now may only be middle-aged some day soon.With so many advances in medical science happening so quickly, life length may oneda


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