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1、7B Unit 4词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1过来;得啦;好啦come on2充满;装满.be full of = be filled with3从地球旅行到月球travel from Earth to the moon4乘宇宙飞船 by spaceship52.72米高2.72 metres tall6睁着眼睛睡觉sleep with ones eyes open7用脚尖走 walk on tiptoe8像往常一样 as usual9害怕be frightened of = be afraid of10转过来turn around11自言自语say

2、 to oneself12不寻常的东西something unusual (常用于肯定句)13任何不寻常的东西anything unusual(常用于否定句和疑问句)14在某人回家的路上on ones way home15在某人去学校的路上on ones way to school16照顾某人look after sb = take care of sb17好好照顾某人look after sb. well = take good care of sb.18下个周日(常用过去时态)the following/next Sunday (之前不放介词)19不再not any more / no m

3、ore/ notany longer/no longer20仔细地听listen carefully 21发出像的声音make a sound like22听上去像sounds/sounded like23动物中心the animal center 24那天稍晚的时候later that day25听到又一声低语hear another whisper26对某事很疯狂be crazy about sth be crazy about football27对做某事很疯狂be crazy about doing sth be crazy about playing football28爱好音乐be

4、 fond of music29爱好听音乐be fond of listening to music30(狗)朝某人叫bark at sb.31叫醒某人wake sb. up32有毒be poisonous33很兴奋看到如此多奇妙的动物be excited to see so many amazing animals34生活在地球上live on Earth35数百种不同种类的hundreds of different kinds of36在陆地上on land37下蛋,产卵lay eggs38像一样好as well as/as good as39一直活150年live up to 150 y

5、ears40它们的每只眼睛each of their eyes41了解更多关于learn more about42了解很多learn a lot about43告诉某人(不要)做tell sb. (not) to do44某事发生在某人身上sth. happened to sb. 45在某人一生中during ones life46在我们的一生中during our lives(life的复数)47大象的体重the weight of an elephant48决定(不)做decide (not) to do49以给命名nameafter50在年龄at the age of51整天all da

6、y/the whole day52保持做keep on doing53由制成be made of/from54练习做某事practise doing sth55资料单fact sheet56属于某人belong to sb. (sb用宾格)二、重点句子及句型:1. Do you know that fish sleep with their eyes open?你知道吗鱼是睁着眼睛睡觉的?2. You cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.你做不到在打喷嚏的同时睁着眼睛。3. Theres no plant life wi

7、thout lightning.没有闪电就没有植物的生命。4. Is anybody there?有人在那里吗?5. They were still frightened.他们仍然感到害怕。6. They were surprised to see the “ghost”.他们很惊讶看到这个“鬼”.7. They were not afraid of animals any more.他们再也不害怕动物了。8. There were very few foods that Millie dislikes.几乎没有米莉不喜欢的食物。9. What a beautiful flower it is

8、!=How beautiful the flower is!多美的花啊!10. My friends found it interesting too.我的朋友们也发现它很有趣。11. I cannot believe that a tortoise can live up to 150 years.12. Its interesting to know that each eye of a camel has 3 eyelids.13. I now understand why my mother always tells me to clean the table after a meal

9、.14. Ants can smell things as well as dogs can.蚂蚁的嗅觉像狗的一样灵敏。15. It says that goldfish can only remember things for three seconds.16. They dont know what happened to them three seconds ago.17. Its said(It says) that we eat about 27000 kilos of food during our lives.据说我们一生可以吃掉大约27000千克的食物。18. Thats th

10、e weight of about six elephants.那可是大概六头大象的重量。19. Thank you for your help.= Thank you for helping me.谢谢你的帮助。20. The world is full of amazing things. 三、语法: Simple past tense(一般过去时):记住该时态的用法及常用动词的过去式(不规则动词表见书120页7B Unit 5词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1给某人让座give a seat to sb. = give sb. a seat2为希望工

11、程收集物品collect things for Project Hope3清扫;大扫除clean up4老年之家a home for the elderly5帮助某人逃离火灾help sb. out of a fire6一个人呆在家be/stay at home alone7听见某人做某事hear sb. do sth.8听见某人正在做某事hear sb. doing sth.9看见很多烟see a lot of smoke10伤着某人的腿hurt ones leg11在那个时刻at that moment12把洒遍 pourover13冲进rush into14扑灭(火)put out (代

12、词放中间)15生病住院in hospital 16在医院in the hospital17把某物带来给某人bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb.18互相帮助help each other19当心某物be careful with sth.20求救/叫救命call for help 21让(保持)开着的状态leaveon 22热的东西something/anything hot 23使远离keep away from24推荐某人担任职务/称号recommend sb. for (职务/称号)25首先为他人着想think of others first26教某人(如何

13、)做某事teach sb (how) to do sth27乐于助人俱乐部Helping Hands Club28跌倒fall down29从摔下来fall off 30因某事而心存感激be grateful /thankful for sth. 31感激某人be grateful /thankful to sb.32有个好/坏记性have a good/bad memory 33独自;单独(all) by oneself = alone34尽力do/try ones best 35尽力做某事do/try ones best to do sth.36弹钢琴play the piano 37(为

14、某事而)给某人发奖(金)give awards to sb. (for sth.)38获奖get an award39从因特网上获得信息gain information from the Internet40解出,计算出,详细拟定work out (代词放中间)41去滑雪go skiing42迷路lose ones way = get lost43组织班级活动organize class activities44家长会parents meeting45收到的来信hear from = get/receive a letter from46为老人们举行一场戏剧表演have a drama sho

15、w for the elderly47很有可能做be likely to do二、重点句型1、He could not get out because he hurt his leg.他伤了腿所以无法出来。2、Its important to be careful with fire.当心火是重要的。3、She put out the fire with a blanket.=She used a blanket to put out the fire.她用毯子扑灭了火。4、Fire can be very dangerous if we are not careful.=It is poss

16、ible for fire to cause danger if we are not careful. 如果我们不小心的话,火可能会导致危险的产生。6、he was in hospital for two months?火灾后你在医院里呆了多久?7、Do you know what happened to Wang Fang?你知道王芳发生了什么吗?8、Its a good idea! 好主意!10、Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin.不要把任何烫的东西放进垃圾箱。11、Keep long hair away from fire.长头发要

17、远离火。13、She was very grateful for her help.她对她的帮助心存感激。14、He always thinks of others first。他总是先想到别人。19、She must read more often and use English more often.她必需多读多用英语。20、She can get better results in Geography if she does her best.如果她尽她的全力,他会在地理学科上获得更好的成绩。21、Its difficult for me to dance.对我来说跳舞是困难的。22、L

18、ast week, a 5-year-old boy lost his way and cried in the street. 上个星期,一个五岁的男孩迷了路在街上哭。23、We look forward to hearing from you soon.我们盼望着尽快收到你的来信。24、I want someone to teach the children how to dance.我想要一个人来教孩子们跳舞。25、Sandy may not be able to come.桑迪可能来不了。26、Thank you for joining us this evening.谢谢你今晚加入我

19、们的节目。27、That sounds dangerous. 那听起来很危险。28、Dont leave the stove on. 不要让炉子开着。29、I would like to recommend Zhang Hua for the Most Helpful Student Award. 我想推荐张华获得今年的最乐于助人学生奖。三、语法一)、can和could1. 用can(is/am/are able to)和could(was/were able to)表达现在和过去的能力;2. 用can和could表达现在和过去的可能性(常用于疑问句和否定句);二) 感叹句型:What+a/a

20、n+形容词+可数名词单数+(主谓)! What a nice flower (it is)! What an interesting film (it is) !What+形容词+可数名词复数+(主谓)!What beautiful flowers (they are)!What+形容词+不可数名词+(主谓)! What bad weather (it is)!How+形容词/副词/+(主谓)! How nice the flower is! How fast he runs! How time flies!7B Unit 6词组、句型及语法复习提纲一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglis

21、h1游来游去swim around 2在某人的膝上on ones lap 3把捧在手里hold in ones hand 4教某人做teach sb. to do5所有动物中最聪明的the cleverest animal of all 6追干一个球chase a ball7眼睛睁的大大地(作状语)with ones eyes open wide8玩戏法do/play some tricks9用来建造build out of = use to build10用来制作make out of = use to make11直到最后until the end12在边缘on the edge of13

22、制造许多噪音make a lot of noise 14制造太多噪音make too much noise15把某物喂给某人吃feed sb. sth. = feed sth. to sb. = feed sb. with/on sth16以为食feed on17给喂太多食物feedtoo much food18黑白相间的black-and-white 19敲knock on/at20带去散步take for a walk/walk21将某物从(地方)里拿出take sth. out of 22刷狗毛brush the dogs fur23清洗鱼缸clean the fish tank24至少

23、一天一次at least once a day25把单独留在家leaveat home alone26一段时间(for)some time 27拽某人的尾巴pull ones tail 28在桌旁at the table29就餐at table30遍及我们的套房all over our flat31照顾鸟的正确方法the right way to look after birds32确保;务必;弄清楚make sure 33担心(某人/某事)worry about (sb./sth.) = be worried about (sb./sth.) 34(狗)朝叫bark at35看起来一样loo

24、k the same 36看起来有一点不同look a little different37与不同be different from 38在阳光下in the sun = under the sunshine 39在的顶部on top of 40在的底部at the bottom of 41听报告listen to a talk 42(给某人)做报告give (sb.) a talk43下一道命令give an instruction44省去,省略leave out45对开玩笑/恶作剧play tricks on/play a trick on46躺在床上lie on bed47用链子牵着ke

25、epon a lead48(对某人来说)做某事是必需的/重要的。It is necessary/important (for sb.) to do sth.二、重点句子及句型:1.I like watching it swim around. 我喜欢看着它游来游去。3.My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 我的狗是所有动物中最聪明的。4.Ill look after him until the end.= I always take care of him. 我会永远照顾他。5.We dont have to feed her much. 我不必喂她吃很

26、多。6.His feathers look so beautiful in the sun. 他的羽毛在阳光下看起来如此美丽。7. You shouldnt feed your dog at your table. 你不应该在桌子边喂狗。10.Its necessary to walk them in the park once a day if you want them to be healthy.如果你想要他们健康的话,你有必要每天带他们到公园里散一次步。11.It is very important not to give them too much food. 不要给它们太多的食物是很重要的(事)。


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