1、2013-2014学年度第一学期四年级英语教案Unit 5: My Body单元综述 设计者:林碧环一、 教材分析本单元是本册书的第五单元,主要是学习人体五官及身体某部位名称。通过学习,进一步培养学生运用语言介绍人体各部位名称的能力。并要求学生通过用肢体语言来自我表演,提高学生的动手能力及自我表演力,从而增强学生学习的兴趣和自信心。使他们更好地活用语言,更好地运用语言进行合作交流。本单元学习内容包括:Story, Vocabulary , Target, Practice, Activity, Sounds and words和Chant7个板块。核心内容是Story, Vocabulary
2、, Target和Sounds and words。其中故事部分画面清晰生动有趣,易吸引学生,并围绕本单元的中心My Body 进行设计。让学生反复运用语言:This is _. These are _.并进行单复数的区别Vocabulary 部分单词图片直观明了。Target 部分可通过肢体语言对Vovabulary部分进行巩固和加深。如:Touch your_.Open your_.Close your_.而Practice是它们三者的巩固练习。Chant是围绕学习科目内容编写的乐曲和歌谣,目的是培养学生的学习兴趣,并强化所学语言 Touch your _.Activity主要再次巩固人体
3、各部位名称。在Sounds and words中学习ch发/t/和由它组成的6个单词的拼读练习。经过7个板块的组合和听说读写的能力训练,从整体上提高了学生的英语知识水平。二、本单元教学目标1、认知目标: A.Vocabulary:eye/eyes ear/ears nose mouth hand/hands arm/arms leg/legs foot/feet B.Story: Tony and Gogo are making a toy .C.Target: Touc your . /Open your . /Close your . DSounds and
4、 words: touch peach teach lunch March watch.2.能力目标:A.能正确认读单词和表演句子及其故事内容。B.能正确听懂并自主完成Practice1中的 listen and circle.C.能向同学发出以下Touc your . /Open your ./Close your .指令并能听懂指令进行做动作。和同学互相听、做Practice2。D.能正确吟唱Chant.并能根据歌词内容进行动作表演。E.完成Activity的活动内容,图片单词辨认,并能快速地连线认读。3情感目标:培养同学们小组合作交流英语的学习习惯,学会保护自己身体及爱惜别人。三、本单元
5、教学重点 Vocabulary: eye/eyes ear/ears nose mouth hand/hands arm/arms leg/legs foot/feet8个单词的认读和识记,会听、说、做指令Touc your . /Open your . /Close your .,Sounds and words中的ch/t/发音练习,和含有该音素的单词的认读。四、本单元教学难点句型:Story中This is . / These are .单复数句型的区别,及介绍自己的身体各部位名称。五、课时分配三课时 Unit 5: My Body LESSON 1教学设计 设计者:林碧环教
6、 学目 的掌握单词eye/eyes, ear/ears, nose, mouth, hand/hands, arm/arms, leg/legs, foot/feet. 会说会听指令:close your . Open your . Touch your .教材分析重点学习并掌握八个单词;能听说各项指令。难点单词mouth的发音。foot-feet单复数的认记。教具及电化教学手段单词卡,录音机,相关的实物教学步骤、内容方法修改意见一、Getting ready :bring a doll to class, T: this is the body.(point to the doll
7、s body ) .repeat. Body. Continue with arms, head, mouth and legs. Say the words and have Ss point to the parts on their own bodies. 二、Using the book T:Lets listen to the tape, point to the pictures. Play the tape and have Ss point to the pictures.
8、 T: Lets listen again and repeat. Play the tape again ,pausing after each sentence and letting Ss repeat. 三、Extension activity TB 四、Getting ready Put the picture Cards up on the board. T:Eyes, repeat.
9、0; Point to the picture Card ,then your own body parts as you say the words. Have Ss do the same. 五、Using the book Have Ss listen ,repeat and point to each picture. Highlight the difference between the singular and plural forms, e.g.ea
10、r and ears. After introducing the vocabulary, point to the picture cards at random and have Ss say the words.六、Target Getting ready :T: open your books. (gesture for Ss to open their books.) Repeat the command with m
11、outh. Add the touch command for Ss body parts and classroom objects , such as pencils and erasers. Using the book : Listen to the tape and repeat.七、Extension activity TB 八、Optional activities TB 板书设计UNIT 5 My Body eyes nose mouth earsarms hands legs foot布置作业1
12、、 抄写本课的四会单词。2、 听录音,读单词和句子。集体备课老师签名及简评 LESSON 2教学设计设计者:林碧环教 学目 的students can talk about parts of the body.Giving and respondingto commands to help students to comprehend Conversation and vocabulary,target,sounds 教材分析重点学习并掌握两组句型:This is .These are.,和What's he doing?-He's.难点灵活运用所学句型进行自由交际。教具及电化
13、教学手段录音机,句子的卡片, 单词图卡。教学步骤、内容方法一、Getting reading point at and talk about the three pictures in eachnumber. T: whats this ? (pint to the nose.)Ss: its a nose. T: what are these? (point to the ears.)Ss: theyre ears. Do the same for the other pictures and other numbers. Have Ss gu
14、ess what the dialogs are going to be. Accept all responses. 二、Using the book T: lets listen to the tape and repeat. Play the tape for number 1, then pause for Ss to repeat. T: which picture is it? Which sentence is it ? is it th
15、is one? While Ss are responding, make a circle motion around the first sentence. T: “I can touch my ears.” Is the answer. Continue with remaining three numbers, pausing after each one and letting Ss repeat. 三、E
16、xtension activity Tb p.108 Practice 2 Getting ready :T: (s1s name), touch your feet!(model for s1 and have him/her copy your actions.) Continue with several more commands and other Ss.Have Ss take turns giving commands to each other.Using the book: T: look at the pictures. Explain to Ss t
17、hat they will take turns rolling a die. They check the page to find out what command goes with the number they rolled, e.g. 6 is touch your legs! Put Ss into pairs and give each pair a die.Circulatewhile Ss are playing to check Ss comprehension. If time permits, have Ss change part
18、ners. 四、Extension activity Tb p.108修改意见一、Getting reading point at and talk about the three pictures in each number. T: whats this ? (pint to the nose.)Ss: its a nose. T: what are t
19、hese? (point to the ears.)Ss: theyre ears. Do the same for the other pictures and other numbers. Have Ss guess what the dialogs are going to be. Accept all responses. 二、Using
20、 the book T: lets listen to the tape and repeat. Play the tape for number 1, then pause for Ss to repeat. T: which picture is it? Which sentence is it ? is it this one?
21、; While Ss are responding, make a circle motion around the first sentence. T: “I can touch my ears.” Is the answer. Continue with remaining three numbers, pausing after each one and letting Ss repeat
22、. 三、Extension activity Tb p.108 Practice 2 Getting ready :T: (s1s name), touch your feet!(model for s1 and have him/her copy your actions.) Continue with several more commands and other Ss.Have Ss take turns giving commands to each other.Using the book: T: look at the pictures. Expl
23、ain to Ss that they will take turns rolling a die. They check the page to find out what command goes with the number they rolled, e.g. 6 is touch your legs! Put Ss into pairs and give each pair a die.Circulate while Ss are playing to check Ss comprehension. If time permits, h
24、ave Ss change partners. 四、Extension activity Tb p.108 板书设计 UNIT 10 This is his body.This is . These are. What's he doing?He's.布置作业1、 根据学生自己的意愿设计一张课程表。Read the conversation three times.2Copythe sentences.集体备课老师签名及简评 LESSON 3教学设计 设计者:林碧环教 学目 的教材分析重点难点字母组合在单词中的发音。教具及电化教学手段录音机,单词卡,挂图。教学步骤、内容方法修改
25、意见1Warm up(热身)板书设计UNIT 1 My BodySounds and wordsCh-tMarch lunch teachpeach touch wach布置作业1.Read the dialogue.2.Copy the words and remember.集体备课老师签名及简评第一单元集体备课小结参加人员:魏忠英、林碧环、黎美娜主持人: 魏忠英记录员: 黎美娜一、教学教法交流1、林碧环:在Story教学之前,应该让学生先预习课文,缩短认读的时间,充分利用剩余时间帮助学生理解课文大意,并进行对话练习和笔头练习,以此转化成自己的英语知识;同时教师在对话练习中起到指导作用,帮助
26、全体学生开口说话,提升英语交际能力。为进一步巩固学生的英语知识,教师应指导学生进行课文填空,连词成句和必要的语法讲解。2、黎美娜:Vocabulary中只有7个单词的学习,它们也是学生们常见的学习科目,因此学生们很喜欢讨论和交流自己喜爱的科目。因此教师只要巧妙地组织好学生灵活运用7个单词在句型Do you like ?-Yes, I do. /No, I dont.中的交流,本课时的教学目标就可以完成。教师还应该鼓励全体学生充分运用书本勇于开口表达,强化单词和句子的记忆与运用的能力,同时辅以practice加以提高学生的知识水平。在Sounds and words要注意提醒学生学习字母组合ce
27、在单词结尾发清辅音/s/的语音练习,特别是dance的读音。同时还要培养学生见词读音的能力,如:dace , dice等以拓展学生的学习能力,提升学生的英语水平。二、小结在本单元的集体备课中,各位老师能积极发言,并结合学生实际情况和自己的教学经验,提出具体、详细而且有针对性的教学方法,解决了本单元的教学重难点。同时集体备课可弥补个人备课的狭隘性和简单性,使学生学到的东西更具体,更灵活和实在,也间接地提高了学生们的英语水平。本次备课是初次备课的延伸与完善,并体现了以学生为主体,教师为主导,全面照顾全体学生,尽量提高全体学生英语知识水平的现代化教学体系。Unit 2: School Activit
28、ies单元综述 设计者:魏忠英二、 教材分析本单元是本册书的第二单元,主要内容是学生学习校内发生的不同的活动项目。同时培养学生积极参与不同的学习活动;培养学生活用语言、合作交流的学习能力;培养学生热爱各项英语学习活动的思想感情。具体内容包括:Story, Vocabulary , Target, Practice, Song, Activity, Sounds and words和Chant8个板块。核心内容是Story, Vocabulary , Target和Sounds and words。其中中心语是Target中的-What are you doing Im writing. - W
29、hat are they doing ? Theyre_.它们是Vocabulary的发展运用,也是Story的核心语言,同时在Vocabulary中,要强调动词原形与ing的结构模型(1、动词尾直接加ing;2、去掉动词尾不发音的e,再加ing;3、双写重读闭音节结尾的辅音字母,再加ing。),而Practice是中心语的专项练习。Song和Chant是围绕学习内容编写的英语歌和歌谣,目的是培养学生的学习兴趣,并强化学习语言。Activity主要考查学生对动词-ing的运用能力,其中要求学生能看懂图并进行书写的能力和小组合作交流能力。在Sounds and words中学习ing发/ig/和
30、由它组成的6个单词的拼读练习。经过8个板块的组合和听说读写的能力训练,从整体上提高学生的英语知识水平。二、本单元教学目标1、认知目标:A.Vocabulary: paint/painting ,read/reading, sleep/sleeping, sing/singing, write/writing, study/studying, play/playing, run/runningB.Story: What are you doing Im writing. - What are they doing ? Theyre_CSounds and words
31、: painting, singing, reading, fishing, running, swimming2.能力目标:A.能正确认读单词和表演句子及其课文内容。B.能正确听懂并自主完成Practice1中的 listen and circle.C.并能运用所学语言What are/isdoing?去询问或回答同学,并以讨论的形式完成Practice2和Activity的活动内容。D.能正确吟唱Song: What are they doing?和 The ing chant.并能根据歌词内容进行改编。3情感目标:培养同学们小组合作交流英语的语言习惯,及其热爱英语学习的好习惯。三、本单元
32、教学重点 1、 paint/painting ,read/reading, sleep/sleeping, sing/singing, write/writing, study/studying, play/playing, run/running8组单词的读音和ingde的结构组成。2、句型What are/is doing?的问答练习。3、Sounds and words中ing的发音,和含有该音素的单词的拼读练习。四、本单元教学难点动词ing的结构组成,以及ing在动词中的发音与拼读练习。五、课时分配三课时UNIT 2 School Activities LESSO
33、N 1 教学设计设计者:魏忠英教 学目 的1、Students can ask about and describe what people are doing .2、Help students to comprehend vocabulary, target. 教材分析重点Students can ask about and describe what people are doing. 难点1、Students can ask about and describe what people are doing. 2、动词ing的结构组成。教具及电化教学手段pictures ,tape
34、0; and some transparencies 教学步骤、内容方法修改意见一、Getting ready Stand in front of the class and pretend to play basketball, and ask: T: what am I doing? (pose the question to Ss and give them time to think.) Im playing basketball. (write playing on the board.) 二、 Pan
35、tomime sleeping snore loudly. T: What am I doing? Im sleeping.(write sleeping on the board.) 三、 Pantomime running by moving your legs through . T: what am I doing? Im running . 四、Using the book
36、0; T: (point to the boy in the picture.) What is he doing? Ss: hes playing.thats right. Hes playing. T: lets listen to the tape. Play the tape and have Ss point to the pictures. T:
37、 lets listen again and repeat. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. Ask Ss comprehension questions, e.g. What are Tony and Jenny doing? 五、Extension activity . 六、Vocabulary Getting ready
38、 put picture cards 8-15 up on the board. Also bring in regalia, e.g. a ball, board, to introduce the new words. Hold up a ball and play catch with a student. T: we are playing. (show Ss the picture card.) p
39、laying. Repeat.Ss: playing. Continue with the other cards. Using the book T: open your books. Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it . Play the tape and
40、 have Ss repeat each word. After Ss have all the words, point to picture cards at random and have Ss say the words. Extension activity .七、Homework板书设计UNIT 2 School Activities What are you doing?Im .Word cards布置作业1、Read the books.2、Copy the new words.集体备课老师签名及简评UNIT 2 School Activities LESSON 2 教学设计设
41、计者:魏忠英教 学目 的1、Students can ask about and describe what people are doing .2、Help students to comprehend Story.教材分析重点Help students to comprehend Story.难点动词-ing与动词的拼读。教具及电化教学手段pictures ,tape and some transparencies教学步骤、内容方法修改意见一、Getting ready Put the picture cards on the board. Ask a stu-den
42、t to come to the front of the class. Whisper one of the words to s1 to act out. While s1 is doing the action, say whats he/she doing? Accept several guesses from Ss.
43、160; S1 reveals the action by pointing to the corres-ponding card, e.g. fishing. T: hes/shes (fishing). Repeat.Ss: hes/shes(fish-ing.) Do the same with other Ss if time permits. 二、Using the book
44、; Have Ss point to the first picture. Model the dialog. Have Ss point to the second picture. Model the dialog.The sixth picture: swimming and practice.三、T: lets listen to the tape. Play the tape and pause after each sentence,
45、60; allowing Ss time to repeat. 四、Extension activity and Practice1.五、Optional activities and Song .六、Homework.板书设计UNIT 2 School ActivitesWhat are you doing?Im.What are they doing?Theyre.Whats she/he doing?Shes/Hes.布置作业1、Model and act the dialog. 2.Copy the sentences.集体备课老师签名及简评UNIT 2 School Act
46、ivities LESSON 3 教学设计设计者:魏忠英教 学目 的1、Students can ask about and describe what people are doing.2、To help students to comprehend sounds.教材分析重点Sounds and words.难点Sounds and words.教具及电化教学手段pictures ,tape and some transparencies.教学步骤、内容方法修改意见一、Practice 1 Getting ready T: look at number
47、1. whats he doing? Point to the first picture and model the sentence, e.g. hes painting. Have Ss make sentences about the other pictures. Model if necessary. Using the book T: lets listen to
48、the tape. Play the tape for number 1, then pause. T: repeat the sentence. Ss: Im painting. T: circle the sentence “ I m painting.” Continue with the remaining three numbers, pausing after each one.
49、 Check Ss work by asking individual Ss to read the sentences they circled. 二、Extension activity,Practice 2.Getting ready :Hold up the picture cards. T: whats he/she doing? Or what are they doing? Have Ss answer as a class.
50、 Ask individual Ss to come to the front of the class. Make sure there is at least one boy, one girl and two or more Ss together to do actions. Whisper one of the words to the student(s) to act out. T
51、: whats he/she doing? Or what are they doing? Accept several gorses form Ss. The student(S) reveals the action by pointing to one of the cards, e.g. I m (sleeping). T: h
52、es/theyre (sleeping). Repeat. Ss: hes/shes/theyre (sleeping) Using the book T: now read and answer the questions. Have Ss read and answer the questions. Put Ss into small groups to ask a
53、nd answer these four questions. 三、Extension activity . Song :Using the book T: lets sing a song !lets listen fret. Play the tape and point to each word and sentence as it is sung. 四、Extension activity Getting ready
54、 Put the picture cards up on the board. Write shes ., hes . Theyre , etc. to the right of their corresponding picture cards. Ask several Ss to come up to the board. Give them chalky/ markers. &
55、#160; T: (address the whole class.)help these Ss finish the sentences. Point to the running picture card and ask he? She? Or they? Ss: she.(have s1 put his/her finger on shes on the board.) T: what is she
56、doing ? Ss: shes running. S1 writes running in the blank. help with spelling or show S1 the word from the picture card if necessary. Continue with several more picture cards. Using the book: T: open your books. Look at the picture
57、s. T: whats Tony doing?(write Tonys .on the board.)Ss: Tonys writing . Point to the example on the page. Write writing in the blank on the aboard. Put S
58、s in pars to complete the activity and check each others woke. 五、Sounds and words Play the tape and have Ss point to the word as the tape says it. Have Ss report after the tape After enough pr
59、actice, point to the pictures, point to the pictures and have Ss say the words. have Ss look at the pictures point to the pictures and ask Ss Ss questions T: Whats he doing?Is he fishing or swimming
60、? Ss: Hes fishing. Continue with other pictures and elicit responses. Lets chant: The ing chant.板书设计UNIT 2 School Activities Sounds and words布置作业1、Read the ings words.2、Copy the words.集体备课老师签名及简评第二单元集体备课小结参加人员:魏忠英、林碧环、黎美娜主持人: 魏忠英
61、记录员: 黎美娜一、教学教法交流1、黎美娜:在Story教学中,充分利用图片和肢体语言,可使故事生动形象,并深刻了解现在进行时的含义。同时要培养学生先预习课文,将课堂时间充分让给学生练习课文和语言练习,以及笔头练习,来巩固语法知识。同时教师在对话练习中起到指导作用,帮助全体学生开口说话,提升英语交际能力。为进一步巩固学生的英语知识,教师应指导学生进行课文填空,连词成句和必要的语法讲解。2、林碧环:Vocabulary中有8组动词(包括动词原形和ing形式),要让学生们在一课时内掌握读音和语法结构,有一定的难度。教师可以把它们划成小课时上比较好。因本课是现在进行时教学,教师以动作和肢体语言贯穿全
62、课,教学效果将更好。教学时以小组活动开展,教学气氛将非常浓厚。在Sounds and words要注意提醒学生学习字母组合ing 的发音,以及它与前面辅音的拼度,以及它与汉语拼音的区别。同时还要培养学生见词读音或见音读词的能力。如:flying, working等以拓展学生的学习能力,提升学生的英语水平。二、小结在本单元的集体备课中,各位老师能积极发言,并结合学生实际情况和自己的教学经验,提出具体、详细而且有针对性的教学方法,解决了本单元的教学重难点,也使教学效果更显巨。同时集体备课可弥补个人备课的狭隘性和简单性,使学生学到的东西更具体,更灵活和实在,也间接地提高了老师的教学水平和学生们的英语
63、学习水平。本次备课是初次备课的延伸与完善,并体现了以学生为主体,教师为主导,全面照顾全体学生,尽量提高全体学生英语知识水平的现代化教学体系。Unit 3: My Week单元综述 设计者:魏忠英三、 教材分析本单元是本册书的第三单元,主要内容是我们日常生活中的星期几,及其当日内所要做的事情。本单元部分句型较长,学生在朗读时有一定困难,需采取短音节的形式帮助学生连读。其教学目的是培养学生了解日常生活中的星期几,和在当日内的计划活动或打算,培养他们热爱生活、热爱学习的思想感情。具体内容包括:Story, Vocabulary , Target, Practice, Song, Activity, Sounds and words和Chant8个板块。核心内容是Story, Vocabulary , Target和Sounds and words。其中Target: -What day i
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