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1、1、 选词填空1. The firm is unable to satisfy all the demands of customers for its new car this year.2. They wish to build a new country with freedom for all the people,both the rich and the poor.3. Since you have made the promise,you should keep it.4. “Dont you think love is wonderful?” “Absolutely!”5. I

2、t was lovely to talk about one of the treasured memories of my childhood.6. Hes always deeply regret selling the old radio which seems worth a lot now.7. It often happens that a good lawyer is a great speaker.8. They have decided to cut down the large rotten tree before it falls down.9. He is gentle

3、,friendly,and patient,and gets along well with others.10. It is human nature not to feel comfortable with negative advice,and it is especially true with young people.11. Parents dont always know what approach to take with children who only want to play.12. We cheered in a loud voice when our team de

4、feat the other team at last.13. I was cooking in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.14. It is necessary to include the study of cultures of English-speaking countries in our learning program.15. Never trust in appearance because it more often than not hides the truth behind.16. Freedom of speech is

5、important;but meanwhile,we also have to pay attention to the speech that may hurt the public.17. Soon after it was translated into Chinese,Harry Potter because a(an) popular book among Chinese children.18. The problem of what to do with the 55,000 Vietnamese survive people in Hong Kong was once a bi

6、g headache.19. There were many clothes hanging on the wall at her home.20. In order to attract customers,the restaurants on that street provide various sorts of free services.21. She opened the next room which had stood empty for months.She thought that this room should be fine for her guests.22. Wh

7、en she was at home,she was eager to go to the United States,but when she was there,she just wanted to go back.23. Bad weather delayed our arrival and we felt sorry for our friends waiting at the station.24. He was considered as a pioneer in the field of earth science.25. The couple are very fond of

8、their adopted daughter and take good care of her.26. Because he was tall and strong we found it quite easy to recognize him.27. The price of the monitor is getting lower these days as the business of computers is becoming wider and wider.28. The average height of boys aged from 10 to 16 has risen in

9、 China.29. It ought to be noticed that we are still a bit behind some other countries in computer science and technology .30. To make friends is not easy ,and to look for a good companion is even more difficult.31. These doctors are busy experimenting with a new cure for brain cancer .32. For those

10、who have smoked for years ,to stop smoking is certainly very hard .2、 介词或副词填空1. He was tired of reading these long articles for he had spent a lot of time on them.2. If you are careless now ,you ll get into trouble later,3. Teachers in college are guides and advisers on the subjects of study.4. When

11、 I met his son again , he was already grown up .5. At the meeting on higher education in China professors from different universities argued about the level of the courses .6. It is worth talking to the students about your life in the United States because it will help them learn a new culture.7. It

12、 turned out that the discovery was simply a result of accident , not a result of research .8. Sometimes it is even more difficult to get out of an agreement than to get into one.9. ”Can you come tomorrow for the meeting ?” “Yes.” (all right)10. Two months later ,the patient became better through his

13、 own efforts.(under ones own power)11. John went on with his homework until it was done.(stay with)12. They are going to many next week ; the splendid day is coming .(at hand )13. It is important to avoid rush hours ,because we can save a lot of precious time.(of importance)14. We are sure to come a

14、cross difficulties when we try to finish the work in such a short time.(meet with)15. I was reading when the fire broke out .Oh, while I think of it ,the book was The Last Days of Pompeii.(by the way)16. You ought to be more careful about the quality of these various goods.(pay attention to)17. Ther

15、e are a couple of famous shops at the street near my home.18. His research brought some serious environmental problems for the attention of the public.19. His house is standing on the corner of Portland Street and you cant miss it.20. The company went on to open more chain stores all over the countr

16、y.21. The house had two empty rooms which Miller turned into a study and an office.22. Inside the warm room the little girl soon came back to life,and then she was sent home.23. It is reported by the police that there are a lot of crimes in that neighborhood these days.24. Dont go to that place in t

17、he evening as there are some young men hanging out and looking for trouble. 25. Last summer we staged a play written by ourselves .(put on )26. There are several time-saving methods that one can pick from .(choose from )27. She is doing better than the other students in her class .(ahead of )28. I t

18、hink that this book might satisfy your needs .(meet ones needs )29. He was so ill that he was unable to follow what was going on .(keep up with )30. I found him a very agreeable man and we seemed to work together in a friendly way from the start .(get along well )31. It was warm and no one in the ap

19、artment used the electric blanket.(turn on )32. The father likes his little daughter very much and spends a lot of time playing with her .(fond of )3、 汉译英1. 人们发现,许多早婚夫妇生活并不幸福,他们为早婚后悔不已。(regret)People have discovered that many couples who get married young lead unhappy lives and they deeply regret ha

20、ving been married young.2. 这对年轻夫妇常说,早婚带给他们更多共同生活的美好年华,他们毫无遗憾。(have no regrets)This young couple always say that getting married young gives them more good years together and that they have no regrets about their early marriage.3. 卡罗尔读完高中就找到了相当好的工作,然后便结婚了。(get married)After she finished high school,

21、Coral found a fairly good job and then got married.4. 他们俩是在读大学时认识的,结婚前约会了将近6年。(date)They met in college and dated nearly six years before they got married.5. 她曾自我保证绝不早婚,要做一个事业心强的女性,但实际上她20岁就结婚了。(career-minded)She had promised herself that she would never marry young and that she would be a career mi

22、nded women, but actually she got married at the age of twenty.6. 梅林科夫医生对医科学生说,关注病人的言语非常重要。(pay attention to)Doctor Mellinkoff said to the medical students that it was of great importance to pay attention to what the patient was saying.7. 作者和梅林科夫医生讨论有趣的病例,其中一个是有关一位34岁的危地马拉男子的。(interesting cases)The w

23、riter and Doctor Mellinkoff discussed interesting case; one of them was about a Guatemalan man, aged 34.8. 医生走到病人身旁,询问他的病情,病历及大概情况。(approach)The doctor approached the patient and asked him about his condition, medical history and general situation.9. 病人根本没有食欲,却笑着说一切都好。(no desire)The patient had no d

24、esire to eat, yet he smiled and said everything was all right.10. 医生一提出这个问题,病人的脸上就发生了非常明显的变化。(couldnt have been more obvious)As soon as the doctor put forward the question, the change in patients appearance couldnt have been more obvious.11. 由于我们的生意越来越好,我们迫切希望租到更多的空闲商店。(be eager to)We are eager to r

25、ent more empty stores, for we are doing better in business.12. 我们认为这一地带不可能成为经商的好地方,因为它离市中心太远。(open a business)We dont think this neighborhood will be a good place to open a business, because it is too far away from the down town.13. 虽然我对经商一无所知,但我能提供良好的翻译服务。(provide)Though I dont know anything about business, I am able to provide a good translation service.14. 为了买下这幢房子,他把家人的钱凑在一起,并向亲戚朋友借了一大笔。(pool ones money)In order to buy this house, he pooled his familys money together and borrowed a lot of money from his


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