



1、四年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠25415-16人教版无答案 一 用正确的书写格式抄写以下句子 What do you want to be?I want to be a worker._二.选择正确字母补全单词。 ( )1.d_ct_r A. a,o B.o,e C.o,o ( )2.co_ _ A. at B.ae C.ah ( )3.dr_ _er A. iv B.ir C.ia ( )4. w_ _ter A. ri B.ui C.ai ( )5. _ff_ce A. a,i B.o,i C.o,e 三用下面括号的词填空 ,使句子通顺。 shorts, teacher, firefig

2、hter, Whose, sweater 1. Are these Jennys_?2. _dress is this?3. I want to be a _.4. My mother is an English_.5. Is this your blue_?四.根据情景 ,选择最正确对话 ( )1.当妈妈问你某件事情 ,你不知道 ,你应该怎么说:A.I dont know. B.Dont ask me. C.No ,Im not.( )2. 你想知道Tony的妈妈的职业是什么 ,你会问Tony:A.What do you do? B.What does your father do?C. W

3、hat does your mother do?( )3.你告诉爸爸你想成为一名医生 ,你会说:A. You want to be a doctor. B.I want to be a doctor.C. Im a doctor.( )4.你想知道这件衬衫是谁的 ,应该问:A. Whose shirt is this?B. Is this your shirt?C. This is my shirt.( ) 5.你捡到一条短裤 ,你想问Go go这是不是他的短裤 ,你会问Go go:A. Whose shorts are these?B. Are these your shorts, Go g

4、o?C. These are your shorts.五.单项选择。 ( )1.-_your mother a worker?-Yes, she_.A. Is, is B. Does, does C. Do, do( )2.-_do you do?-I _a student. A. What, am B. Whose, am C. Where, am( )3.-Are these your shorts?-Yes,_.A. it is B. they are C. they arent( )4. Is this your ?A.coats B. shorts C. skirt( )5.Tony

5、 wants to be a _.A. taxi B. coat C. magician( )6.She works in a hospital. She is a .A. police officer B. firefighter C. doctor( )7. Mom, I want to be _office worker.A. an B. a C. the( )8. -Is this _dress?-Yes, it is.A. Lisa B. Lisas C. Lisa is( )9. -What _Jenny do? -Shes a doctor.A. do B. does C. ar

6、e( )10.Whose_are these? A. shirt B. shorts C. dress六.仿照例句写句子。 Model A: What do you want to be ? _(sh)_(they)Model B: Is this your skirt?_(his coat)Model C: What do you do?I am a student._( he / driver)七. 阅读短文 ,以下句子与短文内容相符写T不相符写F Hi ,I am Li Ming. Im a student. I have a pen pal笔友. Her name is Lily. S

7、he is a student ,too. Her mother is a writer. Her father is a P.E. teacher. She wants to be an English teacher. She likes blue very much. She has many blue clothes. Lily is very happy ,because her father and mother love her a lot.( ) 1. Lily is a student ,too. ( ) 2. Lilys mother is a P.E. teacher. ( ) 3. Lily wants to be a writer.( ) 4. Lily likes blue v


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