1、小升初毕业班精选对划线部分提问专项练习1. His father is an engineer(工程师). (对划线部分提问)his father ' s?2. My first name is Tom.(改为同义句)My is Toms.3. Mr King is from America.(对划线部分提问)is Mr King?4. Jenny is English.(对划线部分提问) What ' s?5. He ' s an actor.(变为复数) are6. Jack has a basketball.(改为否定句) .7. I have three cou
2、sins.(对划线部分提问)?8. These are Jenny ' s CDs.(对划线部分提问) ?9. Does your uncle have any children?(作肯定回答).10. That is a video game.(变为复数).11. Tom likes action movies.(改为一般疑问句)?12. I like fishing. I like painting.(合并成一个句子)13. They don ' t like action movies. They don ' t like documentaries.(合并成一个
3、句子).14. Amy ' s mother likes romantic movies.(对划线部分提问)?15. Linda likes sports programs.(改为否定句).16. Does your mother like action movies?(作肯定回答)17. His favorite football player is Beckham.(对划线部分提问)?18. He likes action movies, but he prefers horror movies.(变为同义句)He horror movies action movies.19. T
4、he walkman is Dave ' s.(对划线部分提问) ?20. I have three cousins.(对划线部分提问)?21. Her backpack is on the sofa.(对划线部分提问)?22. There are two bathrooms in my house.(对划线部分提问)?23. Is there a TV in your bedroom? (作肯定回答)24. There is a dining room in my house. There are three bedrooms in my house.(合成一个句子)(1) 25.
5、There are some books in the bookcase.(变为一般疑问句)?26. There ' s a supermarket opposite the post office.(戈U线提问)27. The shoe store is on Adams Street, across from the museum.(划线提问)28. Are there any parks here? (作否定回答)29. There ' s a railway station over there.(改为一般疑问句)30. The video store is oppos
6、ite the gym.(变为同义句)31. There are four hotels on the street.(划线提问)32. The library is on Mill Street, next to the hospital. (戈U线提问)33. The museum is across from the school.(改为般疑问句)34. The park is on Main Street.(划线提问)35. There is a desk and chair in the room.(改为否定句)36. She teaches English in our schoo
7、l.(改为同义句)She English in our school.37. I have a son and a daughter.(戈U线提问)children you?38. She doesn ' t like swimming. She doesn ' t like fishing. (合 并成一个句子) She swimming fishing.39. There are three bedrooms in the house. (用 have 改写为同 义句) The house three bedrooms.40. His house is next to ou
8、r school. (变为一般疑问句) ?41. She has a computer.(变为一般疑问句) ?42. The shoe store is next to the drug store. It ' s also next to the post office.(合并成一个句子) The shoe store is the drug store the postoffice.43. Liz is a teacher.(划线提问) is a teacher?44. Tom likes doing his homework after school.(改为否定句)(改为单数句子
9、)45. They are women teachers.46. There is a big buildingsupermarket near my home.near my home. There is a(合并成一句)47. My school is between a park and a bank.(划线提问)48. and, she, likes, reading books, watching movies, also, likes, she (连词成句)49. Kate has two uncles and an aunt.(改为否定句)50. The books are St
10、even ' s.(改为一般疑问句)(变为一般疑问句)51. There is some soda in the bottle.52. There are nine apples on the desk.(戈U线提问)53. We need to buy some chocolates.(改为否定句)(用a lot of回答)54. There is a little ketchup in the bottle.(划线提问)55. How much meat is there in the shop?56. They ' d like some juice and hambur
11、gers.(划线提问)57. Would you like a large pizza? (用 small 改为选择疑问句)58. The potatoes are one dollar a kilo.(戈U线提问)59. The bread is three dollars and fifty cents a loaf. (戈U线提问)60. I' ll have a glass of juice, please.(划线提问)61. We' d like two cups of tea.(划线提问)62. The soap is only one dollar a bar.(
12、戈U线提问)63. We have porridge, bread and eggs for breakfast.(戈U线提问)64. I' d like onions on it.(划线提问)65. Jack wants a dozen eggs.(同一句转换)66. Robbie does the high jump very well. (用 can 改写)67. Gary can run the 100-meter hurdles.(戈U线提问)68. Tracy can do pushups.(改为否定句)69. Penny can throw the shot put. (
13、改为一般疑问句)70. Can Joe play table tennis?(作肯定回答)71. I need a baseball bat to play baseball.(对划线部分提问)72. You can play football on the football field. (对戈U线部分提问)73. Jenny ' s favorite sport is playing volleyball. (对划线部分提 问)74. Is diving your favorite sport?(作否定回答)75. Tony is good at running.(变为否定句)76
14、. Robbie can do a somersault. (变为一般疑问句)77. He can run the 100-meter race.(对划线部分提问)78. We can run the 400-meter race on the running track. (对戈U 线部分提问)79. There are two pools in the sports center.(对戈U线部分提问)80. Sandy ' s favorite sport is roller-skating.(对划线部分提问)81. Jenny is good at swimming.(变为否定句
15、)82. I can also play table tennis and play volleyball. (对戈U线部分 提问)83. Can you do a handstand?(作肯定回答)(对划线部分提问)84. Liu Xiang is my favorite sports star.85. He' s learning diving now.(对划线部分提问)86. There is a dresser in this room.(改写为复数形式)87. The refrigerator is in the kitchen.(对划线部分提问)88. Are there
16、any hotels near here? (肯定回答)89. There are some lions in the zoo.(改为否定句)90. Her mother is a policewoman.(对划线部分提问)91. There are three apples on the plate.(改为否定句)92. Kate likes making kites.(改为一般疑问句)93. There are six people in my family.(对划线部分提问)94. These video games are Bob ' s.(对划线部分提问)95. It'
17、; s fine.(对划线部分提问)96. I often go to school on foot.(对划线部分提问)97. The meat is ten yuan.(对划线部分提问)98. The factory is two kilometers from here.(对划线部分提问)99. The river is five metres wide.(对划线部分提问)100. He didn ' t come to school because he was 川 in bed. (对 划线部分提问)参考答案:14句型折换1. Hi* (alher is an engintfe
18、r.(对划线部分提问) What'£ hi& Ikihcr、 iub ?2. My first namemTom.(改为同义句)My given name is Toms.3一 Mr King次from America.(对划线部分提问) Where is Mr King from ?4. Jenny is English.(对划线部分提问) WhaCs J 亡 tiny- s tiationality ?5. He"s nn actor.变为且数)They are _aciurs6. Jack hasbaxkclbalL (改为否定句)出底汹,hmwc a
19、 bHmkctbalL7. 1 hdM: three cousins. (对划线部分提问) Huw man cousins do you have?8. The»c arc Jcnnys CDs.(刻划线部分提问) Whose CDs arc 由esc?9. Doe* your uncle have any children?(作肯定问答) Yes, he dues.10. Tht g vidc口 game- f 变为旦数) Tht-c &t< video games.IL Tum likes action movies,(改为一般疑问句) Docs Tom like
20、action movies?12. I like fishing. I like painting.(合并成一个句子) I liki jjxhiriH and RHituina13. They dun'i Like action mi>对区 Th与 donTt like docuinenLarics.(合并成一个句子) Tligy dun'I tike adj on movi 理 i>r doc umcnlari es.14. Amy moihcr likes n)mantic movies.(对划线部分提问W hal dues Amy,s mother like?
21、15. Linda Likes sports programs. 改为 否定句)Linda 小心rft likepvrt¥ pmaram、16. Ducs yuur mother like action muvies?(作肯定回答)Ycs± «hc does,17. His favorite IbotbW player is Beckham,(对划线部分提问)Who 垣匕(Xyuriig 垣口iball 口layer?IH. He likes action movies, bul he prefers horror movies (变为同义句)Heprelcrs
22、horror muvics la action movicn19. The Walkman is Dave's一 (对划线部分提问)Whnse walkmun 恢 ii !20. 1 have three cousins. 对划线部分提问)Huh mirty cousins du you have?21. Her backpack is on the sofa.(对划虢部分提问)When: i& her backpack?There are two bathrixiins in my house.(对划线部分提问)Hw many bMlhrnums arc Ihcrc in e
23、# house?23. k there a TV in your bedroom? f 作肯定回答)Yel, there is.24. There is a dining room in my house. There arn ihrcc bedrooms in my huuse.(合成一个 LJ子) Thcrxi 依 a dining room and ihrve bedrooms in my homie.There arc three bedrooms and a dinin厘juum in my haujiC.25. There arc some boo依 in the bookcase
24、.(变为一般账向句)Ar- l here any books in ihc book匕26. There's a sqpcmiarkci opposite the jxjyi oOlcc. < 划线提问) bars 仆冲押 iM the poM office?27. rhe tihg slate 太 g- Adams flree, hcfwk thmi ihe EUKeurn t 划戏提问) Whcrej£ the shucstiwe?28. Arc 山ere any park* here? 作否定回答) Noz there aren'l.29. There,s
25、 a railway tatiun over then:.(改为一般疑问句)Is there 电 ntatitm ewer ihc啰30. The video store is uppeshe the gym C 变为同义句)The video store is am- temi the gym31. There arv four hotels on the stroci, ( 划线提问)How tnany hotel ate there on (he sirvt(?32. The libriiry is on Mill Sirtcl. next iw the hospikiL划线提问)Whe
26、re is (he library?33. The museum is act口器 from Ilie schuol.(改为一般疑问句)山匕 trnmum hctuxx (Yum rhe xuhuul?34. Prk k 5i Main Street (划线提问)Whars on Main Sired ?35. There 讪 a desk and chairin he nxm (改为否定句)There isnt a desk or chair in the tuoiil36. She teaches English in our schooL(改为同义句)She _isan English_
27、lcacher_ in our schuoL37. I have a mi and a diiiightcr.(划线提问)H,w many children 曲 you have ?38. She doesn't, like swimming. She doesni like fishing.(合,成一个由J子)She jdocsn't jikc switnining ur fishing.39. There are three bedr3m屿 in the housie, (0 have 改写为同义句)Ilie h<juse has thro; bedrooms*40.
28、 His house Is next to our ecIum>L (变为一般疑问句)s his house next tu our school?41. She has a computer.(变为一般疑问句Does she have a eumputcr?42. The shoe store is ncxi to I he drug store. lt also next to the jmjsi ufticc. ( 介弁成一个句子 The shoe More is between the drug store and the post oftice,43. Liz is a tea
29、cher. C划线提问)Who is g icachcr?44. Tom like doing his homework aflcr school.(改为否定句)"Rrm Joesn't like duirux his homcwiffk after schuoL45. They are women teachen.(改为单数句子)She is a wcTnan teacher .46. There is n big building near my home. 1 here is a supermarket near my home.(合 j卜成-tj ) There iy
30、 r bi building and h rur>c门nakni neer my hniTie.47. Mr Mhool M bin圾ixm且 park Hhd a bank划线提问) her± M yuiir 3clichjI'I48. and, she, reading books, watching movies, also, likes, she (连词成句)She likes reading books and xbe alsu like* Malching movies,49. K应支 has two uncles and an aunt.(改为古"
31、;定句)Kale doesnj have any undes ur aunts50. The books arc Sicvenk (改为一般疑问句)Art thv buolu SlcvctiT*i?51. There is st>me m曲 in the buttl。(变为一般铳问句)ere any 41Kh in ihc boll Ie?52. There arc nine apples On the (划战提问)How many apples arc ihurc on the desk?53. We need to buy some chocolaieN.(改为否定句:54. The
32、re is ajittlc ketchup in the boll必(划线提问)Howjnufli ketch up is then: in the bottle?55. How much meal i$ there in the shop1? ( FH a Lol ” 问答)There is a lol of mcd£in ihc sho56. J'hcy:cl like some juice and hanibLtrgurs. < 划线提问)Whai wauld they likv?57. Would you Like a I如鸵 pizza?(m simall 改
33、为选择疑问句)Would you. like a tar pizza ar a sirull on<?5S. The potatoes hr:仆咄 dollar a kilo.(划线提问)HiW much 过re 山c poialocs?59. The brad ihrviand £fly ccnlx a luai:(划线提问Him much ix the bread?60. Til have & glass ofiuice, please.(划线提问)认 hal will you have?6L WeTtl tike iwocups ulea.(.划线提问)W'
34、; haL would you like?62. The sodf) k。口Iy urn: dullar a bar. f 划线提问)How nijich is ihe 状总p?63. We haw porridge, bread and eggs fbr break位sl 划线提问)Whai do yu haMc fbr break仙i?64一d lik JiniirtiM un il_(划线提问)嗝 hai wnuld yi】u like un il?65. Jack wanLs a eleven匕片浮.同一心转换)Jack m uy1kl jikc a dozen eggs.66. Ro
35、bbie does the high j ump very welL (JU can 改写)Robbie urndo_ the high jump very well.67. Gary can run ihc 100-mcicr hurdl第(划线提问 jWhacan Gary do ?68. Tracy can du pushups.(改为否定句)Tracycan'i 必pushups69. Penny can throw the shot put.(改为一Stilt 同句)CanPennythrow the shot pul?70. Can Joe play uble tennis
36、?(作肯定回答)Yes , he can .71. I need a baseball bat io play baseball.(对划线部分提问)Whai cki you need io play baseball?72. You can play fboiball on ihu fooibail fidd_ (对划线部分提问)Wherv 力过口 yuu piny RjulbuQ?73. Jenny's favdrilCMparl is 口laying vol应 balL (对划线部分提问)W hat 讪 Jennyk fiivorilc sport?74. h diving you
37、r favorite sport?(作否定回答)N-, It ixif L75. Tony is good at running. I 变为否定句)Idny 电xid al Tunninm76. Robbie can do a somcrsaulL (变为一般疑问句)Can Robbie Jo a sotncrsaull?77. H。- run吊匕1UU-meter犹飞 (对划线部分提问)W hat canyini du?7K We can run ihc 400-meter race un Lhe running track.(时划线部分提问) W here cun you run the 400-rnclcr raci:?79. There are uso pxds in Lhe sportu cent er. ( 对划线部分提问)Huw many pook ;m ihcne in Ihc Mpurt与 亡匕tilcij80. Sandy十lavoritc &pott也rHl.ukv/睢,(对划线部分提问)Wh耻 is SHiidy飞 Nwu
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