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1、本小季扑www.tonidSSO.cornBONDMAKES CHILDRENEXCELLENT值.让筮子更优秀21 The Parts of Speech(词类)IntroductionMary is talking to her new neighbour.Sorry fmm my baby boy.It often cries at night.1 heard some high pitched cries last night.玛莉和她的邻居在对话中都使用了'crie这字词,邻居的crie谩名词,玛莉的criej则是动词,它们是属于不同的词性。Grammar PointA.英文

2、词类传统上可分为八大类:名词 nouns,代词 pronouns,动词 verbs,形容词 adjectives,副词 adverbs,介词 prepositions ,连词 conjunctions ,和感叹词 interjections。有学者另夕卜再力口项词类:限定词 determinerso1.名词 nouns表达人物、物件或地方的词类,例如:apple, boy, tree, Mary, Hong Kong '等。E.g. Mary has bought some food at supermarket.A boy is sitting under a tree.2.代词 p

3、ronouns代替名词的词类,例如:I; he, she, one, who, which '等。E.g. He went to school last Saturday.She has bought a dress. It s a beautiful one.The man who called yesterday wants to buy the house.BONDMAKES CHILDRENEXCELLENT邦傀,让濮子更优秀4eat, run, feel, is, have '等。3 .动词 verbs表达动作、状况或感觉的词类,例如:E.g. I swim ever

4、y day.David has bought a sport car.She feels very tired.It is hot today.4 .形容词 adjectives修饰名词 noun 的词类,例如: hot, cold, beautiful, heavy, fat '等。E.g. I feel very thirsty. I need some cold water.This is a beautiful dress.It is hot today. I am sweating.5 .副词 adverbs修饰动词 verb 和形容词 adjective 的词类,例如: q

5、uickly, slowly, beautifully, carefully '等。E.g. The old man walks slowly.He speaks to her gently.She studies quietly at library.They left the burning building quickly.6 .介词 prepositions表达名词noun或代名词pronoun的位置、时间、方向等的词类,例如:in, on, at, with, of, into, between,behind '等。E.g. I swim in a pool.Plea

6、se put the book on my desk.She studies quietly at library.The frog jumped into the pond.7 .连词 conjunctions连接字、片语或句子的词类,例如:and, or, but, when, if, because, unless'等。I like apple and orange.She is pretty but mean.8.感叹词 interjectionsE.g. He failed the test because he didn't study.表达句子感情的词类,例如:O

7、h, Hurrah, Alas, Ouch '等。www.tmnd510.c9m朝曜致昌E.g. Hurrah!” they shouted as the team scored again.Alas! Her only son was killed in the war.Ouch! That hurt me.oh, my dear!9.限定词 determiners用于名词前面,用来限定名词,例如:a, an, the, each, every, all, both'等。E.g. The cat has just caught a mouse.Each boy has a h

8、at.He enjoyed every minute of his holiday.All the people you invited are coming.B.同一个字词 word,可以属于不同的词类,甚至可以有不同的意思,这要视这个字词在句子sentence 中的位置。E.g. She has got on a bus. (bus: noun)He is standing at a bus stop. (bus: adjective)She carries a book. (book: noun)He books two tickets. (book: verb)He finished

9、the race in ten seconds. (second: noun)He lives on the second floor. (second: adjective)C. 一些字词属于不同的词类,但有共同的字根。E.g.字根:easeIt is easy to do this sum. (easy: adjective)She did the sum easily. (easily: adverb)The injection eased her pain. (ease: verb)The injection brought her immediate ease. (ease: nou

10、n)Common ErrorsXVHe sings bad.He sings badly.She has a softly voice.She has a soft voice.Please cleanly the floor.Please clean the floor.帝小学扑!www.bondSaO.comMy uncle lives in Chinese.My uncle lives in China.He is an interest person.He is an interesting person.They swim very good.They swim very well.

11、The doctor adviced her to take a complete rest.The doctor advised her to take a complete rest.The law is no longer effect.The law is no longer effective.I like swim.I like swimming.She hanged the picture on the wall.She hung the picture on the wall.ExerciseLevel 1 Exercise 1.1Find out the parts of s

12、peech of the following words.E.g. tram: noun1. happy: 3. Oh:5. at:7. play:9. hungry: 11. slept: 2. they:4. him:6. but:8. quietly: 10. guitar: 12. teacher: Exercise 1.2Circle the correct words in the brackets.1. Would you (show / as / watch) me your student I.D., please?2. It is very (accident / unha

13、ppy / lucky) for you to find back your wallet.3. (Since / Before / Then) you are sick, stay in bed and have a rest.4. My grandpa is a (slowly / of / healthy) old man.5. I have lived in Hong Kong (since / for / get) 20 years.6. my brother goes to (the / swim / of) every Sunday morning.7. I go to scho

14、ol 9and / walk / on) foot almost every day.8. Please be (care / careful / carefully) when you write down your personal information on any kinds of forms.BONDMAKES CHILDRENEXCELLENT 49. Do you know the (man / happy / doing) standing right there?Exercise 1.3Give the parts of speech of the words in ita

15、lics. Fill in the brackets with correct letters.一_-lA: nounB: verbC: adjective<1. Use a big hammer for those nails.()()2. Hammer the nails in the wall and nail the picture on the wall.()()()3. Bath the baby in the small bath, and dry it with the bath towel.()()()4. Joey's mother is using an i

16、ron to iron her clothes.()()5. I am not a German but I work in a German firm.()()6. This plant needswater. You must plant it with care and water it every day.()()()()7. The weather is dry and the well has completely dried up.()()8. She loves to sit by the spring and watch spring flowers.()()9. I can

17、't answer this question. Please tell me the answer.()()10. This gold watch is made of gold that came from China.()()Exercise 1.4Allocate the following words to suitable category below.WowwithHurrayandduringdrivebutclockweathermilkeffectpushplayholdmineenjoytheirjumptallskyFridaygoodheathcalendar

18、happy happilysleepaffectquietquickly1. Nouns:BONDMAKES CHILDRENEXCELLENT邦德,让濮子更优秀6相曜敦昌帝小学扑!( www.b9ndS20.c9m?2.Verbs:3.Adjectives:4.Prepositions:5.Conjunctions:6.Pronouns:7.Adverbs:8.Interjections:8Level 2Exercise 1.5Circle the mistakes in the sentences and put the correct answers in the blanks.1.Ho

19、w old is you?2.He plays piano very good.3.The child is eating an ice-cream happy.4.Do not eat too little snacks.5.The principal in this school is nicey.6.Mary ran very fastly in the competition.7. Please come to hall too time.BOI4&MAKES CHILDRENEXCELLENT 邦德,让慨子又优秀Exercise 1.6Classify the parts of speech of all the underlined words in the following passa


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