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1、小学六年级英语毕业考试试题及答案听力部分(30 分 )一 .听录音,选出你所听到的单词(5 分 )( )1 A tall B older Clonger D smaller( )2 A tired B excited Cbored D sad( )3 A looked B watched C washed D studied( )4 A took B good C cook D look( )5 A about B boat C above D ball二.听录音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是否"x”相符 (5分)( )1. Mike is going to visit Kunmi

2、ng 。( )2. He is going with his friends .( )3. Miss Li went to Beijing by plane.( )4. It s sunny and warm today.( )5. We stayed at home .三 .听录音.选出与你所听问句相应的答语(10 分 )( )1A.She is in the classroom B. She is fourteen C.She is from Canade( )2A.Yes , we do. B.No , we aren t C.No , we speak English .( )3A.I

3、 m eight B I m 58 kg C. I m 158cm tall .( )4A.He feels bored B.She feels tired C.I feel sick( )5A.They like swimming .B.They are swimming C.Swim in winter四 .听录音,填单词. (10分 )1. did you do?I .2. did you go to London? I went by .4.Did you any pictures?5.I went to and ate .笔试部分(70 分 )一、按要求写出下列单词的适当形式(10

4、分 )1. has (原形)2. good(比较级)3. 1(宾格)4. big( 比较级 ) 5 .see (过去式) 6 .their( 同音词 )7.go (第三人称单数形式)8. sit(现在分词)9. baby(复数)10. tall(反义词)二、选择填空(10 分 )1. Beijing is than ChengdeA. big B. bigger C. biger2. He a stamp.A. have B. has C. had3. is the shirt ?A. How many B. How much C. What DHow4. is Sunday today Le

5、tome . s hA. It, going B. It, go C. It, go5. There are seven days a week.A. in B. on C. at D. for6. Here is a postcard John to his mother.A. for B. to C. from D. on7. Where Mike from ?A. do B. are C.is D.does8. Mr Green a play last Sunday .A. see B.sees C. saw D.seeing9. Jim often his homework in th

6、e evening .A.do B.does C.did D.doing10. They play sports next Sunday .A.is going to B.are going to C.are D.were三、看问句选答语 填序号填空(10 分 )( )1.How do you fell ? A. No. there aren t.( )2.What colour are your pants? B. There are 15 .( )3.How tall is zhangpeng ? C. I have a toothache.( )4.How many ballons ar

7、e there ?D. next summer holiday.( )5.Where is the canteen? E. I fell bored .( )6.How big are your feet ? F. It s on the fist floor.( )7.What did you do yesterday evening? G . I watched Tv yesterday .( )8.What s the matter with you ? H. He s 160 cm tall.( )9.Are there any books on your desk ?I. They

8、are red.( )10.When are you going to Being ?J I wear 17 size.四、连词组句(10 分 )1 . taller am your sister I than2 the with what s you matter?3.going do what are to you tomorrow?4 .did what do you weekend last?5 .was her birthday father s it yesterday.五、用所给单词的适当形式填空(8 分 )1)I like (read)books every morning.2

9、)Where she (live)?3)I can see many (people)in the park.4)I (go)fishing yesterday.5)She is two years (old)than me.6)I (do) my homework.六 .阅读理解(8 分 )1. Last Saturday.we went to work on a factory .we looked funny.It was 9 am When we got there.Then We helped the farmer do farm work.Some of us picked app

10、les and the others carried the basket.We worked hard .We were tired at last .But We felt very happy.( )1.When we got the factory at 9 a.m. last Sunday( )2.Last Saturday we went to a factory .( )3.We helped farmer pick apples and carry the basket .( )4. Last Saturday we were tired , so we felt very s

11、ad .2.读句子,根据生活经验判断对错,对的写T 错的写 F. (6 分 )(1)A rabbit is 99kg. ( )(2)A new pencil is about 18cm long. ( ) (3)An elephant is bigger than a horse. ( )三 .1.How old is she ?(4)I am excited.Because I have a headache. ( ) (5)They went to Harbin on their holiday.I went skiing andskating there. ( )(6)We usuall

12、y go to school by plane. ( )七 .书面表达:(8 分 )上周末,你做了很多事情,觉得过得很开心,下面是你做过的事情:1. get up and have breakfast.2. do my homework.3. clean my bedroom.4. play computer game.5. watch TV.6. read a story book.请给你的朋友张朋写一张明信片,告诉他你上周末所做的事情和你的感受,要求:1、 格式正确,条理清晰,意思明确,可增添词句。2、 标点正确,书写工整,规范。3、 50-60 个单词左右。听力材料;一 . CACBB.二 . 1. Mike is going to visit Kunming 。2 .He is going with his parents .3 .Miss Li went to Beijing by train4.It s sunny and warm today.5.We stayed at school2 .Are you from Shanghai?3 . How tall are you ?4 .How does he feel


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