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1、梅州市2012年初中毕业生学业考试英 语 试 卷说 明:本试卷共8页,86小题,满分为120分。考试用时90分钟。注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写准考证号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把试室号、座位号的对应数字涂黑。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应答案选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再重新选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4. 考生必须

2、保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。5. 本试卷不用装订,考完后统一交县招生办(中招办)统一封存。听 力 部 分(30分)一、听力理解。(本题共20分,每小题1分)第一节 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。(本节只听一遍)听第1段对话,回答第1小题。1.When will Jim leave? A. 5:50. B. 6:15. C. 6:50.听第2段对话,回答第2小题。2.What does the girl collect?A. Coins. B. Old books. C. Stamps.听第3段

3、对话,回答第3小题。3.Why is Jim's Chinese great?A. Because he works hard at it. B. Because he studies in China.C. Because his sister often helps him.听第4段对话,回答第4小题。 4.What will the man probably lend to the woman?A. An umbrella.    B. A raincoat.      C. An umbrella

4、and a raincoat. 听第5段对话,回答第5小题。5.What does the man want to drink? A. Juice. B. Tea. C. Coffee.第二节 听下面六段对话,每段对话后有两个或三个问题,从各题所给的 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。(本节听两遍)听第6段对话,回答第6-7题。6. Where may the talk happen?A. In a school. B. In a hospital. C. At home.7. Whats the matter with the boy?A. A bad col

5、d. B. Not to eat anything. C. He cant go to school.听第7段对话,回答8-9题 8. How many ways are mentioned to save the environment in the dialogue? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 9. What will the girl tell her parents?. A. Not to use the plastic bags. B. To recycle paper. C. To turn off the lights.听第段8对话,回答第10-11题

6、 10. Where is the woman going? A. To Chinese Hakka Museum.B. To Hakka Overseas Chinese Museum. C. To a parking center.11. Where will the woman have to turn? A. On the first corner. B. On the second corner. C. On the third corner.听第9段对话,回答第12-14题12.What sports does Jack like?A. Playing basketball and

7、 hiking. B. Hiking and diving. C. Riding and diving.13.What does Jack think of playing basketball?A. Its boring. B. Its interesting. C. Its healthy.14.What does the woman think of diving?A. Its dangerous. B. Its good for health. C. Its as exciting as watching TV.听第10段对话,回答第15-17题15.Whats the number

8、of the plane?A. Flight No. CA3504. B. Flight No. CA3405. C. Flight No. CA4503.16.When does the plane arrive in Moscow? A. Half past one in the afternoon.B. Eleven thirty in the morning.C. Three in the afternoon. 17. Which gate do the passengers who fly to Moscow have to go to?A. Gate 11. B. Gate 8.

9、C. Gate 12.听第11段对话,回答第18-20题18.What does the woman want to buy? A. A bag. B. A watch. C. A book. 19. How much should the woman pay if she buys it today? A. 670 dollars. B.650 dollars. C.620 dollars.20. Who stole the womans purse? A. Her brother. B. Her boy friend. C. A Thief.二、短文理解。(本题共5分,每小题1分)听短文,

10、根据短文内容在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。(本题听两遍)21.How old was Mr. Jenkins when he became a middle school teacher?A. Twenty-two. B. Twenty-three. C. Twenty-four. 22.The students remember Mr. Jenkins because _.A. he taught them a lot when they were youngB. he wished them to be honest personsC. he was

11、strict with them23.What is Mr. Jenkins proud of?A. All his students have become honest. B. All his students often write to him.C. Some of his students have been famous.24.Mr. Jenkins told his students to finish Exercise 8 in Unit 1 because _.A. it was very interesting B. he wanted to know if they we

12、re honestC. he wanted to give them an example 25.The students faces turned red because _.A. they made Mr. Jenkins angry B. they all told a lie in classC. they didnt finish the exercise in time 三、听取信息(本题共5分,每小题1分)听对话,请根据题目要求,从听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为2630相对应的空格中。(本题听两遍)The School Talent ShowHow many act

13、s (26)_.Eric The (27)_performer.Jane The (28)_performer.Frank He sang a wonderful piece of (29)_.How long About (30)_minutes.笔试 部 分(90分)四、选择填空。(本题共15分,每小题1分)在下面各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个能填入句子空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。31. Is this kind of pet _ a pet dog these days? A. as trendy as B. more trendier than C. much tren

14、dy than D .not so trendier as32_ an Englishman, John is looking forwards _the 2012 Olympic Games. A. Of; in B. With; for C. For; at D. As; to33. Her son _ Coke, but now he _ milk.A.used to drink ; is used to drinking B. used to drinking ; used to drinking ; used to drink D. is used to dri

15、nk ; is drinking34. I am very worried about tomorrows math test. I am afraid I cant pass this time. _ ! Im sure youll make it.A. No problem B. Cheer up C. Thats right D. Dont mention it35. Mr. Smith _ is smoking is looking for_ she lost yesterday. A. whom; which B. who; what C. that; who D. which; w

16、here36. Its too hot. Would you mind my _ the window?-_. Do it as you like, please.A. to open; OK B. opening; Certainly not C. opening; Of course D. open; Good idea37. He _ his classmates. A. get along well with B. get well with C. is getting along well with D. is get well with38. Captain Alison will

17、 _ at eight oclock, so we shall have plenty of time.A. beginning B. set out C. be set out D. be begun39. The Old Town of Lijiang is _ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings. A. popular B. famous C. special D. different40. I enjoy playing computer games, but I cant _ too much time_ that.A. tak

18、e; doing B. spend; doing C. spend; for doing D. take; to do41. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, “My dear, it must be terrible _!”A. grown up B. being grown up C. be grown up D. to be grown up 42. In the old days, they_ in the factory from morning to evening. A. were made t

19、o work B. asked to work C. made to work D. were asked for work43. - Could you please tell me_?- Theyre over there.A. where are the restrooms B. where were the restrooms C. where the restrooms are D. where the restrooms were44. -Where is your father?-He_ Australia and he _ Sydney for two weeks.A. has

20、 been to; has been in B. has gone to ; has been inC. has been in; has been to D. has gone to ; has been to45. Every year I _ the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worse garden in the town!A. enter B. entered C. entered for D. enter for五、完形填空。(本题共10分,每小题1分) 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文

21、内容,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。A man walked into a restaurant. The restaurant advertised it had the 46 menu in the world. The manager was very proud of being able to provide any dish, no matter how 47 it was. At the bottom of the 48 , there was a notice that said, “If you do not see the dish y

22、ou need on this menu, please tell us and we will add it to the menu right away.”The man 49 the menu and decided to make sure if it was true. He would order 50 that was very unusual. When a waiter came up to take his order, he said, “You say you can serve any dish, even if its not on your longest men

23、u in the world.” “That is correct, sir. We are able to meet everyones requirements.”“Well,” the man said, “bring me a sandwich with two elephant ears. 51 , not African.” The waiter wrote down in his paper: Two Indian elephant ears on toast. “Very good, sir,” he said. “That shouldnt 52 long.”The wait

24、er walked away quickly. The man was very surprised and rather disappointed. Then he smiled 53 the waiter returned with a very unhappy look on his face. “Ah!” the man said. “You cant 54 it to me, can you?”The waiter made an apology (道歉).“Im very sorry, sir, and this is the 55 embarrassing,” he said,

25、“but Im afraid we cant because weve run out of bread.” 46. A. biggest B. thickest C. heaviest D. longest47. A. unfair B. unusual C. beautiful D. important 48. A. menu B. dish C. restaurant D. table49. A. looked for B. took out C. looked at D. picked up 50. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. som

26、ething 51. A. American B. Indian C. Canadian D. Australian52. A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend 53. A. as B. and C. so D. though54. A. catch B. take C. fetch D. bring55. A. least B. most C. less D. more六、阅读理解。(本大题共20小题,每小题,每小题2 分,共 40分)阅读下面四篇短文,阅读后做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题给出的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案 ,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。ASp

27、anish DancingSpanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.Place: John Smiths Date: July 1-31 Price: ¥60Time: 7:30 pm- 9:30 pm Tel: 301-2768Live Pop MusicEnjoy the music from Jay Chou, the famous pop singer.Place: The music hall Date: July 20-22Price: ¥200-

28、¥250 Time: 8:00 pm- 10:00 pm Shows Daqian MuseumDaqian Museum has over 1000 pieces on display here.Come and see the whole of Chinese history!Place: Daqian Museum Date: July 1-August 31Price: ¥50 (half for students)Time: Monday to Friday; 8:30 am-5:30 pmWeekends: 9:00 am- 8:00pm Tel: 271-139956. If y

29、ou want to learn dancing, you can call_. A. 271-1399 B. 488-6888 C. 231-2899 D. 301-276857. You can enjoy Jay Chous music at _ in the music hall.A. 9:00 pm on July 23 B. 8:00 pm on July 20 C. 7:30 pm every day D. 9:30 pm on July 158. You can learn _ at John Smiths.A. American Jazz B. pop songs C. th

30、e whole of Chinese history D. Spanish dancing59. There is a big show on history at _.A. Daqian Museum B. the music hall C. John Smiths D. the meeting hall60. If Mr Zhong wants to go to the museum with his wife and ten-year-old daughter, how much should he pay for it? A. ¥70. B.¥100. C.¥125. D.¥200.B

31、In many British schools, the pupils usually wear their school uniforms to school on weekdays. However, recently the students at LVS Ascot Junior School in England wore something quite different. What they wore was what people wear when they go to bed pyjamas (睡衣). They did this not only for fun, but

32、 for a local charity called Christophers Smile. Christophers Smile was set up in 2008 by Karen & Kevin Capel whose only son Christopher died of cancer at a young age. They hope their charity will help pay for more research into childrens cancers. Since then, the charity has raised a lot of money

33、 and gotten more and more volunteers. Every year, thousands of people take part in different activities such as charity walk or run to show their support for Christophers Smile.The students of Grade 6 at LVS Ascot Junior School also wanted to do something for the sick children. They organized the ev

34、ent “Pyjama Day” to support Christophers Smile. “We wanted to raise money for our charity in a way that the whole school could join in it, so each pupil paid 1 to wear his or her pyjamas to school on Pyjama Day,” said the young organizers. Both the students and their teachers took part in the event

35、with great interest. Together they not only raised some money, but also had a good time.61. Who set up Christophers Smile? A. LVS Ascot Junior Schools teachers. B. The local government. C. LVS Ascot Junior Schools students. D. Christophers parents.62. Christophers Smile was set up to . A. tell peopl

36、e some knowledge about childrens cancers B. have fun for the students in LVS Ascot Junior School C. help the local government do more things for students D. raise money for more research into childrens cancers63. What is not mentioned in the passage? A. Charity walk. B. Charity run. C. Charity conce

37、rt. D. Pyjamas Day.64. Which of the following is TRUE? A. It has been four years since Christophers Smile was set up. B. Few pupils wear school uniforms to school on weekdays in Britain. C. In LVS Ascot Junior School, only students join in the event “Pyjama Day”. D. All students in England need to w

38、ear pyjamas to school on Pyjama Day.65. The best title for the passage may be . A. The Christophers Smile B. Fun and charity C. The Pyjama Day D. Childrens cancersC Its easier to agree than disagree. The following tips(建议) can help keep disagreements constructive (建设性的).Dont make it personal. If you

39、 get upset, it can help to remember that youre mad at the persons idea, not the person.Never criticize the other persons idea. Instead of saying “Thats a stupid idea!”, try:“I dont agree, and heres why.” Never shout loudly and youll have a much better chance of getting your idea across.Use “I” state

40、ments to communicate how you feel and what you think. Using “you” statements can sound argumentative (好争论的). For example, telling your mom “You always remind me about my chores when I have a lot of homework” has a very different tone (语气) from “Im under pressure because I have a lot of homework toni

41、ght. Can I do those chores tomorrow?”Listen to the other point of view. When the other person is talking, try to stop thinking about why you disagree or what youll say next. Instead, focus on whats being said. When its your turn to talk, repeat any key points the other person made to show you have p

42、aid attention to what was said. Then calmly express why you disagree.Stay calm. This is the most important thing you can do to keep a conversation go on well. 66. What does the underlined word “focus ” mean in the third paragraph? A.专注 B.赞赏 C.同意 D. 诠释67. What should we do when the other person is ta

43、lking according to the passage?A. Think about why we disagree. B. Pay attention to what hes saying.C. Think about what well say next. D. Expresses our own idea to him.68. Which is the right way to show that you disagree with someone?A. Im afraid I disagree with you. B. Your idea sounds terrible. C.

44、You always ask me many questions. D. Your idea is quite wrong.69. How many tips does the writer list in the passage? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.70. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Discussion about disagreements. B. Attitude towards disagreements.C. Opinions about disagreements. D

45、. Tips to show disagreements. D配对阅读。阅读左栏的五段文字,然后在右栏A-G中找出与他们匹配的信息,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。(有两个多余项)71. My sister likes candies very much, but she never brushes her teeth after eating them.72. I have asked my uncle to stop smoking many times, but it did not work.73. Tony always goes to sleep after meals.74.

46、Most children like to eat at KFC or McDonalds.75. Nowadays, many students like watching TV at home on weekends for a long time.A. I think its a bad habit. Going for a walk after meals is good for us to keep fit and healthy. B. Water is a very important thing that we need. Scientists say we should dr

47、ink at least 2.5 liters of water a day.C. Its very important to protect our teeth. Eating too much candies is not only bad for our teeth but also bad for health.D. We can see the colorful world by watching TV with our eyes. But we should protect our eyes carefully. We should let them have a rest aft

48、er watching for one hour. E. In summer, swimming is very good. But you should pay attention that you shouldnt go swimming after drinking or when you are very hot.F. Many people died from smoking them. Smoking brings us serious hurt, and we should get away from it.GThe food there tastes good, but I t

49、hink its junk food. We should take care of our eating habits and eat more food with high vitamins and eat less meat.七、课文填空。(本题共10分,每小题1分)根据课文内容,选择正确的单词填空。每空只准填一个单词。填入答题卡标号相对应的空格中。Dont miss the New Ocean Waves!.Do you like pop music?Most people do. One of the best (76)_on the music scene is the New O

50、cean Waves. In the last twelve months, theyve had three major (77)_and made a hit CD. Theyre going to (78) on CCTV next month. And then theyre going to go on a world (79) in which they will perform in ten different cities. Be sure not to miss them (80) they come to a city near you-if you can get tic

51、kets, that is.“For years, we played other peoples songs,” says lead (81) Zhu Wen. “But now we play mostly our own songs. Weve (82) a few songs in the top ten, but we really (83) to have a number one hit some day.” Good luck to the New Ocean Waves! Theyre off to a great start. And theyre (84) nice people. Did you know that they gave half of the money they made to a charity for (85) children? 八、书面表达。(本题共15分)目前,我国实施城市化进程中,给从乡村(镇)迁入城市


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