已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上课题: Unit1 Past and present 第一课时 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit备课时间: 授课时间:教学目标1识记北京不同时代的交通工具。2通过观察时间表并排列信息,介绍现在完成时这一语法概念。教学内容四会内容 词汇:past present 词组:notany more play with 句型:Eddie,have you seen my food? I've just eaten it三会内容 词汇:transport times double-decker light rail重点讲解: 北京不同

2、时代的交通工具。难点突破: 介绍现在完成时这一语法概念。教学准备 1教学图片 2投影仪 3录音机教学步骤Step I导入复习学生以前学过的五种交通工具:bus、taxi、train、plane、underground。教师向学生提问:(1)How do you go to school every day?(2)How do your parents go to work every day?(3)If I want to go to the USAhow can I get there?引导学生说出其知道的交通工具名称。Step II呈现1用投影仪或图片呈现下列词汇:coach、double

3、-decker、light rail。2简单介绍这三种交通工具。Coach:It is a comfortable bus for carrying people over a long wayDoubledecker:It is a bus with two floorsLight rail:It is a rail transportation system in cities,usually driven by electric power and runs above the ground on tracks3带读生词。Step III练习1学生完成课本第7页A部分的练习。2猜谜语,帮

4、助学生巩固交通工具的表达法。 (1)It travels along a fixed route and has many stops to let people get on and off It can take you to many places but does not cost you much(a bus) (2)It is the fastest way of travelling to a place far away, but it will cost you a lot of money (a plane) (3)Thousands of people go to wor

5、k on it every dayIt is fast and it is under the ground(the underground) (4)It is like a bus,but has two floors(a double-decker) (5)It is a car with a driver, and you have to pay the driver to take you somewhere(a taxi)3根据课本第7页A部分图片下方相关交通工具在北京的开始使用时间,给出示范对话,引出时间概念。 T: When did people begin to use bus

6、es in Beijing? S: People began to use them in 1935Buses have been in use since 1935 学生根据示范编对话。4学生完成课本第7页B部分的练习。5学生根据B部分造句,如:People in Beijing began to use trains in 1909Step IV游戏请一个学生到讲台前来,让他她事先想好一种交通工具并将其写在纸上。其他学生通过“是非”提问,即讲台前的学生只能回Yes或者No的问题,想办法猜测这个学生想的是哪种交通工具,如:S1:Is it a bus?S2:NoS3:Did people i

7、n Beijing begin to use it in 1909?S2:YesS4:Is it a train?S2:Yes猜对的学生到讲台前来,想出另一种交通工具,继续游戏。 Step V呈现 1导入:Eddie and Hobo are talking about changes tooWhat changes are they talking about?教师为学生播放C0mic strip部分的录音,学生带着问题听录音并回答。2学生跟着录音朗读漫画里的对话,回答更多问题。 (1)What was in the bowl an hour ago? (Hobos food) (2)Why

8、 did Eddie eat Hobos food? (Because he was hungry) (3)Why does Hobo think Eddie has changed? (Because Eddie was kind before)3学生分角色朗读并表演对话,鼓励学生根据自己的想象添加内容。Step VI家庭作业1记忆有关词汇、词组和句型。2熟读漫画部分的对话。3 练习与测试第一课时教学反思:课题: Unit1 Past and present第二课时Reading I备课时间: 授课时间:教学目标1了解北京阳光镇的变化情况。2学会对比某地过去和现在的情况,并描述发生的变化。3

9、了解采访城市变化时用到的问题种类。教学内容四会内容词汇:Southern till married wife over cinema turn factory waste pollute realize reduce open lonely throw husband interview词组:get married a lot over the years turn intoused to take action reduce the pollution in some waysopen space feel a bit lonely from time to time throw away句

10、型:I moved here with my family when 1 was two years old and have lived here since thenWe lived together till 1965,when I got marriedThe factory used to dump its waste into the riverLater, the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollutionIts nice to have ope

11、n space and pretty gardens三会内容:词汇:dump poison especially重点讲解:泛读课文,初步了解北京阳光镇的变化情况难点突破: 指导学生理解现在完成时。教学准备1教学图片2多媒体或投影仪3录音机教学步骤Step I呈现1复习上一课所学的交通工具的名称。教师向学生提问:Yesterday, we learnt about the transport in BeijingThere are different forms of transportCan you give me some examples?引导学生讲出上节课学的内容。2组织学生讨论从中国出

12、发去美国、日本、澳大利亚等国家可以使用的交通工具,在运用中加深印象。Step II导人1由复习交通工具过渡到新课。可以引导学生思考:If we are going to Beijing, what kind of transport can we choose to use?2如有可能,用多媒体或投影仪呈现几张北京市区过去的图片。教师可以这样开始:Here are some photos of Beijing ten years agoI also have some photos taken in Beijing this year接着用多媒体或投影仪展示北京市现在的图片,通过对比北京前后的

13、变化,呈现出生词cinema、waste、pollute等。3教师带读生词。4学生完成课本第10页B部分的练习。以小测试的形式来核对答案。教师随意读出释义,学生必须说出正确的单词。Step II 阅读。阅读1在播放课文录音前,提问:Whats the main idea of this interview?让学生带着问题听录音并回答。2让学生自己阅读全文,完成课本第10页C1部分的判断正误练习。全班一起核对答案,要求学生在课文中找出正确答案所在的行数。3学生阅读课文第一部分内容(第19行),并回答问题:(1)How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town

14、?(Since he moved there with his family when he was two years old)(2)How many times did he move house? When? (TwiceIn 1 965 when he got married and last year when his children bought them a new flat)学生阅读课文第二部分内容(第10-31行),完成以下表格。In the pastAt present People living in the town 30,000 people lived in Su

15、nshine TownMany people have moved out to other areasWhat we hadhave in the town Some small restaurants,shops,market stalls,a small post office and an old cinemaA park,a large shopping mall and a theatreWater pollution(The water pollution was terribleThe shoe factory dumped waste into the riverThe ri

16、ver is much cleaner Step III 家庭作业。1 认真阅读课文,尝试朗读课文。练习与测试第二课时教学反思:课题: Unit1 Past and present第三课时 Reading II备课时间: 授课时间:教学目标1了解北京阳光镇的变化情况。2学会对比某地过去和现在的情况,并描述发生的变化。3了解采访城市变化时用到的问题种类。教学内容四会内容词汇:Southern till married wife over cinema turn factory waste pollute realize reduce open lonely throw husband inter

17、view词组:get married a lot over the years turn intoused to take action reduce the pollution in some waysopen space feel a bit lonely from time to time throw away句型:I moved here with my family when 1 was two years old and have lived here since thenWe lived together till 1965,when I got marriedThe facto

18、ry used to dump its waste into the riverLater, the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollutionIts nice to have open space and pretty gardens三会内容:词汇:dump poison especially重点讲解: 精读课文,指导学生理解带现在完成时的句子。难点突破: 比较现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。Step I阅读1提问:Whats the main idea of

19、 this interview?让学生带着问题听录音并回答。 播放录音,学生带问题听。2让学生自己阅读全文,完成课本第10页C1部分的判断正误练习。全班一起核对答案,要求学生在课文中找出正确答案所在的行数。3学生阅读课文第一部分内容(第19行),并回答问题:(1)How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town?(Since he moved there with his family when he was two years old)(2)How many times did he move house? When? (TwiceIn 1 965 wh

20、en he got married and last year when his children bought them a new flat)学生阅读课文第二部分内容(第10-31行),完成以下表格。In the pastAt present People living in the town 30,000 people lived in Sunshine TownMany people have moved out to other areasWhat we hadhave in the town Some small restaurants,shops,market stalls,a

21、small post office and an old cinemaA park,a large shopping mall and a theatreWater pollution(The water pollution was terribleThe shoe factory dumped waste into the riverThe river is much cleaner 5学生集体朗读全文,完成课本第11页C2部分练习。6将全班学生分成两组,分角色朗读C2部分的对话。7用多媒体或投影仪呈现课文概要,让学生完成填空。Mr Chen lives in Sunshine TownAf

22、ter he got , he and his wife to a new houseLast year, they moved again when their children them a new flatIn the past there were small shops and market stalls in the townNow the place has a lotThe town centre is now a parkMany of Mr Chens old friends have to other areasSometimes,they come back and g

23、o to the new park to play and Chinese with Mr Chen,but they do not often see each otherMr Chen feels from time to time (married;moved;bought;restaurants;changed;moved;cards;chess;lonely)Step II活动1学生开展两人小组活动,编对话谈论所在城市的变化。一个学生扮演土生土长的当地人,对当地的变化很熟悉;另一个学生扮演当地电视台的记者,想采访了解城市的变化情况。2请二至三对学生表演对话。StepIII练习1学生完

24、成课本第11页D部分的练习,然后与各自的同伴比较完成的句子。全班齐读完成后的句子。2讲解课文中重要的词汇和短语。Step IV游戏将全班学生分成四至六人一组。请一组学生离开教室几分钟或闭上眼睛,让其他学生做一些变动,比如:请两个学生调换一下座位,让一个戴眼镜的学生把眼镜摘下来,把黑板上的字擦掉等等。然后让该组学生回到教室或睁开眼睛。要求他们描述看到的所有变化。再请下一组离开教室,再做一些别的变动。准确找出变动最多的那个组为获胜组。Step V家庭作业1记忆有关词汇、词组和句型。2熟读课文。3练习与测试第三课时教学反思:课题: Unit1 Past and present第四课时Vocabula

25、ry 备课时间: 授课时间:教学目标1理解反义词。2掌握基本的形容词反义前缀。3在语境中使用恰当的形容词表达肯定和否定的意思。教学内容四会内容 词汇:unhealthy unlucky unpleasant三会内容 词汇:opposite重点讲解: 介绍加前缀构成反义词的方法。难点突破: 指导学生找出加前缀构成反义的规律。教学准备1多媒体或投影仪2教学卡片教学步骤Step I复习1根据Reading部分的内容进行提问,帮助学生用学过的内容回答。 (1)How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town?(He has lived in Sunshine To

26、wn since he moved there with his family when he was two years old) (2)When did he move house?(In 1965 and last yea r) (3)What did people have in the town in the past?(They had small restaurants, shops,market stalls,a small post office and an old cinema) (4)What has the centre of town become?(A park)

27、 (5)Can you say something about the pollution of Sunshine River?(The pollution was terrible in the pastLater, the government took action to reduce the pollutionNow the river is much cleaner)2组织学生讨论:Do you think peoples lives are better now? Why do you think so?鼓励学生大胆说出自己的想法。Step II呈现1从课文复习导入新课,用多媒体呈

28、现下列内容。Sunshine Town has changed into a new placeIn the past,it was difficult for people to travel because there were not many kinds of transportNow, it is easy to go from one place to anotherHowever, Mr Chen is not very happySometimes he feels sad because he cannot see his old friends very oftenMany

29、 of them have moved to other areas2让学生从上述陈述中找出反义词:o1d-new、difficult-easy、happy-sad。3教师鼓励学生说出自己学过的反义词。4用多媒体展示一些学过的形容词:big、cheap、fast、good、hot、cool、long、fat等,让学生说出其反义词。5要求学生看课本第12页表格中的单词,并检查他们是否理解,为学生提供他们不太熟悉的单词的定义或描述性文字。6鼓励学生根据表格左右栏的变化,找出形容词反义词的规律。7教师帮助学生总结出形容词的反义前缀:im-、in-、un-、dis-.8学生大声朗读表格中的单词。Ste

30、p III练习1用多媒体呈现下列形容词,要求学生写出其反义词。happy helpful patient kind comfortable easy necessary friendly welcome possible expensive soft (unhappysad;unhelpful;impatient;unkind;uncomfortable;difficult;unnecessary; unfriendly;unwelcome;impossible;cheap;hard)2学生完成课本第12页的练习。告诉他们,他们需要的所有单词均能在电子文栏上方的表格里找到。3全班核对答案,学生

31、大声朗读修改过的短文。Step IV活动1学生四人一组,从课本第12页的形容词及其反义词中任选四对编故事。2请二至三组学生在全班同学面前讲故事。Step V游戏教师事先准备好一些卡片,每张写有一个形容词,大部分的形容词互为反义词。其余几张卡片则不是。将卡片每人一张发给学生。请一个学生读自己卡片上的词,手上拿着该词反义词卡片的学生就站起来读出反义词。依次类推,最后找不到反词卡的学生到黑板上写出卡片上单词的反义词。Step VI家庭作业1记忆本课所学的词汇。2完成练习与测试第四课时3写出下列形容词的反义词。first noisy rich like difficult bad correct im

32、portant (1ast;quiet;poor;unlike;easy;good;incorrect;unimportant)教学反思:课题: Unit1 Past and present第五课时Grammar I备课时间: 授课时间:教学目标1识记动词的过去分词形式。2能够在语境中正确运用现在完成时。教学内容四会内容词汇:repair sentence yet recently century ever just own词组:by the way句型:Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born三会内容Eddie has lived with

33、Millie for four yearsHave you seen any exhibitions recently?词汇:exhibition title重点讲解: 讲解现在完成的的构成,现在分词的构成规律。难点突破: 指导学生掌握不规则动词的读音,变化。教学准备1多媒体2教学卡片Step I导人1向学生提问Reading部分的有关内容,使学生对现在完成时的理解容易一些,同时也为新课导入作铺垫。(1)How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town? (He has lived in Sunshine Town since he moved there

34、 with his family when he was two years old) (2)When did Mr Chen get married? (In 1965) (3)There have been many changes in this townWhat has the centre of town become?(It has become a park) (4)How does Mr Chen feel from time to time?(He feels a bit lonely)2问:What do you think of the changes? Is life

35、better now?请学生结合自己的生活发表意见。Step II呈现1板书学生回答中出现的现在完成时的句子,呈现这一时态: He has lived in Sunshine Town since he moved there with his family when he was two years old It has become a park2向学生提问,继续呈现学生的答句。 (1)How long have you lived in this city? (2)How long have you studied in this junior high school? (3)How l

36、ong have you studied English? (4)What have you studied these days? (5)Where have you travelled recently?3提醒学生注意现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。告诉学生我们用一般过去时谈论过去某一特定时间发生,现在已经结束或不再确实的事情。而当我们想要谈论现在和过去,比如谈论过去开始,现在还在继续或依然与现在有联系的动作或情况时,我们使用现在完成时。4让学生根据黑板上呈现的例句,自己总结出现在完成时的结构:havehas+past participle。讲解课本第13页底部表格里的句子,再给出一些例句进

37、行练习。5让学生识别例句中的过去分词。向学生解释,大多数过去分词的构成是在动词原形后面加ed,但有一些是不规则的,学生必须记住。学生朗读课本第14页的动词过去分词表。6在黑板上列出5至10个学生熟悉的动词,排成三栏,分别为动词原形、过去式、过去分词,如:lnfinitiveSimple pastPast participletraveltravelled travelledSeeSaw Seenenioy enjoyedenjoyedwatchwatched watched do did donebe waswerebeen 7教师根据学生刚才的回答,用一般疑问句进行提问,如: Have yo

38、u studied English for four years? Have you travelled to Shanghai recently? 呈现现在完成时的一般疑问句形式及回答: HaveHaspast participle? Yes,havehas No,havehas notNohaventhasnt 教师指导学生看课本第15页的表格,加深印象。8让学生自己找出现在完成时句子中的时问标志,呈现现在完成时的时间表达词及其用法。already 肯定句,表示已经发生的事ever 疑问句,表示“曾经”for 肯定句否定句疑问旬,表示一段时间just 肯定句,表示“刚刚”never 否定句

39、,表示“从不”since 肯定句否定句疑问句,表示“自以后”yet 疑问句否定句,表示“还没有”recently肯定句否定句疑问句,表示“最近”9指导学生看课本第16页的表格,加深印象。Step III练习1学生完成课本第14页A1部分的练习。全班核对答案,学生集体朗读句子。2学生完成课本第15页A2部分的练习。全班核对答案,学生分组朗读对话。3学生完成课本第17页的对话。全班核对答案,请几组学生朗读对话。Step VI 家庭作业。练习与测试第一课时教学反思:课题: Unit1 Past and present第六课时 Grammar II备课时间: 授课时间:教学目标1识记动词的过去分词形式

40、。2能够在语境中正确运用现在完成时。3运用现在完成时谈论发生在过去并与现在有联系的事情。4理解并运用常与现在完成时连用的时间表达方式。教学内容四会内容词汇:repair sentence yet recently century ever just own词组:by the way句型:Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born三会内容Eddie has lived with Millie for four yearsHave you seen any exhibitions recently?词汇:exhibition title重点讲解:难点

41、突破:Step I 练习。1 导入:同学们,今天我们继续学习现在完成时。2 请学生总结现在完成时的构成方式。3 让学生做动词变过去分词练习。4用多媒体呈现下列句子,要求学生用正确的时态完成句子。(1)Hurry up! Lunch already . (begin)(has;begun)(2) he ever (ride)a bike?(Has;ridden)(3)Li Ming (hurt)his arm last weekHe already (stay) inbed for five days(hurt;has;stayed)(4)Yesterday, she (buy)one book

42、 in the bookshopShe (not read)it since then (bought;has not read)(5)I already (lose)my pen(buy)it two days ago(have;(have lost;bought)5选择正确的时间表达词汇填空。(1)Have you done your homework ?(for, just,yet) (yet)(2)I have been to Chengdu(for, never, yet) (never)(3)He has worked there he left schoo1(already, j

43、ust,since)(since)(4)She has known Sam nine years(for, never, since) (for)(5)Have you ridden a horse?(ever, for, yet) (ever)Step II游戏1按组发卡片,第一大组的卡片上写的是主语,第二大组的写动词,第三大组的写宾语或状语,第四大组的卡上写的是时间状语。第一组的一个学生站起来读卡上的词,二、三、四组的学生根据他她读的词看自己卡上的内容,如果能连成句子,就依组站起来读,直到连成一个完整的句子。提醒学生注意时态的运用,应着重练习现在完成时。2将全班学生分成八至十人一组。教9币

44、提供下列表达,学生互相问Have you ever?在接受能力较弱的班上,把表达写在黑板上供学生练习。当学生发现有人做了所问的事时,就写一句完整的句子,比如:Carol has travelled to Summer Palace然后接着问第二个问题。这个游戏的目的是完成尽可能多的句子。因此,学生之间不能互相交换信息。 Find someone who(1)has travelled to Summer Palace(2)has listened to Jay Chous songs(3)has kept a rabbit as a pet(4)has eaten oysters (5)has

45、 joined the singing club3帮助学生区分一般过去时和现在完成时的用法。教师读一些句子。如果读出的句子是一般过去时,学生就保持沉默。如果读出的句子是现在完成时,学生就重复该句,如:(1)He went to the cinema last night(simple past)(2)He has watched many great films(present perfect)(3)Maria has forgotten her homework(present perfect)(4)They have been in Hong Kong since 1998(present

46、 perfect)(5)We joined the drama club two years ago(simple past)Step III家庭作业1记忆有关词汇。2完成练习与测试第六课时教学反思:课题: Unit1 Past and present第七课时Integrated skills备课时间: 授课时间:教学目标1通过听录音,获取有关星光镇变化的具体信息。2理解书面和口头形式陈述的信息,并做出回应。3通过完成一篇日记对听取的信息做出回应。4谈论过去和现在的习惯。教学内容四会内容 词汇:environment fresh development lend primary relax d

47、uck service feeling 词组:railway station in service primary school on ones own 句型:I have the same feeling too重点讲解: 指导学生使用现在完成时谈论过去现在,同时训练学生听说读写能力。难点突破: 通过完成一篇日记对听取的信息做出回应。教学准备多媒体教学步骤Step I呈现1用多媒体展示图片,呈现生词。先展示星光镇过去的一幅图片,向学生提问:What can you see in this picture?引导学生说出wildlife、duck等生词。接着呈现星光镇现在的图片,再问学生:In

48、the past,Starlight Town wasnt a modern placeHowever, it has changed a lot over the past several yearsWhat can you find in the second picture?进而呈现highway等。2对学生说:There have been many changes in Starlight TownDo you want to know more about the changes? Lets listen to the recording3放一遍录音,不做任何停顿。告诉学生这一遍只

49、需听,以便对对话内容有个总体的了解。再放一遍录音,要求学生用Simon和Daniel对话里的信息将课本第18页A1部分的句子补充完整。在接受能力较弱的班上,在每一句后暂停,给学生留出时间填写答案。全班核对答案。TapescriptSimon:Daniel,have you found any information for our history project?Daniel:YesI've just borrowed this book from the school libraryIts about Starlight Town in the past and the presen

50、tSimon:Let me seeOh,Starlight Town was a place of natural beauty in the pastThere were lakes and small villagesThis book also says that the air was very fresh thenDaniel:Thats trueMy family and I visited Starlight Town about eight yearsagoI remember I saw many wild birds and ducks during the visitSi

51、mon:How did you get to Starlight Town then?Daniel:Oh,we went there by bicycleSimon:Did people live in flats?Daniel:NoThere were no flatsMany people just lived near the lakes in smallvillagesBy the way, does the book talk about the changes to Starlight Town over the years?Simon:Yes,it doesIt says tha

52、t the size of lakes in the area is getting smallerbecause there have been many new developments in this placeDaniel:What are the new developments?Simon:Starlight Town has become a modern townFirst,a new railway station was builtThen,the government built many flats thereThere are also many shops,offices and tall buildings nowDaniel:Are there any new roads?Simon:SureThere are several new highwaysPeople can now travel by taxi,bus and trainDaniel:I know that many people have moved and are now living in those new flatsSimo


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