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1、第一?人称第二人称人称代词单复单复数数数数主人格1weyou you称代宾词格meusyou you语法一:人称代词单数hehim句型转化Be动词做谓语肯定+be动词第三人称复数sheheritittheythemIweyouyouhesheittheymyouryouryourhisheritstheir句:主语be动词+主语?物主代词否认句:主语+be动词+not 般疑问句:特殊疑问句:What colour is ? What n ati on ality are you? Where are you from? Where do you come from? Whose bag is

2、it?What' s your job?What' s the weather like What ' the climate like?语法二:It ' s red.I ' m Chinese.I m from Chi na.I come from Chi na.It ' s my bag.I ' m a mechanic.It ' s sunny/rainy/snowy/cloudy.It ' s pleasant/warm/wet/dry.一、 不可数名词 定义:抽刀断水水更流难以分幵的一个整体,不可分割的事物。特点

3、:1前面无a/an,后无s;2、表达复数用量词修饰,量词可数;Eg. Milk-a bottle of milk-two bottles ofmilkSoap-abar of soap-three bars of soap二、some 禾口 any 用法some而不相同点:表示一些,后面都可加可数名词复数或不可数名词不同点:some常用在肯定句,但是在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定答复时,多用用 any;any用在否认句和疑问句三、指代用法One指代可数名词单数Ones指代可数名词复数Any可指代可数名词复数或不可数名词四、句型1、Do you like ?Yes, I do.

4、Yes, I do. But I don' t wantNo, I don ' t.2、Do you want ?Yes, please.No,thank you / thanks. I don ' t like .五、名词复数特殊变化规那么:可数名词的不规那么复数变 化woma n-wome n, man-me n, tooth-teeth,deer-deer, child-childre n, fish-fish, foot-feet,goose-geese, sheep-sheep, ox-oxe n国人变化:中 日两瑞永不变 , 英法荷 Japanese -Ja

5、panes Englishman-Englishmen;兰 A 变 E,其他国人 S 加后边.Ch in ese Chi n ese; Germa n Germa ns ; America n America ns语法三一、介词in在?里on在.上un der在.卜面beside在/、-n-* -?旁边betwee n在两者中间among三者或以上中间over在-hr.上无接触面的垂直上方;从一端到另一端above在.上无接触面的上方,不定垂直across横穿、穿过强调从外表越过through穿过强调从中间穿过alo ng沿着二、There be 句型与 have got 句型1.There

6、be 句型:定义:某地或某时存在有某人或某物。句型结构:肯定句:There is+单数可数名词 或不可数名词+地点There are+复数可数名词+地点 否认句be动词后加notThere is not +单数可数名词或不可数名词+地点特点:There are not +复数可数名词+地点疑问句be动词提前:Is there +单数可数名词或不可数名词+地点? Are there +复数可数名词 +地点?“就近原那么"2. have got 句型:定义: 它表示某物归某人 某物所有,是一种 所属关系 。句型结构:否认句:在have或has后加not,缩写为have n't h

7、as n ' t.疑问句:把have或has提前特点: 主语为第三人称单数时, have 要变成 has 。语法三:?小升初小练兵?1. There is a bridge the river.A. over B. onC. above D. below2. They spent about ten days to go the big desert 沙漠 A.across B. through C. over D. along3. 用 there be 或 have got 填空:1I a good father and a good mother.2 any books in th

8、e bookcase?3 a picture and a clock on the wall.4She some dresses.5What does Mike ?语法四 一般现在时一般现在时用法1 表示 经常性,习惯性 ,永久性 的动作。often 经常, usually 通常, always 总是, everyday 每天, sometimes 有时 2 表示事物的 状态或特征There is a scar on his forehead. 3 表示 客观真理,科学原理,自然现象,等客观事实或格言,谚语 等。The sun rises in the east and sets in the

9、 west every day.注: 只有在第三人称单数时用动词的 “三单变化 ,其他用动词的原形。 动词变为第三人称单数形式的变化规那么:1. 多数在动词后 s 1 直接在动词词尾加 -s.play plays like likes stay-staysask-askswork-worksget-gets 2 以字母 s, x, ch, sh 或 o 结尾的动词,在词尾直接加 -es.watch-watches wish-wishesfix-fixesdo-doesgo-goespass-passes(3)以 辅音字母加-y吉尾的动词,要先变 y为i再加-es.try-triesstudy-

10、studies cry-criesfly-flies2. 不规那么变化:be - is have has一般现在时的句子转换:陈述句 肯定句 :主语加动词原形/动词第三人称单数; 主语 + do/does. 一般疑问句:在主语前加助动词do you, 以及复数 ,does 单数 she, he, it 变成问句; Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形 .否认句:在主语后谓语动词前加助动词don' 11, you, 以及复数 ,doesn ' 单数 she, he, it 变成否认句,助动词后的动词要变成动词原形。主语 + don ' t/doesn动词原形例: 肯定句

11、 : I like grapes. 否认句 : I don ' t like grapes.般疑问句 : Do you like grapes?肯定句:She gets up early every morning.否认句 TShe doesn ' t get up early every morning. 一般疑问句 TDoes she get up early every morning? 语法五 现在进行时态 一、 现在进行时态的含义表示现在正在进行或发生的动作, 也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的 动作二、现在进行时各种句式的结构 肯定句: 主语 + am/

12、is/are + V.ingE.g. We are having a class.He is painting.She is playing. 否认句: 主语 + am/is/are + V.ingE.g. We are not having a class.He is not painting.She is not playing.疑问句: Am/Is/Are + 主语 + V.ingE.g. Are you having a class ? Is he painting ? Is she playing ?三、动词变化规那么1 “直 : 一般情况下,直接加 ing , 如: do-doin

13、g , cook-cooking , stand-standing 2 去:以不发音的 e 结尾,去 e 加 ing ,如: come-coming , dance-dancing3 “双: 重读闭音节,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing ,play run swimmake go like write ski read have sing dance 如: run-running, stop-stopping swim-swimming, forget-forgetting双写规那么:1、重读在词尾;2 、闭音节短音节;3 、单辅音字母 在一般情况下,如果某一单词是以一个辅音字母结尾,而这个辅

14、音的前面是读或双元音,就不能双写这个辅音字母。如 read-reading, think-thinking 等。4"改:改 ie 为 y,力口 ing女口:die-dy ing lie-ly ing语法五小升初小练笔一、 写出以下动词的现在分词:用所给的动词的正确形式填空:1. The boy ( draw)a picture now.2. Listen ! Some girls ( sing)in the classroom .3. My mother ( cook )some n ice food now.4. What you ( do ) now?5. Look ! They

15、 ( have) an En glish less on .三、句型转换:1. They are doing housework .(分别改成般疑问句和否认句)2.Thestudents are cleaning the classroom .(改 般疑问句并作肯定和否认答复)语法六:一般过去时一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,女口last year, yesterday 等;也可表示过去经常反复发生的动作,常和often, always等频率副词连用。注意:发生在过去时间的动作,并已经结束。/ am/is-was一、be动词 are were1句式

16、结构:肯定句:主语 + was/were + We were very tired yesterday. 我们昨天很累。否认句:主语 + wasn' t/weren ' t +I wasn ' t at home yesterda y.昨天不在家。一般疑问句:-Was/were +主语+?-Yes,主语 + was/were.-No,主语 + wasn ' t/weren ' t.2、般现在时与一般过去时的比拟 例子见下表:一般现在时every-She goes to school everyday,She plays football every af

17、ter noon.She chats with(禾口。聊天)her friends every evening on line,一般过去时 yesterdayBut yesterday morning she went shopp ing.But yesterday after noon she played basketball.But yesterday eve ning she chatted with her frie nds on email.二、行为动词1句子构成冃疋句:主语+动词的过去式+I went to the zoo yesterday.我昨天去公园了。否认句:主语 + d

18、id n ot (did n't) + 动词原形 + .I did n't go to school yesterday.我昨天没去上学。般疑问句:-Did +主语+动词原形+?-Yes,主语 + did.-No,主语 + did not(didn't)-Did you buy a book last Mon day?-Yes, I did.-No, I did n't.特殊疑问句:疑问词 + did + 主语+动词原形 + .?1) -What did you do last night?-I did my homework.2) -When did you

19、go to the zoo? -I went to the zoo yesterday.2 、动词过去式变形 :1) 直一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed 。女口: look-looked; work-worked; play-played2) 去以不发音的字母 e 结尾的动词,去 e 再加 -ed。女口: live-lived; move-moved-ed。3) 双末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加 女口: stop-stopped; drop-dropped4) 改末尾是辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为i,然后再加-ed。 如: study-studied; carr

20、y-carried5) 特"不规那么动词的过去式需特殊记忆。am/is -vasare werehave/has haddo/does did can could will wouldshall should swim swam sing sangring rang sit satcome camegive gave run ran drink dra nkbecome became begin bega n buy boughtbring brought catch caught think thoughtteach taught send sent build built go

21、went spe nd spe nt lose lostlend lentmean menatsweep sweptfeel felt lear n learn t/lear nedsmell smeltsleep sleptput put cut cuthit hit read read hurt hurtlet writelet beat beat cost costwrote riderode rise rosesell -sold wake wokebreak brokewin won drive drove speak spoke get 3、标志词yesterday 系歹 Ugot

22、 forget forgot choose choseyesterday morning; yesterday after noon; yesterday eve ningago系歹Va minute ago; an hour ago; a day ago; a week ago; a month ago; year ago; two days ago; six years agothis系列this month; this weeklast系列last mon th; last yearthe.before lastthe week before last; the mon th befor

23、e last语法六小升初练习题、请用正确动词形式填空。1.1(have) an excit ing party last weeke nd.2.she(practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she3. WhatTom(do) on Saturday eve ning?He(watch) TV and(read) an in teresti ng book.4. They all(go) to the mountains yesterday morni ng.5. She(not visit) her aun t last weeke nd.二、改写句子:1、

24、Lucy did her homework at home. (改否认句)Lucyher homework at home.2、 He found some meat in the fridge (冰箱).(变一般疑问句)he meat i n the fridge?3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线局部提问)shethere?4、There was some orange in the cup. (变一般疑问句 )thereorange in the cup?语法七一般将来时l. will含义:将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。肯

25、定句:主语 + will +动词原形It will rai n.否认句:主语 + will n ot (wo n't) + 动词原形He won't be late for school.般疑问句:Will +主语+动词原形?-Will it sn ow in GZ?-Y es, it will.-No, it will n ot (wo n't).2. be going to含义:近期或事先考虑过的将要发生的动作以及已有迹象说明必将发生某事,意为肯定句:主语 + be going to + 动词原形将要做某事打算,I am going to travel.He/She

26、 is going to travel. We/They/You are going to travel. 否认句:主语 + be not going to + 动词原形I am not going to travel.He/She is not going to travel.We/They/You are not going to travel. 一般疑问句: Be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 Are you going to travel?Is he/she going to travel?Are we/they/you going to travel?3、时间标志词t

27、omorrow; tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening;next year/week/month/hour ;this afternoon/Sunday/evening ;in the future;in + 一段时间时态小口诀 : 英语动作有四种:经常做,正在做,将要做和过去做。 经常做用动原或三单,遇到他她它单个做改三单; 要借 do 或 does 变问否, 后面动词用原型。正在做用 be+动词ing ,两个朋友不别离 ,be用 am,is ,are 来代替。将要做有两种:用 will ( shall ) 加动原或 be going to 加动原。过去做,很

28、简单, 对照经常做动词变成过去式要借 did 变问否 ,后面动词用原型数以百计的 在回家 的途中今天早晨今 天下午今天晚上今 天夜里昨天早晨昨 天下午语法八: I 请您记住以下新概念英语 beg your pardon Nice to meet you too Look at How do you do Be careful A loaf of bread A bar of soap/chocolate A bottle of A pound of Half a pound of A quarter of A tin of Hurry up ! Next door Black coffee W

29、hite coffee Come home from school Come home from work In the morning In the afternoon In the evening At noon At night At the moment What ' s the time? Come upstairs Come downstairs Hundreds of On the way home This morning This afternoon This evening tonight Yesterday morning Yesterday afternoon册

30、 1144 课的请您在重复说一遍我也 很快乐见到你 看 你好小心 一块面包一块香皂 /巧克力一 瓶 . 一磅 . 半磅 . 四分之一 . 一听 . 快点!隔壁不 加牛奶的咖啡 加牛 奶的咖啡放学回家 下班回家早上下午 晚上中午夜里此刻 几点钟?上楼下楼昨天晚上昨天夜里Yesterday eve ningLast ni ghtThe day before yesterday in the morni ng前天早晨The day before yesterday in the after noon前天下午The day before yesterday in the eve ning前天晚上The

31、 ni ght before last前大夜间A low mark分数很底A high mark分数很高She said to herself她心中暗想The way to 到的走法In fashi on流行的,时髦的I ' m afraid 我恐怕I ' m sure 我确信,我冃疋A lot of许多用于肯定句At all丝毫、更本、一点也不Going on holiday度假Have been to 到过All the time一直,始终Have been to 到过Drive into撞倒For sale供出售、出售Have the last word最后决疋、最后才算

32、The RAF.英国皇家空军Retur n ticket往返票Next door to与相邻,在隔壁In five hours' time在五小时之后。Go back返回The othe day几天前Fell dow nstairs从楼上摔下来The Y.H.A.青年招待所协会Cheer up振作起来Full of 充满了Would you like?你愿意?Could you ?你能?比Can you更婉转客气Buy on in stalme nts以分期付款的方式购置Small cha nge零钱Go back to sleep继续睡觉To take with 把带上with后跟人

33、称宾格Have to不得不过去式 Had to By myself我自己By yourself你自己By himself他自己By herself她自己By itself它自己By ourselvesBy yourselvesBy themselvesBy on eselfNot that long agoAtHe can't be He must beHe can ' t have beenHe must have bennDon' t be so sureHe may He might Make up mindsLook afterIn the endIn the

34、first in sta neeHe may be He may have bee nI ' m ot sureI won der whyA long time (ago)Get marriedDepend on I ' m late for By the wayI ' m dressed in Make up her faceMake myselft beautifulWas covered with I went for Pice of paperCigarette endsTake outPut awayHundreds of Round the world季节、

35、月份、星期Spri ngSummerAutu mnWin terJanuaryFebruary我们自己你们自己他/她佗们自己单独的没那么久以 的方式进行、做某事他不可能他肯定是他那时不可能他那时肯定是别那么肯定他可能他可能没有He might的程度强打定主意up后跟人称宾格照看最后首先,起初他可能是他可能己经我不敢肯定我想知道为什么很早前结婚依靠,取决于我因为而迟到顺便问,说我穿戴着往她的脸上施脂粉把自己打扮漂亮覆盖着说明目的纸片烟头拿出放到一边成百上千的周游世界春节夏天秋天冬天一月二月March四月五月六月七月八月九月十月十一月十二月星期一星期二星期三星期四 星期五星期六星期日周未April

36、MayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberMon day TuesdayWedn esdayTursdayFridaySaturday SundayWeeke nd语法九一. 情态动词动词定义:在句子中通常用来表示“能力、“请求或许可必须、可'能等'表示情感或态度的情态动词can :含义一:表能力,意为“能、会Can you speak Fren ch?Yes, I can. / No, I can ' t.含义二:表请求或许可,意为“可以Can you ope n the win dow?注意:can 般上级对下

37、级或长辈对晚辈,对长辈上级用 could结构:can+动词原形情态动词 must :含义:表义务,意为 “必须You must finish the work today.Must I finish the work today?Yes, you must./ No, you needn' t.注意:1. must表示必须时,否认式为needn' ; t2. mustn表示禁止、不准We mustn ' t play football on the road.结构:must+动词原形拓展:1、have to不得不,必须客观;must必须,一定主观;have to 第三人

38、称单数用 has to +动词原形;My mother is not at home, so I have to eat outside.2、May比can更委婉的请求May I come in? Yes, you may. / No, you can ' t.可数/不可数名词修饰词1、a lot of +可数名词复数/不可数名词表示许多,多用于肯定句2、many+ 可数名词复数 eg. many booksmuch+ 不可数名词 eg. much chocolate3、some 与 any相同点:+可数名词复数/不可数名词不同点:some多用于肯定句,any用于否认句和疑问句,som

39、e还可表示委婉的请求,希望征得肯定的答复。Would you like some tea? / Could you give me some water, please? Yes, please. / No, tha nk you.语法九小升初小练笔一、说明以下句中情态动词的含义。A.能力;B.许可;C.猜想。I. “ Yost write more neatly, said the teacher.2. He ' s notin the office.must have gone to the meeting.3. Visitors mustn ' move and touc

40、h the exhibits.4. The girl can play the violin very well.5. Can I smoke here?二、完成对话,每空一词.A: Lily, would you like someth ing to drink?B: Yes, I ' m thirsty now.A: What ?B: I 'a cup of tea, please.A: Would you like?B: No, thank you. I' m not hungry. you? Do you want something to eat?A: Yes

41、, I ' m hungry now. I ' d like some cakes.C: How cakes would you like?A: Four cakes, please. And a bottle of apple juice.C: An ythi ng else?A: No, that ' s all.C: Here you are.语法十现在完成时请认真读背以下句子,感受其句意!Have you bee n to the cin ema?r ve already 已经 see n it. I saw it last year.rve never 从不

42、been there. Have youever 曾经 been there?Have your mechanics finished yet 已经?Have you met Mrs. Jones yet? Yes , I have.Whe n did you meet her? I met her two weeks ago.现在完成时含义:1表示过去发生在过去,并且已经结束,强调对现在造成的影响。She has lost her books .她丧失了她的书.表示到目前为止还没有找到2表示动作发生于过去,持续到了现在I have lived in Beijing for three yea

43、rs. 强调live in Guangzhou 这个动作从过去幵始持续到 了现在现 在完成时结构:一肯定式 主语助动词 have has 过去分词其它 I've just copied all the new words我刚抄写了所有的生词。 表示不要再抄了 二否认式主语+助动词 have/ has+ not +过去分词 +其它I haven't finished my homework yet 我还没有完成我的作业。三一般疑问式助动词 Have /Has 主语过去分词其它 ?Have you ever made dumplings ?你曾经做过饺子吗? Yes , I hav

44、e 是的,我做过。现在完成时标志词:already ,yet , since , so far 到目前为止 , up to now 到目前为止 in the past /last years 在过去的 几年中 it is the first/second time: It is my first time I have been here.一般过去时和现在完成时所表示的动作都发生在过去,那么这两种时态有什么区别呢? 一般过去时与具体的表示过去时间状语如: yesterday 连用;强调动作在过去发生,与现 在无关。 现在完成时与自已的特征词连用, 强调过去发生的动作对现在的影响或过去开始发生一

45、直 持续到现在的动作。He saw the film last night. 过去时,表示他昨晚看过那部电影了,现在不知还要不要再看 一次 He has ever seen the film before. 现在 完成时,表时他已看过那部电影, 现在不想再看了 语法十 小升初小练笔 1 Who is Mary ? ? I saw you talking with her at the meetingA Don't you meet her yetB Didn't you met her yetCHaven't you met her yetD Hadn't yo

46、u met her yet 2 How do you like Beijing , Mr Black ? Oh , I such a beautiful city A don't visit B didn't visitChaven't visitedD hadn't visited 3The old people lonely at all since we began to visit them once a weekAdon't feelB hasn't feltChaven't feltD.didn ' t feel 4

47、We have lived here five years ago Awhen B sinceCbeforeD after 1 、He has already finished hishomework 改为否认句He finished his homework 2 They have found the lost books already改为一般疑问句,并作否认答复 they the lost books ? No, they 3. Julia has not got home from school yet . 改为肯定句Julia home from school .语法十一1. hav

48、e 与 have got 的用法 相同点:均表示有I have a bear. = I have got a bear.注意否认改法差异:have 否认形式 don have,第三人称 does n't havehave got 否认形式, have n't got,第三人称 has n't got2. have动词的多用法你能举出什么例子呢?我们熟悉的有:have breakfast, have lunch, have supper 这里 have 指 eathave water,have a bottle of coca, 这里 have 指 drinkhave a

49、 good time, have a trip, have a bath.3.行为动词have用法含义:吃、喝、从事、经历 (eat/drink/take/experienee )have fun快乐have a good time玩的咼兴have a rest休息have a bath洗澡have a swim游泳have a holiday度假have a talk谈话have a look at看下have breakfast吃早餐have lunch吃午饭have supper吃晚餐have dinner吃正餐have a haircut理发have some medici ne吃药h

50、ave a meet ing幵会have a walk散步4. have 与 have got 用法1have 和 have got 均指 有have/has eg. It has two eggs.have got/ has got eg. It has got two eggs.2否认形式don ' t have/doesn ' t hegeIt doesn' t have two eggs.haven ' t got/hasn' t got It hasn' t got two eggs.3区别have既可以用在正式也可以在非正式场合使用;

51、have got主要用于口语等非正式场合下语法A一小升初小练笔Stara pet, that is, Garfield.Story Time 用have/have got的正确形式填空,赶紧练习一下哦:Garfield _ many bad habbits.He gets up very late anda lot of meat every day. He a large bed,so he has to sleep on the floor every ni ght. What about you? you a lovely pet?语法十二 直接引语与间接引语1、直接引语:直接引用他人的

52、原话He says, “ I have just arrived in Scotland.2、间接引语:间接转述他人的原话He says that he has just arrived in Scotla nd.3、直接引用变成间接引语A ?变符号:把逗号和引号变成 thatB.变人称:一主二宾三不变e.g. I think that you were right.第一人称和主句主语对应,第二人称和主句宾语对应,第三人称不用变C ?变时态:主现从随便 主句是一般现在时,从句随着间接引用可以为任意时态主过从也过 主句是一般过去时,从句需要变成过去的相应时态e.g. He said that he is right.X He said that he was right.真理永一现 如果从句描述的是真理,真理永远用一般现在时e.g. He said that the light travels faster tha n the sound.语法十三:词法一. 动词:表示动作或状态寺。n eed


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