



1、今天是 2012冀教版九年级上英语教学设计 Lesson 30: Janes Lucky Life后柳中学 何 强教材版本: 冀教版一、教学课型:新授课(40分钟)二、教材分析 (Analysis of the teaching materials):本课是冀教版Book 5、第四单元的第六课,本单元的话题是:谈论健康(Stay Health),内容兼顾了身体和心理健康两者的统一。本课主要介绍了身残志坚的珍妮(Jane)的生活以及其对生活的态度。以该文为依托,要使学生懂得什么是“真正的残疾”-精神上的而非身体上的,从而激发他们更加珍爱健康,乐观向上,使身心得到全面健康地发展。 三、教学目标(T

2、eaching Aims):1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):掌握下列词汇和词组:unable, disabled, lucky, be able to/unable to等 ;认知词汇:damage,wheelchair,control.2、技能目标(Ability Aims):能听懂大意,回答问题;熟读课文,能简单用所学英语表述自己的观点,培养综合语言应用能力。3、情感态度和价值观(Emotion Aims):通过本课的学习,培养学生以健康积极心态对待生活和学习,激发学生的自立顽强拼搏的进取之心,更好发挥健康之躯的优势,增强努力奋斗的决心和信心。4、学习策略(Learning

3、strategy):通过听读初步了解课文大意,自读理解文章主旨,视频资料和相关信息感受、体验,用目标语言讨论与交流信息与感悟。四、教学重点难点:(Teaching focal and difficult points)1、重点:掌握词组be able/unable to do something和句型She enjoys encouraging her daughter to play the piano.2、难点:培养学生利用信息表述自己的观点:Try using this sentence to express their own ideas: I think that _is the m

4、ost important because_.五、教学辅助手段(Teaching Resources:).ppt课件,recorder,六、教学方法(Teaching methods):Communicate approach,Inductive approach.七、学习方法(Learning methods):Disscussion,Cooperation.八、教学总体设计思路:(The ways of the teaching process design)新课程标准强调语言教学应从学生的兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、合作与交流的学习方式。由于大多数学生都是健全人,因此,

5、对残疾人的生活缺乏了解,难以体会。目前,不少学生不能认识和珍惜健康这一宝贵财富,因此,在进行本课教学时,拟通过视频和成功残疾人(邰丽华、张海迪、郑智化等)的事迹来震撼、感染、激励学生,并通过任务型教学途径渗透培养阅读技巧。九、教学过程:(Teaching procedure)Step1. GreetingsGreet the whole class with finger languge(手语). Then explain it means “Hello,everyone”.设计说明用手语问候学生,引发学生兴趣,引出本课关于残疾人的话题.Step 2. Warming upWatch the

6、video tape of Thousand-hand Bodhisattva(千手观音): thenQuestions:T: Do you know the face of Thousand-hand Bodhisattva?S1: Yes, I know. She is Tai Lihua(邰丽华).T: Can you say something about her ?S2: She is a famous dancer. But she is deaf.T: Yeah! You are right. She is a disabled person. (Wtite the word d

7、isabled on the Bb)How about the other dancers? Ss: They are all disabled. They are all deaf. They cant hear the music. But they dance so well,too.How wonderful!T: What makes them succeed? They practised it thousands of times. Practice makes perfect. Can you name some other successful disabled person

8、s?Ss: Hellen Keller/ Hocking/ Zhang Haidi/Zheng Zhihua/设计说明观看千手观音视频资料让学生受到情绪震撼,引起学生反思,通过谈论其它几个成功残疾人国内的郑智化、张海迪以及国外Hellen Keller和 Hocking 的事迹,让学生练习口头表达,激活背景知识,同时创设宽松课堂氛围,使学生积极融入课堂情境。Step3 Suppose.(to the whole class)Now ,class,you know these persons are all disabled.But they are all successful. Do you

9、 know their attitude toward life? Suppose:If you dont have arms or legs,what will you do?If you cant see anything,what will you do?If you cant hear anything,what will you do?Ss:Ill buy a wheelchair to help me.Ill be very sad and cry all the time.Ill try my best to touch everything in the world.T: Oh

10、,different ideas.Next is my turn. If I were blind,I would use my eyes to ears to listen to the world carefully.If I were deaf,I would use my eyes to watch the beauty of the world.If I didnt have arms or legs, I would use my heart to feel the world, and try my best to enjoy the life.设计说明让学生假设自己是残疾人,设

11、想一下自己会怎样做.通过该假想活动,让学生尝试思考从未想过的话题,以新异调动学生参与积极性,并引导学生树立正确的人生观。在体验交流中培养学生口语表达能力,鼓励他们敢于用英语表达自己的观点。在本环节学生还可以闭上眼睛,捂上耳朵,收起胳膊和腿做事,感受体验,在情景中表述自己的想法。Step4.Listening with questions:Play the audio tape. Ss listen with the following questions:Q1: What happened to Jane when she was ten years old? Q2:What can Jane

12、 not do ?Q3:Why does Jane say she has a life of good things?Q4:Who is really disabled? People dont know how_they are.After listening, check out the answers.设计说明带问题有目的的听,既利于听力能力的培养,又可对文章大意有所了解.且问题设置1可对主人公Jane 的生理状况有大概了解,She became ill with a kind of disease. She cant move her arms and legs.问题答案可以是重点关

13、键词disabled的强化.问题2刚好突出本课重点短语:be unable to _-another way of saying Cant.问题3略有难度,可让学生打开课本寻求答案.问题重在强调lucky引导学生珍惜拥有,且可与disabled联系点拨构词法.Step 6 Reading and analysising.(after reding together ,leading the Ss with me together to analysis of the text. Listing the language notes on the blackboard.)设计说明体现互动,师生共

14、同学习,符合新课程学生主体、教师主导的要求。Step 7 Drills & Competition(Showing some exercise to practise the language notes.Encourage them to work together and answer the questions as quickly as possibie without putting up their hands, Give much praise to the ones who did well.)设计说明本环节设置旨在采用竞争机制激发学生学习积极性,真正实现课标要求的要以

15、学生为主体,还时间与空间于学生.要学生完成自主学习与探究.由学生问学生答,实现生生互动,教师可评价与指导.Step 8 Come to part 2.the dialongue & role-playing it.设计说明给予学生表现的机会,充分调动他们的了他们的积极主动性,同时很好地体现了英语作为一门语言的交际功能。Step9 Conclusion:Question: What can we learn from this lesson?(1.People who dont know how lucky they are are really disabled.We are heal

16、thy and we are so lucky ,so we should master the time ,study hard and make progress every day .Try to become a successful person someday ,such as xxx、xxxx.)(2.We should always try to help the disabled people ,even the old 、the young.We should be kind-hearted.)设计说明帮助、引导学生树立正确价值观,形成正确人生态度.Step10 Homew

17、ork:Lets do itWhich of these things do you think is the most important:money,family,jobs,health,good looks or friends? Why? Talk about your choice with your partner. Try using this phrase:I think that _is the most important because _.设计说明课后继续对本课主题进行深入剖析。Step11. Class closingSay goodbye to the class

18、with finger language.设计说明以手语方式向学生告别,密切联系本课主题。且与开头呼应。附:板书设计 Lesson30 Janes lucky life 一、词组:be able/unable to do sth. 能/不能做.Control.with. 用.控制.be/get married 结婚二、语法结构:dare to do sth. 敢于做.encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励 做三、辨析:Watch.doing. 看见 正在做. (正在发生)Watch. do. 看见 做了 (看见了全过程)play soccer 踢足球(球类运动前不用冠词)play the piano 弹钢琴(乐器


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