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1、少数民族自治县文化旅游开展探究ABSTRACTXundian County is a minority autonomous county, and there are many ethnicminorities liveing peacefully together in it. Among them,the Hui,Yi,Miao,nationalities are the minority nationalities with larger populations. In the history ofthese minority nationalities, they created v

2、arious ethnic cultures. Xundian County is aregion of abundant ethnic cultural resources and less developed economy, because oflacking of the support by local industry. So its important and urgent to fosteradvantageous industry, and promote the countys economic development.With the rapid development

3、of tourism industry, national cultural tourism is thetrend of the future and has increasingly become an important modern tourism content.Xundian is one of the tourist resorts in China with unique characteristics. Particularly,the natural scenery and the rich ethnic folklore are of extremely high orn

4、amental andtourist value. In recent years, xundian county try to exploit national cultural tourismresources , but the development is still in its infancy.Under the background of povertyalleviation entering a crucial stage,its our urgent and concerning subject for researchas how to seize the opportun

5、ity to promote the economic development throughingprotection and inheritage of Minority culture and improving the tourist industry asunderpinning of country economy.By analyzing the former research achievements and the most successful case in ourcountry,this article chose the literature analytic met

6、hod, comparative method and interview survey,and thus provide scientific guidance for Xundian county as how to develop the ethnic culturaltourism resources.Based on the theory of New Public Administration, industrial integration theoryand sustainable development theory,this paper analyzed the curren

7、t situation and difficulties ofXundian county national culture tourism resource development.Meanwhile, by drew lessons fromthe other two domestic ethnic minority areas with successful experience of development of ethniccultural tourism and according to the actual situation of Xundian county,the arti

8、cle suggest to givefull play to the governments corpus function.We can go on through five aspects: makemanagement system in order,innovative development mode,enhance human resourcesdevelopment,increase financial support and expand propaganda,trying to explore a road with localcharacteristics of the

9、ethnic cultural tourism development.At last,this paper puts forward somecorresponding countermeasures.KEY WORDS:National culture Tourist resource exploitation Xundian CountyEconomic development目 录摘 要.ABSTRACT绪 论一、选题背景及研究意义.一选题背景.二研究意义.二、文献综述.一国外关于民族文化旅游的研究现状.二国内关于民族文化旅游的研究现状.三国内外相关研究成果启发.三、研究方法.一文献研

10、究法.二比较分析法.三访谈法.第一章 相关概念及理论第一节 相关概念界定.一、文化.二、民族文化.三、民族文化旅游资源.四、民族文化旅游资源开发.第二节 相关理论根底.一、新公共管理理论.二、产业交融理论.三、可持续开展理论.第二章 寻甸县民族文化旅游资源开发的现状第一节 民族文化旅游资源概况.一、寻甸县概况.二、民族节庆文化概况.三、民族饮食文化概况.四、民族服饰文化概况.五、民族艺术文化概况.六、民族宗教风俗概况.七、民族语言文字概况.第二节 民族文化旅游资源开发现状一、开发的有利条件.二、民族文化资源开掘情况.三、民族文化旅游资源开发情况.四、民族文化资源管理情况.第三章 寻甸县民族文化

11、旅游资源开发存在的问题.第一节 管理体制一、寻甸县旅游管理体制的开展状况.二、寻甸县旅游管理体制存在的问题.第二节 开发形式一、民族文化旅游资源开发的根本形式.二、寻甸县民族文化旅游资源开发存在的问题.第三节 人力资源开发.一、新形势下旅游开展对人力资源开发的要求.二、寻甸县民族文化旅游领域人力资源开发存在的问题.第四节 资金支持一、寻甸县财政收支根本情况.二、资金支持方面存在的问题.第五节 旅游资源宣传.一、寻甸县民族文化旅游资源宣传状况.二、寻甸县民族文化旅游资源宣传存在的问题.第四章 国内民族文化旅游资源开发典型案例与启示第一节 湖北省武陵山民族文化旅游创意产业开展案例.一、湖北省武陵山

12、少数民族经济社会开展实验区概况.二、民族文化旅游创意产业开展的主要做法.第二节 楚雄州文化资源整合的案例一、楚雄州文化资源概况.二、楚雄州文化资源整合的主要做法.第三节 案例启示一、开展民族文化旅游可促进经济开展.二、开展民族文化旅游需政府重视.三、打造民族文化品牌是关键.四、开发需要适度包装和市场营销.第四节 寻甸县可借鉴的开展经历一、打造民族文化演艺品牌.二、创新节庆活动的内容和形式.三、开展民族饮食文化及旅游商品.四、开发特色民族村寨.第五章 寻甸县民族文化旅游资源开发的对策建议.第一节 理顺管理体制.一、进步政府部门的管理效能.二、加强行政管理体制改革.三、加强规划,实现资源的优化配置.第二节 创新开发形式.一、打造具有本地特色的民族文化演艺品牌.二、开发特色民族村寨.三、探究民族文化旅游业的可持续开展


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