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1、Unit 12 You are supposed to shake hands. Reading: Youre supposed to write quickly! Learning Goals:Talk about e-mail English words and how to write quickly and learn some new words.Teaching and learning steps:Step 1 Review Talk about how to write quickly and what are you supposed to do when you are o

2、nline.Pre-reading activities:Step 2 Preview Look at P100, put the sentences into English orally,then write them down without looking at the text.1. 电子邮件英语是一种新型的、被用来节省时间的书面英语。 _2. 但是为了不让对方厌烦,你应该快点打字。 _3. 电子邮件英语主要使用两种类型的词语。 _4. 你还可以使用他们来表达你的感情。 _5. 你可以轻松地自学,并且试验你自己的想法。 _(通过此环节的检查,可以了解学生的预习情况,并且学习新的句型结

3、构)Step 3 Warming up and Leading in Page 100,talk about the following questions.1. Do you often surf the internet?2. Do you type quickly?3. How is the happy face made?4. How can we use e-mail English correctly?Get them to talk and ask each other to lead into the new article in reading.1a This activit

4、y focuses the students attention on a different way to write English.Show slides about e-mail English words like these:CU BTW Gr8 CUL8r How R U?1b This activity allows students to activate their knowledge of the topic.(这一环节可以了解学生对网络的知识,进一步检查学生的自主学习的情况。)While-reading Activities:Step 4 Reading for the

5、 main idea The main idea of the passage is about _.A. the advantages of the e-mail EnglishB. how e-mail English is made and try to have some more examples. C. when to use them. If you are supposed to write or type quickly, you can use e-mail English You are supposed to use the emoticons at the prope

6、r time.(要求学生快速浏览课文,并总结每一段落大意。)Step 5 Reading for the specific ideas Get the students to read the passage carefully and fill in the form.E-mail English Adervantages1.2.How is it made?1.2.3.When to use e-mail English1.2. (本教学环节要求学生认真阅读课文,找出答案后,可根据导图背出这三段文字。)Post- reading activities:Get the students to

7、 close the books and complete the passage and fill in the blanks.Can you write in English? And can you also _ e-mail English? Maybe not. E-mail English is a new kind of _ English that is being used _time. A lot of e-mail English words might look unfamiliar to usmany look like rubbish!This is because

8、 they come from a computer program_ ICQ, which means I seek you. ICQ is an e-mail “chatline” that people use to have online conversations with friends. One Canadian teacher says, “People can use their computers to talk to each other. But you are supposed _ quickly so the other person doesnt get_, so

9、 _ e-mail English helps you write quickly.” E-mail English mostly uses two types of word. The first _ “abbreviations”. These are formed by using the first letter of each word in the phrase. For example, BTW _“by the way”,and CSL means “cant stop laughing”. The second kind of word is ahomophone its c

10、reated by _ letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words. An example of this would be to write “great” as “gr8”, or to write “see you later” as “CUL8r”. (本环节要求学生合上书,补全课文。提高学生自主学习的能力,确保正确了解e-mail English.)After You Read3a This activity develops knowledge of the topic, and encourages lea

11、rning.·Ask students to work in the same pairs as in Section la to identify the three types of E-mail English mentioned in the reading, and to give an example.3b This activity allows students to show their understanding of content.·Ask students to scan through the reading and circle the cor

12、rect answers.·Ask students to check the answers as a pair activity, asking them to help each other to see why an answer they gave might be incorrect.Step6. Inspiration from the reading The students are supposed to be careful when they are onlin. Inquiry into knowledge by translation 翻译探究1.You c

13、an learn it easily by yourselves, and experiment with your own ideas.你们可以轻松地自学,并且用自己的想法来试验。 learn . by oneself 自学 相当于_ , 其中oneself要与句子的主语保持一致。Eg.Did you learn English by yourself?= Did you _ _English?你是自学英语的吗?链接:有很多动词可以和反身代词搭配, 现总结如下: enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 help oneself 随便(吃/ 喝) /自取 hurt oneself 弄伤自己 lo

14、se oneself in . 陶醉于中 wash oneself 洗澡 dress oneself 穿衣服 2.cant stop doing 相当于cant _doing,意为_.Eg.This movie Love me once more,Mum is moving. -Yes,every time I see it,I cant help_(cry).(本环节要求学生自主学习有关新的词汇并了解其语法,且能举一反三,可以先小组讨论,然后个别讲解。)The end-of-class test 当堂检测根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1. The boys mouth is _

15、(fill) with food.2. The player was _ (relax) and confident before the match.3. After he heard the good news, the coach _ (shake) hands with every player.4. The poor boy couldnt afford to go to school, so he had to learn by _ (him) at home. 把下列汉语翻译成英语。1. 我们今天应该几点到学校?_2. 我去博物馆时, 顺便去了我的同学家。_3. 我过去常常吃肉,

16、 但现在我习惯吃蔬菜。_亮点: 通过小组讨论的活动方式来激发学生的学习积极性和兴趣,使学生在小组合作学习活动中大胆用英语交流。关注学生的个性发展,为学生创设宽松、民主、和谐的课堂气氛。(3)把教材内容活化为生活实际,把学习活化为交际,在轻松愉快的环境中使学生了解本课所学知识。不足之处:(1) 学生集体活动多,而个人活动相对少了。(2) 各环节的联系需要老师的灵活运用。使用建议:(1) 希望老师根据学生对网络语言的了解灵活使用。(2) 再练习的过程中,掌握各环节的时间。 答案Step 21.E-mail English is a new kind of written English

17、that is being used to save time.2.But you are supposed to type quickly so the other person doesnt get bored.3.E-mail English mostly uses two types of words.4.You are also supposed to use them to show the emotion you are feeling.5.You can learn it easily by yourselves ,and experiment with your own ideas.Inquiry into knowledge by translation 翻译探究teach on


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