1、海外留学菁英班Impact 3 Unit 4 Lesson 1Completion of the Task (Judged by parents or teachers)* Very Good* Satisfactory* Unsatisfactory1. Write down the part of speech and meaning of the following words in. v. 假定e.g., to assumechemical _ cotton_ _creativity _ crop _designerformation _ _ _footprint manufactur
2、e _material _ style synthetic _ 2. Write down the words based on theand English meaning provided.e.g., 系统a set of connected things or devices that operate together system的very harmful and able to cause illness or death时髦的modern and influenced by the most recent fashions or ideas人造的products made from
3、 artificial substances, often copying a natural product.材料a physical substance that things can be made from(批量)生产to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machinesMonday Words海外留学菁英班Impact 3 Unit 4 Lesson 1化学品any basic substance that is used in or produced by a reaction involving
4、changes to atoms or molecules3. Match the words with their meaning.collectiveawho imagines how something could be made anddraws plans for itdesigner creativityfootprintof or shared by every member of a group of peoplethe mark made by a's or animal's footproducts made from artificial substanc
5、es, often copying a natural product.very harmful and able to cause illness or deaththe ability to produce original and unusual ideas, or to make make something new or imaginativeto produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factoryusing machinesmanufacturesynthetictoxicCompletion of the Task (Judg
6、ed by parents or teachers)* Very Good* Satisfactory* Unsatisfactory1. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the following phrases. Make any necessarychanges.do our parttake responsibility forfit inbe made fromhave an impactbe used to The clothes we buy and wear_on the planet. A lot of our cl
7、othingnatural materials such as cotton, wool, leatherand silk. we need to_ our clothing decisions and to reduce our fashion footprints. If dyescolor any of these materials, then even more water,Tuesday Phrases海外留学菁英班Impact 3 Unit 4 Lesson 1energy, and toxic chemicals are required. We make our clothi
8、ng choices for social reasons, such as showing we want to with a group, or making statement about our beliefs.2.Match the phrases with their synonyms.take responsibility forhave an impactto play one's proper roleto feel that you belong to a particular group and are accepted by that groupto have
9、control and authority over something or someoneworking or operating extremely quicklya new development in clothing, make-up, etc.do our partfit intrendy fashion3.Translate the following phrases into English.心理 潮流时尚 化学物质 皮鞋 (对)产生影响_适应于_尽的职责 为负责 Completion of the Task (Judged by parents or teachers)*
10、Very Good* Satisfactory* Unsatisfactory1. Paraphrase.e.g., Nature doesnt judge animalspeople do.Wednesday Sentences海外留学菁英班Impact 3 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Nature doesnt tell which animals are good and which animals are bad, but peoplelike to. We choose clothes for practical reasons, such as weather and comf
11、ort. _ _ we make our clothing choices for social reasons, such as showing we want to fit in witha group, or making a statement about our beliefs. _ _ If dyes are used to color any of these materials, then even more water, energy, andtoxic chemicals are required. _ _ The manufacture of cotton jeans r
12、equires enormous amounts of water and energy. _ _2. Translate the following sentences into. We wear the clothes we do for both practical reasons and psychological reasons. _ We may care about the latest trendy fashion by popular designer, or we may preferpractical clothes. _ we need to take responsi
13、bility for our clothing decisions and do our part to reduce ourfashion footprint. _ Synthetic materials, such as nylon and polyester, are also very popular. _3. Match sentences in Column A with those in B so that a complete and logical sentencecan be formed.海外留学菁英班Impact 3 Unit 4 Lesson 1Completion
14、of the Task (Judged by parents or teachers)* Very Good* Satisfactory* Unsatisfactory1. translate the following sentences. 这个杯子是由做成的吗? 这个茶是生产与中国吗? 这些茶叶被种植于山脚下的。 这些茶叶是用手采摘的。 英语是被世界各地的人说的。Thursday GrammarA· We may care about the latest trendy fashion by popular designers,· If dyes are used to
15、 color any of these materials,· All of these materials, whether natural or synthetic,· We make our clothing choices for social reasons,· We need to take responsibility for our clothing decisionsB· then even more water, energy, and toxic chemical are required.· such as showin
16、g we want to fit in with a group.· and do our part to reduce our fashion footprints.· affect the environment.· orwemaypreferpractical clothes.海外留学菁英班Impact 3 Unit 4 Lesson 1 眼镜是用于保护人们的眼睛的。 一个被挂在黑板上。 哪种语言在世界上被说的最多? 棉花被种植在中国的东南部地区。被世界各地知晓。2. Change the sentence according to the requirem
17、ent. Tea is grown in South. (Change the sentence into active one) People use mfor making machines. (Change the sentence into passive one) they produce silk in Suzhou. (Change the sentence into passive one) We call math the language of science. (Change the sentence into passive one)海外留学菁英班Impact 3 Unit 4 Lesson 1Completion of the Task (Judged by parents or teachers)* Very Good* Satisfactory* UnsatisfactoryMake up a conversation between you and one of your friends to practice the expression of clarification. Then write your work down below, and send the recording or your conversation
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