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1、The History of Slavery In AmericaSlavery is a system of forced labor that has existed throughout the world forthousands of years. In America, slavery began in the 17th century when people inAfrica were overpowered and forced to leave their native land, their culture andtheir families behind.By 1860,

2、 there would be 4 million African slaves in the United States. Thisenormous population of slaves was owned by a small group of the wealthiest andmost powerful whites in American society. As African slaves toiled in the fields,laws were created to enforce their low-status. They were prohibited frompa

3、rticipating in lawsuits, from owning property of firearms, and from possessingalcohol. Most states did not recognize slave marriages and often prohibited slavesfrom learning to read and write.一、词汇exist zst vi.enormous nms adj. 庞大的;巨大的population ppjle()n n. 人口toil tl vi. 辛苦工作 n. 辛苦工作P1 /Day 52enforce

4、 nfrs vt. 强制执行;施行prohibit pr()hbt vt.lawsuit lsut n.firearm farm n. 火器;枪possess pzes vt. 拥有;持有;具有(特质);缠住,迷住alcohol ælkhl n. 酒;二、表达a system of 某类系统be forced to do sth. 被迫去做某事leave sth. behind 抛下某物;离开某物be owned by sb. 被拥有be prohibited from doing sth. 被做某事prohibit sb. from doing sth.做某事P2 /Day 52三

5、、参考译文美国奴隶制的历史奴隶制是一种强迫劳动制度,这种制度几千年来一直于世界各地。在美国,奴隶制开始于 17 世纪,当时,非洲人被打败后,了他们的家乡、他们的和他们的家庭。截止到 1860 年,美国约有 400 万非洲奴隶。 这个庞大的奴隶人口由美国中最富有、最势的白人小群体所占有。 当非洲奴隶在田野里辛苦劳作的时候,强制确定他们的法律也被制定了出来。法律参与、拥有以及藏酒。大多数州不承认奴隶,并且通常奴隶读书写字。四、文本精讲下面我们来逐句看一下今天的这个片段:Slavery is a system of forced labor 奴隶制是一种强迫劳动的制度system 这个词,除了可以表

6、示“系统”,也可以表示“体制、制度”。紧接着是 that 引导的定语从句,具体来修饰这种制度:that has existed throughout the world for thousands of years. 这种制度几千年来一直于世界各地。P3 /Day 52大家可能会好奇,好端端的为什么一个人就会沦为另一个人的奴隶呢?其实很好理解,最早的奴隶大多是中的俘虏,或者是被占领地区的原住民,也有可能本身就是罪犯,后来才变成了别人的奴隶。奴隶制一般出现在农业,因为大量的土地开垦和种植工作需要牲口式的劳动力去完成。在古代罗马、古希腊、古埃及、南北以前的美国南部,以及在中国古代,都有奴隶制的历史

7、。我们继续往下看:In America, 在美国slavery began in the 17th century 奴隶制度开始于 17 世纪紧接着是 when 引导的定语从句,具体说明美国奴隶制度开始的标志:when people in Africa were overpowered 当时,非洲人被征服这里有个词,叫做 overpower,字面意思是“凌驾于之上”,也就是“用征服”的意思;and forced to leave their native land, their culture and their families behind. 被迫离开了他们的家乡、他们的和他们的家庭。这句

8、话写得概括性比较强,我给大家补充一个非洲黑奴被运往美洲大陆的细节:当时非洲途径到达洲,需要长达两的时间。这么漫长的路程,黑奴都是被关在一个狭小的封闭空间里,跟运牲口一样,当时的卫生条件又很差,所以很多黑奴在路上就已经由于生病、忧郁等各种死掉了。也有极少部分黑奴,因为受不了这种的屈辱而选P4 /Day 52择,但是因为势单力薄,也往往是以失败告终,并且被地处死,而这些死掉的黑奴,会直接被扔到大海里喂鱼。这一切,他们远在非洲的亲人,可能永远也知道。我们接着来看下一段:By 1860, there would be 4 million African slaves in the United Sta

9、tes. 截止到1860 年,美国大约有 400 万非洲奴隶。这里有个很简单,但是大家很容易想不通的语法现象,那就是 would be。很多同学会想,would be 不是过去将来时吗?那这句话应该翻译成“截止到 1860 年,美国将会有400 万非洲奴隶”。不过大家别忘了,既然是历史,肯定是已经发生过了,没有必要再用到将来时。那这里的 would be 又该怎么翻译呢?其实大家想复杂了,would 作为情态动词,本身就可以表示“推测”(used to giveopinions that you are uncertain about),也就是你不清楚具体情况的时候,给出的“大概建议”,比如说

10、:I would say he was about fifty.(我猜他大概 50 岁上下。)这个时候我们再回到原文,就明白原文里的 woud be 想表达的含义,其实就是“大约、大概”。我们接着来看下一句:This enormous population of slaves 这个庞大的奴隶人口was owned by a small group 被一个小群体所占有be owned by sb.,就是“被拥有、占有”的意思。P5 /Day 52被哪个小群体呢?然后是 of 引导的从属:of the wealthiest and most powerful whites in American

11、society. 美国中最富有、最势的白人。接下来的几句话,是美国奴隶制度的制定和几个制度细节:As African slaves toiled in the fields,这里的 as 做时间状语,意思是“当的时候”,也就是说:正当非洲奴隶在田间辛苦劳作的时候,laws were created 法律被制定了出来然后是动词不定式作目的状语:to enforce their low-status.force 作动词有“强迫”的意思,enforce 指的是在法律当中“强制执行”某事。这句话也就是说:法律被制定出来去强制执行黑奴的。紧接着就是几个法律细节:They were prohibited

12、from participating in lawsuits, 黑奴被参与,这里有个语态的结构,叫做 sb. be prohibited from doing sth.,意思是“被做某事”,原型是 prohibit sb. from doing sth.,也就是“做某事”,而且 prohibit 这个词,特指“法律上的”。P6 /Day 52法律还的哪些行为呢?from owning property of firearms,拥有,这里的 property of firearms,指的是“”或者“所”。and from possessing alcohol.藏酒。这一整句话里说的法律的三件事,

13、其实都非常具有代表性,因为这些禁令解决了黑奴在为白人服务过程当中可能出现的最大的三个:首先,如果法律黑奴参与,就在无形之间纵容了白人对的种种压榨行为,比如的鞭打、肆意安排工作时间,甚至在本该属于黑奴的休息时间内被强行要求唱歌、跳舞等愉悦的行为;其次,黑奴拥有,其实就是用最简单的扼杀了他们的反抗能力;那为什么又不让黑奴喝酒呢?往小了说,喝酒会麻痹人的神经,降低工作效率,这不利于提高白人的生产力;往大了说,酒壮怂人胆,喝酒的人容易不理性,聚众闹事的几率就会变大。所以综合来看,这三项法律措施,其实都是在维护白人的根本利益。我们再来看一下这个片段的最后一句话:Most states did not r

14、ecognize slave marriages 大多数州不承认奴隶,P7 /Day 52recognize 这个词,除了可以表示“认出、识别”,也有“承认”的意思,也就是“看得到”。and often prohibited slaves from learning to read and write. 并且通常奴隶读书写字。不承认奴隶有很多,其中之一,就是在这个前提下,白人农场主之间可以肆意分开和个别年轻力壮的,而不用考虑的家眷。比如你是一个农场主,看上了隔壁农场的一个小伙子,但是他上有年迈的父母,下有幼小的,这些都是无法贡献劳动力的弱势群体。但是如果法律不承认奴隶的,你在买这个小伙子的时候

15、,就可以避开他的家眷,在上能够省下一笔开销。那为什么又黑奴读书认字呢?因为书籍是思想最便捷的。一个人知道的越多,他的想法就越多,也就越不利于管理。1961 年,签署的Affirmative Action(平权法案),思想就是想在教育、就业上给予一些特殊照顾,这其实也是对于他们的先辈在历史上所的不公正待遇的一种弥补措施。五、亮解单词下面我们一起来看一下这篇文章里的词汇:1. exist zst vi.P8 /Day 52前缀 ex-表示“”,然后是元音字母-i-引导的表示“站立”的词根-st-。exist 的字面意思,是“站出来”,作动词表示“”。比如说:Without air, we coul

16、d notexist.(没有空气,我们就不可能。)exist 的名词,叫做:existence zstns n.比如说:I was unaware of his existence until today.(直到今天我才知道他的存在。)2. enormous nms adj. 庞大的;巨大的前缀 e-表示“”,中间的 norm 是“标准、规范”的意思,比如说 normal(正常的),指的就是“标准的、规范的”。enormous 的字面意思,是“超出常规的”,比如体积、数量或者程度上比较惊人的,作形容词意思是“庞大的、巨大的”。比如说:Thisis an enormous house.(这是一个

17、巨大的房子。)或者说:This task will cost youenourmous amount of time.(这个任务会花费你大量的时间。)3. population ppjle()n n. 人口这个词前面的 popul 和 people(人)相关,population 指的是一个人数的集体概念,也就是“人口”的意思。比如说:The population of the country is increasing atabout 6% per year.(这个的人口以每年大约 6%的速度增加。)另外,我们说的 popular(流行的),其实指的就是“很多人都喜欢的”。P9 /Day 5

18、24. toil tl vi. 辛苦工作 n. 辛苦工作这个词和 till(直到时候)有关,早期指的是耕地时候“从一头耕到另一头”,toil 作动词,后来变成了“辛苦工作”的意思。有的同学可能会问,toil 和 labor 有什么区别?区别就在于,labor 只表示“辛苦工作”,而 toil 是表示“长时间地辛苦工作”。比如说:Workers toiled long hours.(工人们长时间辛苦劳动。)toil 也可以作名词,表示“辛苦工作”。比如说:Every single grain is the result oftoil.(每一粒粮食都来之不易。)5. enforce nfrs vt

19、. 强制执行,施行前缀 en-是 in-的变体表示“注入”,后面的 force 是“”,enforce 的字面意思,是“强制性注入”,在法律上指的是“强制执行、施行”。比如说:Its the job of theto enforce the law.(的工作就是强制执行法律。)或者说:The newteacher had failed to enforce any sort of discipline.(这位新教师施行任何纪律都失败了。)也就是说:这位新一点都管不住学生,搞得纪律涣散。6. prohibit pr()hbt vt.前缀 pro-表示“向前”,后面的 hib(it)和 hold(

20、持、握)相关,prohibit 的字面意思,是“预先把持住”,作动词指的是“”,尤其指的是法律或者条款里的禁止。比如说:Parking is strictly prohibited between these gates.(这些大门之间严禁P10 /Day 52停车。)或者说:He is prohibited from leaving the country.(他被离开这个国家。)7. lawsuit lsut n.这是个词,law 是“法律”,suit 作名词有“”的意思,本意是“跟随、追赶”,和我们之前的 pursuit(追求)里的 suit 是一个意思,suit 作名词指的是上“追着进行

21、指控”,也就是“”。lawsuit 作名词,指的就是“法律诉讼、”。比如说:He filed a lawsuit against his company.(他对的公司提起了。)8. firearm farm n. 火器;枪这也是个词,fire 作动词有“开火”的意思,arm 作名词有“”的意思,firearm 指的就是“可以开火的”,尤其指的是或者。比如说:He wasfound guilty of possessing an unlicensed firearm.(他被判犯有无证持枪罪。)这句话里有个单词,正好是下一个词汇:9. possess pzes vt. 拥有;持有;具有(特质);缠

22、住,迷住前面的-pos-作词根表示“能力”,我之前跟大家讲过,这个词根和希腊神话里拥有唤雨能力的海神(Poseidon)有关;possess 后面的-sess-是 sit(坐)的变体,这个词的字面意思是“有能力坐稳”,类似于中文里的“坐拥”,作动词是“拥有、持有”的意思。比如说:He was arrested and charged with possessing an offensiveweapon.(他被逮捕并被指控拥有性。)P11 /Day 52possess 作动词,也可以表示“具有某种特质”。比如说:He doesnt possess asense of humor.(他身上不具备幽

23、默感。)possess 作动词,还有一个比较的含义,表示“缠住、迷住”,有点类似中国的“鬼上身”。比如说:He was possessed by demon.(他被恶魔缠住了。)我们之前还一个词,叫做 obsess,也表示“迷住、缠住”,但是 obsess 突出的是一个人“对一件事着迷”,比如说:Hes obsessive about computer.(他对电脑很痴迷。)而且 obsessive 还可以表示“强迫症患者”;而 possess 作为“迷住”来讲,突出的不是“对一件事着迷”,而是一个人“神志不清、意识错乱”,这两个词是不一样的,大家要注意区分。possess 的名词,叫做:pos

24、session pze()n n. 拥有;,所有物possession 可以表示“拥有”这个概念。比如说:This house is in the possession ofhis father.(这栋房子归他的父亲所有。)生活当中,possession 也经常表示“、所有物”。比如说:Many people hadlost their homes and all their possessions during the war.(期间,很多人失去了家园和所有的。)另外,我们说的“个人财物”,英语就叫做al belongings 或者alpossessions。P12 /Day 5210. a

25、lcohol ælkhl n. 酒;这是个来自语的单词,在语里,alcohol(al kuhul)指的是中东妇女用来画眼影的从特殊物质里提取出来的“粉末精华”,我们看到的影视里的中东人浓浓的眼影,就是 alcohol。不过后来alcohol 这个词的词义渐渐发生了变化,现在专门指的是“酒的精华”,也就是“”的意思,后来 alcohol 也渐渐变成了“酒”的代名词。比如说:Some peoplebehave badly when under the influence of alcohol.(在的影响下,有的人会有不好的行为。)生活当中,还有个单词,叫做:alcoholic ,

26、0;lkhlk n. 酗酒者这个词专门指的是“喝酒成瘾的人”,也就是“酗酒者”。类似的词汇还有 workaholic(工作狂), shopaholic(购物狂)等等。这就是今天的全部词汇和相关知识点,希望大家结合文本认真做好复习。六、带读训练下面我们来看看今天这个片段在语音语调方面大家需要注意的地方:P13 /Day 52Slavery / is a 'system of 'forced 'labor that has ex'isted through'out the 'world for 'thousands of 'years

27、.(1)语调:1 处降升调;1 处断句;注意重读词汇(下文全部标出,不再强调);(2)语音:is a 连读;system of forced 连读;that 引导词读音很短+尾音不读(th咬舌音下文全部标出,不再强调);has existed 连读+尾音 d 不读;throughout 尾音 t 不读;thousands of years 连读。In A'merica, 'slavery be'gan in the '17th'century /语音:In America 连读;be'gan in 连读。when 'people in &

28、#39;Africawere 'over'powered /and 'forced to 'leave their 'native 'land, their'culture andtheir 'families behind.(1)语调:1 处断句;(2)语音:people in 连读;两个and 读成 n;forced to 尾音 d 不读+to 弱读t;By 18'60, there would be '4 'million 'African s'laves in the U'n

29、ited S'tates.P14 /Day 52语音:would 尾音 d 不读;s'laves in 连读;United 尾音 d 不读。This e'normous 'popu'lation of s'laves / was owned by a s'mall group of the 'wealthiestand most 'powerful 'whites in A'merican so'ciety.(1)语调:1 处断句;1 处降升调;2 处升调;(2)语音:This enormous 连

30、读;popu'lation of 连读;by a 连读;group of 连读;and 读成 n;in American 连读。As 'African s'laves 'toiled in the 'fields,'laws were cre'ated toen'force / their 'low-s'tatus.(1)语调:5 处升调;1 处断句;(2)语音:As African 连读;created 尾音 d 不读。They were pro'hibited from par'ticipati

31、ng in'lawsuits, from 'owning 'property of 'firearms, and from pos'sessing 'alcohol.(1)语调:3 处升调;P15 /Day 52(2)语音:prohibited 尾音 d 不读;par'ticipating in 连读;from owning 连读;property of firearms 连读;and 读成 n。Most states did 'not 'recognize s'lave'marriages / and &

32、#39;oftenpro'hibited slaves / from'learning to 'read and write.(1)语调:3 处升调;1 处断句;(2)语音:Most 尾音t 不读;did not 两个单词尾音都不读;两个 and 读成 n。我再为大家完整把整个片段读一遍:Slavery / is a 'system of 'forced 'labor that has ex'isted through'out the 'world for 'thousands of 'years. In

33、A'merica, 'slavery be'gan in the '17th 'century / when 'people in 'Africawere'over'powered / and 'forced to'leave their'native 'land, their 'culture andtheir 'families behind.By 18'60, there would be '4 'million 'African s&#

34、39;laves in theU'nited S'tates.This e'normous'popu'lation of s'laves / was owned by as'mall group of the 'wealthiest and most'powerful 'whites in A'merican so'ciety. As 'African s'laves 'toiled in the 'fields,'lawswere cre'ated

35、toen'force / their 'low-s'tatus. They were pro'hibited from par'ticipating in 'lawsuits, from 'owning 'property of 'firearms, and fromP16 /Day 52pos'sessing'alcohol. Most states did 'not 'recognizes'lave 'marriages / and 'often pro'

36、hibited slaves/ from 'learningto 'read and write.七、课后练习1.语言点回顾:a词汇回顾:请结合语境,在括号内填写划线单词的汉语意思或在横线上填写括号内汉语所对应的英语单词。The History of Slavery In AmericaSlavery is a system of forced labor that hased() throughout the worldfor thousands of years. In America, slavery began in the 17th century when peop

37、lein Africa were overpowered and forced to leave their native land, their culture andtheir families behind.By 1860 there would be 4 million African slaves in the United States. This(庞大的) population () of slaves was owned by a small group of the wealthiestand most powerful whites in American society.

38、 As African slaves toiled () inthe fields, laws were created to(强制执行) their low-status. They were ed() from participating in lawsuits (), from owning property ofP17 /Day 52 s(火器;枪), and froming(拥有;持有) alcohol (). Most statesdid not recognize slave marriages and often prohibited slaves from learning

39、toread and write.b.表达回顾:The History of Slavery In AmericaSlavery is a system of forced labor that has existed throughout the world forthousands of years. In America, slavery began in the 17th century when people inAfrica were overpowered and forced to leave their native land, their culture andtheir families behind.By 1860 there would be 4 million African slaves in the United States. Thisenormous population of slaves was owned by a small group of the wealthiest andmost powerful whites in American society. As African slaves toiled in the fields,laws were created to enforce their low-s


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