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1、2017年下学期崇义中学高一周测三英语试题满分:120分;时量:120分钟;考试时间:2017年12月2日本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AYesterday was awful. We had what theyre calling a “weather event” here, and it poured about 14 inches of rain in a day, causing by

2、far the worst flash flooding Ive seen in the 13 years in the place where weve lived. The kids and I ended up being trapped in our car in rapidly rising flood waters. The engine had stopped and couldnt start again; the kids were terrified and I didnt know what to do. Then a man in a 4WD pulled up bes

3、ide us and offered to pull us out of the water.When he got us to higher ground he asked where our home was. We lived about 2km down the road, so he pulled us all the way back to our street before going off to look for more people in trouble.I dont know this man and I ll probably never see him again,

4、 but the kids and I owe him a huge debt of gratefulness that well never be able to repay. Five local people died in this “weather event”, just a few streets away from here, so Im in no doubt as to how dangerous our situation was. Going through what we went through has only reinforced(强化) the fact th

5、at we should always be ready and willing to help someone in need to stay safe and be well, whatever the situations are.1.What can we learn about the “weather event”? A. It was the biggest flood ever in this area. B. It rained for several days. C. Several people lost their lives in the event. D. Nobo

6、dy was hurt in the event.2.Which statement is NOT TRUE about the man?A. He drove a car of great power.B. He left as soon as he pulled the authors car out.C. He was willing to help those in trouble.D. He was a brave and selfless person.3. What is the author probably going to do after going through su

7、ch a “weather event”?A. Be ready to give hands to others.B. Buy a car with a more powerful engine.C. Try hard to search for the man.D. Pay some money for the mans help.4.Which one is the best title for the passage? A. A Weather Event B. The Kindness of a Stranger C. A Car Accident in Flood D. An Awf

8、ul DayBDo two kids make a perfect family? Share your views about this issue on our website.LucinaWhen you decide to have another child , you should plan your budget(预算)in advance. If you or your parents cant take care of your body, you have to at least spend an extra 5000 yuan per month to hire a bo

9、dy sitter. If you want to send your kids to study abroad, you have to save another 1 million yuan. I think most young Chinese couples cannot afford the expense.BcnuTwo is more than twice the work, theres no guaranteeing(确保)theyll share interests; they could very well fight or want to head off in com

10、pletely different directions. If you find you love the second one more than the first, I dont see how that could possibly make life simple, as children are very sensitive to that sort of thing. My advice is to take care of yourself and take time for your love for the first child to relax and grow be

11、fore even thinking about having a second child.Steven I always thought having two kids sounded perfect. But when my daughter was born with life-threatening health problems I knew she would be my only kid. Raising our daughter was going to take a lot of emotional, physical, and financial resources. I

12、f I had any more children, I dont think I could handle it.William Under the one-child policy carried out in China for three decades, many kids are spoilt by their parents. The “little emperors” have no idea of sharing and giving and many of them even become self-centered. If we have another child, t

13、he first one will learn something about responsibility, sharing and caring for others.5.What can we learn from the passage?A. Few families are ready for a second child in China.B. It takes a lot of money to raise a second child.C. Steven has never considered having a second child.D. Many kids become

14、 selfish because of the one-child policy6.Of all the four persons, who is most likely to have a second child?A. Lucina B. Bcnu C. Steven D. William7.What does the underlined part “that sort of thing” most probably refer to ?A. The two kids have different interests.B. It makes life hard to have two k

15、ids.C. Parents cant treat the two kids equally.D. The two kids fight with each other.8.Which of the following statements about the four persons is true?A. Lucina plants to send her kids to study abroad.B. Bcnu thinks having a second child means more trouble.C. Steven suffers from health problems.D.

16、William has a selfish child. C You know how much your telephone has changed over the past 10 years? Your car will change even more than that in the next 10 years.One of the big changes is that cars will drive themselves. Some day you may not need to drive a car. You will just tell the car where you

17、want to go and it will drive itself.“We definitely have the technology for it now,” says Andrew Poliak of automotive technology supplier QNX. “We expect self-driving cars to be a mainstream thing between 2020 and 2025.”The American company Google has been working on a self-driving automobile for yea

18、rs. These cars are already on the roads in the United States, mainly in California. Google cars are truly self-driving. These cars have no steering wheels(方向盘)or pedals(踏板)Last week, police ordered one of Googles cars to stop for driving too slowly on a public road. The car was not breaking any law,

19、 so no one was punished. But police did speak with the operators of the vehicle.According to Google, its self-driving cars have been driven nearly 2 million kilometers. That is equal to the distance the average person drives in 90 years.So far, no Google self-driving car has gotten a traffic ticket.

20、 Some of them have been in accidents when other cars hit them.9.Why was the Googles car stopped by police?A.It ran too fast B. It looks the lawC.It drove too slowly. D. It had no driver.10.What can we learn from the passage?A.The car hasnt changed a lot over the past 10 years.B.Google has no self-dr

21、iving car technology.C.Self-driving cars are widely used in the U.S.D.Google self-driving cars havent been fined so far.11.What distance can a person drive in a year on average?A.About 22,000km B.About 18,000km C.About 45,000km. D.About 11,000km. DFor over a month, forest fires in Indonesia spread v

22、ery quickly out of control as the country suffered its worst drought(干旱) in 50 years. Within days a cloud of some was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars, it soon became poisonous(有毒的). Dangerou

23、s amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately.The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot(烟灰)covered everything. In some areas, tap water was used from

24、high-rise city buildings to try and break up the smog.Finally, heavy rains, which came in November, put out the fires and cleared the air. But the environmental costs and health problems will remain. Breathing problems could well increase and many non-sufferers may have difficulties for the first ti

25、me. Wildlife has suffered too. In low-land forests, elephants, deer, and tigers have been driven out of their homes by smog.But smog is not just an Asian problem. In fact, the word was first used in London in 1905 to describe the mixture of smoke and thick fog. Sometimes the smog was so thick and po

26、isonous that people were killed by breathing problems or in accidents. About 4,000Londoners died within five days as a result of thick smog in 1952.12.When did the forest fires most probably happen?A. In July B. In October C. In November D. In December13.Which of the following is true about the fore

27、st fires?A.The fires spread to Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.B.The fires were put out by the firefighters and volunteers.C.Many animals were left homeless because of the smog.D.4,000people were killed by the forest fires.14. When can we learn from the passage?A.Smog can lead to drought problem.B.

28、Smog can cause forest fires easily.C.Smog has little effect on wildlife.D.Smog is more than an Asian problem.15.What is the similarity between the Indonesia smog and the London smog?A.Both were caused by drought.B.Both caused many deaths.C.Both were poisonous.D.Both spread in several countries.第二节 (

29、共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。注意:若选E请同时涂黑AB; 若选F请同时涂黑AC; 若选G请同时涂黑AD.Receiving unwanted or anonymous(匿名的) calls makes you angry and annoyed, wondering who is calling you and how this caller got your personal number. If you keep receiving such calls you will finally get sca

30、red and start thinking what this person wants from you._16_One way to deal with unwanted calls is to just hang up(挂断电话)._17_ Usually some callers want to frighten and upset you and if you give them this satisfaction, they will keep calling and bothering you. _18_Your kids and house helper must be ta

31、ught how to deal with unwanted calls and must be trained not to give personal information to the anonymous caller. Use answering machine to screen your calls. This will help you deal with unwanted calls. If you receive malicious(恶意的)messages from your answering machine, do not delete(删除)them. _19_If

32、 the caller keeps annoying you, take note of the callers voice, gender, time or pattern of calls and report to the police. This information will help you in filing your complaints and deal with unwanted calls._20_ You can easily do this using phones caller ID. Once you have the anonymous callers pho

33、ne number you will find out who is calling you, the location and address and even their criminal records. Knowing these things will help you and the police deal with unwanted calls and stop in at once to keep your safety and privacy.A. Do not express anger or worry.B. There are many ways to punish t

34、he callers.C. These can be helpful when you decided to get the police in.D. Here are some tips on how to deal with unwanted calls.E. Another way to deal with unwanted calls is to get the callers phone number.F. Do not give details or information about you and your family.G. Turn to the police for he

35、lp if you receive unwanted calls.笫二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。第一节Roy Tan came from a poor family. To _21_ his school fees, he had to go from door to door to _22_ packets of tissue paper. One hot day, after knocking on m

36、any doors and failing to sell his goods, he was very_23_ and hungry. He _24_ he would ask for a glass of water at the next house. A lovely young woman opened the door.“May .I .have a glass of water, please? I.am thirsty,” Roy said.Emma looked at the skinny boy and thought he looked hungry. Without a

37、nother word, she brought him a large glass of _25_ instead. Gratefully, he _26_ it and then asked,” how much do I have to pay you?”“You dont need to pay me anything,” Emma replied. “Mother has taught me_27_to accept payment for a(n)_28_.As Roy Tan left that house, he not only felt_29_physically, but

38、 also his spirits were lifted. He had been ready to _30_ and drop out of school.Years later, Emma became seriously ill and the doctors were baffled(难住). They _31_ called in a specialist, Dr Roy Tan, to study her _32_disease. Dressed in his doctors gown, he went in to see her. He _33_her at once. He

39、was _34_to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he paid_35_attention to Emmas case.After a long struggle against the illness, the battle was won. Dr Tan requested the final _36_to be passed to him for approval(批准).He looked at it, _37_something on the edge and the bill was sent to Emma.Em

40、ma _38_to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally, she looked and _39_caught her attention on the side of the bill. Emmas tears rolled down her cheeks _40_she read the following words,” paid in full with one glass of milk.21A. dream of B. care about C.

41、 add up D. pay for22A. sell B. collect C. pack D. beg23A. angry B. thirsty C. amazed D. unlucky24A. agreed B. remembered C. decided D. pretended25A. milk B. water C. tea D. coffee26A. bought B. drank C. sold D. broke27A. always B. often C. never D. sometimes28A. invitation B. drink C. child D. kindn

42、ess29A. happier B. stronger C. healthier D. taster30A. pay back B. help out C. take part D. give up31A. finally B. gradually C. frequently D. secretly32A. interesting B. important C. rare D. common33A. appreciated B. recognized C. protected D. visited34A. excited B. upset C. hopeful D. determined35A

43、. little B. special C. necessary D. some36A. bill B .medicine C. patient D. card37A. removed B. wrote C. painted D. replaced 38A. waited B. feared C. forgot D. disagreed39A. somebody B. nobody C. something D. nothing40A. as B. before C. until D. since(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15

44、分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个词)或括号内的单词的正确形式填空。Wang Kun and Wang Wei are brothers and sisters. They are fond 1 cycling. Last year, they were travelling along the Langcang River near Yunnan Province, when suddenly an earthquake 2 (happen). In ten terrible seconds, many buildings 3 (lie) in ruins. A great

45、 number of people 4 (injure ) or killed . People were 5 (shock) by the unexpected disaster. So Wang Kun and Wang Wei stopped to help people 6 were trapped. 7 (survive) began to join in the rescue teams. Because of the power of the nation, people in Yunnan Province became 8 (hope) about their future.

46、 Wang Kun and Wang Wei didnt feel sorry 9 their trip was delayed. They went on with their trip 10 (happy) after the earthquake.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2只允许修改10处,多者(从第1


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