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1、.第六中学于桂涛一、听力略二、单项选择此题共15分,每题1分选择最正确答案 21.Australia has been known _the home of the kangaroo,and the animal offer meat and leather _a global market. A. for,for B. as,to C. as,for 22.-Could you tell me when _the doctor _time? -I am not sure now. But when he _free,Ill phone you. A .will have,is B. did

2、have,was C./ will have,is 23.Not only his parents but also his grandfather _to a lot of places of interest in our country since they came here. A. has gone B. have been C. has been 24.The doctors form the nearest hospital _at least three _boys after the earthquake yesterday. A. saved,dying B. saved,

3、dead C. have saved,dead 25.-The 16Asian Games was held in Guangzhou from November 1217,2020. My best friend Li Hong was chosen as a volunteer then. -_girl! A. How excellent B. What an excellent C .What a excellent 26.-Excuse me, could you tell me_? -Certainly. Go straight ahead and youll see it on y

4、our left. A .where the post office is B. when you will visit the museum C. where is the post office 27.-We should obey the public rules to show our politeness. -Yes,I agree .For example _ smoking _drinking is allowed in the concert . A. both,and B. neither,nor C .either,or 28.-May I_ your bike? -Sor

5、ry. I have_ it to Lucy .She said she would _It for two days . A. borrow,lent,keep B. borrow,kept,lend C. borrow,borrow,keep 29.-Ancient China was a place _there were many great philosophers. Confucius孔子is a great philosopher. _influence has been the present. A. that,whose B. where,that C. where,whos

6、e 30._What kind of skirt do you like ,Lucy? _Have you ever seen Kates new skirt? I want _like_. A. one,hers B. it,her C. it,hers 31.-I _stay up late. -Really? I didnt. But I _working in the right now. A. used to,used to B. was used to,used to C. used to,am used to 32.People usually have _between fou

7、r and five in the afternoon in Britain. A. last lunch B. early supper C. afternoon tea 33.In autumn and winter the air is very dry .You may find that your nose oftenhurts .Sometimes,it even bleeds流血W shouldnt _to make a nosebleed stop. Lift up your head. Sit or stand with your head forward前倾. Press按

8、压your nose for about 10 hours to make the bleeding stop. Put some ice in a cloth and place the cloth on your head. Get some tissues纸巾or a cloth to catch the blood.A. B. C. 34.In women volleyball final决赛 of the 16 Asian Games,China beat Korea with the picture,we got _scores more than Korea in our Win

9、ning games局A. 66 B. 25 C.18 35.Which stress of the following words is different from the others? A. Consider B. Common C. Control三、完型填空此题共10分,每题1分根据短文内容选择最正确答案。 There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much One day she was Walking in the forests,she found two dying birds .She took them home

10、 and put them In a small cage .She was happy to have two “friends. She them with love and The birds grew strong .One day the girl happened to the door of the cage open. The larger and the stronger of the two flew out of the cage .The girl wasthat it Would fly away. She caught it quickly .she felt gl

11、ad that she caught the bird before it Could fly away .Suddenly he couldnta sound from the birds .When she opened her,the bird was already dead. Herkilled the bird! Then she noticed Bird jumping up and down outside the cage. She could feel its great need for freedom 自由. It wanted to fly into the clea

12、r ,blue sky . So she lifted it from the cage and Let it fly away . The bird circled once ,twice ,and three times . The girl As the bird flew. She didnt care about losing the bird any more. She wanted it be Happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the Sweetest s

13、ong she had ever heard. The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tightly,and the best way to keep love is to give it wings. 36. A .while B. after C. before 37. A. looked for B. looked at C. looked after 38. A .forget B .leave C .lock 39. A . grateful B. proud C. afraid 40. A . listen B .mak

14、e C .near 41. A .door B. wind C .hand 42. A . love B. joke C .luck 43. A .one B. the other C. another 44. A .angrily B .happily C .loudly 45. A. watched B. looked C. guided四、阅读理解此题共20分,每题1分 A An American group developed the rooftop外屋顶gardening in the early 1980s . The group is known as ECHO . This i

15、dea was to help people living in cities who didnt have to grow vegetables . And now it is becoming more and more popularin many other countries . To build a rooftop garden,four things are necessary . You need a roof strong enough and four pieces of wood to build a box . Grass cuttings in which to pl

16、ant your garden and a thin piece of plastic on which to pit the cut grass are also necessary. Begin by testing检测your roof to make sure it is strong enough . Cut and collect some grass . Cover the roof with a thin piece of plastic . Then you build a box from the four pieces of wood . The box has no t

17、op or bottom . It should be about 8 cm deep . It can be as long and wide as needed. Put the box on the plastic . Then fill it with the cut grass . Water the grass and push it down by walking on it . After about three weeks ,the rooftop box is ready for planting. Put the seeds种子directly into the wet

18、grass. It is important than the grass is kept wet until the plants begin to grow .When the plants are growing, you will need to water them every day unless it rains. And birds must be prevented from eating the seeds or new plants. They will also need some liquid fertilizer液体化肥.You can make your own

19、liquid fertilizer if you can get wastes from chickens. Put the chicken wastes in cloth bag .Then put the bag in a big container of water .After about one week, the water becomes a good liquid fertilizer. The rooftop garden is a good place to grow peas, tomatoes and onions .If the box is deep enough,

20、 potatoes and carrots will also grow.根据短文内容选择最正确答案。 46.The underlined word“containerin the passage means“_in Chinese. A.集装箱 B.容器 C.仪器 47.From the passage ,we know that_. A. three things and four pieces of wood are necessary to build a rooftop garden B. the rooftop box is ready for planting after aro

21、und a month C. we can only plant grasses in the rooftop garden 48._can show the correct structure of the rooftop garden according to the passage. 49.Wich of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. we can plant potatoes and carrots in the rooftop garden.B. American can build the rooftop gar

22、den in 1979.C. The box of the rooftop garden has no bottom. 50.The best title for this passage should be _.A. THE ADVANTAGES AND DIS DVANTGES OF GARDENB. THE ADVANTAGES AND DIS DVANTGES OF THE FOORTOP GARDENC. THE FOORTOPGARDENBFour student of class 705 want take an art class next year. They took se

23、veral tests last week . Here are their grades.请根据表格所提供的信息选择最正确答案. 51.Those who want to go to the art class must get 70 or above in English and math ,and get 80 or above in pencil drawing an watercolor .How many students can go to the art class?A.3 B.2 C.1 52.Here is what the teacher wrote to one of

24、the students. Who is that student?A. Annie B. Deny C. Frank 53.According to the information above, Sherrys _is the best of her subjects.A. math B. English C. watercolor 54.The most grades of the four subject in total is _A. Sherry B. Benny C. Frank 55.Which of the following is TRUE from the informat

25、ion above? A. The students from Class 705 want to take an art class next class. B. All the students from class 705 get 80 or above in pencil drawing an watercolor.C. Frank is better than in English. C Miss Swan didnt want to be a Sunday school teacher any longer. The were all rude and never listened

26、 to her. I cant stay here .any longer. I give up. She shouted at the students. Cool. Rick said. He was the most impolite kid in this school. Two months later, Miss Betty Ray came to the school .She looked young and thin. The students thought that she wouldn't stay very long. Betty introduced her

27、self, and when she was looking for something in her bag, all of the kids laughed. Have any of you ever been to another state? She asked nicely .A few hands went to. Has anyone traveled more than five hundred miles? One hand went up. Has anyone visited another country? No hands went to , The teens we

28、re puzzle遗憾. Finally, Betty took a map of the world from her bag, What else do you have in there? Lunch? Someone laughed. Betty smiled and answered, Cookies for large, Cool, Rick said. Then she pointed at a place on the map, I was born here ,she said Everyone guessed where it was ,Is that Texas ? so

29、meone sitting in the back asked, Not even close , It is India, Her eyes twinkled with joy, Why were you born over there? Betty smiled ,My parents were missionaries传教士there, and that is where and how they lived. Wow, this is as exciting as TV! Rick became interesting in his teacher. “You dont have to

30、 be a missionary. Everyone can do something in this world to help another, Miss Betty said. Then she told them her stories about far away places and what the people were like there and how they lived. Wow, this is as exciting as TV! one young girl told her. Day by day the student grew to love her. T

31、he more they liked her, the lovelier she became, Betty taught that Sunday school class for twenty years. Her hair turned gray. Every year she received letters from some student s. There was a doctor, a scientist a businessman and many teachers among them.根据短文内容判断正、误。正确的谢“A,错误的写“B 56.Three months ago

32、 Miss Swan was a teacher in Sunday school bur she didn't like the job because the students were rude. 57.In Sunday school no one had visited another country when Miss Betty asked them at the first class . 58.Bettys parents were missionaries in that place where she was born. 59.Day by day , the s

33、tudents liked Miss Betty and before Miss Betty they liked Swan , too. 60. The passage tells us students who had been taught by Miss Betty were all doctors , scientists , businessmen and teachers. D根据图示所提供的信息选择最正确答案. 61.Of all the worlds population ,_ of people are Asians.A.25% B.14% C.61% 62.Which o

34、f the following about the picture is TRUE ?A .In the world , the population of Asia in the largest.B. The worlds population will not increase any more.C. The birth rate is the same as the death rate in Europe. 63.From the diagram, we know that the population of Europe is becoming _. A. fewer and few

35、er B. smaller and smaller C. larger and larger 64.The rates of death all over the world are _ those of birth. A. the same as B. higher than C. lower than 65.The increasing population is still a great problem for _ . A. Europe and Asia B. North American , Africa and Europe C. Asia , North America Afr

36、ica 五、任务型阅读此题共10分,每空1分先阅读A、B两篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成以下四项任务。ACopernicus was an astronomer天文学家 who had studied the planets and the stars. He said that the earth moves round the sun and put his idea into a book, but he his book. Nobody could read it until Copernicus died.Many years Galileo read it and beli

37、eved it, HE said that the earth is round the sun , and this made a lot of people .They said that the earth must be the center of the universe宇宙。Galileo got into trouble about that Through his telescope he observed观察the moon. He saw some hills there 。 He also saw of stars in the universe. BThe sun is

38、 our most important star, it can be dangerous to man not only here on earth but also in outer space. We need to find our something about its dangers.Many stars are larger than our sun. However, the sun is about 250,000 times close to the earth than any other star .Most of our energy comes from the s

39、uns rays光线Not all kinds of solar太阳的rays reach the earth .The earth is wrapped包裹于 in a blanket . Now man is exploring探究space.Sometimes there are storms in the suns hot gases. These storms are called solar flares耀斑.During solar flares, the sun puts out heavy rays that move at faster speed than usual.

40、They might cause men in space to become ill or die.任务1: 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,是文章通顺,连接,合理。每空一词,每次限用一次 66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._任务2: 根据英文释义及首字母提示,拼写单词。 71.d_ not safe 72.i_ sick, unhealthy任务3:同义句转换,每孔一词。 It can be dangerous to man not only here on earth but also in outer space. It can be dangerous to man 73.

41、_ here on earth 74._ in outer space.任务4:根据短文内容简单答问题。 What do our energy come from? 75._六、交际应用此题共10分,每空1分A从AG选项中选出能填入空白处得最正确选项补全对话。选项中有两项是多余的Apoliceman is asking Bob something about a traffic accident P is for Policeman. B is for BobP: Excuse me, sir , Were you just right there when the accident happ

42、ened?B: Yes, I saw it all.P: B: Certainly. It was a big blue ear. The driver and another four people were in it. Im sure it wasnt Japanese car.P: Say something about the driver, please.B; Oh, yes .And he was a tall man with dark hair and dark glasses.P: B: Sorry, I didnt.76._ 77. _ 78._ 79._ 80._B填入

43、一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A:Mike, today is Saturday , Lets go somewhere this evening.B: Fine. Where would you like to go? To go the movie or watch a show?A: A new show is on now. Lets go and watch it, we?B: I hear it got very bad reviews.A: How the film Super Returns ? That should be wonderful.B: Weve already

44、 it. Dont you remember?A: Then, lets go another cinema The film Jurassic Park 4 is on.B: Good. What does it?A: In 30 minutes. We have time to get there.B: Great. Lets go. 81. _ 82. _ 83. _ 84. _ 85. _ 七、阅读表达此题共10分A阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。此题共5分,每空1分 We set up some recycling bins around the club and wanted to encourage everyone to recycle. Also we decided to design some T-shirt too; quite a few of us have been watching “Spring watch on TV so we were very excited when Chris Packham came to vis


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