



1、 A VOLUNTEER 设计理念 初中是阅读教学的基础阶段,重在激发学生对阅读的兴趣,帮助学生掌握一般的学习技巧,初步形成对语篇表层结构和意义的认知能力,使用阅读策略并通过语篇获取信息的能力、应用阅读信息解决简单问题的能力。教学目标:知识与技能:enough, used to do sth.; cant wait to do sth.; elementary school; in order to; 过程与方法:倡导学生主动参与、培养与人交流、合作的能力。情感态度价值观:助人为乐。能力目标1)训练学生读写技能。2)训练学生通过中心词汇阅读的能力。3) 情感态度目标提高英语阅读的能力及从所读文

2、章中了解更多知识。教学方法1利用上下文猜测词义。2. 泛读和精读结合。3. 讨论法。教具黑板,粉笔,录音机,磁带教学过程1. Lead in 2.Revision3. Before reading 4.Reading 5. After reading 6.Discussion7. Consolidation 8.Homework1.重点词汇的呈现(课前已将重点词汇写在黑板右边)。放录音,学生准确流利跟读单词两遍到自己读,会读。2. Section 1 (Pair work ) 1. Have the students answer the question under the title bo

3、x. “What kind of work do people do for free?”3. Section 2 (Reading)这一环节主要训练泛读能力。给出几个问题,让学生带着问题去阅读。把问题写到黑板上上,问题如下:1. How does Mrs. Smith think of Susans volunteering?2. Why do volunteers do things for free?3. What kind of work does Mrs. Smith say Susan can do?学生精读一遍后,让一个学生口头回答问题,如果不全面,再让全班补充。4. Secti

4、on 3这一环节是使学生对文章的细节更详细的补充了解。首先,让学生进行第二次阅读,这次速度要稍微快点。几分钟后,让学生在没有看文章的情况下回答问题。然后通过回看文章核对答案。放课文录音,让学生听,伴随刚阅读过的印象再次更真实地理解全文。请三个学生读出问题,然后小组讨论。5. Section 4精读。这一环节要求学生在理解文章的基础上,准确掌握文中出现的知识点,如短语,句式等。6. Section 5这一环节是针对学生写作的训练。首先,让学生看方格中的例子,然后让学生先写下自己的见解。学生在写的时候,老师要到学生周围走动,以便给学生解决疑难。教学步骤:Step 1: Lead in T: Let

5、s sing a song.Step 2: RevisionAsk the students what they remember from the listening activity in the previous class. Step 3: Before Reading1. Have the students answer the question under the title box. “What kind of work do people do for free?”2. Vocabulary PreviewShow some pictures to teach the word

6、s “Africa, Asia, enough, nurse, hometown, elementary school” on the screen. Then ask students to match the word with its meaning. Check the answers. Talk about the words by translating and making up sentences.Encourage students to tell a story by using as many new words as they can. Step 4: Reading1

7、. Briefly explain the situation for the reading.T: Todays reading is a dialogue between Susan and her mother, Mrs. Smith.2. Have the students listen to the dialogue.T: Listen to the dialogue and try to understand what they are talking about.3. Let the students read the dialogue again.Step 5: After r

8、eadingFinish the exercises on the book.Add some additional comprehension questions like:1. How does Mrs. Smith think of Susans volunteering?2. Why do volunteers do things for free?3. What kind of work does Mrs. Smith say Susan can do? Step 6: DiscussionIn groups of four, discuss what kinds of volunteer work they can think of. Report th


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