1、国家开放大学电大本科管理英语32023-2024期末试题及答案(试卷代号:1378)-、交际用倍(共计10分.每小题2分)1据对话内容选摇恰当的选项。L I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.A. See you hter.B- I lave a pleasant triplC. Let fs go out for a drink.2. 1 wanckr if I could use your computer tonight?A. Surc-t go ahead>B. h daesnf I matter.C. Who cnrrs?3. I supp
2、ose I here111 be « lot of argumcnisA. I should imagine so.H No problrnuC. Thut's h good id或L Could I help you with your heavy hnx? You are so tired. 1 run manage iUA. All rightB< Yes> please.C. No. Thanks.5.Sorry 1 made a rnistokr again,Practise more and you'll succeed.A. Never mi
3、niLB. Cennmly nob(: Don't mention it>二,询n:与靖构(共计30分.每小IS 2分)6 20 n:Wi«下而的句子,从A.ILC三个逸项中逸出一个健纳入空白处的最任选项.6.imponnnt it s lor kids io imngine freely IA. WhnlH How( Wh*i nri7.it kunwn iu till, too much btt rnunrn hi .iri prnblr.rnntA. ha AcC. hutg. You enn gt> uut> you protium io h bnc
4、k bvtonr 12 oMock.A. as long «sti. an Ur nnC. no (ar a»9. I «rn yaur mrly coinit)K>A. looking forwnrd toB. looking (arwnrdC. look fnrwnrd io10. Thi> I hr rnnn hat light.A. whom I mw himti. whom I iu>wC. who 1 etaw himI L If y(n> nrrd further infnrmnlion. our o(f)cctA. cori
5、MtAntK constructG enntAct12. I'm io up vnriy n(»wtA. getB> gettingC- to grl13. Pin gninR to Imvc a wiili Mnrk ithout ihu» fotnorrow.A. speechH MnirnrewordI L The prognjinmc jivch tuilcntji tht to Iram more about glob/il WArniinjc.A. »urccH»Il nmbifion(A opporumny)5. Fhe pr
6、oducts of tins company «rr Always to standard h<%u5r they havevery strict quoliiy cnnlru) pnxxss.A. upI、downC. clo!<r16t 1 to know how often the bus run* 山"inp ruhh hour.A. occur沮 happen( lake phccI7t Let f5 di»cus» thefte |»rnblem& Hl the rnrelingt 一. _ ?A. do wcs
7、hall wcC. will you18, The child fluent French.At ftaysR talksC »peaks19< They Icavc nrxi Fndny.A. decidrd11 decided to( clecidc20. It in nnr of (hr best ronrerm I .K. went toR hud gone toC. hnvr ever heen in三«)读理解(共2分,每小SB 4分)21 25觐:伽读下列短文.从AJkC三个逸项中选出一个正研答案。Of nil thr fntnily tnernber#
8、 yndpariFM nn- probnbly tho least VAiued. They Arr jum! ihr people who have always been Arouml They make u Iums over the children ni the fnnuly show off io <hrir fnrnds ibr Hchicvcments of this child ur I hoi chi Id nnd ahow count k«8 pictures of new bnbu < irandfnthrrA rnn l:x nnything c
9、tu grandmothers always hnvr hoinrinadr I心cui» drnunil<When you nrr ir z (nn u» Mny with your grnniipnrrntiiheyftlwnyh Iriyou(ln things you nii>11 d<» Mt honivt iimI of ri»ur>i thr> huy you think% They nrr always Mblc io btiby nil hrcaciMc ihry don11 go run much nn&
10、lt;l n< luidly preIvr to nee ihrir mndch山I hi y nrr munlly 必"for i srniill l(w»n now .irul thru ilnH dix 心 rid <o hr paitl hvenu v ilivy turmd it intu ti on rrbprctiully hiJ*?n io thvir JHlvim but(ln not (olloxv it been use they nn nlil nnd do wi undo rnmnil how ihingx in ihi> day
11、 end V(m thnnk thi tn poliirly I(h wh«t th< y do (nt y(im nn<l thm <lo firii < nil m vi>ii tlurn until you need M.init thihU 八”山 (H caiirM>t you ur vrt tell fhrm how drat they wre IO you beCAUr they know hnw you lev I nboul them Hiiywnyt I hvn ill of n tunhferu thry nrr no Inn
12、grr there to <|q the things that only MrArul|reniedoe itui you find yourH« If wl*hing that you Imd tohl them svhfli they rnvnni to you nee people nil not um KronvIpMirnts.2. Winn in the position nl nr/intlpnrrnt-. in ihr fnnulyYA I hry lire the leA*t iiHporifttit incnibt i b of the IntJiily.
13、H I hry nrr I lie 111051 iiiiportanl mt rnber o( the Inmily.C Thry nr»* tlir niivn at wham dim i hiltlrrti or grnnilchildrvn ununUy buiKh.22. Wlm! <io gr/imlparrnts tn v< t <)0YA I OdkniR ultrr ihrir «rnndchildren.It Ikiynig ihrir randchildtun thhlWC. I riling ihrir urarkkhdilrori
14、 how (Irnr dwy nrc io rhvrn<23. Why rlonU rhildrrn nerd to pay buck the Iqaii (tom their urrindpiirrnH9A, (irnndpnrrrnx film I In- I mi n inin h $pit.It I hrii pnrrni |»ny hurk I hr |(»pn fnr thrnu(L Thrir grnnilpiirrnH ilh1 lirfon ihry hnvr rnougli inanry lu jwiy it hnrk.21. Why ilnn
15、39;t rhilcbrn Ifike thrir grrtndpjirrnl*f ntlvtcc?A I heir ndvirc not n! nny hr Ip in prrrrn >ituniiori.11 Hwy dnn11 hk< ihr iulvlrc Hue If.( Fhlhiuritig then nclvkc will mnk< (hvui net tik< ulil people.2S« How do childftn (c«l 4ifc<-r ihnt icnnulpnir nr dird?A. I hy Irvl wi
16、rry ihjii Biridpuffrih- i<i< il)< h «?! vaIihhI hi ihr f/iimly.Ik 1 hey miss dicni v( ry tiuirh hr; rHp.n no chh <hi( » thr ihm only utnnilpiirrtitx do.( fhey tvam ihry ih<ln* i exprrn ihrir Inw lerlinn» to thrm>卯30姬:仲)读归文并柑!K知文内容钊朗其后的钾于短正«KTrur)SAttiX(FiilR.J.I
17、h< nitiij hytiioni th Iktjing* i <vtiirnl buMrttt dilricl (Hl) in bring r< deniMrird tn Tii/ikr piibhr trwrihpaHniinri v/iiiimI irnpruvr < <ln irncy.Plan* tar 15 ri»mk within lh< (4M) li.ivr lrii »| pruvt !. tnvnuririK ll:kilnnuicrr* m tntnL hi nildition to public buftrs
18、(n?r m low price Mniulr Ihimck Irorn rrMilrtirr nrran in Muhwnywill nlw be prnvub(l hir rimmiHunThis i»)unt over loui Hmz 仆”、tinrubt r ol rundu bpriicd in 2()07 . a nd will ailil unnt her 15. 5 ktn io iho rirdnig r<»oil uciwnrk,BcMcb rnMd>i mi hndrfKtnurnI irrtlfh tu Mm hwi()prrnnnK&
19、#187; whieh incluib fntir tirw nubwny linrfb lirtirnlli thr ( BIXThr underuroinxl n.innrction %y?»”E z rruidr up nt fwn IrvrK, I hr hil underground lloor i» mi niilr n/ilnly for pvdrfitriaiirt 4rul rornntvri ud (加 ililw whlk lhe second undrground Ihinr in plnfifn i.l (r» pinkit.I he c
20、ity hnN alno mvrstecl 110 imlhori ynuh io sri up n irnlfii iti(|utry wcnr) through which the public cnn rhrck natlir cvnilifionh ofilinv anil rr ;lir :m st ( .iiivrtiivni roiHrs an thrix GPS xyftlcui. In the luturr tin < JU > will Im fully ( ovt red l>v im intrllignt Irafftc comrol26, I hr
21、roadm in Brijhin f % nnfnil Iiu%ikv5 <lidri< i 1 (*H!J» m bring clvsiwncd ARnitt27. OnnTniiirrb can only take public bum- I mm nulcnu nren* in Mihw.ty %fnrian!<.2& The rr tlrsigtiril rn?i(l will lir .二 kik/nu tvi> Joni:.29. I he underuround Irnftic >y«lrn> hns (om nrw
22、 suluvrty lines lirtivih ( HIK;"). Iknh kvrl$J fhr iindrrgfrmnr! rnrinrctiot) >ylrtn nrr plnnm-il for pnrkitn(t四、写作(共计20分,一篇作文)31.根据写作要求.写一厢作文.写作蜜求:以秘书李芳的名义给John Smith份电话K肖.来电时间,月3日上午10,00出访时间:7力8 H.星明三航班号:CZ389O起飞/到达时M;8:55/ll:25访问意ffliMr Pnlnrk将于卜周JU John Smith的办公室溶谈一现新的技术升发目并询 何对方时间记否合适如果
23、时间不frifi.ifi John Smith jrq电话.试题答案及评分标准:一、交际用通(共计。分,每小喊2分) 5题:根据对话内容选择恰当的逸顼。1. H% A3. A4.C5- A二,词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分)6 20 JS:阅读下面的句子.从A.HsC三个迭项中选出一个能填入空白处的姐住选项。6.B7.B8. A9.A10. H11.C12. B13, C1LC15. A16. H17. B1«A:19. B20. C三、阅读理解(共伯分.每小题4分)21-25 BL阅读短文.根据短文内容从AJkC三个选项中逸出一个正确答案。21. A22C2* A24. A25. C邹3。成濮读短文并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(丁口心)还是情误(FUe)26. T27. F2&F29.T30. F四, 写作(共计20分,一某作文):订.根撮W作以求-两伟文.叫作要灌,以秘M李万的名义.拾John Smith弓 份电话M札束电时M|7/J 3 n上午lOiOO山时间.7 M 8 H .垠期Hiiiffy
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