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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上般疑问句和特殊疑问句练习题一把下列陈述句变成一般疑问句。1.I am a boy.2.She is a good teacher.3.It is a lovely dog.4. They are in the classroom.5. It was really nice and delicious.6. I can take a picture.7. She visited the Great Wall yesterday.9. I come to school by bike.10. There are some fruit on the desk.二选择正确的单

2、词填空。Where what how What day Which Who What time how many how much whose1. -_ is your name? -My name is Li Ping.2. -_ old are you?-Im six years old. 3. - _ do you get up?-Its five oclock. 1. -_ is today?              

3、;  - Today is Monday.2. -_ one do you like best? - I like the black one.3. - _is she?- She is my teacher.4. -_ are you going?  - Im going to the store.5. - _ are you! -Im fine.6. - _ is it?  - Its five oclock. 10. -_ do you get here?  

4、 - By bus.11.-_are they?- They are 80 yuan. 12. -_books do you have? - I have two books13. -_ room is this? - Its _ room.三.对划线部分提问.1. I am going to Shanghai.2. My father will take me to Beijing.3. I went to here by bus.4. We send some beautiful flowers to our teacher.    

5、60;                   I 一般疑问句和特殊疑问句一一般疑问句能用Yes或No回答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。有以下几种;1.以be开头的一般疑问句。即am/is/are+主语  但如遇第一人称,则换为第二人称。例如:Is it/he/she/there/Tom(人名)?Is it a dog? Yes, it is. / No, it is not.Is she your sister? Y

6、es, she is. /No, she is not.Is he a boy? Yes, he is. /No, he is not.Is there any beef? Yes, there is. No, there is not.Are you/they /there?Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. (We are.)/No, I am not.(we are not)Are they playing games? Yes, they are. / No, they are not.Are there any children under the tree?

7、 Yes, there are. / No, there are not.2.以Do/Did/Does开头的一般疑问句,即Do/Does/did+主语+动词原形Do you have a book? Yes, I do. /No, I do not.Does Tom have a good time? Yes, he does. /No, he does not.Did she enjoy her trip to Beijing?  Yes, she did. /No, she did not.3.以have 开头的一般疑问句。Have you got fruit? Yes

8、, I have. /No, I have not.3.含情态动词的一般疑问句Can/May/Could?Can I help you?   May I speak to Li Shan, please?Could you tell me the way to the library?注意:有some的要考虑是否用any 二特殊疑问句。表示疑问,有疑问词(在开头),回答有很多种可能。常用疑问词:疑问词意思用法When什么时间问时间What time什么时间问具体时间,如几点钟Who谁问人Whose谁的问主人Where在哪里问地点Which哪一个问选择Why为什么问

9、原因What什么问东西、事物What colour什么颜色问颜色What about。怎么样问意见What day星期几问星期几What date什么日期问日期What for为何目的问目的How。怎样问情况How old多大年纪问年纪How many多少数量(可数名词)问数量How much多少钱;多少数量(不可数名词)问多少钱或数量(不可数)How about。怎么样问意见How often多久问频率How long多长时间问时间长度How far多远问多远;多长距离例如:Where is the park?When is Teachers Day?Who is he?Whose pen is this?Which supermarket shall we go to?What are these?Why are you crying?What time is it?What day is today? (今天星期几?)Whats the date today? (今天是几号?)How are you?How old are you?How many ap


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