1、SM5843A1Audio Multi-function Digital FilterNIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC.OVERVIEWThe SM5843A1 is a multi-function digital filter IC, fabricated using NPCs Molybdenum-gate CMOS process, for digital audio reproduction equipment. It features 8-times oversampling (interpolation), digital deemphasis and
2、soft muting functions. It accepts 16, 18, or 20-bit input data, and outputs data in 18 or 20- bit format. It operates using either a 384fs or 256fs system clock. 5 V supply Crystal oscillator circuit built-in TTL-compatible input/outputs 28-pin plastic DIP and SOP Molybdenum-gate CMOSAPPLICATIONS CD
3、 players DAT players PCM systemsFEATURES Filter configuration (2-channel processing)ORDERING INFOMATION8-times oversampling (interpolation)- 3-stage FIR configuration Deemphasis filter-IIR filter configuration for correct gain andphase characteristics2-channel independent ON/OFF control 32/44.1/48 k
4、Hz sampling frequency (fs)-2122-bitparallelmultiplier/25-bitaccumulator for high precision Overflow limiter 2 oversampling filter characteristics Sharp roll-off characteristic (response 1)- 0.00005 dB passband ripple (0 to 0.4535fs)- 110 dB stopband attenuation (0.5465fs to7.4535fs) Slow roll-off ch
5、aracteristic (response 2)- 0.00003 dB passband ripple (0 to 0.235fs)- 77 dB stopband attenuation (0.745fs to 7.255fs) Soft muting Digital attenuator Input data format 2s complement, MSB first-LR alternating, 16/18/20-bit serial, trailing dataLR alternating, 20-bit serial, leading data LR simultaneou
6、s, 20-bit serial, leading data- Output data format2s complement, MSB first, LR simultaneous 18/20-bit serialBCKO burst (NPC format) Dither processing ON/OFF control Jitter-/Sync mode selectable 256fs/384fs system clock selectable 21.2/14.2MHz(384fs/256fs)umfrequencyNIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS1DevicePa
7、ckageSM5843AP128pin DIPSM5843AS128pin SOPSM5843A1PINOUT(TOP VIEW)28-pin DIPPACKAGE DIMENSIONS(Unit: mm)28-pin DIP28-pin SOP28-pin SOPNIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS23.8 0.10.6MAX.4.5 0.3 3.0MAX. 13.8 0.2 8.4TYP3.2 0.27.7 0.50.10MIN.11.8 0.315.21.0 0.20 to 1518 3 TYP3 0MAX0 to 10+ 0 10+ 0 100 15 0 051 27 0
10、FSEL2BCKOWCKODeemphasis ControllerOutput date InterfaceDOLDORMute/ Attenuation ControllerMUTEOW20NMCKMDTMLENVSS VDDNIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS3Input data InterfaceSM5843A1PIN DESCRIPTION.NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS4NumberNameI/O1Description1DI/INF2NIpData input when INF1N is LOW, and input format select
11、 pinwhen INF1N is HIGH.2BCKIIpInput bit clock3CKSLNIpOscillator and system clock select input. 384fs when HIGH, and 256fs when LOW.4INF1NIpInput format select pin. INF1N and INF2N select the pin functions below.5IW1N/DILIpInput bit length select pinwhen INF1N is LOW, and left-channel data input when
12、 INF1N is HIGH. IW1N and IW2N select the input data length.6XTIIOscillator input connection7XTOOOscillator output connection8VSSGround9CKOOOscillator output clock. Same frequency as XTI.10IW2N/DIRIpInput bit length select pinwhen INF2N is LOW, and right-channel data input when INF2N is HIGH IW1N and
13、 IW2N select the input data length as shown in the table for pin 5.11MDTIpAttenuator serial data input12MCKIpAttenuator bit clock input13MLENIpAttenuator latch enable input14RSTNIpSystem reset. Reset operation when LOW, and normal operation when HIGH.15MUTEIpMute control signal. Muting when HIGH, an
14、d normal operation when LOW.16DEMPIpDeemphasis control signal. OFF when LOW, and ON when HIGH.17FSEL1IpDeemphasis filter select inputs18FSEL2Ip19OW20NIpOutput bit length select pin. 20-bit output when LOW, and 18-bit output when HIGH.20SYNCNIpSync mode select pin. Normal sync mode when LOW, and jitt
15、er-mode when HIGH.21TMOD1IpDither processing control. ON when LOW, and OFF when HIGH.22VDD5V supplyFSEL1FSEL2Sampling frequency (fs)LOWLOW44.1 kHzLOWHIGH48 kHzHIGHLOWTest modeHIGHHIGH32 kHzINF1NIW2N/DILIW1N/DIRInput bit lengthLOWLOWLOW20 bitsLOWHIGH20 bitsHIGHLOW18 bitsHIGHHIGH16 bitsHIGH20 bitsINF1
16、NDI/INF2NInput formatPin function selectionDI/INF2NIW1N/DILIW2N/DIRLOWLOWLRalternating, trailing dataDIIW1NIW2NLOWHIGHHIGHLOWLRalternating, leading dataINF2NDILDIRHIGHHIGHLRsimultaneous, leading dataSM5843A1)1. I = input, Ip = Input with pull-up resistor, O= outputNIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS5NumberNam
17、eI/O1Description23DORORight-channel data output24DOLOLeft-channel data output25WCKOOOutput word clock26BCKOOOutput bit clock27TMOD2IpFilter characteristic select pin. Sharp roll-off (response 1) whenHIGH, and slowroll-off (response 2 when LOW.28LRCIIpInput data sample rate (fs) clockSM5843A1SPECIFIC
18、ATIONSAbsoluteVSS = 0 Vum RatingsRecommended Operating Conditionsfs = 384fs (CKSLN = HIGH): VSS = 0 Vfs = 256fs (CKSLN = LOW): VSS = 0 VDC Electrical CharacteristicsVDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = -20 to 80 C1. fSYS= 256fs = 14.2 MHz (CKSLN = LOW), no output load2. Pins DI/INF2N, BCKI, CKSLN, IN
19、F1N, IW1N/DIL, IW2N/DIR, MDT, MCK, MLEN, RSTN, MUTE, DEMP, FSEL1, FSEL2, OW20N, SYNCN, LRCI,TMOD1, TMOD23. Pins CKO, DOL, DOR, BCKO,WCKONIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS6ParameterSymbolConditionRatingUnitmintypmaxCurrent consumptionDI DVDD= 5.0V15065mAXTI HIGH-level input voltageVIH10.7VDDVXTI LOW-level inp
20、ut voltageVIL10.3VDDVXTI AC-coupled input voltageVINAC0.3VDDVp-pHIGH-level input voltage2VIH22.4VLOW-level input voltag2eVIL20.5VHIGH-level output voltage3VOHIOH= -0.4 mA2.5VLOW-level output voltag3eVOLIOL = 1.6 mA0.4VXTI HIGH-level input currentIHIVIN =VDD1020AXTI LOW-level input currentILI1VIN = 0
21、V1020ALOW-level input curren2tIIL2VIN = 0V1020AInput leakage curren2tILHVIN =VDD1.0AParameterSymbolRatingUnitSupply voltage rangeVDD4.75 to 5.25VOperating temperature rangeTopr-20 to 70CParameterSymbolRatingUnitSupply voltage rangeVDD4.5 to 5.5VOperating temperature rangeTopr-20 to 80CParameterSymbo
22、lRatingUnitSupply voltage rangeVDD-0.3 to 7.0VInput voltage rangeVIN-0.3 toVDD + 0.3VStorage temperature rangeTstg-40 to 125CPower dissipationPD550 (DIP)mW390 (SOP)Soldering temperatureTsld255CSoldering timetsld10sSM5843A1AC Electrical CharacteristicsInput Clock (XTI)Crystal oscillatorfs = 384fs (CK
23、SLN = HIGH): VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = -20 to 80 Cfs = 256fs (CKSLN = LOW): VDD = 4.75 to 5.25 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = -20 to 70 CExternal clock inputfs = 384fs (CKSLN = HIGH): VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = -20 to 80 Cfs = 256fs (CKSLN = LOW): VDD = 4.75 to 5.25 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = -20 to
24、70 CVlH1 0.5VDDVlL1XTItCWLtCWHtXINIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS7ParameterSymbolRatingUnitmintypmaxClock HIGH-level pulsewidthCtWH30500nsClock LOW-level pulsewidthCtWL30500nsClock pulse cycle timeXt I701000nsParameterSymbolRatingUnitmintypmaxClock HIGH-level pulsewidthCtWH20250nsClock LOW-level pulsewidth
25、CtWL20250nsClock pulse cycle timeXt I47500nsParameterSymbolRatingUnitmintypmaxOscillator frequencyOfSC1.014.2MHzParameterSymbolRatingUnitmintypmaxOscillator frequencyOfSC2.021.2MHzSM5843A1(BCKI, DI, DIL, DIR, LRCI)Serial inputVDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = -20 to 80 CtBCYtBCWHtBCWL 1.5VBCKItDSt
26、DHDI DIL DIR1.5VtLBtBL1.5VLRCIReset(RSTN)VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = -20 to 80 CNIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS8ParameterSymbolConditionRatingUnitmintypmaxRSTLOW-level reset pulsewidthtRSTAt power-ON1sAt all other times50nsParameterSymbolRatingUnitmintypmaxBCKI HIGH-level pulsewidthtBCWH50nsBCKI L
27、OW-level pulsewidthtBCWL50nsBCKI pulse cycletBCY100nsDIN setup timetDS50nsDIN hold timetDH50nsLast BCKI rising edge to LRCI edgetBL50nsLRCI edge to first BCKI rising edgetLB50nsSM5843A1Attenuator(MDT, MCK, MLEN)VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = -20 to 80 C1. tSYS= 1/384fs when CKSLN is HIGH, and 1
28、/256fs when CKSLN is LOW.MDT1.5V tMDS tMDH 1.5VMCK tMCS tMCH MLEN1.5VtMEWLtMEWHtMLEYNIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS9ParameterSymbolRatingUnitmintypmaxMDT setup timetMDS20nsMDT hold timetMDH20nsMLEN setup timetMCS40nsMLEN hold timetMCH20nsMLEN LOW-level pulsewidthtMEWL20nsMLEN HIGH-level pulsewidthtMEWH20n
29、sMLEN pulse cycle timetMLEY6t 1SYSSM5843A1OutputVDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = -20 to 80 C, CL = 15 pFTsysTsysXTI (CKSLN = H)0.5VDDtCKOCKO (CKSLN = H)1.5VTsys0.5VDDXTI (CKSLN = L) tCKOCKO (CKSLN = L)1.5V tsbH tsbLBCKO1.5VtbdL tcdL1.5VtxdLtbdH tcdHXTO rising edgeDOL DOR WCKO1.5VXTO rising edgetx
30、dHNIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS10ParameterSymbolConditionRatingUnitmintypmaxXTI to XTaytXTOXTI fall to XTO rise315nsXTI to CKaytCKOXTI fall to CKO fall1035nsXTI to BCKay (CKSLN =HIGH)tsbHXTI fall to BCKO rise2060nstsbLXTI fall to BCKO fall2060XTI to BCKay (CKSLN = LOW)tsbHXTI fall to BCKO rise2060nstsbL
31、XTI fall to BCKO fall2060BCKO to DOL, DOR,WCKaytbdHBCKO fall to output rise-510nstbdLBCKO fall to output fall-510CKOTODOL, DOR,WCKaytcdHCKO fall to output rise525nstcdLCKO fall to output fall525XTOTODOL, DOR,WCKaytxdHXTO rise to output rise1550nstxdLXTO rise to output fall1550SM5843A1Filter Characte
32、ristics8-times interpolation filter (sharp roll-off: response 1)1. The digital filter arithmetic computation time fromwhen the completion of data input at rate fs to the start of data output at rate 8fs.8fs filter response with deemphasis OFF02040600 01 02 03 04 0Frequency (fs)5 06 07 08 08fs filter
33、 band transition response with deemphasis OFF02040600.4400.4650.4900.5150.5400.5650.5900.6150.640Frequency (fs)8fs filter passband response with deemphasis OFF-0.0001-0.000050.000000.000050.00010.0000.1250.250Frequency (fs)0.3750.500NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS11Attenuation (dB)Attenuation (dB)Attenuat
34、ion (dB)ParameterConditionRating 256fsPassband0 to 0.4535fsStopband0.5465fs to 7.4535fsPassband ripple 0.00005 dBStopband attenuation 110 dBGroup delay1SYNCN = LOW44.625/fsSYNCN =HIGH44.25/fs to 45.0/fsSM5843A18-times interpolation filter (slow roll-off: response 2)1. The digital filter arithmetic c
35、omputation time fromwhen the completion of data input at rate fs to the start of data output at rate 8fs.8fs filter response with deemphasis OFF02040600 01 02 03 04 0Frequency5 06 07 08 0(fs)8fs filter band transition response with deemphasis OFF02040600.000.1250.250.3750.500.6250.750.8251.00Frequen
36、cy (fs)8fs filter passband response with deemphasis OFF- PRECISION CIRCUITS12Attenuation (dB)Attenuation (dB)Attenuation (dB)ParameterConditionRating 256fsPassband 77 dB attenuation0.745fs to 7.255fsPassband ripple0 to 0.235fs 0.00003 dBStop
37、band attenuation 77 dBGroup delay1SYNCN = LOW25.625/fsSYNCN =HIGH25.25/fs to 26.0/fsSM5843A18fs filter passband response amplitude gain enlarged-0 0001-0 000050 000000 000050 00010 0000 1250 250Frequency0 3750 500(fs)Deemphasis filterSampling frequency (fs)Parameter32 kHz44.1 kHz48 kHzPassband bandw
38、idth (kHz)0 to 14.50 to 20.00 to 21.7 0.001 dBAttenuationDeviation from ideal characteristicPhase,q0 to 1.5Passband response with deemphasis ON (logarithmic frequency axis)00Phase32kHz2-204-4044.1kHz48kHz6-60Attenuation 32k A44.1k A48kHz8101020501002005001k2k5k10k20kFrequency (Hz)Passband response w
39、ith deemphasis ON (linear frequency axis)00Phase32kHz-20244.1kHz4-4048kHz-606Attenuation32k A44.1k A48kHz81004k8k12kFrequency (Hz)16k20k 22k 24kNIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS13Attenuation (dB)Attenuation (dB)Attenuation (dB)Phase q ( )Phase q ( )SM5843A1FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe basic arithmetic block is
40、 shown in figure 1, and the function of each block is described in the follow- ing sections.Inputfs2 - times oversampling 153 - tap (response 1 )or25 - tap (response 2 ) FIR2fs2 - times oversampling 29 - tap FIR4fsDeemphasis IIR filterDeemphasis OFFDeemphasis ON4fs8fsOutputFigure 1. Arithmetic block
41、 diagram8-times Oversampling (Interpolation)The interpolation arithmetic block is comprised of 3 cascaded, 2-times FIR interpolation filters, as shown in figure 1.The input signal is sampled at rate fs, and then 8- times oversampling data is output. Sampling noise in the 0.5465fs to 7.4535fs stopban
42、d for the sharp roll- off (response 1) characteristic, 0.745fs to 7.255fs for the slow roll-off (response 2) characteristic, is removed by the interpolation filter.Digital DeemphasisThe digital deemphasis filter has the same construc- tion as analog filters. It is implemented as an IIR fil- ter to f
43、aithfully reproduce the gain and phase characteristics of standard analog deemphasis filters. The three sets of filter coefficients for the three fs = 32.0/44.1/48.0 kHz sampling frequencies are selected by FSEL1 and FSEL2 when the sampling frequency is specified, as shown in the following table. De
44、emphasis is ON when DEMP is HIGH, and OFF when DEMP is LOW.Note that test mode is not available for operation.NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS14FSEL1FSEL2Sampling frequency (fs)LOWLOW44.1 kHzLOWHIGH48 kHzHIGHLOWTest modeHIGHHIGH32 kHzMute function4fs2 - times oversampling 17 - tap FIRSM5843A1Soft MutingThe muting function controls the muting of both left and right channels simultaneously. Muting is ON when MUTE is HIGH, muting is OFF when MUTE is LOW.When MUTE goes HIGH, the attenuation changes smoothly from 0
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