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1、编辑课件1 Unit 6 The Interviewers EyePart I Getting readyPart II Two girls talking on the phonePart III A good interviewPart IV More about the topic: The Interviewers EyePart V Memory test: Wholl Get the Job?Part VI Watch and enjoy Listen This Way Book 2编辑课件2Part I Getting readyThe interview, a widely u

2、sed method of personality assessment, is a means of eliciting from the subject a report of past, present, and anticipated future responses. Most interviews are unstructured, but some use set questions asked in a given sequence. Some interviewers may give candidates a hard time by asking them difficu

3、lt questions.*eliciting 探得(信息)探得(信息)*unstructured 松散的,自由的,开放的松散的,自由的,开放的*in a given sequence 按一定的顺序按一定的顺序*candidates 候选人候选人编辑课件3A.The following words will appear in this unit. Listen carefully and study the definitions. 1.strength: 优点,长处2.weakness: 缺点,弱点3.challenge: 挑战4.reputation: 声誉5.candidate: 候选

4、人6.applicant: 申请人7.appoint: 任命,选派8.personality: 个性9.status: 地位10.qualification: 资历编辑课件4B. You are going to hear some typical questions that an interviewer might ask. Supply the missing words while listening.编辑课件51. Tell me _.2. What do you think are your _ and _?3. We have a lot of _ for this _, why

5、 should we _ you?4. What has been your most _?5. How would you _ your _?6. _ did you last _? _ what happened. 7. _ is more _ to you: _ or _?8. _ do you think youd _ if you were _?9. _ do you want to _ your _?10. What _ you think youd _ working for us? 11. Are you an _ person?12. _ would you like to

6、be _ from now? *lose your temper 发脾气appointedjobapplicantsweaknessesstrengths about yourselflose your temperWhenpersonalitydescribevaluable experienceappointmoneystatusimportantWhichDescribestay with usHow longenjoymakespresent jobleaveWhy*ambitious:雄心勃勃 doing ten yearsWhatambitious编辑课件6 13.What are

7、 you most _ of having done in your _?14.What was the _ you have had in your _ and how did you _ it? 15.What is the _ youve had in the _? 16.What is your _ and what is your _?solveworst problemproudpresent jobpresent jobbest qualityworst faultpast monthbest idea*long-range goals:长远目标 17._ you think y

8、oure _ for this job?18.What are your _? 19.Describe your present job what do you find _ about it?20.Now, _ do you do in your _?21.What _ you about the _ youre doing _?22.What _ you about the _ youre doing _?23.Describe your _.24._ would you rate your _? present bossworriesnowjobexcitesspare timewhat

9、rewardinglong-range goalsa little youngDont*rate:评价 jobnowHowideal boss编辑课件7C. Listen to each sentence describing a personality type (for example, A person who is happy). Then choose the corresponding word that describes it (cheerful in this case).编辑课件81.a. selfishb. interestingc. generous2.a. comic

10、alb. honestc. ungrateful3.a. spoiledb. cleverc. easygoing4. punctualb. blandc. skeptical5.a. bigmouthb. depressingc. pushy*慷慨的*忘恩负义的*随和的*生性多疑的*有进取心的*没精打采的*多嘴多舌的*滑稽的 6. a. talented b. brilliant c. inconsiderate 7. a. sloppy b. frank c. helpless 8. a. childish b. nasty c. cultured 9. a. creative b. ti

11、mid c. narrow-minded10. a. forgetful b. ambitious c. disorganized AudioscriptHomepage*不体谅人的*卑鄙下流的*没有条理的*心胸狭隘的*有修养的*慵懒的,马虎的*胆小的编辑课件9Part II Two girls talking on the phoneInterviews may take many forms in business today: from the traditional one-to-one interview, to panel interview, and to deep-end in

12、terview. Moreover, the atmosphere of an interview may vary from the informal to the formal. Fashion seems to change quite rapidly in interview techniques and the only rules that applicants should keep in mind may be Expected the unexpected and Be yourself!*panel interview 小组面试小组面试*“deep-end” intervi

13、ew 深度访谈深度访谈编辑课件10A. You are going to hear a conversation on the phone. After that some questions will be asked. Find the right answers as quickly as possible according to the notes you have taken while listening.*insert:插入 Questions编辑课件111. Smith Catherine Sue Sandy Carol Clara CarlSimon2. in the of

14、ficeat homein a telephone boothat a restaurant in a taxi in a department store3. 2 3 4 54. two monthshalf a year one year two years three years *公用电话亭*百货公司编辑课件12When were you born? Where do you live? Are you married? Have you got any children?How many people are there in your family?Where did you go

15、 to school? What is your present job?What is your educational background?Why do you want to leave your present job? How much are you paid in your present job? Why are you interested in the new job? How much do you expect to be paid in the new job? How do you intend to get to work? How long do you in

16、tend to stay in the job? 5.编辑课件13B. The following vocabulary is used in the telephone conversation. Listen to the conversation again and guess the meaning of the words listed below. Match them with their definitions.*That number has been engaged for ages. 这电话怎么一直占线呀。*sack:解雇*pip:报时信号1. engaged a. to

17、 fire, to discharge from employment2. hear from b. a short high-pitched sound3. sack c. to hold the phone line open4. popular d. to get a letter, telephone call, or transmitted communication from5. pip e. widely favoured or admired6. hang on f. busy or occupied1. f2. d 3. a4. e 5. b 6. cAudioscriptH

18、omepage编辑课件14Part III A good interviewDuring an interview, direct observations are made either in a natural setting or in a laboratory. In naturalistic observations, the interviewer notes reactions to everyday situations, typical responses to people, and expressive behaviour. In the laboratory, the

19、interviewer experimentally manipulates situations and observes the interviewees behaviour under these controlled conditions.*naturalistic observations 自然情境观察法自然情境观察法*manipulates 操控操控*controlled conditions 人工情境人工情境编辑课件15A. You are going to hear an interview, which fades out before the end. While list

20、ening for the first time, focus on the key words, add more key words if you can in the left-hand column. After the second listening, complete what the interviewer says in the right-hand column.*fades out 音量逐渐减弱音量逐渐减弱 编辑课件16NotesInterviewers Questionsgather Gibsons-engineering firm full-timePA(Person

21、al Assistant) Export Director Marketing Director Sales Director Europa MarketingFre. Ger. Ita.fluent/rusty public relations consultancy work 1. Now, youd like to _ our _. I_.2. Id like to _ a little bit _ you. Perhaps you _ tell me _ about your _.3. Thats all very _. _ what was the _ that you _ most

22、 at _?*=think*出口总监出口总监*私人助理私人助理*工程公司工程公司*市场总监市场总监*销售总监销售总监educationjoingatherteamaboutknowa little bitcouldinterestingenjoyedcourseId like to knowschool*生疏的生疏的*公共关系公共关系*咨询工作咨询工作编辑课件17NotesInterviewers QuestionsUK(United Kingdom)clientassistpresentationcorrespondence curiousreputationAnglo-Europeansc

23、ope challengingroutinesecretarial-type 4. And are you quite _ in those _ now or?5. Very good, that _ be very _. _ a little bit about the work youre doing _.6. It sounds _ youre very _ there. Im _ why youd _ leave them and join our _.*来往信件来往信件*机会机会*文秘类的文秘类的companyNow tell memightlanguagesfluentuseful

24、happyas ifat presentlike tocuriousAudioscript编辑课件18B. Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the interview. Fill in the blanks with the information about the interviewee with the help of the above notes.*by post:以写信的方式 编辑课件19Name: _Age: _Educational Background1. at 18, _2. at 20, take a

25、 _ course3. favourite courses: _ French, GermanEmployment History1. from 18 to 20: _ (an _ firm)2. from 21 to 23: _ (works as _ to _)3. from 23 to now: _ (a _ and _ company, first works with _ and later with _)foreign languagesone-year full-time PAleave school26Miss JonesEuropa MarketingExport Direc

26、torPAengineeringGibsonsGibsonsSales DirectorMarketing Directorpublic relationsmarketing编辑课件20Present Job1. _ clients visits2. _ meetings and _3. _ with _4. visit _ in the country to make _5. do other routine _ workReasons for Joining Anglo-European1. have a very good _2. provide more _ and _3. provi

27、de more _4. offer possibility to _ and use foreign _languagestravelchallengesopportunityscopereputationsecretarial-typearrangementsfirmscorrespondencedeal presentationsset uparrangeAudioscriptHomepage编辑课件21Part IV More about the topic: The Interviewers EyeA successful interview not only digs out the

28、 interviewees educational background and employment history but also reflects the interviewees inner reality. So to be a qualified interviewer is not an easy job. Skilled interviewers pay attention to what is said and notice how responses relate to non-verbal cues such as posture and facial expressi

29、ons.*digs out 获得,查明获得,查明*inner reality 内心的真实感受内心的真实感受*posture 姿势姿势*facial expressions 面部表情面部表情编辑课件22AYou are going to hear a recruitment manager talking about what he looks for in a candidate. While listening for the first time, focus on the key words, add more key words if you can in the notes colu

30、mn. After the second listening, complete the table below with the help of the notes.*recruitment manager:招聘经理:招聘经理 编辑课件23Good BehaviourBad Behaviourlook at the interviewermake eye contacttalk intelligentlymake clear expectationsrush into a roomgrab a chair sit down without being invitedfiddle with h

31、ands brush hair back hold a pentap a pen on the table *攫取,抓取攫取,抓取*轻轻敲打轻轻敲打*向后梳理头发向后梳理头发*双手乱摸双手乱摸Good PersonalityBad Personalityopenoutgoing enthusiastic able to reflect on past experience nervous*仔细思考,反省仔细思考,反省*热情的热情的*爽直的,乐于助人的爽直的,乐于助人的Audioscript编辑课件24B. Now try this: listen to a more authentic ver

32、sion of the monologue. Supply the missing words with the help of the above notes.*settle down = sit down*make allowances for 体谅,原谅 编辑课件251. At _ the first thing that I _ is how the person _, and when they _.2. Obviously everyone is _ at interview and you make _ for that, but if it _ throughout the _

33、 interview, then of course you have to ask _ what will they be like in a _ job?allowancesnervoussit downsettles downnoticeinterviewnormalyourselfwholecontinues3. Because if they wont _ you in a situation where a job _ them making a good _, then probably in the job they wont do very well _ making _ a

34、nd having good _ with other _.4. The _ kinds of things that we might _ in an interview of course are what the person _ to get from a new job, and that I think is _ because it _ the that the _ person has.showsimportantexpectstalk aboutothercolleaguesrelationscontactin terms ofimpressiondepends onlook

35、 atexpectations AudioscriptHomepage编辑课件26Part V Memory test: Wholl Get the Job?Attire, body language and manners count during interviews. After all, interviewers are ordinary people. Like the rest of us, they can be easily impressed by good behavior and just as easily offended by inappropriate behav

36、ior. Yet, sometimes an influential relative becomes a factor.*attire 衣着衣着*inappropriate behavior 不恰当行为不恰当行为*influential relative 有影响力的亲戚有影响力的亲戚编辑课件27A. You are going to hear Mrs. Grey, the Personnel Manager, and Mr. Toms interviewing Jane Langley. Listen carefully and answer the following questions.

37、*conscientious:认真的,小心谨慎的,细致的*adapt quickly to change:快速应变*Senior Secretary:高级秘书 1.What does “conscientious” mean according to Jane Langley, a secretary? 2.Why did she leave her last job?She thinks that to be conscientious means to be extremely careful and pay attention to details.She left her last j

38、ob because she wanted something more challenging.编辑课件28B. You are going to hear Mrs. Grey, the Personnel Manager, and Mr. Toms interviewing Michael James. Listen carefully and answer the following questions.*keen:敏锐的,敏捷的 1. Why do you think Mr. Toms interrupted Mrs. Grey? 2. How often does Michael p

39、lay football and golf?Because Mr. Toms knew that Michael was the Directors nephew and he did not want Mrs. Grey to embarrass Michael by her questions.He plays football twice a week and plays golf nearly every morning.编辑课件29C. Now listen to the Personnel Manager and Mr. Toms discussing Jane and Micha

40、el after they have interviewed them. Then answer the following questions.*alert:敏锐的,敏捷的 1. Who are they going to give the job to ? Why?2. Do you agree with their choice? Why? Michael James. Because he is the Directors nephew.(Open-ended)AudioscriptHomepage编辑课件30Part VII Watch and enjoy*make your acq

41、uaintance:认识你,结识你*internship:实习生的职位*specifics:细节*extension:分机*buddy:老弟,小男孩*earnestness:认真,诚挚*parking ticket:违章停车的罚单*gizmo:新玩意儿,小物件*radar class:雷达班*pull it off:圆满完成 编辑课件311._Chris was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets.2._Jay has met Chris only once before this interview.3._Jay believes Chri

42、s is a smart and determined man.4._Chris is the first in his class in the college in a small town.5._Chris succeeds in leaving the interviewers a good impression and stands a good chance of getting the internship.TFTFT*2. (F) Jay has seen Chris many times before the interview.*4. (F) Chris is the fi

43、rst in his class in high school in a small town.VideoscriptHomepage编辑课件321. A person who likes to give or share things with others.2. Someone who always tells the truth.3. A person who is quick at learning new things.4. Someone who is always on time.5. A person who cant keep a secret.6. Someone who

44、does not think about other peoples feelings.7. A person who speaks in a very direct and honest way.8. Someone who is educated or has good manners.9. A person who comes up with new and original ideas.10. Someone who has a strong desire to succeed.Audioscript编辑课件33Clara: That number has been engaged f

45、or ages. Nobody can be that popular. I wonder if her numbers been changed. I think Ill try again. (Dialling)Sue: 3346791.Clara: Is that you Sue?Sue: Whos calling?Clara: This is Clara. Clara Fulkson. Dont you remember me?Sue: Clara! Of course I remember you. How are you? I havent heard from you for a

46、t least 2 years. What are you doing?Clara: Nothing very exciting. Thats one reason Im ringing. I need some advice.Sue: Advice? Hm Thats a good one. Ive just been sacked. (Pips.) Clara: Theres (a) pips. Hang on Sue. (Insert a coin) What do you mean youve just been sacked? Sue, you are the most succes

47、sful woman I know.Sue: Thats probably why Ive been sacked. But lets talk about you. You said you needed some advice.Clara: I certainly do. I want to ask you about interviews. Have you had (a) lots of them?Sue: Yes, I have. Too many.编辑课件34Clara: So could you tell me the sort of questions you are usua

48、lly asked? Sue: Let me think. The first ten questions are almost always the same. I call them the whys, hows and wheres. (Pips again.)Clara: Not again. Dont go away, Sue. Ive got one more coin. (Insert one more coin) Are you there Sue?Sue: Yes, Im still here.Clara: Sorry, I didnt understand what you

49、 were telling me. Could you repeat it?Sue: Its very boring. But here you are. Im always asked: why I want to leave my present job; why Im interested in the new job; how I intend to get to work; how long I intend to stay in the job; where I live; where I went to school; how much Im paid in my present

50、 job; how much I expect to be paid in the new job. Oh, yes. Im always asked if Im married. (Pips again.)Clara: Thats it, Sue. No more coins. Ill write to you soon. And many thanks.Quetions:1. What are the names of the two speakers?2. Where might the caller make the phone call?3. How many coins did t

51、he caller insert?4. How long havent the two girls seen each other for?5. How many whys, hows and wheres can you remember? Place a tick by all the questions you can remember.Audioscript编辑课件35Interviewer: Good morning, MissMiss Jones: Miss Jones.Interviewer:Miss Jones, yes, right. Now, youd like to jo

52、in our team, I gather.Miss Jones: Yes, I would.Interviewer:Thats very good. Id like to know a little bit about you. Perhaps you could tell me a little bit about your education.Miss Jones: Oh yes. I left school at 18 and for the first two years I went to Gibsons. Theyre an engineering firm. And after

53、 that, I did a one-year full-time PA course and went back to Gibsons. I was PA to the Export Director. I stayed there for two years and then moved on to my present company. Thats Europa Marketing. And Ive been with them for three years now, first working with the Marketing Director and now Im with t

54、he Sales Director.Interviewer:Thats all very interesting, Miss Jones. Id like to know what was the course that you enjoyed most at school?Miss Jones: Foreign languages. We did French and German. Interviewer: And are you quite fluent in those languages now or?Miss Jones: Yes, a bit rusty now, but obv

55、iously the more travel I can do, the more I can use my languages and Id like to learn another language. Id like to add Italian as well.Interviewer:Italian?Miss Jones: Yes.编辑课件36Interviewer: Very good, that might be very useful. Now tell me a little bit about the work youre doing at present.Miss Jone

56、s: Well, Europa Marketing is a marketing and public relations company and they do consultancy work for companies operating in the UK and European markets. Our clients come from all over the world. I assist the sales director by arranging these visits, setting up meetings and presentations and I deal

57、 with her correspondence. Ive not been able to go with her on any of her trips abroad, but Ive been to the firms in this country, several times on my own to make these arrangements.Interviewer: It sounds as if youre very happy there, Miss Jones. Im curious why youd like to leave them and join our co

58、mpany.Miss Jones: Well, I know Anglo-European has a very good reputation. And I feel that I would have more scope and opportunity in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me. I might be able to travel and use my languages because at the moment most of my work is rather routine

59、secretarial-type work and I like the idea of more challenges in my life reallyAudioscript编辑课件37Interviewer: Good morning, MissMiss Jones: Miss Jones.Interviewer:Miss Jones, yes, right. Now, youd like to join our team, I gather.Miss Jones: Yes, I would.Interviewer:Thats very good. Id like to know a l

60、ittle bit about you. Perhaps you could tell me a little bit about your education.Miss Jones: Oh yes. I left school at 18 and for the first two years I went to Gibsons. Theyre an engineering firm. And after that, I did a one-year full-time PA course and went back to Gibsons. I was PA to the Export Di


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